blacksubmas · 5 years
;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY LOVE
I will someday write your name into the moon ;;
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blacksubmas · 5 years
Maybe I should do a mega wipe out of this blog and start from new.. I kinda miss it.
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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“I hope you all have a safe New Year!”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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I’ll post this here.
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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“You’re a mean one, Mr. Ingo. You really are a heel. You’re dating a sentient cactus. You’re not as charming as a Seel. Miiisteeer Ingo!”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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Type your favorite Pokemon in the Gif feature and post the first result!
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Originally posted by axew
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Originally posted by scyther-no-scything
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Originally posted by garrts
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Originally posted by flabebabe
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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I’m here to steal your local cactus!
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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are u hittin on me from across verses?!
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I am the Batman of verses. Now I’m off into the darkness once more!
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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I’d rather have the baker of those cookies
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lms to join the harley defense squad! we have cookies!
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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Harley stood in stunned silence for a bit, easily lifting off of the door frame. Look at this dork. He was absolutely gushing! Over a guy like him. It was all he could do to resist crying, And he had to admit; that attempt didn’t go all that smoothly. He could feel himself starting to bubble into a crude laughter; soft, but not without the accompaniment of a couple of tears. 
And right there, against the kitchen wall, Harley crumbled into a sticky mess. “Ingyyyyyy…!”
He didn’t know what to do with himself. Ingo couldn’t be in love with him like this! Harley was just a stupid small-town closet cosplayer who hated kids and held decade-long grudges. “I… I…” He sniffled… “You really mean it??? You SWEAR you really mean it!”
He turns towards him, widening his eyes. Harley was listening to his ramblings. He had heard everything. Walking up to him, he gently grasped his hands. “I do mean it. I love you. I truly do. You make my life worth living.” Ingo paused a bit.
“You’re the main reason why I can get out of bed.” Removing the other’s hat, he moved in and kissed his forehead. “You’re my world.” Setting the Cacturne cap back down, he wrapped his arms around him. “Let me gush about my idol.. I want to prove on how much I look up to him.”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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“Mind if I gush? Okay so.. I am in love with a purple haired, eccentric person who has gorgeous greenish blue eyes and has a nice laugh. He’s really pretty and.. it’s just.. magical to listen to his stories. A weird obsession with wearing outfits that represent Pokemon, but, I digress, seeing’s how it’s really cute to see him flaunt around in them.”
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“Did you know that he can bake? He makes.. really good cookies. I think I developed a sweet tooth because of that!”
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“And his hands.. His hands are so soft. So comfortable. So.. gorgeous. He takes such great care of them. Just.. rub my face with them, please. I want to melt.”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
"Mmmm..." Harley nuzzles her lover's chest, a sleepy yawn filling the air as she takes in the scent of him--of Alola. "Mornin' Ingy~" She was last to wake, as usual, but he had never lost patience on her, and she loved that (amongst many other things) about him. Despite how high the sun had risen, she made no motion to move. What was vacation for if you were just gonna rush? Sloppy grin on her face, she wrapped her arms back around Ingo and repositioned herself. "Love you~"
He waited for Harley to wake up, given that he already showered and got dressed. Lying next to her, he was reading his book until he heard that little mewl of a sleepy voice. Turning his head, he smirked at her. “Well now.. look at you. You look such a sleepy mess.” Ingo teased.
He moved in to kiss Harley on the lips. “Love you too. It’s also 10:30 am. I bet you’re starving by now.”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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“Well- Jellicent over there seems to be having the day of his life.”
Morty wasn’t participating in the fishing, instead he simply opted to sit by Ingo’s side. The gym-leader humored a bit, as his gaze never left his pokemon. Who had its large head floating on the water’s surface.
His pantlegs had been pulled up partially, enough so he could dip his feet in the water and not get them wet.
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The jellyfish pokemon let out its usual sinister humming, in response to his master’s comment.
“But I agree, this is indeed pretty nice…I wonder what else you may find here.”
He smiled at him, appreciating the company from Morty. Moving in, he relaxed his head on his. “Jellicent is lovely. You’ve taken great care of him. I thought about it and I’m hoping to catch more Pokemon. I love my children but I wouldn’t mind adding a few to the family. I’ve decided to fish for Water Pokemon first and then head on over to try and catch Psychic or Dark.”
Ingo let out a small sigh. “It’s.. been a while since I’ve been able to relax. I’ve forgotten how clean the air smelled without the odor of sweaty individuals trying to catch the trains on a daily basis. It.. almost feels surreal. I enjoy my job underground.. though there’s only so much that I can do without breaking out in tears from the overloading work placed upon my shoulders..”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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Sitting on the docks with bare feet in the water and a fishing rod at hand, Ingo began to finally relax after a long day of work. The man was humming the Pokemon Center’s music that would often play on repeat for.. no apparent reason. It was catchy though! Calming, at least, so it didn’t cause any aggravation as one would think.
His large dress shoes rested near his hip along with a tackle box for the fishing rod. As he felt a tug at the end of the line, he yanked his arms up to reveal that a Magikarp took the bait. With the Pokemon furiously wiggling, he brought it closer and carefully removed the hook out of its mouth. The Pokemon jumped back into the water, causing a small splash before swimming away.
“This is nice..” He muttered to himself.
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blacksubmas · 6 years
“Then listen, peaches. It’s a good song.”
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“Eh.. No thank you.. I’m not usually the type to listen to ‘what’s in the now’ music. I’m interested in classics.”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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❝Are you saying that you are going to defy the internet? That’s brave.❞
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“Well.. when you know people who are total ‘memelords’, the internet is not a trustworthy source.”
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blacksubmas · 6 years
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❝A masterpiece, says the internet…❞
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“Sounds terrifying.”
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