bittenlove · 3 years
Dracula X Reader
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Summary:  You find out Dracula has snuck another woman on board claiming to be his wife and you're not happy.
Warnings: none.
Where could he be? You thought to yourself.
Around the end of the night you woke up sore and cold, the spot beside you was empty which was odd.  He couldn’t be eating.  He ate earlier and if he was going off somewhere he normally woke you up and told you, it was just an unspoken rule.  One that he lived by after you had left one night without telling him and fell down the castle stairs.  From then on he made you promise that if either of you were to go anywhere in the middle of the night you’d wake the other to let them know.  So where was he, and why didn’t wake you up?  He slowly put your nightgown on, moving at even a slightly fast pace wasn’t an option with how sore you were from the earlier activities.  You walked out of your room and started searching for him, you looked on the deck and took a walk to the dinning hall but he was nowhere to be seen.  You started heading back to your room thinking maybe he had returned while you were gone, but as you passed cabin 9 the door opened quietly and he came out.  You looked at him confused.  
“What are you doing?”  You asked, and for a few seconds you looked at you stunned.  Like he had just been caught doing something wrong.
“Darling why are you out of bed?”  Was all he asked, completely ignoring your question. 
“Looking for you.  You left and didn’t wake me, why are you sneaking around?”
“I’m not sneaking around,”  He insisted.  
“Really because you always tell me when you're getting up for the night and now you're wandering around in someone else's cabin.  Who's it?”
“Darling it's nothing you need worry about.”
“Dracula, tell me who is in there.  I know everyone else is on this ship because you put them here, then you run off to a convent and suddenly a mysterious passenger who “Mr Blauer”  told the captain was his sick wife is on board.  So now it's the middle of the night you snuck out of bed and you're in another woman's room who you told the captain is your wife.  Are you not seeing the issue I’m having?”  You asked, irritated.  
“Y/N darling it's not like that.”
“Then why are you being so secretive about it?  You tell me about the people you feed off.  You tell me their whole God damn life story so there shouldn't be anything you're afraid or worried about telling me because I have already accepted the worst parts of you.  So why is this so bad that you won’t tell me?”
“Just come inside,”  He urged, pulling you inside before anyone saw you.  “I’m feeding off of her that’s all,”  He told you, opening the curtain of her bed.  She was out cold, blood coating her neck and staining her clothes.  
“Why would you bring her on board the ship, why not drain her at the convent?”
“I want to savor her, she has a very particular flavor to her,”  You noticed the way he was looking at her.  He looked at you like, he was infatuated with her.  
“Quit looking at her like that,”  You scowled.
“Like what?”  He protested.
“Nothing, are you done, can we go back to bed?  I’m sure your wife can wait until tomorrow to see you,”  You grumbled, starting to walk towards the door.
“Are you jealous?”
“Why would I be jealous you snuck out of bed to come visit another woman?  I’m going back to bed if you want to stay then stay but I’m leaving,”  You answered leaving the room and going back to your room.  He did follow you shutting the door quietly behind you.  
“Why are you so angry?  It's not like I’ve been making love to her.”
“How would I know Dracula?  You snuck her on the ship and you’ve been sneaking into her room.  If you were simply drinking from her why would you need to sneak around?  From everyone else fine but why would you be sneaking around behind me back?  I stood in this room and wiped blood from your face two days ago so why couldn’t you tell me about her?”  You ranted, flinging your arms in the air.  He knew you were pissed.  “Not to mention you were standing in there making bed eyes at her!”
“I would never do that to you.  She’s just fascinating, unlike anyone I’ve ever met.”
“I can see the drool rolling down your chin,”  You sneered.
“Y/N you're blowing this out of proportion.  Nothing is happening between us.”
“The suns coming up, I’m going to get dressed and go out on the deck with everyone else.  And you can stay in here or go to cabin 9 with your little nun and... that’s another thing she’s a nun!  You're infatuated with a nun!”
“Stop making this a big deal.  I haven’t done anything wrong,”  He complained.
“You're keeping secrets from me.  You’ve never done anything like this, even in the beginning of our relationship you always gave me too much information.  You told me you were a vampire before we even started seeing each other.”
“Okay!  I kept one secret from you, let it go!”  He shouted.  He never shouted at you, you could count on one hand the amount of times he’s ever raised his and it was never over something like this.  It was never over lying, or another woman.  You got dressed and went onto the deck and just wondered around.  A couple hours had passed by when he finally joined you on deck.  
“I was waiting for you in the dining hall,”  He commented, leaning against the railing.  
“I wasn’t hungry.”
“Are you really this mad about this?”  He scoffed.
“I know this doesn’t seem like a big deal to you, but secrets turn into lies and I can’t spend my life with someone who is going to lie and keep secrets from me.”
“Y/N I just didn’t think you needed to know, bringing her on board was a last minute decision.  She’s just so different, mysterious, wicked.”
“You have feelings for her,”  It wasn’t a question, it was an observation. 
“I don’t have-.”
“Dracula the only time I’ve seen you look at someone like this is when you looked at me.  You're looking at her like you look at me, so yes Dracula I know you have feelings for her.”
“The only person I have feelings for, the only person I have had feelings for in the last 400 years is you.  Agatha is just fascinating that's all.”  
    “Are you going to turn her like you’re going to with me?”
    “No, she would spend the entire time trying to kill me.”
    “Is that the only reason you won’t?”
    “Self preservation my dear.”
    “I see.  And that's all, you just want to protect yourself.”
“I figured you’d be happy that I’m not going to turn her,”  He furrowed his eyebrow.
“I'd be happy if you were refusing to turn her because you already have someone you want to spend eternity with but that’s not the reason.  You don’t want to turn her because you're worried about your safety, which I understand.  I’m going to say this one time, I don’t share.  You're either mine or you're not, there is no in between.  I love you and nothing will ever change the fact that I love you, but I also have enough respect for myself to know that keeping secrets especially when it involves another woman is not okay.  I know I’m not much, I was a poor girl from a poor village, I didn’t have an aristocrats education, I barely had an education.  I know that if you hadn’t come to my rescue that night I’d probably never have crossed your path because I don’t have enough money to have even been in the same room as you.  I know you deserve better and I fight with myself everyday knowing that I’m holding you back from the life you deserve.  And you know what maybe it's selfish of me to do that, to keep holding you back.  But I love you and letting you go just hasn’t been an option I’ve been able to cope with.  I came from nothing, I am nothing but you have always made me feel like a princess.  Not with expensive clothes or jewelry because I don’t care about those things.  You make me feel like a princess because you treat me right, always a gentleman, always loving, and even though I know what you're capable of, I know that you try your best to be good for me.  But in the end I love you enough to let you be happy with whoever you choose, and if it's not me that's okay.  Yes it’ll hurt but I’d rather you be happy then just settle for some poor village girl like me,”  You confessed looking at his shoes the whole time.  You put his finger under your chin and lifted your face to meet his.
“Now, I am going to say this only once,”  He mimicked holding your face.  “You are more than some poor village girl.  You are the most amazing person that I have ever met.  The only person that has turned a heartless creature into someone who can experience love.  I don’t care if you didn’t come from money, I don’t care if you had no education I love you for who you are.  And I would never trade you for anyone else, Agatha means nothing to me, you have to believe that.  I promise I would pick you over her a thousand more times without blinking.  I want to marry you, I want to have 3, 4 babies with you.  I want to spend the rest of my days waking up with you by my side every night, and going to bed with you every morning.  I should have told you about Agatha, I admit that, but please know I would never do anything to risk the life we’ve built together.  You, my love, will always be my first and only choice,”  He clarified stroking your cheek with his thumb.  You grabbed his face and pulled him down to your lips with a speed even he was impressed with.  You kissed him passionately, you didn’t care if others saw you loved him and everyone knew just by the way you looked at him.  
Later that night you were wrapped up in each other's arms as you laid in bed.  You both decided to skip making love and to just hold each other.  You talked about your future things you wanted, things you’d do.  
“3, or 4 huh?”  You giggled.
“Oh believe me I want more than that but I think 3, or 4 would be a good start.  Just think we're immortal, we could have a couple every decade,”  He suggested stroking your back as you lay with your head on his chest.  
“That’s true.  I’d love to have a big family.”
“We will.  When we get to England how about we get you a ring and get married at the courthouse the first week?  We can have a proper ceremony later if we decide we want one.  I want you to be mine legally, and I want to be yours.”
“I’d love that, so long as it's the two of us we don’t need a big ceremony.  As long as I have you I’m happy,”  You assured him, intertwining your fingers together.  
“I’m happy to,”  He smiled, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your knuckles.
“Dracula, is it going to hurt?  When you kill me,”  You asked looking up at him.  You felt him flinch just at the thought of having to harm you, then he let out a deep breath.  
“It won’t be pleasant, your body will be changing, your muscles will be sore, your gums will hurt from your fangs coming in.  I promise to make it as painless as possible, I don’t want to see you in pain but I might not be able to avoid it.  I suppose it's the price I have to pay in order to spend eternity with you.  I love you Y/N, it’ll only ever be you,”  You yawned and laid your head on his chest.  He knew it was getting late and you should get some sleep, so he kissed your forehead and began to thread his fingers through your hair until you fell asleep.
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bittenlove · 3 years
Severus Snape X Reader PT.1
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After the battle of Hogwarts many things have changed.  Dumbledore was dead along with many other professors, students, parents, siblings and friends.  Harry Potter defeated Voldemort and everything seemed to be at peace. Except the fact that so many people lost loved ones and the heartache in the castle was impossible to ignore.  The Weasleys lost a son so many others lost friends and you, you lost your favorite professor. The professor who always looked out for you, who was always there for you, who lent a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen.  He might have been the rude sarcastic evil potions master to everyone else but to you he was everything. Your best friend, your mentor…Your first love. You never had the chance to tell him how you felt, you were always too afraid if you told him he’d be weirded out and start treating you like everyone else.  Now he’s gone and you have one year left in Hogwarts. You needed him now more than ever and you didn’t know how you would survive without him.
Summer passed and now it was the start of term and you weren’t ready. Going back to the place where so many people died and not having your best friend there to get you through it. You walked through the halls and things were so different. You walked to the potions classroom and when you saw that professor Snape's name plaque had been removed you lost it. You ran off crying into a dark corridor that not many people knew about.  It was a place you frequently went to clear your head.  You weren’t paying any attention when you heard a voice.  
“What are you doing wandering the corridors this late?”  That voice.. You knew that voice it was.
“Severus.”  His portrait was hung on the wall. “You're here, you can talk.”  
“Yes, magical portraits typically can.” 
“Still as sarcastic as before.”  
“So why are you walking the corridors?” 
“Why are you hanging in this corridor?”  You sassed back, making him chuckle. 
“Because I knew you’d come here. When I was alive.”
“Please don’t.. Don’t remind me that you're gone, I can't take it.”  Your eyes started to water.
“...Before, I would see you wandering this corridor at night when you were having a difficult day. There were many nights I was on night duty and saw you here. I always chose to let you go, I didn’t want to make your day worse. When Mcgonagall asked where I wanted my portrait to be placed I chose here… I wanted to be here for you when you needed me.”  You were quietly sobbing at this point.
“I miss you. You were the only person I had and now you're gone.  I can’t even hug you anymore.” You cried.
“I’m sorry Y/N. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“W-what am I supposed to do after I graduate this year. I’ll n-never see you again.” You covered your face.  
“I wish I knew the answer to that. I don’t know what will happen after you graduate.” 
“I can’t lose you again. I can't, I hardly survived this time.” 
“What do you mean?”
“This summer hasn’t been easy, Sev.”  You sniffed the tears away.
“Lift your sleeves.” 
“No, it doesn’t matter, there's nothing you can do about it this time. Nothing you say can change it because you're not here. You're not here, you're gone and I miss you and I love you and I don’t know how to survive without and I don’t want to!” You confessed, crying again.
“Don’t talk like that please don’t talk like that. Your life is worth so much, you can’t end it over someone like me.”
“I love you, Severus. I never got to tell you and I should have because if I had maybe you would still be here… But you're not. You're the only thing I have ever had and I lost you!” 
“Y/N I love you too, but I want you to live for me. Please don’t destroy yourself.” He motioned to your wrists that he knew were riddled with cuts.  
“I need you back.” 
“Sh, sh, let's not talk about that anymore. Let’s enjoy this time we have together. Sit down and we can talk like we used to. Tell me about your classes.”  You did as he asked and sat against the wall across from where his portrait was hanging.  
“What do you think your classes will be this year?”  He asked.
“Same as normal… Besides potions. I don’t even know who’s going to be teaching the class.”
“I’m sure Mcgonagall announced it during the feast. Did you not go?”
“I couldn’t… I couldn’t bring myself to go there and not see you sitting at the teachers table.”  
“Y/N you have to get used to it. You need to go in there to eat, you need to eat.”  
“I know I just.. It’s too soon.” 
“I know. It hurts me to see you like this. I never wanted to be the reason you were so sad. If I could change it I would.”  
“I love you so much, you're the only person who has ever made me feel loved and cared for. Please don’t leave me again.”  
“I’ll never leave you darling. Just think of me as your guardian Angel.” He smiled. 
You and Severus talked a while longer until it was long past curfew. You were beginning to fall asleep and so was he. You had asked him many questions about being a living portrait, such as if he could sleep and the answer was yes. If he could feel if someone touched his portrait and many other questions.  
You visited his portrait every night for weeks after class. You were doing well in all your classes and you found out Professor Slughorn was still teaching potions until they found a replacement. You made it a point to spend all your free time with Severus in that dark corridor. The only time you smiled was when you were with him, he was the only person who could make you happy.  Mcgonagall had caught you there a couple times and sent you off to bed.  
“This is getting out of hand, Severus. What do you think will happen when she graduates?  Her memories of you, her love for you is going to destroy her. I know you love her and I know she loves you. For Merlin's sake Severus her 18th birthday is in a week and I know you left all your belongings to her.”
“Yes, when she turns 18 my house at Spinner's End will be hers along with everything else. Minerva she’s the only person I had.”  
“Just like you were the only person she ever had. I know Severus but you can’t tell me this is healthy for her… I think I have a way for you both to see each other and it still is in Y/N’s best interest.”  
“Tell me.”  
You went to see Severus the next night and every other night like normal until your 18th birthday you went to see him and you saw some kids around his portrait messing with it. You blasted them with a spell and screamed at them.
“How dare you! You stay away from this portrait or so help me I will end you!”  You screamed as they ran down the hall. You hung him back up on the wall.
“Oh Merlin Severus, are you okay?”  You asked as you checked over the frame making sure it wasn’t damaged.
“I’m fine darling. It’s not like they can hurt me.” He smiled, trying to calm your nerves.  
“I’m afraid this might not be a safe place for your portrait anymore Severus.”  Said Mcgongall from behind you.
“What, what will you do with him?” You stuttered.
“Come with me.”  She said pulling him off the wall and taking you into her office along with Severus' portrait.
“Miss Y/N me and Severus have been talking and we’ve come to the realization that this relationship between the two of you isn’t healthy. Now I know you graduate in a couple weeks and you're worried about what will happen when you leave. Y/N this relationship between the two of you isn’t good for you, he’s gone. Yes you can still be friends but your memories of him aren’t going to allow you to let him go in the way you need to.”  Mcgonagall explained as she propped Severus’ portrait on her desk.  
“Y/N, darling, you know how much I love you, but Minerva's right. I’m not really here darling, I’m gone. I can’t let you waste your life like this. I want to be your friend, to watch over you but your feelings.. Our feelings won’t allow that to happen.”  
“What are you saying? What is it you expect me to do? I can’t just forget about you.”  
“We don’t want you to forget about him completely, we want to take some of the memories that lead you to fall in love with him. You can still remember him as your favorite teacher and as someone who cared for you but nothing more than that.”
“If you take those memories away you’ll be taking everything from me. And what about you? You expect me to believe that you're okay with letting her take away my feelings for you. I love you! You promised, you promised you wouldn’t leave, please don’t leave me. I have nothing if I don’t have you please. If you love me.”  You sobbed.
“It is because I love you that I agree with Minerva. I’m holding you back from making friends, from finding someone who you can truly love.  I need to set you free my darling. I won’t be leaving you, as Minerva said you’ll still remember me and my portrait will be with you.  Once you graduate they’re will be a place for you to stay and you will be able to take my portrait with you there. We’ll be like friends but nothing more than that. You will still remember me and you will still have fond memories of us, just not as strong of memories. I need you to be able to move on with your life, but you can’t do that if you're in love with a dead man.”  You were full blown crying at this point, you didn’t want to forget but you knew they were right.
“I’ll still have memories of you? I’ll remember that we were friends? I’ll have your portrait and can talk to you during school and after I can take your portrait with me?”  You asked, trying to calm your crying.
“Yes, I am not leaving you darling. I will never leave you." He smiled.
You thought for a moment and you conceded. Severus wanted to do this for you, it’s what was best.
“Okay, just please don’t take away all my good memories of him.”  You begged Mcgonagall.
“Of course not dear. Close your eyes.”  
“Obliviate.”  You could feel the memories leaving your mind but you still had some very meaningful ones left behind.
“Hi, I’m sorry professor, what am I doing here?”  You asked, opening your eyes. 
“Ah, Y/N There’s someone here who would like to see you.”  She stepped away from Severus’ portrait.
“Professor Snape!”  You exclaimed, coming a little closer. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too Y/N, please call me Severus there’s no need for formalities anymore.”
“Y/N me and Severus would like to ask you something. Professor Slughorn is going back into retirement at the end of this year and Severus tells me you were brilliant at potions. Would you like to take the position as potions mistress next year?”  Your mouth hung open and Severus smiled at you.
“Y-yes I’d love to, but I don’t feel confident enough to.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”  Severus spoke up.
“Yes that’s another thing, we caught some students messing with Severus’ portrait and I understand you two were quite close. I was hoping after you graduated you would take his portrait. We have a house and some money set up for you. The house is located in Spinner's End, if you would be so kind as to take Severus with you so he won’t be at risk of a student ruining his portrait that would be appreciated. You're the only one I trust with it. When you come to Howgarts to teach you could bring his portrait with you and hang it in your room. That way if you have any questions he can help you.” Mcgonagall explained.
“That sounds amazing. I guess you’ll be my assistant now, Severus.”  You smiled. 
“I suppose so.”  He smiled back. “And you can think of me as your guardian angel.”  
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bittenlove · 3 years
Severus Snape X Reader
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It was the beginning of the new term at Hogwarts which meant you and your husband Severus had to move your things from your home in Spinner's End back to the castle.  It had been an eventful summer.  You convinced your husband to go through the journey of becoming an animagus with you.  He was very reluctant at first, saying that he never wanted to be like the bullies that tormented him in school.  You of course told him you understood and it was his decision.  The day you were going to start the process he decided he didn’t want you to do it alone, so he started the process with you.  
After a month of holding that God awful leave in your mouth it was done, and with only a week until the new term started.  You decided on a wolf as your animagus, a white one and Severus decided to become a wolf as well but a black one.  The main reason he agreed was because he liked the thought of you and him being able to turn into your animagus forms and running away from the castle so no one could find you.  You and Severus have been teaching at Hogwarts for almost a decade and you both knew how hard it was to get alone time.  You were most of the students' favorite teacher which meant there were always students in your classroom to chat.  If you could get away from your classroom then they would find you in the hallway and take up your free time.  You and Severus always had your free period at the same time, yet you never had a chance to spend it together.  If a student needed help with the class that was one thing and you would gladly stay behind to help them, but it was never students needing help that took up your time.  Severus of course understood and it didn’t upset him, you stayed in the same chambers since you were married and if he didn’t see you on your free period he would see you at night.  Now that you were both animagus you were hoping you’d be able to sneak away in your wolf form so you and Severus could spend your free periods together by the black lake where you took your night time walks.  
It was a month into term and you were in the Gryffindor common room because one of the students came to find you, telling you that one of the Gryffinor’s were experimenting with a potion and they had a bad feeling it wasn’t going to end well.  It was a third year student by the name of Philip Williams.  According to Leah, the student who came to find you, Philip was working on a potion that could turn him into any animal temporarily.  She said he explained it as a cross between transfiguration and potions class.  
When you got to the common room there was a little crowd of students watching him.  You told the students to clear the way and of course they did.  As you walked up to Philip and the potions you saw it start to bubble which only meant one thing.  You grabbed Philip and threw him as far from the cauldron as you could and thankfully he was far enough away when it exploded.  You however weren’t that lucky.  Your husband watched the whole thing in horror.  Another student went to find him hoping he could get rid of the potion carefully since he was the potions master. It seemed to happen in slow motion for Severus but still he couldn’t reach you in time, the potions exploded all over you.  Next thing he knew you were in your animagus form.  
You were looking up at Severus confused.  
“Has he gotten taller?  Have I gotten shorter?”  You thought to yourself.  “Wait a minute, these are paws.  Where are my feet?”  You thought as you looked down at your feet.  Severus was listening to your thoughts.  He knew you weren’t going to understand what was going on and you weren’t going to be able to talk.  All the students were staring at you, some with shock others with pity.  Philip looked beyond guilty.  You turned to face your husband.  You were trying to change back into your human form but it wasn’t working and you started to panic.
“Love, you need to stay calm.”  Severus called, kneeling down to your level.  
“What’s going on?  Why can’t I change back?  Why am I in my animagus form?  I didn’t change into it, why can’t I change back?”  Your thoughts raced one after another.  
“I’ll change you back.  I just need a little time to figure out how to reverse the effects.”  Severus said.  All the students were confused, how was Professor Snape talking to you?  How could he understand you?  Of course they didn’t understand, in order to talk to you he had to read your mind and reply in words.  
“Severus, Severus what will happen if you can’t change me back?  What if there’s no way to change me back.  I’m gonna be stuck like this forever.”  You panicked.  You cried but it only came out a whimper in your wolf form.  
“Sh, sh.  Love, listen to me I will figure this out.  I promise you won’t be like this forever.  For now I’m going to have one of the students take you to our chambers while I deal with Mr Williams.”  Severus glared at the boy, making him shiver.  Everyone heard you whimper as you walked out the door with one of your students.  Severus dealt with Philip and met you back in your room less than an hour later.  You were sitting on the couch, curled up in a little ball.  Your tail laying over your eyes blocking out the light since you couldn use your paws to shut them off. 
“Oh my sweet.”  Severus said, sitting beside you, petting your back.  You whimpered at him.  
“I don’t want to stay like this anymore Sev.”  
“I know love, I wish I could fix it.  Albus said he’s going to have my classes covered until I can figure out how to fix this.  I promise I’ll make you better.”  
“I have to pee.” You growled.  He tried so hard not to chuckle.  He knew it would be very insensitive.  
“I, um.  Do you want me to take you outside?”  He stuttered.  You bite his ankle.  “Ow!  Y/N stop that.” Severus complained, jumping up from the couch.  
“I am not peeing outside you prick!” You thought very loudly he actually felt you yelling.  Severus rubbed his temples.  
“Okay so what do you want me to do?  You’re not peeing on my floor.”  Severus stressed.  You hung your head back over the side of the couch looking at the floor and whimpered. “I’m sorry my sweet, I don’t have the answer to that either.  Come on, I'm sure you can jump in the shower and I can clean you up.”  He suggested. It was your best option, so you went to the bathroom and let Severus bathe you. 
The rest of the night you spent cuddling into Severus’ side with your head laying on his thigh.  After a while you fell asleep like that.  Severus wasn’t to happy considering your fur made you a fucking furnace, but you’d been through enough today the least he could do was cuddle with you. 
The next day the students came into Severus’ classroom even though they were supposed to go to Minervas.  She would be covering his classes.  Severus was on the floor in his animagus form in front of his desk with you.  The students had to come in right when he licked your forehead.  This was the only way he knew how to comfort you.  No one knew that Severus was an animagus, no one was supposed to know you were.  That was why you did it, so you could get away from everyone.  Severus stood up changing back into his human form which made all the students jump slightly.  
“Your class is with Professor McGonagall today, now everyone get out.”  He demanded moving everyone towards the door.  Once the door was shut he got back to work trying to find a way to reverse the potion. He had Philip write down everything he used and in what order to see if there was a way to reverse the effects.
 It was now dark and Severus was nowhere close to finding anything helpful.  You jumped up into his chair and sat looking up at the cauldron.  You saw how stressed he was.  He was trying so hard to fix you.  You felt bad being the reason he was under so much stress.  
“Love, I think it's time to stop for tonight.” You thought, rubbing your head against his back. He immediately turned to you.  
“I need to fix this.  I can find something. I just need some time.”  He said, still staring at his notes.  
“You also need rest.  Please darling.  Go get something to eat then we can go to bed.  You can continue in the morning.” 
“I want to make you better.”
“I know Sev.  But I don’t want to be the reason you're not taking care of yourself.  Please eat and rest.”  You plead with him.
“Let’s get some fresh air.  Then I’ll go get us something to eat and we can get some sleep.”  He turned into his animagus form, lickking your face.  
You ran around the black lake together.  He ran up behind you and tackled you, his paws on either side of your body as he licked your snout and face.  Then he laid down on top of you, resting his furry head against your fluffy chest.  You heard him pur.  
After about an hour of wandering around the castle and just enjoying your time together you went back into the castle. Severus opened your chamber door letting you inside while he went and got food from the kitchen for the both of you. It was a little harder than normal.  He had to find something without bones, he wasn’t going to risk you choking.  He also stayed away from anything he felt would be too hard for you to eat.  He stuck to softer foods.  So he came back with some mashed potatoes and gravy, mac and cheese and stuffing.  Which he knew was your favorite.  
“I hope this isn’t hard for you to eat.  I tried to stick to softer foods.”  He said, setting your plate on the couch beside you.  
“I love stuffing!”  You thought excitedly.  He smiled as he looked down at his plate.  
After he had finished he started to pet your back and your head.  You purred and climbed onto his lap laying back down with your head against his chest looking straight at him.  You licked his neck and cheek.  He tried to get up after a moment much to your dismay, so you nipped his ear and growled at him.  
“Ouch, bad girl.  I was just going to put our plates in the sink.”  He complained.  
“You can wait, I’m comfortable.”  You huffed at him.  
“Fine.”  He went back to petting your head.  
Later after he had put your plates away you both went to bed.  You curled up against his side and licked his head.  He kissed your forehead goodnight. 
The next morning he got up before you and got to work.  After taking over an hour just looking at philips notes and trying to understand what he was doing he got it.  He didn’t know why he didn’t think of it sooner.  The answer was so simple, too simple which is why he didn’t even consider it before.  He took all of Philip's steps and did them backwards.  All spells were spoken backwards and all the ingredients were put in backwards.  He was praying this would work because he had no other answers.  
You were woken up by Severus lightly shaking you.  Your eyes opened slowly.  
“I think I figured it out.  It’s all done, you just need to drink it.”  He babbled.  You were much too tired to understand what he was talking about.  Then you saw your tail and remembered.  You just silently opened your mouth and let him pour it into your mouth.  You felt warm and you felt your muscles moving.  It was painful but you changed back to your human form.  After a few minutes of extreme pain you were tired and could barely move.  
“Sevy, am I better?”  You mumbled too tired and sore to check yourself.  
“Yes my sweet, you're all better.  I’m sorry you're in pain.  I’ll get you something to stop the pain.”  You smiled weakly at him as he walked away to get you another potion.  
“Thank you.  What did I do to deserve such a good man?”  You said after he took the vial away from your mouth.  
“You love me, that's enough.  Get some rest love.  You’ve been through a lot.”
“Lay with me, please.”  You begged, catching his hand in yours as he went to leave.  
“As you wish darling.” Severus stayed awake for a few minutes after you fell asleep just admiring you.  He kissed your temple and soon fell asleep beside you.
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bittenlove · 3 years
Ralph Fiennes X Reader
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Todays the day, your first time on an airplane in over 20 years. You were 10 the last time you were on an airplane and you can’t remember any of your experience. You don’t even know if you are scared of planes or not. The thought of getting on one doesn’t scare you, but your fiance Ralph told you there is every possibility your fear could present itself during take off. Being an actor he’s been on many planes and has seen this happen many times. 
In the morning he woke you up with breakfast in bed around 10am.  He has been trying to keep you as calm as possible the last few days leading up this trip.  He understood that neither of you knew for sure whether or not you would have a reaction to flying but he also knew that you were prone to panic attacks and he wanted to do whatever he could to keep you from stressing over the trip.  Sometimes you stressed yourself out with knowing it, it would show up all at once and you would find yourself freaking out over things that didn’t bother you the day before.  
“Darling, time to wake up.”  He called as he placed the tray on the bedside table.  He saw you fighting to wake up so he sat down on the side of the bed and placed a sweet kiss on your temple. “That’s it sweetheart nice and easy.” 
“Mm.”  You groaned sitting up. First thing you did was plant a firm but gentle kiss on his lips.  “Morning darling. What’s all this?”  You asked motioning to the tray of food.
“I made us breakfast in bed.”  He said nonchalantly.  
“Awe thank you, that's so sweet.”  He sat beside you and moved the tray between you both to share.  2 thin crepes with a little chocolate drizzle and some fruit. He didn’t want to give you a heavy breakfast just in case you got sick on the flight.  He made you both a cup of coffee and for him a glass of OJ and you a glass of milk.  
“We need to be in the car by 10am so we can get to the airport and through security by 1pm.”  He explained.
“Is airport security really as bad as they say? Or is that just a way to scare people into not being late for their flights?”  You asked, sipping your coffee.
“No it’s really that big of a hassle believe me. Security is the reason not everyone enjoys flying.”  He answered.  He had had his fill and sat back against the headboard putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you to cuddle against his side.  “How are you feeling?” 
“Darling I’m starting to think your more nervous about this than I am. I think I’ll be okay.”  You smiled. You loved how much he cared for you.
“I just don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. If you don’t want to go we can cancel the flight and.”  
“Ray, my love.” You interrupted him, cupping his cheeks.  “I feel fine. I love you for being so concerned for me and I understand that we don’t know how I���m going to react but I want to go. I promise.”  You insisted, pecking his lips.  
“I’m happy to hear that. I’ll be right next to you the whole time.”  You stared into his baby blues and kissed his nose before pulling back.  
“I think we should hop in the shower. You stink.”  You giggled when you saw his fake hurt expression.  
“Well, I am hurt Miss Y/L/N.”  He put his hand in front of his heart.  
“Oh I’m so sowwy baby.”  You baby talked to him.  “Tell you what if you go get the shower ready I can make it up to you.”  You smirked.He got up and ran to the bathroom making you laugh.  He was so adorable and you loved him so much.
After a very long and interesting shower you both got out and Ralph grabbed your towel wrapping it around you.  You grabbed the ends and held it around yourself while he rubbed your shoulders to keep you warm.  He pecked your lips before you both went back into the bedroom.  
“I suggest something simple like sweatpants and a hoodie or long sleeve. You’ll have to take off things like belts, or watches or certain jewelry so you don’t want to wear anything that could make the metal detector go off.”  He explained as you were looking through your clothes to figure out what to wear.  You settled on a sports bra because it had no wires along with a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie like he suggested.  You loved when Ralph was flying somewhere for work because it meant you got to see him wearing things like tee shirts and hoodies and sweatpants before he left. He always wore suits or polo shirts so you loved seeing him in casual clothing. 
Once you were dressed and ready it was time to get in the car and head to the airport.  It wasn’t a long drive, less than an hour.  So you sat back while he drove, listened to music, talked and your hand remained in his grasp the entire time.  
He checked the car and had the valaye park it. He was right it was crowded, more crowded than you were prepared for.  You felt your anxiety spike. Crowded places didn’t bother you when you were outside but when you were inside and it felt as if there was nowhere to go you felt trapped.  Not only that you had no idea how to navigate an airport so if you got separated you were screwed.  A hand being thrusted into yours pulled you from your thoughts.  
“Everythings okay. I’m right here, I won’t lose you I promise.” Ray told you.  He slowly started walking, pulling you with him. His grip on your hand was tight and to you it was comforting.
You got to security and you set your things on the belt and let them check it and what not then they asked you to step through the metal detectors. Of course they didn’t go off since neither of you were wearing anything metal so you both carried on to your loading dock.  He noticed your nervous behavior the moment you sat down. Your legs were shaking, given your legs always shook but it was normally just one. When you were nervous it was both legs and right now both your legs were going a mile a minute and he didn’t know what to do about it. It seemed like you didn’t even realize you were doing it so he wasn’t sure if he should say something or if he should just let it be.  After a few minutes he made a joke to make you both laugh and he placed his hand on your leg. It was just what you needed for your leg to stop shaking.
Not too long after they started boarding first class so you and Ralph took your spots on the plane. Ralph always flew first class but never on an airline so fancy.  He decided that since it was your first time he wanted to book a ticket on an airline that would have you both in a private room. When you boarded the flight attendant took you to your own room with a bed and a couple chairs as well as a bottle of wine and some snacks. 
“This is so fancy.” You said looking around.
“I actually never fly in any airlines this fancy. I wanted a place where we could be alone, just in case.”   
“I appreciate that.” You both set your carry ons on the chair and settled into the small bed. He held you firmly against his chest and waited. The captain soon announced that they were about to take off and he felt you stiffen.  He kissed your temple and rubbed your arm in comfort.  
Take off was fine, he knew you were tense but you didn’t panic. You had been fine almost the whole time until you hit a bit of turbulence. 
“Mmm.”  You whined pushing your face into his chest.  
“Sh, sh, sh, you’re okay. It’s okay, it's turbulence, you're safe.”  He cooed lowly in your ear.  You were shaking and your breathing wasn’t short and hard. “Hey, hey look at me.”  He cupped your cheeks and made you look at him. It broke his heart to see tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Everything’s okay I’m right here.  Breath with me okay. Come on, you can do it. In, and out.” He breathed deep breaths that you followed and eventually you got your breathing under control. 
The exhaustion caught up with you and you ended up falling asleep the rest of the flight. He held you against his chest the whole time, his fingers threading softly through your hair.
“Darling you did it.”  He whispered in your ear, waking you up.
“Hm?”  You questioned opening your eyes.
“You did it, we're here, we’ve already landed.”  He said, kissing your head. 
“Thank you, for all you did. I know it probably seemed silly.”
“Sh, it wasn’t silly. I’m proud of you.”  He smiled down at you and you melted into his baby blues.
“Thank you, I love you.” 
“You’re welcome, I love you too sweetheart.”  
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bittenlove · 3 years
Severus Snape X Reader (James Potters Twin Sister)
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You are James potter's twin sister. You much like Sirius and his brother Regulus were placed in opposite houses. James in Griffyindor and you in Slytherin. You and James still remained close. You were his younger sister after all.... By 3 minutes. You didn't hangout with James and his friends. You had friends of your own and a boyfriend that no one knew about.
Severus Snape. Your fourth year after he and Lily were on the outs you and Severus started talking. You got close. You had always had a crush on Severus but you were to afraid to say anything because you knew he loved Lily but now he was over her. He cared for you. He loved you and he would do anything to protect you. That's why he wouldn't let you tell anyone about your relationship. No one knew you were even friends. Severus was so afraid you brother would stay harassing you the way he harassed him that he insisted you hide it.
Soon you all graduated and sadly you still had to keep it a secret to keep you both safe. Severus was a death eater and you were part of the Order. Neither of you told another of your relationship. It had to be kept secret. At the end of each night you went home to each other. You had bought a home and you didn't tell anyone besides Severus where it was. It was your safe house, a place you and Severus could live in peace while the war was going on. Being on opposite sides you agreed to never talk about the war at home ever. 
After your brother and Lily were killed Severus had the motivation to do what he wanted to do from the beginning and change sides. Dumbledore took him in as the potions master and a few years later you were hired to teach alchemy. It had been over a decade and still no one knew about your relationship and even though you understood why it still hurt. All your friends were married and having children and you felt like you were standing still, stuck in one spot. You and Severus wanted children, you wanted at least 2 and Severus said he wanted as many as you did. However because of the 2nd war you couldn't even get married. What would everyone think if you suddenly had a baby bump on display. The only people who knew of your relationship was Minerva and Dumbledore and they only knew because they saw you both frequently attempting to sneak in and out of each other's chambers late at night then early in the morning. Being as they were your teachers in school it wasn't hard for them to figure out. They knew you had feelings for each other while in school.
Alas now Dumbledore was dead and Severus was the headmaster. The students all stood in the middle of the great hall listening to Severus' speech about your nephew. You saw the hatred in the students eyes and it made you sick to think they all hated the man you loved. You had been so moody recently and You contributed it to the war, but you couldn't stand to see them look at him like that. It almost made You resent Dumbledore for doing this to Severus. You stood in the back as the rest of the Order made there way into the great hall. You stood by there side as you always had, but Severus had something else on mind. He held his hand out to you waiting for you to come to him.
"Darling, come. We made a promise. Its time we honored it." Severus called to you across the hall. You stood dumbfounded along with the students who had no idea who he was talking to. As far as they knew Severus didn't have a partner. This was never planned. He never made any indications he wanted anyone to find out about you two especially now. 
"My love. It's time, we've waited long enough." He called to you again. You agreed things were serious now and you wanted his comfort more than ever. If you separated now there was no guarantee you'd see each other again. You stepped forward to everyone's surprise. You were so nice and well liked by the students how could you be with this traitor? Remus who had fancied you in school was most shocked. Severus was part of the reason your brother was killed and now your his girlfriend?
"Don't. You don't have to do this. Whatever potion or spell has put you under. Whatever blackmail he has on you we'll figure it out."  Remus tried to reason with you, but before you could comprehend it your hand was in his.
"Im proud of you love." Severus whispered pulling you behind him. Minerva didn't want to but she started throwing spells at you both which Severus diverted hitting the death eaters behind you before apperating you both to safety in a field in between Hogwarts and Hogsmead.
"You never said you wanted people to know and I didnt"
"Sh." He hushed you holding his finger to your lips. "I felt it was time. I love you so much and we both have been robbed of the life we want. I want a future with you and if things all work out after this we can have that. It was time everyone knew. We've been hiding for almost 2 decades now. I love you."
"I love you too. There's so many things I want. I love you I want to grow old with you I want to have your baby."
"Then maybe we should start with this." He interrupted getting down on one knee. He pulled a beautiful emerald and gold ring out in front of him. "Will you marry me?"
"Severus... Of course I'll marry you God do you even have to ask?" You giggled throwing yourself into his arms knocking you both over into the grass. You heard a low oof come from him as you both hit the ground.
"Well a gentleman always asks." Be defended himself as you still lay with your head against his chest. He sat up, putting the ring on your finger.
"I love you so much. I can't wait to be Mrs Snape." You giggled, placing one kiss after another, after another on his lips.
"I wish we could stay here forever." Severus said, dreading what could happen tonight.
"Me too. But we can't so we better get going." You said helping each other stand. You kissed him one more time.
"Go home love. Your not safe on either side. The order thinks your a traitor and the death eaters will kill you."
"That's why you did it. That's why you showed everyone were together so I couldn't fight on either side." You yelled at him.
"You've done enough, you've sacrificed enough I can't let you fight." Severus tried to convince you.
"Can't let me? Severus you don't get to control me. I need to make sure your safe I need to look out for you. Its not your job to keep me away from harm. I am not your student or your child! We protect each other!" You argued, you were furious he'd do this to you. He knew how important it was to you that you keep him safe.
"No your not my child and its not my right to keep you out of harm's way. But it is my job to keep the child growing inside you safe and out of harm's way and I will not lose that baby!" He argued back.
"What are you talking about there is no baby!" You yelled.
"Look at you! Your emotions have been all over the places for weeks. You haven't been feeling well in the morning, you asked me to make you tomatoes and frosting the other day for Merlins sake! We've been at it like rabbits love. I swabbed two of your drinking glasses the other day and tested them in my potions lab. Both came back with a positive. Darling your pregnant. Im sorry but I can't let you fight I need our baby to be safe I know you want that to. Please." Severus explained, holding his hand over your belly.
How could you not have noticed? You had gained a bit of weight but you thought maybe it was from your stress eating. But now that you think about it your stress eating was very unnatural things. Like as Severus said tomatoes and frosting. Hell one day you sent him to Hogsmead for a jar of sweet pickles, and you ate the whole jar. You broke down in front of him.
"How am I gonna be a good mom if I you knew before I did that I was pregnant?" You sobbed loudly, almost agonizingly.
"Oh love your going to be such a good mother to our baby. It's a difficult time. I understand how you could not have noticed. As important as our baby is what's going on out in the wizarding world has taken up both our attention. The only reason I noticed is because my mother mentioned craving pickles when she was pregnant with me. Darling please don't cry." He comforted, hugging you and letting you cry into his chest.
"I want this baby so much Sev. But if I don't protect you then you might never get to meet him. Please come home with me. Please don't leave me alone to raise this baby please." You sobbed so hard your words were almost inaudible.
"I promise you I will come home to you. I swear. Trust me." He pulled away taking your face in his hands, wiping your tears away.
"I love you." You sniffled.
"I love You so much more. And I love you." He smiled getting on his knees placing two kisses to your stomach. "I will be home before you know it. A promise is a promise. And we haven't broken a promise to each other yet."
After that you left. You went home locked every door and put a protection spell on the house. No one was going to hurt the baby you and Severus made together. As promised Severus came home you only hours later. There were many tears and kisses to both your lips and belly. He made sure you and your baby were taken care of that night, knowing all the stress you had been through probably wasn't good for the little life growing inside you.
Months later Severus was named a hero. His name was cleared of all charges and he was reinstated as headmaster of Hogwarts after a long argument with Minerva. Severus thought she deserved to be head mistress, but Minerva insisted after all you and Severus had done and everything you'd both given up he deserved it more than anyone.
You and Severus had a small wedding at Hogwarts, where old and new students we're welcome to come watch and celebrate. Not long after you gave birth to your daughter. Rose Marie Snape. She had the scary Slytherin Headmaster wrapped around her finger and all of Hogwarts knew it. She was only a few months old but the students would see you taking care of her on all your free periods and Severus would have her while you were in class. At meals she would sit in yours or Severus' lap. Mostly Severus, she was a daddy's girl. Severus had the magic touch when it came to your daughter. Often times students would find you three in a field outside on nice days watching your daughter crawl around. Many students had been getting in trouble in your class so they could be sent to the headmasters office so they could see your baby sitting in her bouncy chair right next to your husband's desk. After a while you both caught on and realized it was mostly the young girls who loved babies or the girls about to graduate who had baby fever. So you told them instead of troubling your husband they could come see you and Rose on your free periods.
"When can we have another baby?" Your husband asks you randomly as you sit outside watching your now 9th month old walk around smiling.
"Hmm that depends." You turned facing him as you both lay in the grass.
"On what?" He asked, turning to face you.
"Do you want to have to apparate to Hogsmead every other day for pickles?" You giggled, burying your face in his neck. You felt his chest vibrate with laughter.
"If it meant getting to kiss your baby bump, give you back rubs, you constantly wanting me to give you kisses and getting to see another baby grow the way Rose is. Baby girl I'd buy a pickle store and have them delivered to you ever day. I want another baby with you. Another 2 at least. Pregnant you is my favorite you, not only are you so loving and caring but you give me something big to look forward to. Can we please have another baby?" Severus almost plead with you.
"My love I'll have as many babies as you want if it means I get to see you this happy." You kissed him.
"Mm maybe we should get started tonight. Minerva has been absolutely begging me for baby time." Severus chuckled looking at your little one.
"Well if Minnie wants to take her then that would be perfect." You smiled tracing patterns on his chest.
"I'll go tell Minerva." He yelled back to you as he stood up and practically ran back to the castle leaving you laughing yourself to tears as your daughter placed herself on your lap with her thumb in her mouth.
"Your father is such a goofball. But there are no words for me to even begin to describe how much I love him." You cooed to your baby.
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bittenlove · 3 years
Hans Gruber X Reader Smut!🍋🍋🍋
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You walked backwards into your bedroom still facing Hans, pulling him by his tie while you pointed his pistol at his chest. He had been working and not paying any attention to you so you got fed up and decided to get his attention.  Walking into his office in a pair of dark green lace lingerie with his pistol tucked into the back of your panties.  After showing him the gun you grabbed him by his tie and dragged him behind you to the bedroom.  
You pushed him back onto your bed. He  smirked at you as he propped himself up on his elbows to look at you.  You took a pair of handcuffs from the bedside table, pointing the gun at his chest and telling him to give you his hands.  He held them out for you and let you cuff him to the bedpost.  
“Were you feeling neglected, liebling?”  He teased. 
“As a matter of fact I was, but tonight I’m in charge so I suggest you shut your mouth and do as I tell you and maybe I’ll be nice.”  You straddled his lap, setting the gun off to the side. 
You felt something hard in his pocket, beside his painfully hard cock.  Reaching into his pocket you pulled out his pocket knife that he carried with him everywhere and an idea popped into your head.  You smirked at him, he didn’t like that look on you. You moved forward and rubbed his chest with both your hands, feeling his firm chest before flipping the blade opened.  
“What are you up to poppet?”  Hans asked, staring at the blade.  
You simply smiled and moved up to grab his hair.  You grabbed a piece of hair from the side of his head and cut it off placing it in the locket around your neck.  Hans mouth was agape, he couldn’t believe you just did that.  You had been asking him to take a lock of his hair for months now and he kept denying you, but now he was tied down and at your mercy. So you took the opportunity to take what you wanted even though you knew he wasn’t going to be happy that you cut his perfect hair.  
“Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!" He yelled at you.  “What did you just do?”  
“What do you think I did?”  You sassed, running the blade down his cheek. Not hard enough to cut him, but to just get his attention.  You felt like being a brat tonight so a brat is what you would be.  “I asked you nicely for a lock of your hair baby, and you denied me, now I took what I wanted. Just like I’m about to take you the way I want to.”  You bit his bottom lip hard.
“Ow.”  He gritted his teeth. “You’re asking for it.”  
“And what are you gonna do? All tied up at my mercy, I’m going to have my way with you, understand?”  You yanked his hair back.
“Yes.”  He conceded.
“Yes what?”
“Yes mommy.”  He huffed.  
“Good boy. If you hadn’t neglected me I wouldn’t have cut your hair and ruined your suit.”
“Ruin my suit what do you mea-” Before he finished you cut his shirt and jacket with the knife ripping it off his chest.  “Y/N!”  He yelled again.  His jacket and shirt was hanging off either side of his chest while his tie was still in place around his neck. Buttons all over the floor. His light brown and silver hair covered his chest making you wet at just the sight of it.  God did he look sexy like this, clothes hanging off his body, tie in place, pants tight from his obviously hard cock.  
“Shut up, this is your own fault.”  You shouted, placing the knife in front of his lips so he wouldn’t talk. 
You dragged the blade down his chin to his neck, down to his chest, over his stomach. Once it reached his pants you ran it over his bulge, patting his cock a few times through his trousers.  After you heard him moan you ran the knife back up his body, when it reached his collarbone you gave him a little cut. He’s used knives on you a lot in the bedroom, now it's your turn. You gave a little cut on his collar bone, once it started to bleed a little bit you started to lick and suck at him.
“Fuck mommy.”  He moaned loudly.  
You placed lick after lick to his salty, irony flesh, lapping up all the red, warm liquid.  You hummed against his skin as you gave his collarbone one last hard suck letting go with a pop. You placed the knife on the bedside table with the gun and moved down to his pants.  After undoing his belt and opening his pants you pulled them down and threw them across the room.  You started to rub him through his boxers.
“Should I make you cum in your boxers?”  You whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe. He moaned again when you gave his sack a couple rough pats. You pulled your hand from his cock grabbing his tie and tightening it enough to choke him.  “When I ask you a question you answer it!”  You ordered.  
“You're going to pay for this liebling.”  He choked out to which you tightened the tie more to completely cut off his airway. He was pissed at how controlling you were, he never let you be the dominant and now you were dominating him in a way he never thought. 
“That is not something a good little boy says to his mommy now is it?”  You released his tie and he gasped loudly for air. “If you keep being a bad boy I’ll have to punish you, and I don’t think you’d like that.”  You said moving back down to his bulge.  “Now answer mommy’s question. Should I make you cum in your boxers?”
“No mommy.”  He whined, feeling you begin to rub him through his boxers again.  
“No? Why not?”  You rubbed him harder.
“I don’t want to get messy.” 
“Well you should have thought of that before you were a bad boy.”  He let out a whine when you spit on his boxers, trying to wet his cock through the material.  You jerked him off for a few minutes before his boxers started to annoy you, so you pulled them down and threw them across the room with his pants. You laid your head on his chest while you continued to jerk him off.
“Of, fuck!”  He moaned, feeling his orgasm build.  “Please.” 
“Please what baby?”  You swiped your finger over his slit making him whine. 
“Please mommy! Make me cum already.”  He begged. 
“I don’t think you deserve it.”  You pulled your hand away from his cock making him groan in frustration and pull against the cuffs.  “Stop complaining.”  You yelled, smacking his cock.  He let out a grunt as pain mixed with pleasure. His cock stood high and proud, perfect for you to smack.  
“Mommy, ah!”  You smacked his cock again. The sound of your hand hitting his wet cock echoed through the room.  
“Are you going to be good?”  You asked, grasping his cock but not moving your hand.
“Yes, yes mommy I’ll be good just please stop.”  He begged. You smacked his cock one more time as hard as you could, then started to jerk him off as fast as possible.  You felt his cock twitch at the sudden, hard, fast movement. The wet sounds his cock made as you jerked him off echoed through the room.
“Ah, oh fuck yes mommy, y-yes thank you. Oh God I’m gonna c-cum mommy, please, please let me cum.”  He stuttered, his legs spasming as he was about to cum.
“Go ahead pretty boy, cum.”  He moaned so loud it came out as almost a shout as cum shot from his cock onto his chest and stomach. You put one hand on either side of his hips, then as you looked him in the eye you began to lick his cum off his body.  “Mmm.”  You moaned, tasting his salty cum.
“Do I taste good mommy?”  He asked, as if he didn’t already know just how much you enjoyed his cum.  
“Delicious as always, baby. You know you’re my favorite midnight snack.” You answered, licking up the last of his cum.   
“Mommy, I want to be inside you.” He whined.
“I know you do, baby.” You kissed up his stomach and chest till you reached his neck. You latched onto his pulse point and started sucking until there was a dark purple hickey.  When you reached his lips you pushed your tongue into his mouth. You made out aggressively while you ground your clothes pussy against his wet cock. He moaned into your mouth. When you pulled away Hans lips were red and swollen and you loved it.  
“Please.”  He pleaded, his head back against the pillows waiting for you to allow him to be inside you.
“Will you wet me first like a good boy?” You began to take your panties off teasingly in front of him. 
“Yes, yes mommy I promise.”  He answered eagerly.  “I’ll wet your pussy, I’ll lick you, I’ll taste you. Please, I want to taste you.”
“You're being such a good boy now, so submissive.”  You hovered over his lips and watched him try to crane his neck up to kiss you. But you pulled away just before he could reach you. 
Of course he was going to get you back for this after but he wanted another orgasm and would do anything to get it. You straddled his chest as you unclipped your bra and tossed it away.  You saw him lick his lips at the sight of your breasts.  He wanted to suck them. You leaned over him letting your breasts fall to his face.  He looked at you waiting, when you nodded he wrapped his lips around your right nipple sucking hard. He licked them with the tip of his tongue giving you more pleasure.  Then after your right breast was covered in red bite marks and dark hickeys he moved to the left breast doing the same thing. After leaving both your breasts red and raw you pulled them away and straddled his face. 
“Wet my pussy and I’ll ride your cock.” You told him. He nodded and you sunk your pussy onto his face.
He hummed against your pussy sending a shiver to your spine as you began to grind against his face. You felt him licking at your clit making you whine when he wrapped his lips around it.  You began to thrust against his face, encouraging him to lick you harder, faster, deeper.  
“Baby wet my insides.”  You whined.  He was quick to plunge his tongue into your now dripping hole.  You moaned as he thrust his tongue in and out of you.  “Suck my clit, suck my clit.”  You panted feeling your orgasm coming on. He obliged, sucking your clit so hard you thought you would see stars. 
Right before you were about to cum you pushed yourself off his face and went back to straddle his hips as you let your orgasm fade.  You rubbed your hands up and down his chest in a soothing manner.  
“Such a pretty cock. You wanna be inside me don’t you baby?”  You cooed, kissing his jaw and lips.
“Yes, I want to be inside you.”  He confirmed sighing as he felt your sweet lips on his skin. “I love you mommy.” It just slipped from his lips in a moment of pure passion he felt for you.
“I love you too.”  You smiled, pecking his lips once more. “Let me show you how much I love you.”  You situated yourself above his cock giving it a couple firm strokes before sinking down onto him.  
“Oh, fuck.”  Hans moaned, feeling your wet pussy around his hot, thick cock.  “Please ride me.”  He said breathlessly.  You said nothing, just started grinding your hips against his fucking him slow at first. 
“You’re so big baby, so hot, thick. You fill me so perfectly, I love the way your cock fits inside me.” You whispered, feeling so much pleasure all at once. 
“Faster mommy, use me, use my cock to make you cum. Please use me the way you want. I deserve to be used by you. I was bad, I was a bad boy.”  He begged, thrusting his hips up into you.  You bounced up and down on him fast and hard.  You could both hear your wet pussy slapping against his wet cock.  Your juices wet his entire crotch and pubic bone making wet noises fill the room.  
“Oh, oh God Hans, baby!” You yelled feeling your orgasm coming for the second time that night.  “Baby your cock is going to make me cum. Oh, I'm going to cum on your pretty cock baby.”  
“I’m gonna cum to, cum with me please cum with me.” He begged, feeling your walls clench his cock. You felt him pulsing inside you and you knew neither of you would last much longer as you bounced on him so hard his cock hit your g-spot several times. 
“FUCK!”  You yelled cumming on his cock. 
“Fuck, yes Y/N!”  He moaned, shooting his load into your tight hole. 
You collapsed on his chest, you both breathing heavily as you tried to calm down from your highs.  You held onto his shoulders as you caught your breath.  After a few minutes of coming down from your highs you sat back and looked at him. Hands still tied to the bedpost, drops of blood dripping down his collarbone, sweat on his face. Clothes hanging off his chest while his lower half was completely bare and soaked with your juices. His hair messy and his soft cock resting against his thigh. He looked so hot that you should have immediately gotten wet again but instead the way he was looking at you filled you with so much love. His satisfied smile and the love in his eyes made you want to hold him and never let him go. 
You smiled back as you took the key off the bedside table and uncuffed him. Once his hands were free you took them in your hands and kissed his red wrists in an attempt to sooth them. After letting go he cupped your cheeks and rolled you both over so he could make out with you. It wasn't rough or aggressive. Instead it was slow and passionate as he slipped his tongue into your mouth and caressed face.  
“You know I love you.”  He said, pulling away from your lips.  “I don’t try to neglect you, sometimes I just lose track of time. I don’t mean to be absent so often.”  
“I know you don’t, I still miss you but I understand.”  You confessed.  “Let me get a cloth to clean you up.”  You pecked his lips and disappeared into the bathroom to get a damp cloth and a bandaid to wipe up the blood and put a bandaid on his collarbone.  You kneeled on the edge of the bed as you washed him and placed the bandaid on him. He caressed your hips every second of it. After cleaning his blood you folded the wash clothes over and gently washed both your dum from his crotch and gently washed his soft cock.
After discarding of the cloth you climbed back to lay with him.
“I can’t believe you cut my hair.”  He said running his fingers through the side of his hair you cut.  
“I cut your skin and you're worried about your hair.”  You rolled your eyes at him.
“Yes.” You kissed him again.
“I sowwy baby.” You baby talked to him, he normally found it cute, not tonight.  He swung his hand around and smacked your ass.
“Lay down and get to sleep. You're going to pay for this tomorrow. You’ve been a naughty little girl and daddy needs to remind you who's boss.”  He warned, squeezing your ass roughly and pulling you under the covers.  You hummed in satisfaction.  
“Okay baby boy.”  He smacked your ass again under the covers.
“Don’t push it.”  
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bittenlove · 3 years
Ive been searching for almost a week for a Mallory X reader that's not pure smut im so excited for the next chapter.
#14 Who dares wins
If you are curious what has happened before, you can read the story from the very beginning. If not, it’s totally fine: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13
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At 7 P.M. I went outside to see a cab Mallory had ordered for me. The weather resembled the day when I, Katherine Targett - the most recent addition to the double-0 section - drove my own car to meet my new supervisor… Only this time I felt relieved I didn’t have to worry about the right way, the traffic jams… anything. I sat at the front seat. Some nostalgic songs came on the radio, one by one.
I had absolutely no idea what to wear, so I would look appropriate during that unofficial meeting. Not to mention I wasn’t informed on the fact where this meeting would be held. It’s not every day that a person like me, and most of all, a double-0, knows *that* little about the upcoming few hours, allowing someone to completely surprise her, I thought. My profession forced me to always predict what could happen next and, if possible, have full control of the situation, but that night I surrendered to fate. Kath, something has definitely changed in you.
What no one could make me change was the fondness of shirts and jackets. They’ve been one of my favourite parts of clothing since I could remember. As a little girl I’ve been looking up to men, and probably thought that dressing similarly to my male heroes would make me resemble them. It was a sign of my respect towards them, rather than jealousy or feeling inferior to men. So, after an hour or two of careful consideration, I’ve picked a not too formal not too casual white shirt in navy stripes and a pair of black chino trousers.
The darkness of the night made it difficult for me to remember the way. However, I was sure we were going to the outskirts of the city. It was a forty minutes drive - enough time to torture myself with mind-boggling questions. Naturally, the most frequently asked one was about the place of the meeting. I’ve been wondering where Mallory would like to talk to me and why he insisted on the meeting to be unofficial.
I noticed that we entered a long, dimly lit street. The cab slowed down, passing by a few single-family houses. Does it mean I’m going to see Mallory’s… home?
The driver stopped in front of one of the gates and I’ve seen a figure waiting in the heavy rain under his black umbrella. The man must have been outside for a few minutes already. It was nearly impossible to see anything in the dark and rain (even though the cab stopped close to the lantern), but I recognized Mallory by the shape of his coat.
Before I got out of the cab, I looked at the house through the car window. It was a bit too large for a man who lived alone, but I guess he could afford it. Mallory opened the car door, holding the umbrella above me.
“Thank you,” he said to the driver, raising his voice, as it was difficult to hear anything in the rain. “I’ve paid in advance.”
“Good evening, sir,” I greeted my supervisor, trying to meet his eyes in the dark.
“Good evening. Follow me.”
I did as I was told. All the questions I had asked myself earlier, irrevocably disappeared. Just act naturally, Kath. Que sera, sera.
The place felt fascinating ever since I’ve entered it. It was a storey house that must have been built a long time ago. Inside, it looked pretty much like an extended version of M’s office at the MI6 Headquarters. There was this old-fashioned atmosphere that I associated with my supervisor and it seemed Mallory liked wooden furniture combined with dark colours on the walls.
Mallory helped me to take off my double-breasted coat and then invited me to the living room.
“Would you like to have a drink?”, he said, while entering the room. I quickly lost track of him.
“A glass of dry red wine will do,” I answered, as I slowly strolled down the corridor, refusing to join Mallory in the living room just yet.
I took advantage of the absence of the host. I looked around and I immediately noticed the painting our section gave him last Christmas. It was the only decoration in the corridor, apart from one framed photo that was on the dresser. It showed Mallory in his SAS days.
I couldn’t possibly impose on Mallory, so I refused to ask him about the photograph, and walked into the room. Mallory put my glass on the table near the couch and let me sit there. I did as he suggested and observed his movements when he walked across the room with an empty glass in his left hand and a bottle of wine in the other. He leaned against the cupboard (full of bottles of scotch, champagne, and wine), this time pouring himself a glass.
“I suppose you wonder why I invited you here tonight…”
I was sitting on the couch with a glass of red wine in my hands. My legs were crossed, as I didn’t feel confident at all. The distance between me and Mallory was just right - if he stood closer to me, I wouldn’t be able to focus on the conversation. This is what you’ve brought yourself to, Kath. You’ve fallen in love with that man badly.
“… the reason behind this are both my curiosity and concern,” Mallory said slowly, as if he was explaining something, and then hesitated for a moment. “I’ve already told you on the phone that the reports you and Bond provided after a mission in Monte Carlo are *satisfying*, but… in light of recent events, it appears they do not cover everything.”
Mallory took a sip from the glass and put the bottle on the cupboard. He stood straight up and looked so majestic and tough, he commanded respect. His eyes were filled with tenderness and seriousness at the same time.
“I hope you forgive me for being so straightforward… Is it true that Bond is interested in you?”
His question genuinely surprised me. Not only because I was sure he wouldn’t care, but also because he knew something about my private life. He knew something was going on. I completely forgot that his role as the Head of MI6 was to have this kind of information.
“I wasn’t aware you would like to know that, sir,” I said, trying to sound emotionless, as I wanted to hide the truth from him. I had two big sips of wine.
“Oh, please. This is *not* an official meeting,” he replied in a deep, but warm voice - the kind of combination I’d never expect from him. “There’s no need to call me *sir*. I’m Gareth.”
“Yes, si… Gareth.”
“So?”, he insisted. His tired, green eyes waited for my response. “The whole double-0 section talks about it,” he added, slightly titling the glass he held in his hand. He was as relaxed, as if he has just asked me about my holiday plans or something similarly irrelevant.
“Oh… I… I admit it feels peculiar to find out the members of the section actually have time for gossiping,” I joked, believing that it would help me to avoid giving him any details.
“Hmmm,” Mallory murmured and smirked, looking down on the glass. He seemed both amused and irritated, but continued as if nothing’s happened.
“That’s definitely true. They should have not spread the rumours… but you didn’t answer the question,” Mallory drawled coldly. His smile vanished and I was very  much aware that I shouldn’t make more jokes about the matter. I answered honestly.
“Yes, it’s true. At least it’s what Bond has told me.”
Mallory’s face changed again. It expressed a mixture of emotions, mostly dissatisfaction. He put the glass on the cupboard and his hand has gone through his hair. Then he placed his hands on his hips with his fingers touching the braces. The light blue shirt matched the pinstripes on the navy trousers.
“I have to tell you it has happened for the first time since I run this department,” he confessed, sounding uptight. “Bond has never declared his feelings for anyone in the double-0 section before… Believe me or not… The thing is… he is not someone who knows how to treat a woman… in the long run.”
The way he delivered his statement left me speechless for a while. I couldn’t bear to look into his eyes, so I turned my head to the window. Still the same heavy rain.
“Thanks for your concern, but,” I paused, trying to find the right words which wouldn’t make me sound rude, and then I looked back at him. “Uhm… I thought you don’t care about your employees’ private lives.”
He turned to the cupboard and took a sip of his glass.
“You’re right, I don’t care, as I’ve already told you before,” Mallory looked down inside his glass and stirred the wine with the delicate movement of his wrist. He continued, looking me in the eye and sounding semi-friendly again. “And you could say it’s none of my business. Which is true, unless two of my agents have an affair and it influences their work. You understand what I mean.”
Of course I did understand. How could I even think that his concern was more personal. How could I even think that our dance meant anything to him… That he cared more… about me. I would have loved him to be worried about me, but it clearly wasn’t the case. I had to act like a professional.
“I perfectly understand,” I replied, sounding as seriously as I could. “I can assure you there is nothing between me and Bond,” I shook my head and felt that my shoulders went their way up. “So, this is not going to influence my dedication to the job”.
Mallory put his glass on the cupboard again and started to walk towards the couch.
“I believe you,” he said, stopping a few steps in front of me. “You didn’t lie to me. I appreciate that,“ he added, nodding his head.
Mallory changed his attitude so fast, that it didn’t make sense to me. I frowned and stood up.
“So, you asked me all this, but… you didn’t have to… right? How long have you known that…?”
"Long enough to connect the dots.”
Typical Mallory, I thought. Straightforward and terse, avoiding unnecessary words. His response only confused me more.
“Now I get it… you sent me and Bond on a mission together to confirm your suspicions?”
“I didn’t have to.”
I gave him a questioning gaze. Mallory raised his left hand in an incredulous gesture.
“For God’s sake, Katherine! You’re a double-0,” Mallory sighed, shaking his head. “That requires a *special* level of controlling what you do. You *know* that. You agreed to this when you signed the papers. And besides,” he cleared his throat, “it doesn’t take a section chief to notice what is going on.”
"So… why I’m here!?” I raised my voice. “Is it your way to test my loyalty?”
Mallory didn’t answer. Instead of this, he took the glass of red wine from my hand and placed it on the table. He looked at me with his clear green eyes. I realized I was standing really close to him.
The fact that Mallory refused to respond didn’t matter anymore. There was only one thought that crossed my mind at that exact moment. Everything or nothing.
I stepped forward, boldly looking up at his wrinkled face.
“This is an unofficial meeting, isn’t it… sir?”
He laughed.
“It’s Gareth.”
“Gareth,” I corrected myself and took a deep breath. Now I could smell his cologne.
“Nothing could have been more unofficial than this,” Mallory assured me.
I locked eyes with my supervisor. There was nothing I wanted more in the world than to let him know that I love him. Instinctively, I stood on my toe tips and kissed him gently. It took me a few seconds to realize what I’ve done.
I thrown my arms around Mallory, when I felt his hands on my waist, locking me in a tight embrace. My knees got a little weak, but he held me safely in his arms. We went for a more passionate kiss, as if we’ve just been given permission to get carried away after years of denial. Thankfully, we didn’t have to pretend anymore.
I slowly moved my hands to Mallory’s neck. I tried to find his collar with my eyes still closed, and then I started to unbutton his shirt.
“No, Katherine,” he said firmly, pulling me away.
My face immediately turned red and I started to stammer.
“Oh, I’m so-o so-orry, sir… I didn’t wa-ant to… I-I ju-ust thought…”
“No, it’s fine,” Mallory added gently and kissed both of my hands to calm me down. His touch was surprisingly comforting, given the level of embarrassment. “First of all… I want you to know…” he took a deep breath, “…that I didn’t invite you here, so I could use you. I mean…”
I knew exactly what he meant. What the man feels for me is not lust! I must be dreaming.
I placed one of my fingers on his lips, interrupting him. I gently touched his face with my other hand, caressing his cheek with my fingers. Then I hugged him tightly, putting one of my hands in his hair. Our cheeks were so close I could feel a smile appearing on his face.
We spent the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch and drinking wine. We barely said anything, probably still being in shock. However, none of us complained about it. It just felt right.
Suddenly, my phone rang, but I decided not to stand up. I preferred to remain in Mallory’s arms.
“Aren’t you going to answer?”, asked Mallory, whispering into my ear.
“What for?”, I replied. “Let’s not ruin this moment.”
“Maybe it’s something important.”
“All right. I’ll check it. Be right back,” I said and placed a kiss on his left cheek.
I went over to the table to look at my phone’s screen. I stopped smiling. Mallory noticed it.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Bond.”
To be continued.
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bittenlove · 3 years
Hans Gruber X Reader
You woke up to a sharp pain in your lower stomach.  You felt a gooey substance on the bed, looking down all you saw was blood.  You had started your period and you were so embarrassed.  You could never time your periods, there were times you were a week early, 2 weeks later or times you didn’t have a period all together.  You tried to quietly get up without waking your sleeping boyfriend.  Oh God how would he handle this?  There was blood all over your sheets and probably the mattress too. You quietly went to the bathroom and put on your last pad, this was a disaster.  You took a ibuprofen and sat on the toilet crying.  This was so embarrassing, you ruined your bed, you were out of pads and you were in a lot of pain.  You just sat on the toilet and sobbed.
Hans woke up when he noticed the bed was colder than normal.  He reached to your side of the bed and didn’t feel you.  He glanced over and saw you weren’t in your room, then he heard muffled cries in the bathroom. Hans jumped up thinking you were injured after seeing the blood on the sheets.
“Y/N. Y/N, my love open the door.”  He banged on the door, terrified you had been hurt.  His foggy morning mind not putting two and two together.  
“Trust me baby you don’t want to come in here.”
“I’ll break this door down, let me in.”  He called out, hitting the door. You got up and unlocked the door.  Hans rushed in at the sound of the lock.  
“What happened, are you okay? I saw the blood.”  He rambled looking you up and down for injuries. You were still crying from embarrassment.  
“I’m okay.”  
“Poppet you're crying, you're not okay.”  He answered, pulling you into his arms.  “Tell me what's happened?”
“I started my period and I'm so sorry.”  You cried on his chest.
“Why are you crying?  Wait, why are you sorry?”  He pulled away cupping your cheeks. 
“I ruined the sheets and probably the mattress, there's blood everywhere, I’m out of pads and I wasn’t prepared.  I don’t know why my periods can’t just come at the same time every month like normal women's.”  You sobbed, grabbing his waist.
“Sh, sh. Hey, look at me. I don’t care about the sheets or the mattress, okay?  I’ll buy new ones.  I care about you, if you're okay, if you're in pain, if you need my help which it looks like you do.”  Hans pulls away from you and turns on the tub, after the water gets to the right temperature he puts the stopper in. 
“Okay, here’s what I want to do."  He helps you sit back down on the toilet and he kneels in front of you.  “I am going to go change the sheets and check the mattress, then I’ll go down to the store and get you some pads, and some more of those period pain pads you use.  You get in the tub and soak.  Just relax okay.”  
“Thank you, I’m sorry abo-”
“Sh, you're a woman this is natural I have no reason to be mad at you and I never will be.  How about we call your OBGYN later and see if there’s anything you can try to make sure this doesn’t keep happening?  I think there are some birth controls you can use to regulate your period.  Maybe you can try one of those until we decide when or if we want to start trying to have a baby. Does that sound like a plan?”  He asked, kissing your knuckles. You pulled him into your arms.
“I love you so much baby.” You mumbled into his neck.
“I love you too, poppet.  Take a soak in the tub and I’ll be right back.”  He kissed your head and helped you out of your clothes and into the tub.
You laid in the tub while Hans changed the sheets then went down to the store down the road to get your products.  He knew inside and out what products you used and made it a point to know where in the store to find them for this exact situation.  He was always taught to respect women and was taught that things like periods were out of their control.  He bought you 2 big packs of pads to keep you stocked up, 2 packs of period pain pads for your cramps, another bottle of ibuprofen and a couple chocolate bars.  He returned home less than 30 minutes later and went to the bathroom.  
“Poppet, how are you feeling?”  He asked, kneeling by the tub.
“I’ll live.”
“Are you ready to get out and get back to bed?”
“Is the mattress ruined?”
“The mattress is fine, everythings fine. Let's get you dried off and put back to bed.  We can put on a movie and have a lazy day, would you like that?”  
“Yeah, yeah that sounds nice.”  You sigh, standing from the tub.  Hans helped you dress in one of his shirts and some sweatpants.  He gave you your pads and let you put one on then he brought you to your bed where he took out one of your period pain pads, lifted your shirt and placed it on your lower abdomen. After putting it on you he placed several light loving kisses to your belly.  
“You’re so good to me.  I love you so much.” You cuddled into his side.
“I’m good to you because I love you.  Any man who loves their women should do the same.  It doesn’t make them weak by buying feminine products for their women.  It makes them gentlemen. Now what movie should we watch?”
“You pick, you've done enough for me today, I’ll watch whatever you want.”
“How about insidious? It is as you say “spooky season” After all.”  He teased you, kissing you head.
“That sounds perfect.”  You replied, rubbing his chest.
You two snuggled the day away, ordered some take out and had the best lazy day you’d had in a while.  The next day you would both go together to you OBGYN to see if there was anything you could try to help regulate your periods.
Guys help me out are there any Ralph Fiennes x reader stories that aren't just smut and if so help me find them please ill do anything.
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bittenlove · 3 years
You're not the monster here
Severus Snape X Reader
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You and Severus had been dating for a little over 2 months now, but you had feelings for each other long before that.  You had been teaching at Hogwarts for three years now and you have had feelings for Severus since day one.  Severus felt the same, however he would never tell you, but you knew.  You noticed the longing looks and the passing glances he would give you.  How he was a lot nicer to you than he was to students and other teachers.  He even smiled at you, that was the dead give away because anyone could tell you that Severus Snape never smiled.  
It's now been 2 months that you and Severus have officially been dating and you couldn’t be happier.  You loved him, you really truly did, with every part of yourself.  However you had something you had to tell him.  It was a pretty big secret that you had kept from everyone aside from the headmaster.  You didn’t want to tell Severus and risk pushing him away, not until you knew for sure that he wouldn’t leave you. Now that you knew he loved you, you figured it would be a perfect time to tell him.  
It was now March and you had been lucky enough that last month the lunar phases aligned just right so there was no full moon last month.  You were a werewolf, you had been bitten when you were a teen.  You were out one night with your friends exploring an area of woods by your friends house on a full moon.  You were just stupid teens and didn’t bother paying attention to the time of the month.  You remember hearing fast, heavy footsteps coming near you and your friends.  You were the first to see the werewolf coming right for your best friend.  You pushed her out of the way and told them to run.  You were bitten and the next morning your friends and all their parents went out looking for you.  They found you badly hurt and bleeding and took you to St Mungus. Nothing ever changed between you and your friends, you saved their lives and they loved you for who you were now.  
You had every intention of telling Severus today about your… Illness. Severus had spent the night in your chambers last night.  You could hear his gentle snores beside you as he spooned you.  You quietly got out of his embrace so you could get ready for the day.  You had morning classes this term and Severus started classes 2 hours later than you so you tried your best to let him sleep.  
You got ready for the day.  Brushing your hair and your teeth, getting changed into some presentable clothes then writing a note for Severus.  
Good morning love, I have something I want to talk to you about after classes finish today.  It’s nothing bad so don’t worry but I would like to talk about it in private.  I love you, have a good day.
You smiled at the note then quietly left your chambers and went to your first class.  
Halfway through the school day you had a student almost break down in tears in your class.  The poor girl was a muggle born and was so overwhelmed by everything.  She told you she felt like she was so far behind everyone else because no one in her family was like her.  You had her stay after class to calm her down and tell her that she was not alone and a lot of other students were in the same boat as her.  After a bit of encouragement she felt better and was able to go back to class.  
She had defense against the dark arts next which Severus was covering because Remus found himself ill last night.  So instead of leaving the already vulnerable girl to face your lover alone you went with her seeing as your classes for the day were over.  As you reached the class you heard Severus lecturing about werewolves.  You stood outside the door for a moment and listened.
“Werewolves, disgusting creatures. Merlin knows why they exist, good for nothing but destruction and pain.  All the same, they deserve nothing less than to be killed on sight.”  Severus lectured, breaking your heart.  He turned and saw you standing in the doorway.  “Professor Y/L/N, Miss Smith.  You’re late, Miss Smith.”
“I’m afraid that's my doing professor. I had to keep her behind for something, please excuse her tardiness.”  You tried to keep your voice from breaking.  Severus noticed your slightly upset behavior and raised an eyebrow at you.  
“Very well.  Please take your seat and get the notes from someone.”  He turned back to say something to you but you had already disappeared from the classroom.  
You ran down the hall to your office with tears in your eyes.  When you reached your office you closed the door locking it and wailed.  He hated you, he was going to hate you the moment you told him the truth.  You thought you could trust him, thought he could love you despite your illness but you were wrong.  He hated everything about you and his views wouldn't change.  Even if he claimed they did, you could never be sure whether it was true or if it was just because he felt bad for you.  You were hurt, he was the first person you had ever even thought about telling your secret to.  Now you know it was a mistake and the moment you told him he’d leave you.  You would have had to tell him anyway but it still hurt.
Hours had passed without you knowing, your cries were reduced to tearless sobs.  You didn’t have any tears left.  You let your head rest on your desk, you felt weak.  The full moon was tomorrow night and you had been taking your weakening potion.  It kept you from getting too strong during the full moon so you couldn’t hurt anyone.  It makes you tired, weak and moody. You heard the lock on the door snap open, you didn’t lift your head, just your eyes to see who it was. It was Severus.  Now you had to tell him the truth knowing he would leave you. 
“My darling, what's wrong?”  Severus asked, kneeling in front of you.  You sniffled and lifted your head to look at him.
“I have to tell you something.”  You whispered.
“I know my love but you said it was nothing bad.”  
“I didn’t think it was, until I heard what you said earlier.”
“Earlier?  What did I say earlier?  The only time I’ve seen you today was when you brought Miss Smith to class.  What did I say?”  He thought back to your interaction.  Yes he was a little stern but he didn’t think you took it so personal.  “Love, if my sternness hurt you I’m sorry you know I would never knowingly hurt you. I love you.”
“Not that.  It’s not that.  It's what you said before that in class.”
“My lecture on werewolves?  Did I say something wrong?” 
“No… You gave your opinion. I guess I just thought that it would be different.”  You mumbled.
“Different.  Darling, I don't understand what I’ve done.”  
“You’ll hate me Sev, you hate me I already know you do.”  You started to cry again.  
“What no, no.  You know I love you.  More than I have ever loved anyone.”  He argued, wiping your tears.
“I heard it, I heard you, you hate me.”  You sobbed in his arms.  
“Y/N, I love you, I don’t understand.”  
“I’m a werewolf, Severus.  That's what I wanted to tell you.  I-I was waiting to tell you until I knew for sure you wouldn’t abandon me like so many others have.  But your opinion on ugly disgusting creatures like me has already been set and I can’t change it… If you want to go, I won’t blame you.  I wouldn’t want to be with something like me either.  I waited so long to tell you because I was so afraid I’d lose you, but I understand why you wouldn’t want to be with an animal.  Honestly it probably would have been less painful if you just killed me on sight like you want to.  I’ll be out in the forbidden forest tomorrow night if you want to test your aim.”  You wept weakly.  Head falling in pain and shame.  
“You are no monster.  The monster in the room is the person kneeling in front of you.”  Severus stated firmly.  “I am so sorry for making you feel this way.  You're right my opinion on werewolves was set a long time ago by a werewolf who almost killed me.  Someone who bullied me, but that's no excuse.  You are your own person and I should not have judged a whole species based on one person.  It was wrong of me.  I have never met another werewolf so I suppose I had nothing to compare him to.  But I have you and you are the most loving person I have ever met and nothing no matter how big or how small will ever change how much I love you.  I’m so sorry.  I never wanted to be the person who hurt you and I promise I never will be again.  Please forgive me, you're the only person in the world I care about and I don’t have it in me to lose you.”  He pleaded, taking your hands and kissing them.
“I don’t want you to think you have to be with me just because you feel bad.”
“I love you.  I am an idiot, and you have already changed the way I see things, I was wrong.  Please forgive me, please don’t leave me, please love me.”  You put your hands on his cheeks and smiled.  
“I will always love you Severus, I will never leave you and I forgive you.”  He smiled at you, pulling you into his arms. 
Severus brood you the same potion he brood Remus every month, this way you didn’t have to take the weakening potion.  He felt it was sweet of you to put yourself through so much pain, weakness, and tiredness to make sure that you didn’t hurt anyone else.  He felt like a complete asshole after what he said and he made sure to correct himself in front of the class the next day.  It took a lot for him to do so, but he would do anything for you.  
The full moon hit and it of course took a toll on you.  Severus was waiting patiently as he could outside the castle to help you but he was so worried about you.  In the early hours of the morning you wandered back onto the school grounds, naked, tired and weak.  You couldn’t even make it to where Severus was standing.  You collapsed in the cold ground, Severus quickly wrapped you in a blanket and carried you back to your room.  He ran you a bath with some essential oils and set you inside letting you soak.  He gently washed you and got some water to keep you hydrated.  
“My sweet, how are you feeling?”  He asked rinsing the soap off your arms.
“Sore, but I’ll live.”  Your voice wasn’t above a whisper.
“Soak until the water cools down then I’ll help you dress and take you to bed.  You need your rest.”  He said kissing your head.  
“I love you, Severus.”  You smiled weakly at him.
“I love you too, my sweet.”  
He did as he had said and helped you dress then carried you to bed after the water had run cold.  Later that night he cuddled you and gave you a potion to dull the pain and help you relax.  He had been the person to make you feel the most love in the world, even though there was a point he made you feel like a monster, but he swore to himself he would never hurt you like that again.
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bittenlove · 3 years
Severus Snape X Reader
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You were sitting on his desk in the middle of the night as you did most nights. You’d meet in his classroom and he’d take you to his chambers where you’d cuddle the night away or make love.  It started out so innocent, you had a crush on your professor and he found out.  As much as he wanted to deny his feelings he couldn’t he had feelings for you as well.  Keeping it a secret wasn’t so hard considering you were a prized student of his and was frequently in his class to study or have extra lessons with him.  You would use that time to steal kisses and sit on his lap while he taught you.  
It was now well past curfew and he had just pulled you off his desk and onto his lap.  He cupped your face and peppered little kisses on your face and lips.  He knew how much you loved little gentle kisses, so he reserved them for when you’ve had a bad day like today.  
He caught you outside the castle wandering the grounds admiring the winter scenery.  He saw you staring in wonder as the snow covered trees and ground, you did this every year. A few students approached you and started to pick on you.  They knocked your books out of your hands into the snow, wetting the pages and damaging your personal notes.  You plucked your books from the snow and ran back to the castle as they threw snowballs at you the whole time.  Severus wanted to intervene, but he wouldn’t have done it for a normal student and he didn’t want anyone to get suspicious if he did it for you.  
The day just got worse from there, you were so upset that you failed your transfigurations exam. No matter what you did you just couldn’t stay focused after all the things they said to you and now your books were ruined and you were scared you were going to get in trouble.  
You went to him after curfew since you had his class before the incident outside occured.  Once in his room you told him about the day you had and he listened intently and held you. He was now peppering kisses on your face and neck to try and make you feel better.  
“I’m sorry you had a bad day.”  He whispered against your ear. 
“It’s okay, you’re making it better.”  
“That’s because I love you.”  
“I love you too. Are you in the mood tonight?”  You teased, kissing below his ear. 
“Mm it seems like you are. Does having a bad day make you horny.”  He teases.  
“You make me horny.”  You rub your hands over his firm chest. “You're so sexy, I can’t help but throw my panties at you everytime I see you.”  You whispered, biting his earlobe.
“What a naughty little minx you are. I ought to bend you over this desk and.” A sudden knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts and you off his lap. You practically threw yourself over the desk to stand on the other side as Filch entered.  
“If I see you wandering the castle after curfew again I won’t be so lenient Miss Y/L/N. 2 points will be taken from Slytherin, now out with you!”  He yelled, you did everything you could to not snicker under your breath as you ran past Filch looking upset.  
“Is there something I can do for you Filch?”  
“I was just wondering why you had a student in your classroom so late at night, she’s been in here for a while.”  He pried.  
“I don’t see how that’s any of your concern.”  He replied in his usual monotone voice. 
“Well I guess we’ll just see what Dumbledor thinks about you having a female student in your room after curfew… With a silencing charm in the room.”  How could he possibly know Severus had put a silencing charm on the room?  
“If you must be so nosey, I had Miss Y/L/N in here with a silencing charm on the room because I found her wandering the castle after curfew. I brought her here to scold her and put a charm on the room to not wake anyone up. Now if you will excuse me it is the end of my shift and I would like to get some rest.”  Severus snarled before brushing past him to his chambers.  
That was close you thought as you walked into your dorm that night.  You and Severus had never gotten caught before, you were always very careful.  Tonight due to your upset state you must have not noticed Filch in the hallway as you went into Severus’ room.  Now you know to be more careful next time.  
The next day Severus seemed to be ignoring you. Typically in the mornings before breakfast you would see him in the hall and pass a note to each other as you passed him in the hall. It was always something encouraging. You normally tell him to have a good day and that you loved him and him telling you he loved you and he knows you will do well in all your classes. It was simple things like that that made your heart flutter when you thought of him. However, today he was in the great hall well earlier than he normally was. You brushed it off thinking that maybe he had an early meeting and decided to just go straight to the great hall.  
Once breakfast was over you thought you’d pass him in the hallway but he was nowhere to be found. You had his note in your pocket and was desperate to give it to him like you normally did, it was your ritual.  He was your last class that day and you were in his classroom before anyone else.  
“Severus, is everything okay? You didn’t wait this morning so I could give you your note.”  You stated, standing in front of his desk. “Here.” You handed him the note and he glanced at it, shoving it in his pocket without reading it.
“Miss Y/L/N, you should return to your seat. It is inappropriate to be giving love notes to teachers, class will begin momentarily please take a seat.” He said harshly.  You looked at him in shock.
“Miss Y/L/N?  Wha- you never call me by my last name. Not even in class it’s always Miss Y/N.” Before you could continue the class started to file in so you returned to your seat.  The entire class you were trying to think of what could possibly be wrong but nothing was coming to you.  
When class ended you packed your things slowly so you could be the last one in the room to talk to Severus.  Once everyone left he tried to walk out as well. You panicked and did the first thing you could think of and used magic to shut the door. The door slammed and just missed hitting him in the face by less than an inch. He turned and glared at you.
“I’m sorry you were leaving and it was the first thing I thought of.”  
“You cannot just be in my classroom for no reason Miss Y/L/N, class is over you’re dismissed.”  He said through gritted teeth.
“I have a reason, I’m here because my boyfriend is clearly upset with me and won’t tell me why. If I did something I’m sorry, I would never intentionally hurt you, just tell me what I can do.”  
“Is that what you think this is? I am not your boyfriend, I am your professor and it’s time you started to remember that.”  
“Why are you acting like this?  What did I do?”
“We can’t be together, it's not worth you getting expelled and me getting fired. Not when it’s going to be over in a few months when you graduate.” 
“Is that what you're worried about? You're worried I’ll leave you after graduation?  Severus I would never do that I love you. After graduation we’ll wait a couple months then we won’t have to hide anymore.  We’ll tell everyone we met at the three broomsticks one day by coincidence and started seeing each other. I have thought this through because I love you and I want to be with you. I’m 18, you might be my professor but you're only 24.  It’s more than believable.  But even if that’s not the case I don’t care, I will hide as long as you think is necessary because I love you.”  You insisted, walking to stand at his feet. His walls had been up all day but you felt them start to crumble at your words.  You placed your hands on his chest.
“Severus.”  You pressed. The moment he heard his name from your lips you felt his walls go back up. 
“No, this is wrong, it’s time for you to leave Miss Y/L/N.” He pulled away from you completely 
“No, no you don’t get to do this. You don’t get to push me away like I mean nothing to you. You told me just last night that you loved me. You promised, you said you would be the one person to never leave me. You promised.”  You couldn’t help the tears that fell from your eyes.  
“I can’t do this anymore, this was a mistake.”  He replied.  
That word broke you. Mistake, you were a mistake. You’ve heard it from your parents but you never thought you’d hear it from his mouth. Hearing that made you freeze, your mouth hung open but you couldn’t speak. Your stomach dropped as did your heart. It fell right to the cold dungeon floor and shattered so loud you could almost hear it.  Severus saw what his words did to you he could tell he struck a nerve he didn’t know about but before he could look into your mind to search for what memory his words brought up you left. You turned slowly and exited the room without saying a word. 
You didn’t go to dinner that night which didn’t go unnoticed by Severus, he knew you skipped lunch that day to search for him so you haven’t eaten since breakfast which worried him.  You stayed in your room all night crying on your bed as memories flashed before your eyes.  Images of your mother telling you that you were a mistake when you were only 6 after you and your father were in a car crash. You walked away with minor injuries but your father died on impact.  
“How are you the one to make it out?  Why couldn’t it have been you!?”  She yelled after the funeral.  
“Momma I didn’t.”
“I knew you were a mistake! I never wanted you in the first place!”  She yelled in your face before stomping off. 
You tried to think of positive things to get your mind off of all the hurtful things your mother used to say to you. You thought of Severus. Your first kiss by the black lake. The time you both snuck off to Hogsmeade on a saturday.  Passing notes and sneaking kisses in the corridors at night.  But all those sweet memories were now tainted by one word he used that he didn’t even know would affect you so much. The memory of the days earlier events overcame every good and happy memory you had with him. All you could hear was him telling you that you were a mistake, maybe you were.  Later that night when you could speak you tried to cast your patronus… But nothing appeared. Now you knew it was true, the happy memories with Severus that you used to think of when you would cast your patronus were no longer useful. You meant nothing to him and you knew it.  
You cried yourself to sleep that night, nothing you thought of made you feel better, nothing you did took the pain away.  You cried so hard you were pretty sure you passed out.  
The next morning you woke up with a terrible headache and even though you’ve attended classes with much worse in the past you had no motivation to move. The only reason you forced yourself to go to classes before was to see Severus but now you don't have to worry about that. You glanced at the jar of notes you made for him during the holidays when you were away. It had one note for everyday you would be away and a few extra in case he was having a bad day.  All handwritten with a loving message for him.  You could throw it away now, there’s no need to keep it. 
You skipped your third meal in the last two days now and Severus was beyond worried when he didn’t see you in the great hall for breakfast. He knew you had a history of self harm.  He went about his classes as normal until the last class of the day which you should have been in.  You never missed class, there had been times you had been sick and either him or another professor had sent you to the hospital wing or back to bed because you were in no condition to be in class.  Now he was extremely worried. You missed breakfast today, lunch yesterday and today and dinner last night now you weren’t in class.  
“Miss Gibbons, may I have a word?”  He called to your roommate as the rest of the class was leaving.
“Of course, is something wrong professor?”  
“Your roommate Miss Y/L/N hasn’t been to any of her classes today and as her head of house I would like to know if you’ve seen her?”  
“I have, she came back to our dorm pretty upset last night so I stayed in one of our friends' dorms since she asked to be alone.  When I went in this morning to get my things for class she was awake but her eyes were red and she was just staring blankly at the wall. It was as if she didn’t even notice I was there.”  Marie confessed.  
“I would like to ask that you stay out of your dorm until further notice, I think I will need to check on Miss Y/L/N.”  
“Of course… Professor.”  He raised an eyebrow at her. “I know people don’t tell you this often but, you're a good head of house.”  With that she left.
Severus got up to leave when a note fell out of his pocket. It was the note you gave him yesterday that he had shoved in his pocket without even bothering to look at it.  
I love you, and I know my love is true. For when I cast my patronus, I only think of you.  
After reading it he let out a forced breath. You thought of him when you cast your patronus, you never told him.  That is the most pure form of love a person can have for another human being. You loved him, truly, madly, deeply and completely and he pushed you away all because you almost got caught by that annoying squib.  
How could I have been so stupid? He thought to himself.  
He walked as fast as he could out of his classroom and to the Slytherin dorms.  He was prepared to find you upset but he didn’t think you would be this bad.  When he opened the door you were still in the clothes you wore the night before.  The blankets hadn’t been moved, it was almost as if the bed hadn’t been slept on even though you were laying on it.  You just laid on it and didn’t move all night which Severus knew wasn’t like you.  He had shared his bed with you many times and you were a very restless sleeper.  Always tossing and turning and moving around. Once you even kicked him off the bed. 
When he saw you, you were still staring at the wall, your eyes still red and puffy, the pillow below you wet from your tears. But the real red flag he saw was the abundance of razors on the bedside table.  He quickly locked the door behind him and kneeled at your side. He inspected all the razors for blood but there wasn’t any, then he checked your wrists and there was nothing.  You still hadn’t acknowledged his presence in the room.  He put his face right in front of yours but you didn’t react, you didn’t even blink.  
He used legitimacy to see inside your mind.  What he saw made his heart shatter in his chest.  Two memories playing back and forth in your mind.  
“I knew you were a mistake, I never wanted you in the first place.” Your mother yelled in your face. 
“I can’t do this anymore, this was a mistake.”  Severus told you.  
You felt him inside your mind but you couldn’t bring yourself to react. You couldn’t move, you were so tired and weak. Having only eaten one meal in 2 days made your stomach hurt, being told by the man you loved that you were a mistake made your heart hurt.  All you could do was lay there and let the tears fall from your eyes once again. It was like you were experiencing sleep paralysis in the middle of the day.  
Severus watched the loop several times until he couldn’t take it anymore. His words did this to you, put you in your own personal hell and he didn’t even know.  He didn’t know what that one word did to you.  
“Hey, hey Y/N.”  He cupped your face and started wiping the tears as they fell but it was no use. Everytime he wiped your tears, new ones fell.  “Please say something.”
You couldn't, you still couldn’t bring yourself to move or speak.
“Y/N please. I love you, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it. Please love, I'm begging you.  You aren’t a mistake you have never been a mistake, you will always be the best thing to ever happen to me. I was a fool, I was scared okay I admit it I was scared. Please I want to help you but I can’t bring you out of this trans you put yourself in only you can.” He tried to get you to focus on him, moving his face so you had no choice but to look in his eyes.  He caressed your cheeks with his thumbs.  
“Blink if you can hear me.”  You did, you blinked. It was all you could do at the moment.  
“Listen to me. I love you so much Y/N Y/L/N. You were right, we can be together and we can make it work. We won’t hide. I would be honored for people to see you on my arm because I love you.  I’m sorry I had no right to say those things to you, I shouldn’t have let you believe you were a mistake. Loving you is the best thing I ever could have done with myself. I will never and have never loved anyone the way I love you… Please come back to me.”  He let a single tear fall from his eye.  He sniffled his tears away and cast his patronus, it was a fox just like yours. It had changed from Lilys and now it matched yours.  
You blinked a few times and started to wiggle your fingers.  Little by little the feeling came back to you and you were able to sit up.  He pulled you into his arms and all you could hear was him repeatedly tell you how sorry he was. Pulling away he cupped your cheek and kissed you passionately.  
“I’m so sorry.”  He said for the hundredth time.  
“It’s okay, I understand.”  You said weakly. 
“No, no, what your mother said to you was wrong, it was awful and you shouldn’t believe her. You are not a mistake. Not to me.  And even if your mother believes you are then that’s on her. She doesn’t realize she’s turning her back on the sweetest, kindest, most loving women to ever walk this Earth.  What I said to you was a mistake, you will never be. I am so undeniably in love with you. Please believe me.”  He begged.
“I want to, but after what you said. It’s going to take some convincing and that’s not your fault it’s me I can’t.”
“Stop, stop blaming yourself for something I said that hurt you.  This is my fault, I am the only one who needs to apologize.  I love you, I’m sorry.”  
“I forgive you.”  
“Darling. I need to check your thighs.”  He said looking back at the razors on your bedside table.  
“I didn’t use them.. I thought about it, but I didn’t have the energy.”  You confessed.
“I still need to check, please. Then we can get you something to eat from the great hall and sit in my classroom.”
“Why’d you do it?”  You asked him as you sat on the bed in only your underwear while he checked for cuts. He let out a deep breath
“Filch saw us the other night and in his own vague way threatened to tell Dumbledore about us.  I was worried if Dumbledore found out it could ruin you. You could be expelled and it would be my fault, I’d be the one who would have ruined your life and you would never forgive me.  The more I thought about it that night the more I convinced myself you’d be better off without me. It was foolish I shouldn’t have acted so rash.”  He confessed, going to your dresser and taking out a pair of pajamas.  
“I forgive you.”  
“And I am forever thankful for that.” He held his hand out to you. You raised an eyebrow but took it and he led you to the bathroom where he put the stopper in the tub and filled it with warm water.  
Once the temperature was nice and warm he poured in some bubbles and swished them around to make it nice and foamy.  He helped you step in and he stepped in behind you.  Pouring some shampoo in his hand he began to wash your hair.  He massaged your scalp with his fingers which made you purr in delight.  This was part of his aftercare routine but he figured it would make you feel better either way.  After rinsing your hair he applied some conditioner and let it sit while he washed your body gently with a cloth.  After making sure all the soap was rinsed from your body he started to rinse the conditioner out of your hair, not all of it he knew you like to leave a little in so your hair would be a little wavy in the mornings. After sitting in the tub for a few minutes just holding you against him he got out and wrapped you in a towel.  Placing little kisses to your shoulders and neck as he dried you off then helped you change into some pajamas.  
“I love you so much.”  He whispered as he wrapped his cloak around you.  
“I love you so much more.”  You rested your forehead against his.  
“Come on love, let’s get you to my classroom then I’ll bring some food for you.” 
“That sounds nice. Thank you, this has been such a nice day with you, I couldn’t feel more loved if I tried.”  
“I’m glad, I just wish it had been under different circumstances.”  
“It doesn’t matter, you’re forgiven… Expecto patronum.” Your patronus showed this time and it was as it’s always been a fox and you could only cast it when you thought of Severus. 
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bittenlove · 3 years
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NOT my gif, creds to original owners
Good Morning
Requested by Anon: ‘Severus creampies in reader 🙈’
AN: Coming right up! I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve done smut, so I’m excited to do this request. It’s also quite long, so enjoy 😏! ❤️
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Words: 10.4k
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, it’s literally porn with almost no plot whatsoever, explicit language, dirty talk, oral sex, teasing, nipple play, breast stimulation, creampie, unprotected sex, brief toe sucking [???], over usage of the word ‘fuck’ [???]
A thin blade of soft light peeked through the blinds and fell precisely on your left eyelid. It was almost tangible as it shone across the room, as if trying to nudge you awake. Your head moved slowly and your face twitched, sighing as you rolled over to burrow deeper into the covers as you casted a quick tempus. 8:34 on a Saturday morning was a more than reasonable time for you two to be in bed, so you yawned and closed your eyes again, snuggling backward into the warm body you knew was there behind you.
You smiled lazily to yourself when you felt it. The smirk slowly changed into a mischievous grin as you slid your hand under the covers and along the swell of your behind. The hard length you loved so much was resting on Severus’ thigh as it pressed into your soft skin. Closing your fingers around it, you eased yourself gently away and rolled over to face him. You nuzzled your nose gently against his cheek and kissed it softly before wriggling downward under the sheets to kiss what your fingers were wrapped around.
Lifting the blankets up behind you, you propped them on your side to allow some breathing room. Your head and upper torso felt cool from the morning bedroom air while his morning wood felt hot against your cheek. You kissed it gently on the tip, then the underside all the way down to his balls, feeling the soft skin on your lips. Your tongue extended as you brought your head back upward, dragging along the underside of his shaft before curling around the head and flicking the tip. You felt him swell and twitch in your mouth and giggled softly, loving the feel of it becoming hard. And he always got extremely hard.
The contrast of the soft, flushed skin and the firmness that gave slightly when you squeezed was delicious. You loved feeling it inside you while you orgasmed. Your walls would grip him and your muscles would ripple around him; he fit perfectly and made you limp with cascades of pleasure. You shivered in anticipation.
Licking your lips, you wrapped your mouth around him with new determination, wanting him to wake up so you could beg him to take you. Sucking firmly, you flicked your tongue rapidly on the underside and steadily lowered your head down until he was in all the way. You raised your head and did it again. On the third time, you moaned as you heard a sharp inhaling noise and felt his hands move to rest on your head.
He awoke with a startle, but his alarm quickly faded when his eyes looked at the mirror propped up next to the closet. He saw himself, groggy and bleary-eyed with the covers half tossed on him, and a familiar set of messy locks next to his crotch. His chest was exposed, and his fingers were wound in softness. It only took him a half second longer to notice that something very, very nice was happening to him and he moaned quietly as one hand moved to cup your cheek. He heard your purr in response and felt a squeeze on his ass as your hands began wandering along him to work their way up to his chest.
He sighed and pulled the blanket away and off you, watching the curves of your ass wiggle in the mirror as you moved around. He bit his lip as he admired the taper to your waist and stroked your shoulder, wishing he could reach further down while you kept doing whatever marvelous things you were doing with your tongue. He watched you for a few moments, groaning softly and petting your neck and shoulder. He grabbed your arm and tugged you up gently, muttering the first gravelly words of the morning: "Good girl. Come here."
He was smiling down at you as you looked up and released him from your mouth. Smiling back, you slid upward along him, feeling your nipples graze along his chest. He settled more firmly onto his side and watched you as you moved your way up. He grabbed your leg to pull over his and wrapped his arm around you, cradling the back of your head with his hand. He slid his now-damp length back and forth along your exposed and soaked slit, feeling your leg tighten around him.
He groaned and pressed his lips to yours, working his fingers back behind your head and rocking his hips. He felt you melt into him and grip him back, your hands sliding into his hair along his scalp and your leg squeezing around him.
He felt your toes curl against the back of his thigh as his swollen tip nudged against your opening slightly and you both moaned. You broke the kiss to bury your face into his neck and whimper as you bucked upward, trying to get him inside you. He watched your back tremble in the mirror and grinned at your reflection, leaning his head down to nip at your ear. He held you still despite you squeezing and gently tugged your head back up using your hair. He watched you hungrily as he moved his hips into you, just barely letting the tip inside. He rocked gently, moving just a couple of inches in and out.
“Fuck.” Your voice was strained and almost a desperate whine as your hips pushed into him.
He held you, chuckling devilishly, not letting you move. "You're so ready, so quickly." He murmured into your ear and continued his tease.
"Yes!" Your voice was shrill as your fingers curled and your toes clenched and unclenched against him. "Please!" You begged desperately.
He stopped smirking and stared you in the eyes for a few moments, cupping your face and watching your expression contort with need as he began to increase the pace and intensity of his thrusts, but still only let his shaft slide along your wetness instead of within it. Just when you thought you were going to curse again, he slammed his hips firmly into you, pushing all the way inside.
He knowingly caught your screech with his mouth and felt your nails claw down his back as you rippled around him. He moaned happily back into your lips as you shivered in his arms, stroking your back with his hand and soothing you as your body convulsed. He began to rock his hips back and forth as you calmed; you broke the kiss to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed as you gasped for air. Your eyes widened before they closed, and your head lolled back with a loud, long groan as Severus moved in and out of you.
He held you to him as he felt you tense again and watched you as you fell apart. He loved how much you enjoyed yourself: this was exactly what you had wanted when you first wrapped your lips around him. One hand gripped the hair at the nape of his neck and the other slid up and down his back and over his shoulders, fingers trembling almost more than your walls spasming around him. Your head came back to lean forward and touch your forehead to his. He watched your eyelids flutter to match what he felt happening inside you and he leaned a few inches more to nip at your lips a few times.
You purred happily and pressed yourself against him, your darkened eyes held his gaze as you trembled with pleasure. He bit his lip at how good it felt around him and for a moment enviously wondered what it felt like to be you, rocking with pleasure over and over. He raised his eyes in a smug manner at you while you just barely kept eye contact with him through your orgasms.
"You feel so good when you cum." He leaned in to nip at your ear and his hands went to your nipples, flicking them.
“Ah!" You squirmed against him and pressed his head into your ear and neck, arching your back against him and pushing your chest into his hands.
"Merlin, you're exceptional." He smiled into your neck, pressing kisses onto the sensitive spots he knew were there. "I love how lost in it you get when you just give in to it all." He murmured as he pressed his lips against one of his favorite ones, the one in the hollow right below the hairline meeting your ear. He felt your body rattle from the extra stimulation and felt your fingertips grip him wherever they could. He lifted your leg up higher and started to get up to push into you from on top.
"Wait, wait, wait," you gasped and leaned back, pushing away from him. He stopped, startled, and looked at you with concern. It quickly faded to a grin as he shook his head at you in disbelief when you continued with a smile, "I want you in my mouth again!"
He unlatched himself from you and gave you some room to move. Rolling over on to his back, he closed his eyes for the short lull, inhaling deeply and feeling your wetness all over his hips. The pause didn't last long as his eyes opened sharply to watch you when he felt the familiar warmth of your mouth around his shaft.
He licked his lips slowly as he watched you suckle your way up to the tip. "You like sucking cock, don't you?" he was gazing lovingly at you, but his eyes were dark and intense as they watched his length begin to disappear in and out of your mouth. Your head was bobbing slowly up and down, and he could feel your tongue pressing and rubbing against the sensitive underside, teasing and playing with it.
"Mmhmm!" You didn't skip a beat as your head began to twist slowly side to side, grating the roof of your mouth along him as you kept up the suction.
"Good girl." His eyes closed and his head lolled back on the pillow, loving every movement. Your mouth was so warm, so wet, so eager, so—
"FUCK!" He swore loudly and opened his eyes in shock as you abruptly took him in all the way. He peered down at you. Your nose was pressing into his pubic hair and your fingers were beginning to stroke his balls gently. His hand flew to your head and worked its way into your mane of hair that was falling over his right thigh. He wound his fingers into the soft thickness before resting his hand on your head, still entwined in the silky tangles. He heard you make a noise in response that he thought was supposed to be a moan but all he could hear was his own groan as he felt his entire shaft and head vibrate deep in your throat. "Oh my Circe!"
You pulled your head up, breathing deeply and gripping him in your hand, "You called?" You grinned at him wickedly.
He gazed at you a second: your eyes were alive, your lips were darker and swollen from the suction you had been expertly applying, and his fingers were still netted in your tousled waves. He closed his eyes and shook his head as he laughed at your retort, gently putting a little pressure on your head to encourage you back down to his shaft. "Your mouth is so goo-aaahhh..." He groaned as you pressed your lips on the underside of the head and sucked on it hard.
"I'm glad you like it." You smiled at him genuinely and sweetly.
Severus watched you intently as the smile spread to your eyes and your slippery fingers began to stroke him. You pressed your lips to the head again and kissed it softly. He closed his eyes briefly at the feel of your hot breath washing over his groin. You planted kisses up and down his shaft before making him take a deity’s name in vain as you again slid him slowly all the way into your throat.
"Can you taste yourself on my cock?" His eyes never stopped following yours. You nodded as best as you could with a mouth full of dick, holding his gaze. He used his free hand to brush more locks out of your face and into the pile of hair that he was now gripping harder. You began to slide him slowly in and out of your mouth, taking him all the way to the hilt each time and watching him intently as you did. Your tongue was working its magic and your eyes smiled every time he groaned.
"Fuck.” He weakly groaned. “That's it - put your ass in the air… I'm going to fuck the shit out of you." He swore.
You scrambled to move off him and brushed your hair out of your face, grinning like the cat that ate the canary, “Yes, please!”
"You look pleased about this." He scoffed, kissing your forehead and sitting up.
You raised an eyebrow at him and bit your lip while obviously looking him up and down over your shoulder. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?” You rhetorically asked. A thought popped into your head and reminded you, “Wait, we're doing this wrong!"
He looked at you quizzically for a moment and then laughed as you spun around to face the mirror. You’d both been introduced to the addition of a mirror in your sex life, and after being obsessed with the idea of being able to watch your reflections, Severus had indulged you enough to agree. Secretly, you knew he liked being able to watch as you two fucked one another.
He moved up behind you and couldn't help returning your reflection's grin as he let his fingers wander over you for a moment. He broke your gaze to look down and let his eyes linger over the shapes of your body. His hands moved to the slope of your hips and he groaned a little as you began to move them back and forth, rubbing the roundness of your cheeks against him and spreading your wetness all over them both.
Severus raised his eyebrows at you and leaned over to again work a hand into the wild hair that was now every which way. He used the soft fistful to gently pull you back up off of your hands so you were sitting up on your knees in front of him and wrapped his other arm around your waist.
"I know I told you to get your ass in the air, but I changed my mind.” He admitted. “I want to watch you first." He explained as he eyed you in the mirror. His fingers stroked your skin and hair and he felt you tense in his arms as he pulled your head to the side and dove at your neck hungrily.
"Oh!" Your noise was guttural. Still high pitched and sweet, but it was the sound of your body contracting and forcing the air out of your lungs. You were so sensitive, so high strung and ready to release it all for him. He knew once you started to cascade again, you wouldn't stop, so he wanted to make you wait for it a little longer while he played with you.
You leaned into him and arched your back, wrapping your arms around his head as his lips nipping and kissing your neck made your blood churn. The brushes of his lips were like fire along your skin and your entire body felt like it had electricity moving through it. The tingles were all over and your nipples were swollen, begging for attention. You pressed his head into your neck, whimpering and shivering. You wanted him to touch you, touch your nipples, touch you neck, touch you all over.
"You're shaking." He nonchalantly murmured into your ear just before devouring it. He had no idea what he’d call the noise of pleasure you made in response, but it was somewhere in between a moan and a stifled cry of surprise. "You must be just… dying to be fucked." His deep voice dropped lower and he let his lips trail back down your neck and over your shoulder. Your eyes followed his, searing into him. He felt your chest move as your breath got heavier and he felt the blush move along your skin.
"Ohhhhhhh..." You melted against him when his hand moved up from your waist to cup your breast and stroke your nipple with the pads of his fingertips. "I love it when you touch my nipples.” You murmured and let your eyes close. You felt him smile against your neck and begin to kiss it again as he started to trail circles around the nipple in his fingers. "I want you inside me." You whined.
He chuckled a little and pushed his hips against you, “I know.” And let his length slide between your cheeks and up to the small of your back.
“In case I haven’t made myself clear, I want your fucking cock inside me." You whispered, but he could still hear the tone in which you spoke.
"I know." He whispered back, using the hand lost in your hair to guide your head so it was upright. "Open your eyes and look at how aroused you are.” He murmured in you ear and grabbed one of your hands that had knotted in his hair.
He pulled it down to put it on your clit and began to rub it with you and continued, "I can tell exactly what you want just from what you look like."
You opened your eyes and looked at him in the mirror as you made a soft noise of surprise when you saw the two of you. Your face, neck, and chest were noticeably flush with your heat and your nipples were hard and darker in color. Your breasts quivered as you touched your clit and your eyes were as dark as his were. Your hair was a mess in his hand and you loved the feeling of being held to him and touched. His other hand was roaming over you, squeezing your curves and teasing your skin.
"Fuck.” You breathed. Your eyes looked over yourself in the mirror and then settled on his. You bit your lip at him in the mirror and squirmed a little as your fingers moved against your swollen clit.
"Right?" he murmured and turned your head to kiss your lips. His free hand moved to your neck and he felt your body go a little limp as you lost herself in him again. His hand moved slowly up and down your side and ran fingers over your breasts, avoiding your nipples. You squirmed enough to break the kiss and he murmured against your lips, "You're so… soft to touch, I like my hands on you."
He could smell your scent on your fingers as your hands reached behind his head to avoid squirming away again. "I love kissing you while you touch me." You mumbled in between nips at his lips and flicks of your tongue. You felt him let go of your hair and pull you closer, wrapping his arms around you and running hands all over your thighs, arms, neck, and torso as he deepened the kiss and made a quiet groan of agreement.
Your fingers wound their way into the long strands above his ears and gripped hard as you squeaked into his mouth from his fingers finding both your nipples. The squeak became a loud whimper and your body rattled against him as the fingertips began to circle and gently rub over your hard bundle of nerves. He knew if he kept it up properly you’d lose your mind, but he had to make sure he didn't lose his first. Your shivering and writhing was sliding your soft skin all along him and he was gritting his teeth to avoid getting lost in it.
He nipped at your lower lip, “Why do you like me touching you so much?" He moved from your mouth to nuzzle and nip at your earlobe again. His voice was low and teasing, drawing his words out evenly and calmly. Using the mirror, he watched you hang onto each one as your face began to contort with pleasure from his touches.
The soft noises of enjoyment you were making from being petted, and the sharper gasps when he found a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, were also beginning to be too much. He loved how you sounded and he knew you’d sound even more delicious when it was him inside you that was making you do it.
“Hmm?” You let one of your hands go from his hair to grip his forearm as he moved. You gasped as you buried your face in his neck and pressed your back firmly up against him.
Severus stopped moving his fingers for a moment and listened to your deep breaths, “I said, why do… you like my… fingers on… your… nipples?"
The soft drawl of his morning voice had been one that always pulled you in, "Gonnamakemecum.” You mumbled desperately into his neck.
"This is going to make you cum?" He began moving his fingers gently over the stiff buds again.
"Yes!" You yelped and threw your head back against his shoulder, arching your back in surprise from the sudden movement.
"When?" He smiled at the sight of you stretched out along him and lost in the moment.
You answered in the form of a squeak. One hand gripped the hair at the nape of his neck tightly and the other was gripping onto his wrist. Your knees were spread wide and your ankles were outside his, letting him see the wetness on your lips slightly in the mirror while you leaned back against him. He let a hand wander down to your clit for a second to see how wet you were.
“No!" You whimpered and tugged on his hand to put it back on your breast.
He chuckled, "You really want me to keep doing that, do you?"
"Yes!" Your voice was tense and your eyes were clamped shut. Your breathing was heavy and he could feel the tension in your body.
"It feels like you're close.” He extended his index fingers and stroked in small circles around your nipples and areoles in time with each other. “You are so close.” He whispered in your ear and began to kiss down your neck toward one of your sensitive spots.
“Yesss.” You drew out the word in a hiss as you began to shake. An image came to his mind of a rubber band ready to snap as he watched you carefully.
"Good girl.” Severus pressed his lips and sucked gently on your neck where he knew it would set you off. He smiled as you shrieked his name loudly and your body rattled all over. He loved it when he was right.
You pushed back against him, shaking and moaning for many, many seconds. He continued to move his light touches in circles as you began to buck your hips backward gently. The gentle movement caused the soft skin of your ass to again rub up against his shaft, nestled against it, and he groaned softly - enjoying the feeling as he smiled at what he saw in the mirror. He took you in from the slight flush on your cheeks and chest; to how your breasts shook gently with your orgasm; to the arch of your hips; to the delicious swollen lips of your pussy still waiting for him to touch them.
“There you are, beautiful,” he murmured soothingly. “Another?” He kept moving his fingers on your nipples, watching your chest rise and fall more rapidly as you began to ramp up again.
You kept your eyes screwed shut and let out soft, rapid moans just before tensing up and letting out a high-pitched scream. He grinned again and muttered half to himself, "There it is." He kept stroking your nipples and watched you ride the second set of waves, patiently waiting until you calmed. He let go just as you came down and moved his arms down to wrap around your middle, holding you still and watching you catch your breath.
"Mm." You breathed as you felt his fingers move to stroke the skin of your sides. You tilted your head up and opened your eyes to see him smiling with that rare look of his and resting his chin on your shoulder. Your hair was thrown over your face from tossing your head against him and you could see the slight sheen of sweat on your nose. You smiled back and let your head fall back again, eyes closing as you relaxed a moment.
Severus didn't leave you alone long. Your hand gripped his wrist hard as his fingers worked their way into your slippery folds and began to flick back and forth. "Fuck!" You groaned through gritted teeth as he began to drag his index and middle finger around the small bundle of nerves up and down, tugging on your hood and putting pressure on your entire swollen mound. Within seconds, you were whimpering his name again and he held you to him as you shivered against his chest.
"Look at me while you cum," he ordered. “I want to watch you while you fall apart from my fingers."
"Oh fuck!" You were trembling with pleasure and hung on to each word as he stroked you. His touches got firmer as he moved lower and began to grind into your swollen clit while reaching from behind to dip fingers into your warmth.
“You're so wet.” He nipped your ear as he felt your inner walls contract hard around his fingers. "I love how your cunt feels. You're so fucking tight.” He groaned.
"I thought you said you were going to fuck the life out of me," You bit your lip and looked at him directly in his eyes in the mirror. "Don't you want to feel that around your cock?"
"Don't worry, I will.” He loved watching the way you smiled softly every time you contracted around his hand, but you were getting to him. "You've got me so hard for you, I feel like I'm going to explode. I have to be careful not to cum as soon as I get in you.”
Your soft laugh turned into a sharp inhale as he moved his hand up to touch a nipple. "Ah!" You moaned.
He groaned softly, "You make quite the symphony. All of these… noises you make drive me mad." He pulled his fingers away and rested them on your hips, stroking them gently.
You grinned at him in the mirror and grabbed the hand that had been in your pussy. Raising it to your mouth, you extended your tongue and began to delicately lick his index and middle finger while staring right into his eyes. He watched and felt the velvet touch on his fingers, his mouth dropping open slightly as his blood all went straight for his groin.
"That's... not helping my sanity.” Severus admitted as you sucked the fingers into your mouth and swirled your tongue around them, sucking them like you had his cock earlier. "Oh, that's definitely not helping.” He groaned and pulled them away to grip your hips again.
Your laugh matched your eyes as you waited patiently, letting your own hands idly slide over your nipples and clit before reaching back to stroke his outer thighs and to wrap your fingers around his throbbing hardness. "That's also not helping!" He grabbed your hands and locked his fingers in yours, putting them back up behind his head and in his hair. "Don't move them.” He warned into your ear.
His own hands ran over your sides and stomach, trailing his fingertips all over you. You sighed and felt the goosebumps form where they touched as they stroked lightly over your sensitive skin. "Oh, so you can rile me up, but I can't touch you?" You pouted.
"I don't cum a handful of times like you do,” he countered. “So you're going to give me a minute and you're going to be a good girl and let me keep you going while I do because I… enjoy it.” He said matter-of-factly and smirked again at another moan as he trailed his fingers down your spine.
"Yes, sir.” You mumbled as you felt your nipples tighten at the electricity moving along your skin. "I like the way you touch me all over and I like how it makes me wet. You’d been watching him in the mirror again.
"Oh, Princess, I can tell. You're such a sensitive thing.” He cooed. “You're fun to touch." He planted kisses along your earlobe between words.
You smiled shyly at him and nodded, your eyes closing as your head tilted to allow him better access to your neck. He laughed a little as he obliged and teased, "You don't seem to be complaining about me touching you anymore."
"I didn't complain about you touching me, I complained that I wanted to touch you. There’s a difference.” You opened your eyes and raised an eyebrow at him.
He spanked you lightly but suddenly, startling you and forcing a small yelp out of your mouth. "That’s enough, get your ass in the air for me, your cunt is mine.” Pushing between your shoulder blades sharply, you gave him another surprised noise as you fell on your hands and knees.
"Yes, sir!" You groaned and shifted, raising your ass in the air and grinning as you wiggled it against him.
"Déjà vu.” He muttered and grabbed the base of his very stiff erection. You had been squirming and sliding your wetness all over him for the past little while and he was extremely riled up. It was hot and swollen and heavy in his hand and he slapped it against your clit a few times before stroking the head along your wet slit.
"Tease.” You breathed and closed your eyes in the mirror, feeling the mushroom ridge catch in your opening over and over.
He paused and you let out a whine of complaint, "I can stop, if you want.” He offered, leaning back and looking all too smug at the frantic push back of your ass into him.
"Fuck no, don't stop, please, please, ple—oh FUCKING HELL!" Your head dropped and then snapped up to look at him through the mirror as he pushed into you quickly and deeply. He bit his lip and watched your features intently — your eyebrows contorted, it seemed your eyes lost focus in a way, and your mouth opened a little as you let out a long, guttural groan. It wasn't very loud, but it was one of intense satisfaction and he could feel why — your pussy was gripping him like a vise and rippling all along him. He held onto your hips for a few moments, watching you attentively before tilting his own head back and enjoying the sensations.
You felt so good. Your warmth was rippling and squeezing around him as the pressure of his invasion began to push on your pleasure points. He wanted to hold still as long as possible, but you took matters into your own hands and began to rotate your hips, causing your ass to bounce back and forth on him. "Fuck.” He muttered and grabbed your waist, watching the round globes wiggle against his abdomen and watching his cock disappear and reappear between them. He looked up into the mirror and saw your breasts swaying back and forth with your movement. He groaned and began to pound into you.
"Yes!” You almost screamed, his hips pushing into you again and again. Every stroke in and out of you made you shiver and your walls kept clenching and relaxing around him as you kept orgasming in cascades. Your head drooped down as you moaned but let out a loud yelp when a sharp spank on your ass prompted you to look up.
"Eyes on me, Sweetheart, I want to watch you cum." His voice was quiet and low as he watched you intently.
"You make me cum so much.” You whimpered and dropped your torso to turn your pelvis upward in the air.
Your knees were splayed a little now, and he stopped and pulled up on your hipbones to raise them higher. His hands wandered over you as you shifted upwards and he groaned a little, feeling you grip him and the angle of the pressure change around him. When you settled again, he was squeezing both your cheeks and was grinding his hips in small circles into your hot wetness. Your shoulders were pressed on the bed but you were looking up and watching him intently in the mirror.
"I know.” He whispered back, "And I'm going to continue to do so." He began to pump in and out of you slowly, watching your face change as his length slid in and out and you began to fall apart all over again.
“Ohhhh.” Your moan was loud and long and your eyes were closed tightly.
"Do… you… like… my… cock?" He punctuated the word with a single hard fast thrust in and smiled at the shivers he saw ripple through you.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes,” you chanted. “I fucking love your cock!" Your voice was strained and he could feel the muscles under his hands and around his shaft trembling.
"You must," he ran his hands soothingly over your lower back. “You wouldn't cum so much if you didn't."
You made a noise in response that he took to mean an agreement and he leaned over to ease his fingers into your hair again. Your head was hanging between your quivering arms and your hair pooled onto your shoulders. He tugged it up gently and reached another hand under you to touch your swollen clit while he was buried inside you. "Look up, remember?” He reminded you. “I want to watch you as you lose it from my cock inside you — it's so bewitching watching you, Y/n; knowing it's because of me."
Your eyes snapped open as your brain short-circuited from what you were hearing and the mention of your name. You nodded and bit your lip as he began to slide in and out again. He pulled your hair along your back as he wound his fingers out of it, kneeling properly upright behind you now. "Please fuck me.” You whispered. His hands began to move over your hips and sides.
"But I am fucking you," He said innocently as he continued to slide in and out slowly. "You don't feel it? I thought you liked my cock.”
"I love your cock.” You purred, looking into his eyes. "What you're doing right now is so fucking nice," you wiggled your hips when he was fully inside you, making you both groan. "But I want to feel you take me hard and fast. I want to hear you slam into me as you fuck me and I want to watch you in the mir—oh Severus!"
He needed no more convincing of the idea. He grabbed you and pushed into you hard and fast, wanting to bury himself as deep in you as he could. He could hear how wet you were and could feel it on his thighs. "You're so wet for me, such a naughty, little minx.” Severus never took his eyes off yours and watched while you fought to keep yours open. He moved quickly, loving the delicious friction.
"So good, so good, your dick is so good.” You were chanting whatever dirty thoughts were in your pleasure-ridden brain as you quivered and arched and bucked against him.
"What do you like about my dick?" He was getting into his cadence now and the wet, sticky sounds of your pussy taking him filled the room with a steady rhythm.
"Ugh, slow… down!" You made a mewling noise as your body crashed into an especially intense climax.
He had no mercy. Keeping up his pace and giving you a spank he asked again, "My dick. Why do you want it?"
"So good.” You barely got the words out after a loud shriek from the spank.
"Why? Why is my dick so good?" He leaned over to grip your hair and pulled your upper body up to arch. He saw the grin on your face as your eyes closed and you groaned at feeling him push deeply into you. He began to move his hips slowly in small circles and ground into you slowly. Every rotation caused a breathy groan and a flutter of your slick walls wrapped around him as he caught his breath a bit and watched your response.
You let out a whining noise and looked at his reflection desperately, trying to wiggle your hips to rock him against your sensitive spot inside you. He grabbed your shoulder with his free hand, leaning them both back, and began to rock firmly upwards into you. You were shivering and smiling each time he moved back and forth the couple of inches, wiggling your hips back and forth against him. He shook his head and pulled out only to firmly pound into you three times more, grabbing you to him and holding you on his shaft. He waited for the long loud moan and the shivering to stop patiently before looking at you in the eye in the mirror and smirking knowingly, "I think you should tell me why you like it now."
You made a loud noise that almost sounded desperate. "Fuck, more, please! It's so fucking big, so thick, I love feeling my cunt cum around it and grab it.” You finally answered. “I love how you're the perfect length too, so you can fuck me hard and I can ride you without it hurting and it just feels so good; and I like the ridge on the top of it and how it feels on my g-spot when you rock into me and I like licking my tongue over it when I suck you and also that underside part and I like that it—” You interrupted your own monologue with another scream of pleasure as he began thrusting into you anew.
"You’re such a good girl.” He gasped as he gripped your shoulders and watched you close your eyes and smile slightly as you fell apart again. Being able to see you in the mirror amplified his desire as he watched you respond to him.
When you lost yourself in it, you always smiled after each climax and he got a rush knowing it was him making this deliciousness happen. You never had to tell him it was happening; he could always tell from how much your hips shook and of course there was always the exquisite feeling of your tight pussy milking at him.
"I like it when you call me your girl.” You murmured a little shyly after your trembling subsided.
"You do? I couldn't tell.” He teased, running his hands over your back. "I like it when you cum.” He watched you carefully as he trailed his fingers over every sensitive spot he could find.
The flush on your skin deepened a little and you arched into his touch, making you both groan from the feeling of the angle change. He could feel the usual tensing in his groin and his hands flew to grip your sides firmly. "I have to be careful, darling, you feel too good and sound too good and look too good," he warned as he slowed down and felt more hot trickles trace down his balls. "Fuck, you're so wet for me.” He watched you nod eagerly in response.
"You make me soaked.” You gave him a satisfied smile as your statement was punctuated by a few especially wet-sounding slaps of his hips against you.
"I can hear that.” He laughed and closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the sensation of sliding into your slick walls. "I can feel it too.” He groaned when his fingertips made indents into your ass.
Another high-pitched happy noise filled the room as his thrusts escalated into the rhythm that would do him in. "Oh, fuuuuck.” You breathed, drawing out the word and pushing back and up into him. You felt your body's primal instinctive response of spreading your thighs and rotating your hips to take him as deep as possible. "It's so fucking good, I can't even..." Your voice trailed off as your eyes unfocused again.
"That's it, beautiful, cum for me.” He moved one hand back to your shoulder, holding you in place. You were covered in a sheen of sweat, your hair was tangled and half in your face, you had the faint outlines of handprints on your ass, and your face was contorted in bliss. He laughed in delight as he felt a more substantial amount of your juices on his thighs and heard the thrusts into you become a sloppy series of wet slapping noises.
Severus gasped, "Oh, good girl.” Trying hard to keep his hips moving at the exact same angle and depth, his efforts were rewarded with more wetness and a sharp cry. He looked at you, concerned, but continued when he saw you biting your lip and smiling. He ground his hips into you and grinned when your shoulders and head crumpled to the sheets. Your fingers were twisting the bedding and you were making soft whimpering noises with every movement. "How do you feel with it inside you?"
"So full.” You wailed into the pillow as you trembled against him.
"So full?” He questioned. “Do you like how full I make you feel?" He trailed his fingers on your back again and kept up the slow grind.
Your brain was foggy and all you could think about were the fireworks of electricity radiating from your skin and your pussy all over you. Your body was trembling with pleasure, sometimes in orgasm, sometimes in just sheer bliss at the feeling of him pushing inside you. Somewhere in your mind you reminded yourself to look up into the mirror and felt your loins twitch at what you saw looking back. His coal, black eyes were intently focused on you and his hands were white-knuckled, gripping your hips and ass. His smile had faded and he was biting his lower lip, watching you struggle to function.
"Do you like how full I make you feel?" He uttered again, watching you react to his thickness pressing into your walls.
"Damn you, why are you always so put-together?" You complained only briefly before howling, "YES!" Aloud when he reared back and bucked into you hard and fast — five times exactly. You whined when he stopped and looked up at him, begging with your eyes.
He sent you a playful brow raise, but his voice contrasted that when it was clearly a little strained, "Because you have to be the alluring hot mess… obviously." He was deliberately trying to buy some more time buried in you and was trying to hold his slow pace.
"Oh for fuck's sake, fucking fill me up with your fucking cock already and fuck me hard! My cunt needs to feel fucking full or I'm going to go fucking crazy!" You spoke softly but urgently and looked at him desperately in the mirror.
He pursed his lips thoughtfully, “You know, I think you used the word 'fuck' in every part of speech you could have, there, other tha—oh fuck.” His attempt at stalling and teasing you was thwarted as you spread your knees, tilted your hips backward, and clenched every muscle you could. You wrapped your feet around the back of his calves and pushed him in as deep as you could and milked him with your inner walls rhythmically, making you both groan.
"Please fuck me hard? Please?" Every nerve ending on your body needed him to grab you and take you and make you scream. You looked at him in the mirror and held still, watching, waiting, hoping.
He was taking deep breaths as he used his hands to adjust your hips. He leaned over slowly and you shivered as his hot breath washed on your ear and neck, “As you wish.” He suavely murmured, wrapping the other arm around you and grabbing a breast. "Hold on, I don't know if I can stop this time.” He warned, eyeing you in the mirror.
"No, no, no, don't stop,” you encouraged. “Take me, love, please, take it, give it to me, give it.” You were rambling loudly as he moved you like a ragdoll wherever he wanted you. You didn’t care about what you sounded like, or anything anymore, other than the deliciousness pushing inside you. You wanted it to make you scream until you were sore. You could hear the creamy noises being made as he moved against you slowly and made a short whimper in desperation when he stopped shifting. He paused momentarily and you watched him in silence, tense and waiting. Your bodies were still for a few seconds until your walls twitched around him again.
"Ohhhh.” He growled and gave up.
He watched your free breast bounce as he tweaked the nipple in his hand and moved his mouth to your neck. He felt you more than heard you whine as his lips and teeth marked you behind your ear and he licked the newly-formed red spot. He dove lower, knowing you’d kill him for it later, but didn't care as he left another welt in the hollow of your neck where you were most sensitive. He was rewarded with your body rattling against him again and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "I love how easy you are to play with."
You let out another high-pitched sound in response that turned into a longer moan as you fell apart around him again. You could hear what he was saying to you but had no idea how to respond in any language. Your brain was firing with every touch and you were entirely lost in everything he was doing. Your skin was on fire and you were happily soaking you both and the sheets with every thrust, in and out. He let go of your hair to wrap his other arm around your waist for stability and your own hands grabbed the tops of his, gripping onto him. Your face was twisted in bliss and leaning into his neck as you melted into him.
"FuckIloveyourcock.” You managed to say almost all as one word, bucking especially hard, and writhed with a new climax.
"Do you ever stop!” Severus grinned at you and closed his eyes at the sensations of you grappling at him. "I feel like you're going to fucking pinch me off!"
"You know the answer to that better than I do.” Your eyes were closed and your face was pressed into him but he could feel and see your smile in the mirror.
"Challenge accepted.” He muttered, "I'm gonna wear this cunt out if it's the last thing I do today."
"Promise?" You tilted your head up to nip his jawline.
He slowed his thrusts down to catch his breath and turned your head to kiss you deeply. You nipped at his lips with your own and inhaled sharply when he grabbed the back of your neck and devoured your mouth. He let go to trace his lips along the two marks he made on your neck earlier. "Promise. But I think I want your legs over my shoulders now." He informed you.
You made an excited noise and wiggled away from him gently, making you two groan a little as you moved off him. His entire length was drenched in your juices, as were his thighs and yours. "Messy girl.” He gave your ass a light slap.
"I've been needing this for a while, it's no wonder.” You smiled bashfully and moved to sit alongside him, leaning in for another kiss. He was less urgent this time, returning your nips and licks and slowly moving to kneel between your spread legs.
"You have?" His voice was playful, posing the question as a surprise as he grabbed your hips and shifted you into position.
"Uh-huh.” You nodded and watched wide-eyed as he moved each knee to his shoulders. Your hips lifted up off the bed and he guided his hard cock to your waiting, needy entrance. "I've been wanting this especially.” You ran your fingers along the tops of his milky thighs, loving the feel of his skin.
"What do you mean, 'this'?" He pressed further as he placed kisses on your calves next to his head. He was hitched at your entrance and was moving with you, teasing you again.
"I love it when you fuck me like this because I like how deep inside me you’re able to get.” You were watching him as much as he was watching you. "Please slide it in me?" You whispered.
Severus nodded, as if there was any other option, “I will.” He nipped at your ankle with his teeth. His hands ran over your legs back and forth gently as he rubbed the head against your wetness.
You bit your lip and waited patiently, running your hands over the tops of his thighs in return. You bit down harder on your lip as you watched his mouth nibble along the soles of your feet and nip at your pedicured toes. "Fuck, why do you always tease me?" Your words sounded annoyed, but you were smiling at him.
"Because you love it so much more when I stop.” He grinned at you and wrapped his lips around a toe. He smirked at how you arched and made a mewling noise, shivering underneath him, "Plus you just like it. You know I'm right."
Your eyes were screwed shut but you beamed as your fingers dug into his thighs. You repeated your former noise with new volume and threw your head back when his mouth moved to the other foot and his tongue circled the tip of another toe. He unwrapped his arms from around your legs and pushed his hips forward to slide all the way into you. He watched you tremble and shiver around him a moment before nipping the toe that was between his lips one last time and moving down to nibble and kiss your exposed neck. He leaned down on his forearms so his hands could work into your hair while he nibbled upward toward your mouth and began to rock his hips back out of you.
"Oh, oh, oh..." Your neck was tense and your voice was strained as you spread your legs wide to take him. Your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs wrapped around his waist as he rolled his hips in circles, stroking his cock smoothly in and out of you. You were so wet for him and he could feel your walls rippling and gripping his shaft, spreading your mess all over. He muffled your noises with kisses and felt your body tense anew, your hands flying to touch his head and shoulders. "Fuck!" You whimpered into his attentive mouth as you shivered.
"Yes, sweetheart, cum for me." Planting kisses around your ear, he murmured encouragement and felt you grapple at his hair. "Good girl, I love how your pussy feels around my cock when you cum.” You squealed in response as your hands grabbed and twisted into the bedsheets.
His hips were moving firmly at the same slow pace he could keep up for ages and he was watching your face intently as it emoted the exquisite chaos ripping through your body. He began to angle his thrusts differently, probing for the perfect one. He knew he'd found it when your eyes opened wide, your hands flew to his neck, your toes curled, and you screamed his name. He grinned at you and repeated the motion again and again, watching your hair tangle as your head moved against the pillow, "That's it... I love feeling your pussy squeeze me like that."
Your body was on fire as your nerves fired and your muscles were twitching uncontrollably, making you shiver underneath him. You foggily felt a familiar twinge deep inside you and dug your nails into his thigh, eyes working hard to focus on him. "I'm... I'm... going to..." You tried to warn and before he could understand what you’d meant he felt a surge of wetness on his pelvis.
"Exquisite." He grinned and watched your eyes flutter and close. "I love it when I make you do that, you're so fucking wet for me.” He was kissing you and murmuring against your mouth, reveling in how you moaned into his.
His hands were still stroking your hair and cheek as he settled on his knees more solidly and kept up the same angle. He felt the hot stickiness splatter on him again and again as he pushed into you and felt your walls seizing and pushing back, "Yes, Princess, juice all over my cock again like you were earlier, I fucking love how wet your cunt is.” He moved his kisses back to your ear and felt you clench harder around him.
Your brain was having the equivalent of a nuclear meltdown. You were hanging on to him for dear life, arms and legs wrapped around him as he drew orgasm after orgasm out of you. "I love your cock so much." You managed to breathe in between body spasms as you kissed him back and tried to keep your eyes open and in focus. "You feel so good, I love how you make me cum!" Your last word was drawn out and emphasized with another smaller trickle of juices down his balls.
"Good girl.” He murmured, licking your lips. "I love how I make you cum, too.” He gently smiled at you as your damp, sweaty hair got tossed over your eyes. He gently brushed it back and kissed your forehead. "I'm going to cum soon.” He groaned and ground his hips especially deeply into you, chest swelling cockily at your sharp gasp. "You feel too fucking good," He leaned down and nipped your neck and asked, “Where do I cum?”
You closed your eyes for a few seconds, loving every second of the good rutting you were getting, before trying to focus on him. "Inside me, please?" You begged, "I love it when you cum inside me because you don't stop while you do; and you push into me so deep; and I love how you feel when you pound into me hard; and I love how you grab me; and I love how your cum feels in my pussy and makes it so much more wet."
"You’re always so wet already, how can you tell I've cum?" He smirked at you, breathing heavily with the effort of fucking you and holding off the orgasm as long as possible.
"Because it's cumming in and not going out.” You grinned wickedly at him before making another loud whimper. He couldn't help but let out a couple of chuckles that threw his groove off.
"You're ridiculous.” Severus stopped altogether and snickered back, "Look what you made me do.” He shook his head at you and gave you another hard thrust that made you moan.
"If it gets me fucked longer, I'm not complaining!" Your Cheshire Cat grin earned you another roll of his hips that wiped it off your face quickly and replaced it with a gasp.
"Then you get on top and fuck me." He winked at you and moved away, his groin and hips shimmering from your mess.
You smiled and moved aside so he could lie down and laughed when you saw the sheets. "Oops.” You pointed at the wet spots made from the onslaught of your juices. You looked at his legs and bit your lip when you saw he was soaked from bellybutton to knee. "Sorry, Sev." You laughed softly and ran your fingers through your hair, grimacing at feeling the sweat.
"Luckily for us, we’re able to use magic. You may as well make a bigger mess.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and laid back, his fingers running over his swollen erection. It wasn't throbbing as much as it was a minute ago, but he was still very close and very sensitive. "Oh, no, no." He groaned when you quickly ran your tongue over him and took him a few times into your throat. "No, not unless you want me to cum in your mouth." He warned and gripped the base of his cock. "You've pushed me so close.” He grumbled.
Your laugh in response was quiet as you moved to lift a leg over him and straddle his hips. You started rocking back and forth, dragging his hard cock against your slit. The two of you moaned when you pushed it against your opening and lingered there. He held onto your hips and thrust upward, but you moved your hips so he just slid along you again. You laughed at his glare, "You're not the only one who can tease." Raising your knee, you reached back to grab his shaft and guide him into you quickly. You sat back down on him and both groaned. "Damn, that never stops feeling so good.” You sighed.
He hummed in agreement, eyes closed and waiting more patiently now that he was inside you again. His hands felt their way up your legs and torso to run over your breasts and circle your nipples. He bit his lip as he felt the goosebumps form on your sides and your nipples swell and harden. He teased them lightly with his fingertips and opened his eyes to watch you when he heard you suck in your breath and felt your cunt twitch around him. "Be a good girl and ride me.” His smile was soft and he looked up at you expectantly.
Settling your hips and writhing them, you began to rotate them in circles, immediately groaning with delight. "Oh fuck,” you groaned. “Your cock."
"Yes, darling. Take it.” He urged and bucked his hips upward a few times.
You kept the motion up, raising and lowering yourself on his hard shaft. You leaned forward and worked your fingers into his, locking his hands and pinning them down to the bed. You kissed him, moaning softly into his mouth as your walls contracted around him again. You weren’t gushing as much as you had been, but were still messily dripping juice down to the base of his shaft. You began a rhythm of pushing down and grinding your hips before sliding back up and the gyrating was smearing your mess all over his hips and your thighs.
"Youfeelsogood!" You whimpered in one quick breath, your voice strained with your body's convulsions.
"Your pussy feels so good around me, I love how you cum for my cock.” He worked a hand loose to cup a breast and fondled your nipple. He didn't expect you to collapse on him as your other elbow gave out and you dropped to your forearms. You were crying his name over and over as he kept up the petting on your nipple and he worked his other hand out of yours to wrap around you again. "I'm gonna cum, you feel too good.” He alerted you, then groaned while you shivered with a new onslaught of contractions.
"Give me your cum.” You urged and pushed your hips down harder and faster, "I want it, give it to me". You used what little of your brain was still functioning to focus on grinding down onto him as hard as you could to force him in as deep as you could. You loved feeling him inside you and loved your hot, messy fucking. The slaps of your ass down onto his hips were loud in the bedroom, your juices made the noise even more sticky. Your thighs squeezed his waist just as his hand behind your back moved to grip your hip. You squeaked again with his hand moving from one nipple to the other and kissed him urgently.
"Fuck, your cunt.” His hands flew to your hips and he held you down as he moved his hips in a rhythm he knew he couldn't keep up. He returned your frantic kisses and felt the buildup happen inside him. His vocalizations were softer and quicker but far more frequent and he was trying to keep his eyes open to watch you as you continued to enjoy yourself. His thoughts were foggy, but he was focused on your eyes watching him back. They were darker than normal and intense and stood out against your heated skin.
"Yes, fuck my pussy.” You grinned wickedly at him and watched how he fought to keep his eyes open too. His hips moved more erratically and he was breathing heavily. "Yes, cum inside me, cum with me.” You encouraged and pushed down hard onto him a few times, feeling him nudge deep inside you.
Your moan matched his first of many as he gritted his teeth and bucked hard into you with purpose several times, with you grinding your hips into him, and felt your nipples drag on his chest. "Yes, love, yes.” You hissed, feeling everything get twice as wet and sticky. You watched his face relax; his eyes closed and his mouth curled in a small smile while you kept moving your hips gently and squeezing your muscles along him. "Mmm. That looked good.” You twinkled down at him.
He opened one eye. "Fuck.” Was all he had to say and patted your rear with one hand while wrapping the other arm around your back to hold you to him. He moaned softly and his eye closed again as you kissed him.
"Good morning.” You murmured after a few moments, "I hope you don't mind how I woke you up, I thought you might not complain."
He eased you off him and into his arms next to him, grabbing the blankets and covering you both. He yawned and he pulled you close, savoring the feeling of your lips press into his chest. "You can try it again later.” He chuckled and felt your lips curl into a smile against him as you planted kisses along his collarbone.
"Yes, sir.” You sighed, his hand stroking your cheek.
He chuckled, “What a morning.”
That was a lot hotter than I expected it to be whew 🥵… Let me know what you think! 🖤🖤
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bittenlove · 3 years
Remind Yourself Of Who I Am
request: Hi! So I was wondering if you could make one where the reader is trying to seem all tough and stuff, claiming that they could totally be the dom in their relationship, and Snape is all like “Oh really” and yeah, take it where you want, hopefully to something smutty? Pretty please?
prompt: while having a conversation about you two’s relationship, you decided to be bold and tell Snape that you could be in charge in bed if you wanted. Finding it a challenge, Snape chuckles and immediately takes control, showing you who really is in charge.
warnings: smutty smut smut, really crappy prompt summary, daddy kink, hair pulling, spanking
note: sorry for the v short and crappy summary. its v late for me and i gotta get up fOR FOURTH OF JULY BABY. fun fact: the 13 colonies actually didnt declare their independence on july 4th, it was actually on august 2nd.
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Sitting down next to you in your warm house was your husband, Severus Snape. A dark, brooding man who’d scared you the first time you saw him. However, new teachers had to become comfortable with their colleagues. Conversation turned into more and you could actually get words out of the man.
You weren’t sure how you ended up married, but after a couple years of knowing Severus and of course dating, he finally popped the question. You weren’t expecting it, but who does expect a proposal?
One thing that always attracted you to him was his dominance. Being a 6’1 man, he towered over you and he was not afraid to assert that he was the dom in the relationship. You weren’t afraid of being dominant in bed, but you always liked when Severus took control of you.
Severus at the moment was reading the newspaper, his legs touching the floor beneath him. You sat sideways and leaned against the side of the couch, your legs resting over his groin.
Your fingers rested against your book, your eyes being shown from above the book. His face was stern yet calm, the fire from the fireplace showing over the magazine and his face. His black hair was strown around yet he was so peaceful.
Smirking, you somehow gained some confidence you never had, “I want to try something different tonight, with us. I can be dominant in the bedroom so I will.”
Silence flooded the room until a slight chuckle came from your husband. Severus folded the newspaper he was holding and looked at you, “oh really? Is that what you think is going to happen, darling?”
His gaze on you sen a shiver down your spine. However, you wanted to show him you weren’t kidding…well, that you wouldn’t crack, “it is. I can take charge! And I will, tonight!”
Severus let out what seemed to be a laugh again, “bend over.”
You scoffed and let out a nervouse smile, “n-no. Severus Snape, I am telling you now that I am-“ He cut you off by grabbing your waist and turned you over with a yelp. Your backside was now turned to him with your crotch over his. “If you truly think,” Severus started, “that you’re going to take control of me tonight, go ahead and try.”
You licked your lips, your pussy already starting to get wet from his voice and the way he took control. Turning your head to barely look at him, you saw his smirk. He knew he had won.
His hands slowly went up the back of your legs, fingers barely grazing the material of your leggings that covered them. Finally reaching your ass, he kneaded your cheeks which released a moan from you. Hearing that, he smacked your bottom.
You yelped then covered your mouth, not wanting to show Severus you enjoyed this. Hearing his soft laugh, your face went red when his hands went to where your leggings ended, raking them down your legs. Lifting your hips, you helped him take them off.
Your face turned a flush red when you knew your pants were down, revealing your white panties. Severus yanks them down to your knees and smoothes his hand over your round behind and whispers, “such a naughty, naughty girl.” He then slaps his hand on your ass, making you yelp once again.
“Daddy doesn’t like it when you act out cause that means Daddy has to reprimand you,” Severus said, his hand rubbing over your ass. You gasped, your pussy getting wetter with every word he said. You had known he had a daddy kink, but fuck it was hot.
Snape then turned you around and sat you up on your legs, putting you on his waist as he laid down. He looked up at you, “Now, be a good little girl and sit on Daddy’s face.”
You gasped and he smirked up at you while your face felt hot. “W-what?” you asked, your panties hovering over his erection. You were actually confused; wasn’t this a punishment?
Severus gripped your hips, “do as you’re fuckin’ told and put your pussy on my face.” You quickly listen and straddle his face, excitement coursing through your body. He locks his arms around your thighs to keep you down to his mouth.
Pushing your panties aside, you felt Severus’s fingers lightly brush against your pussy. You start to breathe heavily once his mouth forms a suction around your swollen bud but you grab onto his hands. You ride his face slowly at first, then he slaps your ass cheeks and begins to move your body up and down onto him.
Severus moans and hums into your wet pussy, lapping up the juices you’re making, tongue darting in and out and up and down. You moan loudly, your head falling back. You thrust your hips down into his face harder and faster, a knot forming in your stomach. You moaned, “fuck, Sev! I’m coming!” You then felt him stop, pulling away from your pussy. You groaned and saw him chuckling from below you.
You leaned back and fell against the couch, your hands reaching down and pulling off your panties. Severus then grabbed them and stuffed them in his pocket, rubbing your thighs. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it behind him, his cock straining through his pants. The material of his pants thrusted against your pussy and you moaned, wanting the friction.
Severus looked down at you, his hand grazing around your body, resting at your throat. You opened your mouth, lips waiting to be abused. He swooped down, his lips meeting yours in a heated, passionate kiss. He bit your lower lip, dragging it out then letting go, satisfied with how swollen your lips were now.
Keeping his hand around your throat, he tightened a bit as he used his other than to unzip his pants. “I’m going to fuck you and you don’t cum until I say so,” Severus said, pulling out his cock.
He stroked it a couple times, precum and sweat making it easier to stroke. You moaned at the sight and the feeling of his hand around your throat. Biting your lip, you looked up at Severus, “yes daddy.”
His eyes glowered at the name, “good girl.” Pushing in, he stopped a few times to let you get used to him. But he enjoyed hearing your moans, making you feel every vein in his cock.
He’s thick and long and absolutely perfect, stretching you in all the right ways. He sets up a steady rhythm, quick and hard. You knew Severus was losing control with the slight grip, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still feel amazing. Being used by him is such a turn on that you have to actively work to not cum.
He then lets go of your throat, leaning down and leaving kisses, a soft apology leaving his lips for grabbing you like that. You breathed heavily and rubbed his hair, assuring him that it was okay.
“You feel amazing,” Severus growls, leaning down to bite at your breasts. He thrusted harder, making sure to grip your sides, “ you’re going be walking funny all day and everyone’s going know why. You’re mine.”
You gasped as his mouth went around your nipple, “so much for…hnngh, being the dom tonight!”
Your body bounces on the couch beneath the both of you, unable to do anything. It doesn’t take Severus too long to cum for going on for what seemed like hours, and him being warm, wet, deep inside you, combined with the twitching of his cock and the deep noises Severus makes in his throat, is almost enough to push you over the edge.
He sucked on your nipple again, making you moan louder. “I feel you wanting to cum on my cock…good girl for following my rules,” he mumbled, his hands running down your stomach. Gripping your waist, he thrusted a bit more, “do you want to cum?”
You nodded and moaned, “please, daddy! Let me come.”
He teasingly pulled out of you then thrusted back in, “how do you ask your daddy?” His thumb rested on your clit, pressing softly.
Your lidded eyes met his, “please, daddy? Please can I cum?”
Severus smirked at your begging, “since you asked so nicely…” He hooks his arms under your thighs, lifting your hips to his face. His soft stubble scratches against your inner thighs, sure to leave a burn you’ll be enjoying later, and his mouth wraps around your clit.
You’ve been on edge so long that it only takes a gentle nibble to send you flying over the edge, so hard your vision whites out for a minute. He works you through it with a tenderness that would be unexpected if you didn’t know Severus as well as you do.
After you came, he let your body down on the couch as he pulled you with him, your body resting atop of his. After a couple minutes of silence, you chuckled, “I guess I’m no match for you in the bedroom.”
Severus dragged his long fingers along your back, chuckling, “only if you truly want to, my love. Are you alright?”
Smiling up at him with partly closed eyes, you softly kissed him on the lips, “I am fantastic. How are you?”
His fingers danced along your breasts and neck, “. .wonderful. You were so good for me…I love you, Y/N.”
You kissed him again, your hands resting on his cheek, “I love you too, Severus.”
He lightly smacked your bottom, “what was that?”
Laughing, you repeated yourself, “I love you too, daddy.”
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bittenlove · 3 years
Momma’s Boy
(This is a Yandere Severus Snape x Hufflepuff! Female Reader story :)) Sorry if this is too OOC!
TW: Bullying!, unhealthy feelings!, manipulation!, Mommy kink!, face sitting!, creampie!, Femdom!, consensual sex!, etc..
Please proceed with caution!)
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bittenlove · 3 years
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Day VI
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Hold Your Tongue
Requested: Hiya! ❤️ May I ask, if it's okay of course, for 10 and 4? (Both smut). You write heavenly!!! And, yeah, that's it, hope you're fine and coping well with life🌌
Prompt: “This cock isn’t going to suck itself.”
An: Thank you so much!! 🖤🖤! I’ve already done #4 for smut, so I’ll just be doing 10! 🥰
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, explicit content, face fucking, blowjobs, tad of degradation, cursing
He smirked broadly, arrogantly even, when he heard the quick footsteps and looked up to see you walking towards him with a purpose.
“Well, hello.” He greeted you, “Fancy seeing you here again so… soon.”
You gave him a look that bordered on contempt, and told him, "Would it hurt you to be quiet for once. Actually, just don't say anything!" And with that you dropped to your knees in front of him.
“You’re an eager little thing aren’t you?” He twirled a piece of your hair in his hand. When you hadn’t moved, he raised his signature brow, “What are you waiting for? This cock isn’t going to suck itself.”
“Sev, shut up.” You lightly demanded.
That scarce smile of his broke through at your cheek, “Yes, ma’am.”
You reached out for his numerous buttons and could tell by the fit of his trousers that his smile was not the only thing growing. Your mouth watered at the thought.
Once they were unfastened, you made quick work of the button and zipper and grabbed the smooth, cotton material, as well as the silky, inky black boxers underneath, and yanked them both down to his knees.
His growing cock sprung up and pointed itself right at your mouth, while somewhat still limp enough to droop in the middle. It was well on it's way to pointing at the dark ceiling.
You resisted the urge to wrap your fist around it and placed one hand on each of his hips, supporting yourself as you leaned forward and lashed your tongue around the tip of his cock.
It swung out of the way and you chased it around with your mouth, smearing your cheeks with your own saliva in the process. As your mouth licked and slurped his prick, it grew steadily, and soon you were able to wrap your lips on the underside of it's girth, running your mouth up and down the length as it pointed skyward.
You did so repeatedly, teasing with your tongue as you went, flicking your tongue around the bulbous head at the top and the neatly trimmed area at the bottom.
He sighed and leaned back against his wingback chair, as he watched you work on him. Loving your passion and concentration.
Finally when you made the trip to the tip again, you leaned up and used your tongue to pull the fat head into your mouth, eliciting a groan from you both.
You used your tongue around the crown while applying suction and rolled your head side to side. You tasted the first hint of precum, and knew it would not take long to get him off. You wondered if he had been expecting you, even prepped for you. You could picture him edging himself, repeatedly, anticipating this moment. The thought thrilled you and made you wet.
When you felt his hips subconsciously move forward and back you released him from your mouth, dragging your damp lips down the shaft again to lap at his balls, teasing him. You figured he had that coming.
Moaning, you kissed and licked the heavy weight in your hands, back and forth randomly between them, while his hard shaft swung around above. They felt full, and you suspected that he had, indeed, been prepping for you.
Your hands still on his hips, you moved up to the tip of his cock again, dragging your cheek up the hard length, coated with your own spit. You greedily took the thick knob at the top into your hungry mouth and sucked hard. The two of you moaned together as if you were harmonizing.
You began to bob your head then, taking him deeper into your mouth as your eyes traveled up to his for the first time. He was watching you closely, and you got an erotic thrill from the intensity of his look. You winked at him, earning yourself a gentle, affectionate caress on the crown of your head. His thumb smoothed over the side of your jawline, softly touching you.
As much as you liked his tenderness, you needed him rougher. Digging your fingers into his hips and beginning to pull and push, you fucked your mouth with his cock. He growled and rocked his hips with you, watching your lips flex around the hot shaft.
His eyes moved to yours, and he saw lust, and determination.
He brought his hands gently to your head and continued to rotate his hips, fucking your mouth at your urging. He let you control the depth of his thrusting with your fingers, and you continued to moan together.
With his hands cradling your temples, you released his hips, bringing one hand to his cock and the other to his balls. You looked him in the face and conveyed your need for him to cum.
“You need this, don’t you, darling?” His strained voice taunted you. He was met with a nodding whimper.
You sucked, and stroked, and fondled him. You swiped your tongue over and around the head of his dick. You were moaning at the eroticism of the act, feeling your cunt oozing in your thin panties.
Soon his hip thrusts became more urgent, his groaning came from deeper in his chest. You could feel the hard, thick shaft grow in your mouth, his balls pulled up to his body, and you knew he was almost there.
His eyes closed and his head rolled back, "Oh fuck, darling, you have such a good mouth… such a good girl." He growled. He continued to moan and roll his hips in time with your mouth.
You felt yourself getting wetter from your excitement as you gave him such an intense amount of pleasure. You had always loved sucking cock, specifically Severus’, and took an erotic pride in your skills.
Tasting his precum flowing freely, you started to stroke his dick along with your suctioning mouth. You snaked a finger in behind his sack, between his legs, and began to apply pressure there, massaging his perineum.
“Oh, fucking hell, Y/n!” He immediately responded. His pelvis thrusting forward, your fist on his shaft the only thing preventing him choking you with his cock.
"Im going to cum, love. Dammit, you’re sucking it right out of me, woman!" He exclaimed, and you moaned loudly, encouraging him to give you his load.
"Oh fuck, here it comes… are you ready, darling? You’re going to take it all?," He asked you, just before he started to shoot off in your mouth. Your moaning told him you were going to take it all, and love every drop.
He began to spurt, and you began to swallow. You used your hand to milk him as he tried to embed himself deeper into your mouth.
You were sure that you were right about his prepping for you, by the sheer volume of cum he was giving you, and you struggled to keep up. You swallowed as much as you could, but when he started to jerk around from the pure intensity of his climax, you felt some escape your hungry mouth and drip down your chin. Still you swallowed, and still you stroked him, and rubbed his sensitive spot behind his nearly disappeared balls.
His hips jerking and his hard dick twitching, he kept right on cumming. And try as you might, you couldn't get it all down. Yet another glob trickled down your chin, dripping onto your exposed blouse.
The heightened noises emanating from him both surprised and excited you, despite ruining one of your favorite tops. You knew that if you were to put your fingers to your cunt, you would be cumming too.
After he shot what seemed like a massive amount of cum, his shooting subsided. But you still stroked him to ensure you had gotten it all. Then you pulled your mouth off with a gasp and used your tongue to clean up his cockhead. He twitched and gasped as he watched you.
You sat back on your heels and licked your lips clean before using your fingers to wipe off your chin, feeding yourself that cum too, as well as the dribbles from your shirt. You were in a very wolfish mood.
“Naughty… girl.” His raspy voice rang, replacing his usual baritone.
Miming him, as he had done earlier in the day, you stood and kissed him deeply, ensuring that he would taste himself in your mouth.
Simply sparing him a glance before you said, "Bastard." And walked away, leaving him with his cock out and knowledgeable with the fact that once he regained his strength, he was going to hunt you down.
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bittenlove · 4 years
Oh my Gosh I'm dying to know what happens between them.
distorted lullabies [chapter XV]
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Word count: 5,674
Warnings: vulgar language
Pairing: Dracula x female reader
Not the gif I wanted but I was too lazy to search for longer.
AO3 link
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bittenlove · 4 years
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sweet temptations 
Dracula x Reader
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Summary : a simple indulgence had grown into something much more. He was intrigued. He was curious. But the question you dared to ask, was something he did not know the answer to yet and it made him almost imagine the impossible.
Words : 2670
A/N : So here’s part 4! It’s more of a filler chapter of what is to come. I hope you all are enjoying this series and if you do, don’t be shy to leave a comment! I love getting feedback. Thank you so much for reading. 
The sun began to peak over the large castle on a very steep mountain that stood far above the tall dark trees that surrounded its perimeter. The sound of the galloping horses were drowned out as you stared at that dark large stone castle.
Sliding the partition to the drivers seat, you peered trough the holes and saw the Count covered in dark fabric as well as a top hat that shadowed over his pale face.
“The sun is rising. Isn’t it rather dangerous for you?” You asked, trying to raise your voice above the cluck of the wood mechanisms of the carriage and the gallop of the horses.
“Your concern flatters me, darling,” he replied, hearing you clearly. “I shall be fine.”
Still worried, you closed the tiny sliding frame and sat back down in the plush seat and began to wonder. Why has he decided to take you with him to his castle? Why didn’t he drink your blood the moment your supposed time ran out?
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bittenlove · 4 years
Omg! Love it
masterlist [distorted lullabies]
Long time coming. This might develop into a spotify playlist because I get over excited about things. I’ll post a link for it if I actually decide to make one. Edit: I made two. Alt rock | Classical
BBC Dracula fanfic (rating: explicit/mature)
Summary: Count Dracula finds himself in the 21st century, 2020 after over a century of slumber. While still adapting to this new era, he meets Reader, a beautiful and witty lawyer working for Renfield’s firm. While she seems resistant to his charms, the Count is adamant in winning her over. She just might make an excellent candidate as his bride. But will she withstand the change?
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