blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
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Uni nuzzled into the hug, enjoying the contact with her mother. “Well… I’d like to go out and maybe get something to eat.” she suggested. “You could probably use a break huh mama?” she said, she’d never call Sabel mama in public, that’d be embarrassing. At home however she doesn’t mind being a little child like.
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“You and Noire need to remember the importance of stretching your legs once in a while.” she said before resting her head against Sabel’s shoulder. “I we may be immortal but health is still important…” she said before smiling up at her mother.
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“…Was I honestly just scolded by my youngest daughter…? Well if it’s not Noire doing it then I guess you’d have to fill in for her, Uni.” Sable chuckled softly as she parted Uni’s bangs when she looked up at her and gently kissed her forehead.
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“Alright dear… I’ll let the paperwork sit for now. How’s this? Mama will spend the entire day with you, sound fair? And  I know I should think of my own personal health. Lord knows I get on everyone else’s cases when they don’t… It’s not exactly fair when I refuse to take my own advice…”
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“Yeah... I mean... I get worried when both of you are just working day and night...” she murmured, her face filled with worry accented by a cute little pout. She nuzzled against her mother before trying to change the subject.
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“What should we do today though?” she asked, perking up a bit. “I mean there are shops, arcades, we could go get food...” she pondered. “What do you think mama?” she asked.
Bonding Time? (closed rp with gamindustriorigin)
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
@pirachuu continued from here.
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“What the– Yes I’m the one that shot you… but why are you in my lap?” she asked, she didn’t even hear him approaching. Likely because she was preoccupied maintaining her gun with a nice daily cleaning. “I understand you’ve turned over a new leaf, but since when did I become your chair?”
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“Well, it’s a nice lap, and at my size and weight, anybody can become my chair!” His intention to entirely throw a a CPU or Candidate off a little was fulfilled pretty much- so shocked she wasn’t even threatening him! Or was Uni not all that irritable? “I mean, it might be dangerous because of that gun maintenance, but it’s all good, chu.”
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“It might help your lifespan to ask first.” she warned before ignoring his presence, she needed to be careful with the current gun, one misplaced part and she’d need to buy a replacement. “Just don’t talk, I’ll deal with you when I’m done with this.” she stated. “However if you mess up this gun, I’ll be sure to pop you a few slugs.”
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
Uni hugged Noire tight. “I know Noire… You sound just like I did trying to get you to take breaks though!” she teased a bit as she pulled Noire down into a lying position where they could cuddle. “I should probably do some paperwork today but I plan on doing quests early in the morning tomorrow so I think I’ll take the day off…” she sighed. “The stupid press conference was stressful enough for this week.”
She then stretched a bit. “We can play some video games or something and then have lunch.” she pitched, “Sound good?” she asked as she gently ran her fingers through Noire’s hair, she never really got to play with Noire’s hair until now, it was very soft and well maintained. “Next time I go shopping I’ll need to get no tears shampoo.” she said. “I’ll have to wash your hair until you can adapt to your body better.” she giggled a bit.
“Being a big sister isn’t so bad~”
Noire nodded a bit before she blushed a teasing, “Well yweah… bwut back twen I was the bwig sis” she said before she kept cuddling with Uni. She was happy to hear that Uni would be taking breaks and not stressing herself out too much. She was glad that Uni was done with that stupid conference and didn’t have to worry about anything like it for awhile.
Noire nodded at Uni’s suggestions as she started to go along with her new big sister. She hoped that she would be able to play with Uni soon, since she wanted to hopefully make Uni even more happy than she already was. Despite this, she was a little worried about playing video games with her new stature. Then when she heard the idea of shopping she smiled and said, “Pwomise to twake me wit wu” she said wanting to go shopping with Uni again at some point soon. For once she didn’t resist being called the younger sister though.
Uni patted her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll take you shopping soon.” she said with a smile. “It doesn’t help that you’re adorable.” she murmured a bit. “I wonder what Kei will have me do over the next few weeks to get everything going...?” she didn’t seem like she was looking forward to the forced transition.
Uni then sat up a and stretched her arms. “Noire, wanna go get some lunch?” she asked before getting up. “I’ll cook us some lunch, what do you wanna eat Noire?” she asked as she walked towards the door. She stopped at the door and looked back, waiting for Noire to come.
Rolls Reversed. (Closed rp with Nowaru-chan)
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
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“No, not really.” she said before shrugging a bit. “I’m not a nicknamey person, I just kinda came up with that one…” she admitted. “However… Since we’re already talking, maybe we can hang out? I don’t have much to do today, all my business in Leanbox is finished.” She said.
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“As usual I was underestimated so I’m stuck here for another day before my ride home and I’d rather not fly if we already paid for transport.” she said “So I’ll take a small vacation.”
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“Well i’d be more then happy to hang out with you today, since i’ve really got nothing else to do besides sit around and not do much ” 
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“So wheres the first place you wanna hang out Lady uni?”
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 “Sounds good.” she paused for a second. “I don’t know honestly, what is there to do in Leanbox?” she asked.
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“I guess we could go shopping together, maybe I’ll find a few new games to play!” she said before glancing at 5pb. “What do you think, Lyrica?”
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
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1/7th scale release of Purple Heart (Neptune) from Hyperdimension Neptunia, manufactured by Alter
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
Just finished an energy drink and I’m still to tired to write. I’ll be on some time after work tomorrow. Night!
Drafts: 3
0 notes
blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
@pirachuu continued from here.
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“What the-- Yes I’m the one that shot you... but why are you in my lap?” she asked, she didn’t even hear him approaching. Likely because she was preoccupied maintaining her gun with a nice daily cleaning. “I understand you’ve turned over a new leaf, but since when did I become your chair?”
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
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“No, not really.” she said before shrugging a bit. “I’m not a nicknamey person, I just kinda came up with that one...” she admitted. “However... Since we’re already talking, maybe we can hang out? I don’t have much to do today, all my business in Leanbox is finished.” She said.
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“As usual I was underestimated so I’m stuck here for another day before my ride home and I’d rather not fly if we already paid for transport.” she said “So I’ll take a small vacation.”
@thatbluesinger continued from here.
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“It’s just something I came up with on the spot…” she said, still blushing a bit. “You actually like it?” she asked. “It seemed kinda silly and embarrassing when I said it…” she admitted. “I guess I’m glad you like it.” she murmured.
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
"what's my gun!?" From Leon, because Lilou has none-
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“The obvious choice would definitely be the wing pistols as portrayed in RE6, but let’s go for something more detailed. I’m feeling the compact side of pistols, good for dual wielding, but we also need to be efficient and dependable. Often times people think of revolvers when they think ‘What won’t jam?’ but to be efficient in any setting you’d need a speed loader, which would not only prevent dual wielding but also get you killed in a zombie apocalypse.” she paused.
“What semi-auto gun is known for not jamming? The M1911, but moreover I’m thinking the Colt M1911A1.” she said smugly. “This gun is not necessarily compact but it’s manageable, dependable and uses anything from .38 super to .45 ACP.” I’m so sorry she’s a gun nerd and so am I (though I am still studying a lot of gun designs and specs as of late).
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
“What’s my gun!?”
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“If I wanted to be as much of a smart ass as I am thinking right now I’d say a Fatman.” she said before smiling a bit. “But honestly... Beth reminds me of a FMG-148 Javelin, nothing hits quite like a truck, but a missile hits harder.”
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
“What’s my gun!?”
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“That’s easy, Glock 12, maybe compact, but at least you get the job done more often than not... Not that your job was a good thing.”
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
“What’s my gun!?”
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“Argie was it?” she asked. “I’d say you’re like a... DSR-50.” she said “At least when you’re in HDD, your cold and calculating combat style reminds me of a veteran sniper equipped with a powerful anti-material rifle.”
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
Send me ₩ for my muse to sit in your muse's lap
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
Uni glanced over at Noire and gave a somewhat forced smile, it was intended to reassure the young CPU. “Don’t worry Noire, I just never realized how harsh press conferences are, I really wasn’t prepaired for that, luckily I stuck to Kei’s script and that really helped!”
She sat up and patted the bed next to her. “It’s a CPU Candidate’s job to step up and take care of everything. It’s not the first time I had to do this, but I didn’t have a press conference last time…” she scratched her head. She wasn’t fond of mentioning the Gamindustri Graveyard incident but it was a similar scenario.
“I promise I’ll work hard Noire, I’ll also spend time with you.” she said before reaching out to pat Noire’s head. “After all, older or younger, you’re still my sister.” she smiled softly. She wasn’t quite sure how she was going to make time daily for Noire between paperwork, conferences, meetings, public events and quests but she was determined to make it happen.
Noire looked at her sister for a moment, seeing right through the forced smile, but not wanting to call it out. She knew that it wouldn’t help the mood for her to start asking those kinds of questions. She was a bit relieved when she heard that the press conference had gone well, but she still wanted to know more information on it. However she refused to ask Uni, since she already seemed so stressed. 
She climbed up onto the bed next to her sister and leaned against her a bit, not noticing how she subtly went into her lap. She cuddled her kitty as she remembered the incident in the graveyard and only found herself able to say, “It was swary.” She knew that she probably would have more to say, but not was definitely not the time to try and mention it. She felt Uni pat her head and smiles, a bit reassured in all this. 
“Well I will hwelp, Howewer I cwan” she said proudly as she knew that she would definitely do her best to help Uni. She hated seeing her sister stressed out, even if it would make her a better CPU one day. Granted, that day may have come sooner than she predicted. “And rwemembwer to welax a lot ok?” she said as she knew that Uni would probably try to overwork herself. She said this as she snuggled closely to her with her kitty. 
Uni hugged Noire tight. “I know Noire... You sound just like I did trying to get you to take breaks though!” she teased a bit as she pulled Noire down into a lying position where they could cuddle. “I should probably do some paperwork today but I plan on doing quests early in the morning tomorrow so I think I’ll take the day off...” she sighed. “The stupid press conference was stressful enough for this week.”
She then stretched a bit. “We can play some video games or something and then have lunch.” she pitched, “Sound good?” she asked as she gently ran her fingers through Noire’s hair, she never really got to play with Noire’s hair until now, it was very soft and well maintained. “Next time I go shopping I’ll need to get no tears shampoo.” she said. “I’ll have to wash your hair until you can adapt to your body better.” she giggled a bit.
“Being a big sister isn’t so bad~”
Rolls Reversed. (Closed rp with Nowaru-chan)
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
@thatbluesinger continued from here.
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“It’s just something I came up with on the spot...” she said, still blushing a bit. “You actually like it?” she asked. “It seemed kinda silly and embarrassing when I said it...” she admitted. “I guess I’m glad you like it.” she murmured.
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
It’d been a few days since Noire’s age reversal. Uni had been doing paper work, quests and taking care of Noire mostly on her own, She had been keeping the event secret from K-Sha, meanwhile Kei was helping out as needed. Some of the makers Uni knew well were also helping out with quests though even they didn’t know about Noire’s situation.
At this point in time there seemed no chance of Noire returning to herself at least for a little while. Uni was urged by Kei to make an announcement, though Uni still felt uncomfortable. By now they had theorized the drop in shares was a possible cause but it’d make a good excuse. Uni held a press conference at the Basilicom.
Uncomfortably Uni cleared her throat. Cameras… she shouldn’t have called it a press conference, but she needed to get it out of the way. “Noire has taken ill.” she said, her voice rather flat. “Due to a severe drop in shares as of late combined with an excess of work, Noire is currently recuperating and can not leave the Basilicom. Until we can restore shares and hopefully stabilize her condition, I will be acting CPU of Lastation.”
The conference continued for a while, Uni did her best to answer all questions without divulging too much information. When it was getting to be too much for her Kei took over, as expected of the Lastation Oracle she had everything under control.
With a sigh Uni walked into her room and flopped on her bed. “That was stressful…” she whined, burring her face in her pillow. “I’m gonna have to be strong until we can fix Noire…” she murmured.
Noire had to admit that it was definitely difficult trying to adjust to her new role as the younger one in the family, but not for the ways that one might expect. It wasn’t that hard for her to get used to a shorter stature, harder speech and more dependence, but there was one thing that really weighed down at her heart. That was watching Uni try to do all the work for her both herself and Noire. 
She always hated seeing her sister stressed, and now was no different. She always hoped that by her doing all the work that she did, she could somehow alleviate some of the stress from the Candidate’s shoulders. She would often spend nights sneaking into Uni’s room to do any sort of paperwork that she found in there, so Uni could focus on the more important thing in life. It pained her to consider that the reverse was now happening before her eyes. 
The young CPU was currently hard at work trying to go over whatever information she can in her head. She remembered that she did some research into share energy in the past, but her condition simply didn’t make sense. It was if there was a mass exodus of her energy, and her body needed to condense to minimize the energy it needed. At least it that her theory. Granted she still didn’t know if she could go HDD like this. 
She anxiously waited in Uni’s room, waiting for her to be finished with that press conference that she was in. She knew that her and Kei thought of some excuse for the condition, but she had no idea what it was. Either way, there was no way that she was going to be leaving the Basilicom, at least anytime soon. 
After awhile, she saw Uni enter the room and lay down on the bed near her. Noire was currently sat on the floor with her stuffed cat as she considered all that happened to her, before she stood up to examine Uni. Even if she was now technically younger, she was the big sister and concerned about Uni. “Uwi… are wu okay?” the worry being apparent in her eyes as she looked at her. She knew that Uni really wasn’t okay, but she wanted to try and support her as best as she could. She mentally cursed her inability to help anyone or be the goddess that her people deserved. 
Uni glanced over at Noire and gave a somewhat forced smile, it was intended to reassure the young CPU. “Don’t worry Noire, I just never realized how harsh press conferences are, I really wasn’t prepaired for that, luckily I stuck to Kei’s script and that really helped!”
She sat up and patted the bed next to her. “It’s a CPU Candidate’s job to step up and take care of everything. It’s not the first time I had to do this, but I didn’t have a press conference last time...” she scratched her head. She wasn’t fond of mentioning the Gamindustri Graveyard incident but it was a similar scenario.
“I promise I’ll work hard Noire, I’ll also spend time with you.” she said before reaching out to pat Noire’s head. “After all, older or younger, you’re still my sister.” she smiled softly. She wasn’t quite sure how she was going to make time daily for Noire between paperwork, conferences, meetings, public events and quests but she was determined to make it happen.
Rolls Reversed. (Closed rp with Nowaru-chan)
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blackbandolier-blog · 8 years
Give my muse a nickname!
Make it cute, embarrassing, or annoying- anything goes!
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