blair-the-navigator · 12 days
Blair liked that.
Rumble Down Under [Pt 7]
Lila's request to him directly was abrupt and unexpected; the two had an amicable relationship, but Dario had never been called upon specifically for much of anything involving the Rebellion, outside of his capacity as a healer. Knowing what Vox and Lila were asking of Kendra, the stag made quick time to get to the younger Arnason child, borrowing a nearby dragon to expedite his efforts.
What are you doing, Hjort?
The half-breed ignored the painfully loud presence in his head, nearly skidding as he reached Kendra. He took a knee next to her, feeling his back burn from the still-fresh wound placed down the length of his spine.
Hel of a situation you've got yourself in, Kendra. Dario flashed her a gentle grin; he didn't notice that he was instinctually signing along with his mental transmission. If you're going to take a hit, I can help brace and ideally channel the energy alongside you.
The deer waddled his weight to Kendra's side, outstretching his arms and placing his hands on the backs of her own. A soft whisper generated the faintest glow between the two sets.
I'll bear whatever burden becomes too much for you, I promise.
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blair-the-navigator · 1 month
If he hadn't been paying attention, Blair would have thought that the explosives heading directly towards him were the ones he and Ellis had sent themselves. Registering the molten shots growing larger as they rapidly approached, the ferret quickly rolled to shield the fox, taking a significant burn to the fur on his arm.
"Shite, gods above, Hel fucker-"
Ellis was naturally fast at rendering aid, having avoided anything more than a slight singe on his own fur. Blair's arm was quickly wrapped as the duo proceeded to remove the last of the bottles from their bags. Ellis looked nervously over the edge, eyeing their colossal opponent.
"A handful to go. Let's get these out and see about tossing ourselves in with a group. Not a huge fan of us being on our own up here."
Rumble Down Under [pt 3]
The Stormcutter flock followed behind the faster strike-class dragons, pummeling the Tyrant's body with additional streams of trailing fire, aiming for the being's head in an attempt to blind with huge blossoms of fiery smoke rings. It reeled away from the obfuscation, and then from the liquid explosions underneath its belly, its entire front half rearing up off the ground and reaching nearly a third of the way up the cavern. The Tyrant twisted in a horrifying corkscrew and several thick flaps opened around its mouth like the vents of a desert animal or a reptilian. They began to glow brightly, and then with a gesture skyward, hundreds of molten projectiles shot up towards the hordes of dragons, like a shower of comets reversed, their tails fizzing and screaming as they chased after those mounted who had made the first strikes against her. They collided against several riders and sent a small portion of them tumbling both lifelessly and heavily injured towards the ground. Many had close calls--Daybreak roared as one of the magical bolts pierced the edge of her wing and scorched through the three riders on her back. Tree buried her burned face in her elbow as the cold air made the pain of the new wound unbearable. "Get us down to the tomb!" she yelled over the fire raining upwards past them.
"Not until that thing's away from it!" Jin was already working on steadying Daybreak and then wrapping Kendra's forearm, ignoring her own smoking pants leg, even though her own injury was just as severe. "It'll have you for breakfast!"
The water continued pouring from above, along with curtains of dirt and stone as the Construct made its final way through the hole, and gravity began to take hold. Inwardly, Nala pried Juro's hands off the seat of the chair and grab onto the handles made for steadying the pilot during sudden shocks--she figured the several-minute loss of gravity counted as one of these times. It was an ungainly first drop, legs peddling and tails slashing dangerously through the air as she fell head over monstrous heel. She used the Construct's rotating waist and neck to lock onto Kezia through the fall, and managed to tuck in her limbs enough to be somewhat diving, aiming right for the Tyrant itself.
Nio and Tezz appeared at the north and south ends of the hill at the center of the cavern, a good couple hundred yards from the action, and began doing their best to catch anyone falling without help, manipulating the water of the giant lakes surrounding them to do so. Milae and Dario stepped out into one of the side caves, nervously looking down over the ensuing battle while Virion hovered amorphously around them, ready to snatch them up the instant it sensed danger getting too close. Milae had continued writing furiously upon arriving, communicating with Moirai once more.
Yun Milae (U-00000001): Now is the time to also search for the true name of whatever beast Kezia has turned into if at all possible.
MOIRAI: ok. ok. its not IMpossible but if she fused with a demon then i need to know who that is SPECIFICALLY
Yun Milae (U-00000001): The Demiurge. That is all I know.
MOIRAI: that is so vague
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blair-the-navigator · 1 month
Blair found himself shutting his eyes instinctively each time a dragon would race past him, causing his flight path to deviate dangerously towards other airborne hazards. Ellis was quick to maneuver himself by shifting his arms, allowing the wingsuit to carry him directly over the ferret. He grabbed Blair around his waist, slightly leaning to direct their course to a familiar opening in the crevice wall. The pair tumbled a few feet upon impact, slowing to a stop with minimal injury.
"Bad idea. Yer the worst." Blair got to his feet with his usual theatrics, glaring at the fox who was doing the same. "Yer lucky I didn't smash these."
Blair loosened a knot securing the largest pocket on the backpack he had carefully removed from his person, pulling out bottles that would be familiar to most anyone who spent more than a few moments in a medical tent.
"You're certain that these are okay for us to use?" Ellis gave an uneasy look; his partner wasn't known for ethical sourcing. "They explicitly gave you permission?"
"Listen, I asked what they planned on doin' with these once they expired, and all I got back was 'oh, we dunno, Blair!', so I took a bit o' liberty. Sue me."
With the bottles almost comedically large in his paws, Blair swished one of them around at eye level, watching the dark liquid coat the inner surface of the glass. He set it down and pulled a chunk of flint from his pocket, tossing it to Ellis.
"Start rippin' apart yer spare fabric!" The ferret's eyes were eerily wide. Ellis could feel the radiating excitement for what Blair had planned. "I'll get stuffin' - the moment ye' get it lit, toss 'er down!"
As more droves of dragons dived beyond the edge of their temporary refuge, the pair of half-breeds successfully put together just short of a dozen improvised tincture explosives, steadying themselves at the edge. There was a significant distance down, but it would give them enough height to be able to launch them close enough to Kezia's new form as a distraction.
"Hold..." Ellis spoke softly, lying low next to Blair. "Hold... now!"
The pair began generating sparks with the flint, and before long, two of the pieces of cloth caught, igniting instantaneously. Out of panic, Blair tossed his own without regard to direction and watched it fall far too short. Ellis was far more calculated in his own toss, watching the bottle arc nearly perfectly towards the base of the unfathomable beast in front of them. The two didn't have time to watch for reactions - rather, they continued to light the strips of cloth, careful not to make contact with friendly forces in the air.
Rumble PT 2
Indigo let out a little growl when Lila jumped right in without hesitation, and knew this was an excellent moment to dive right in.
To prove even more how dedicated he was to helping this cause and these people. To being an ally, and one worth keeping. Worth trusting. The Indigo Phantom got to his feet with a burst and ran full speed towards the hole, Storm chasing right on his heels.
He didn't even mount the dragon, letting out a holler, almost a war cry, maybe the screech of a fury, and jumped in after the leader, his dragon companion on his heels.
They met up midair effortlessly and vanished into the red tinged void below, the wing whistle and roar of a night fury coming out after they'd vanished.
He didn't even see Indi, perched hidden inside one of the many holes in the walls, watching them, since they were going so fast.
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blair-the-navigator · 1 month
The pair of ferret and fox had lingered in the back of the movement heading underneath the city - both out of hesitation, and to secure the makeshift backpacks Ellis had kept neatly tucked away with medical supplies brought to the fight. The taller fox pulled at the last buckle that hung loosely on his partners back, resulting in a disgruntled grunt from Blair.
"We can walk, or get a dragon."
"We could, but this is significantly cooler, is it not?"
"Yer losing te' last bit of yer mind, Ellis Keyser." Blair placed a set of gloves in his teeth as he adjusted the straps on Ellis' back. "Te' Commander will have yer head fer this too, ye' know."
"I would be more surprised if she didn't have a reason by the time this is all over." The copper-toned fox stepped backwards as he spoke, maintaining a confident smirk as he slowed to a stop, just on the edge of the massive crater. "I'm going in. If you pass her on the way down because you're too scared, give her my regards."
Blair had no time to protest - the fox elegantly fell backwards, performing a half turn in free-fall before knocking the bag strapped to his back with his elbow, causing the mechanism inside to deploy a wingsuit as he dropped. The ferret watched Ellis sink into the black abyss below, and with great reservation, proceeded to mimic the same movements, engaging his own wingsuit as he fell, too terrified to scream.
Rumble PT 2
Indigo let out a little growl when Lila jumped right in without hesitation, and knew this was an excellent moment to dive right in.
To prove even more how dedicated he was to helping this cause and these people. To being an ally, and one worth keeping. Worth trusting. The Indigo Phantom got to his feet with a burst and ran full speed towards the hole, Storm chasing right on his heels.
He didn't even mount the dragon, letting out a holler, almost a war cry, maybe the screech of a fury, and jumped in after the leader, his dragon companion on his heels.
They met up midair effortlessly and vanished into the red tinged void below, the wing whistle and roar of a night fury coming out after they'd vanished.
He didn't even see Indi, perched hidden inside one of the many holes in the walls, watching them, since they were going so fast.
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blair-the-navigator · 2 months
"Fer what?"
"Don't know." Ellis tugged his armor back into place, checking the placement of his bone helm before turning to Blair. "I presume you got it as well?"
"Nah, I bet te' Commander needs me up 'ere." The ferret laughed aloud while his paws were wringing each other. "You 'ave fun, though!"
"Absolutely not." The fox pulled at Blair's arm, nearly knocking him off his feet. "We're headed out, and I can't trust you on your own."
Rumble Down Under
With the beacons open again she began to speak to all her soldiers across the city. "This is Commander Lila Ericson. I need the following soldiers to meet at the site of the Construct's hole in the wall for a mission of dire importance." Soldiers across the city began to receive orders retreat to the site. All told it was around 3/5 of their main forces and a majority of the Nixes.
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blair-the-navigator · 2 months
"Did ye' bring any playing cards?"
"...you're joking right?"
Ellis playfully jabbed an elbow into Blair's ribs, albeit with a bit more strength than usual.
"Lila would have us both in the gallows for that."
"Not like we 'aven't already pissed 'er off already." Blair adjusted the helm weighing his head down; he wasn't certain if it made sense for him to adorn it, given the lack of combat he had seen. "I get we gotta-"
Ellis' movement was swift, extending both of his arm under the ferret's and pulling him quickly forward. The mustelid could barely register the sight of quickly approaching stone, encapsulating everything it touched.
"O' shit, yer fuckin' kiddin' me!"
Blair stumbled, working to shift his weight to turn and run, when he saw Ellis fall. The ferret skid to a stop, launching himself towards the fox and gripping his paws in his own. His feeble attempts to pull his partner ahead of the stone were short-lived, as Ellis' legs were no longer capable of movement.
"Blair, fucking run, I'm begging you!" The fox swiped his claws at Blair, intent on conveying his urgency as his voice broke through panicked yells. "Go right now!"
"Shut up, ye' fuckin' idiot!" Blair's voice was far less disguised in its pain, feeling his stomach drop at the onslaught from Ellis. "I've got ye'!"
The ferret watched the white trail near the fox's neck before abruptly stopping in place. As if by magick, the stone began to chip away into the air, and Blair was able to fully retrieve Ellis. Blair pulled the fox in, tightly squeezing him in fear of losing him again.
Topside Turvy
As the two teams moved underground towards their various goals, those above worked as well. Jari and her group of saboteurs were causing havoc along the back lines of High Central forces, taking out small groups of isolated soldiers quickly and causing major distractions before disappearing into the alleys and streets of the city, trying to divert attention from the front lines.
Meanwhile Deo was working on the front with her Rangers. The city was cramped and finding clean shots was difficult at best with how central was using the main road to hold them back. They had taken to firing volleys of arrows at an angle so they would strike from above.
Further behind Rebellion lines Kettil was busy both treating wounds and organizing the other healers, having them focus on those who they could save while making those who were too far gone, comfortable in their last moments.
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blair-the-navigator · 2 months
The Dust of a Fall Out
Sunlight retreated over the mountain range in the distance; the dying light of another exhausting day was a familiar sight for a weary mustelid dragging his weight towards his temporary quarters. The steps leading to the barracks were sunken in; between the inclement weather and additional housed troops over the previous few weeks, the infrastructure of the Jaw varied between sound and shaky.
The demeanor of most individuals assigned to these barracks were surprisingly light - the direction of Lila's rigorous, if not potentially authoritarian, training had resulted in positive attitudes towards the preparedness of the Rebellion for their imminent movement against High Central.
A goal long fought for was a few short sleeps away.
Blair wasted no time in shedding his additional layers the moment he haphazardly pulled himself across the threshold of his room; in passing a group of Rebellion soldiers, he could hear the last remnants of their conversation as his door began it's slow, creaky close.
"...numbers, at least that's the projection."
"Then we're fine, right? The Commander would have the most up-to-date information. I trust the brass would let us know if we were up against something..."
The voices were almost completely shut out, with only a faint murmur to be heard on Blair's side of the door. Hanging his coat on the hook to his right, the ferret wiped his paws on his shirt before the silhouette of a taller half-breed caught his eye.
"Gods above-" Blair yelped at a pitch that shocked even himself, flustered with his face growing red in embarrassment. "Excuse me, I believe ye' have te' wrong-"
The figure stepped forward, towering above the hob and eclipsing the sinking sun outside the window. With the light obstructed, the soft smile of a familiar face came into focus.
"Wrong room?" Ellis crossed his arms, leaning against the wall adjacent to the door and tapping a paw on his forearm. "So sorry, stranger. I'll let myself out."
"No, just- ugh." The ferret pulled at the sides of his face, eyes tightly shut as he fought to take in the scene in front of him. "I'm sorry, its been... a long day. What- what are ye' doin' 'ere?"
"Did you think I was going home?" The fox half-breed's expression sunk into a mixture of disappointment and confusion; the reaction exhibited by the ferret wasn't what he had expected. "Blair, there is so much to be done. The Rebellion... it needs everyone it can get."
Despite his history, Blair managed to read Ellis' face quick enough to pivot. He quickly slipped by the canidae and dropped his bag onto the cot across the room.
"I s'ppose that's fair enough. So you'll be..." Blair didn't turn to look at the fox as he spoke. "...you'll be stayin' 'ere then?"
"If you'll have me." The tension was impossible to miss; Ellis took a few steps closer to the ferret, but kept a safe distance. "Last thing I would want to do is impose, but I also don't think it's good for you to be alone right now."
"Oh, please don't play savior right now." Blair's voice was a quick bite of aggression. "I told ye' that we'll figure it out when all this is over. Don't have time te' be mopin' about."
"So you're fine, then?"
"I'm so fine, it's disgustin'." The mustelid sat on a chair next to the cot, struggling to remove his boots with the tension in his back and shoulders fighting him. "Might as well lead the charge m'self at this point."
Ellis found space at the edge of the cot to sit, visibly frustrated with furrowed brow. Blair had the capacity to be such a caring, conversational partner... when he wasn't mirroring the behaviors of a toddler.
"Then it's alright if we talk about him?"
Blair froze, suspending his right boot in his hands. Within a moment, he sighed, placing it gently on the ground next to him.
"Ellis, don't do this."
"But you're fine, right? I thought you were so fine."
"I'm not jokin' wit' ye'. Please, Ellis."
"If you can't talk about Sylar, I-"
The fox couldn't react quickly enough. Blair had leapt from the chair, tackling him backwards and pinning him to the noticeably shaky cot. Ellis held the paws that gripped at the base of his neck, careful not to exert too much strength against his partner.
"Do NOT say his name!" The ferret's eyes darted back and forth between Ellis' with an enraged fury. "Do not..."
"Blair." The fox dared not move; rather, he began to loosen his grip on Blair's paws, feeling the ferret do the same. Despite the adrenaline coursing through him, Ellis maintained a steady tone. "Breathe."
Visibly shaking, the mustelid watched as a set of tears dropped down to copper fur below. His throat was as tight as it had ever been, and he could barely muster a soft whine. Blair leaned back, bracing his weight on Ellis' legs. The fox took this opportunity to push himself upright, meeting his partner's face.
"Don't talk." Ellis gently ran a claw on each paw under Blair's eyes, wiping away the remaining tears. "I'm... sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you like that."
The silence that hung in the air felt like an eternity. Ellis knew that the hawk was a sore subject, but this was his first inclination that things were far worse than the ferret had let on. Without words, the fox pulled his weight back and sat upright on the cot with his back against the wall, pulling Blair beside him in the same position.
"I'm here if you need to talk about it. I'm also here if you just want to exist." Ellis took Blair's trembling hands into his own. "At your own pace, of course. Everything can wait until tomorrow."
Blair's attention was directed towards the now-dark window; lip quivering almost imperceptibly.
"I'm sorry too. Ye' didn't deserve that." The ferret looked over and up to Ellis, gracing him with the most genuine smile he could in the moment. "There's a lotta' baggage there. I just... need time."
"You can have all the time you need." Ellis pulled Blair's head to rest on his shoulder. "I can tell you're tired."
"Hardly." Blair's eyes caught an off-white mass atop an end table on the other side of the room. Littered around it were small shavings of what appeared to be the same material, along with a tool clearly used to carve it. "What do ye' have goin' on 'ere?"
"Oh, the skull helmets!" The excitement in Ellis' voice was a refreshing shift in the room's atmosphere. The fox squeezed his partner's paw before scurrying over to the table and grabbing the helm. "I had been talking with the Commander - in discussing my qualifications, I had mentioned the carvings I took on the road with me as a merchant, and she had asked if this were something I could do with bone."
Ellis playfully bounced back onto the cot, returning to his spot next to Blair and pushing the skull into the ferret's hands.
"What do you think? Good enough for the Rebellion?"
"This is incredible, Ellis." Blair rotated the bone carving, inspecting each fine detail of it as his vision came back into focus. "Yer a right talented fox. I've always said it."
"We'll see how you feel about that when I'm done. I have to make hundreds of these... with help, of course." Ellis dusted off a few stray shavings from the top of the helm. "Time is a luxury we don't have right now, so I'll see about getting as many of these out the door as I can."
"But Ellis, yer gonna miss training!" Blair yawned as the sarcasm dripped from his tongue. "How are ye' gonna stand a chance against High Central if ye' don't piss 'round with a... 'alf-baked..."
The ferret's head lurched forward before rolling onto Ellis' chest. Blair's breathing had slowed significantly, and slumber would not be far away. The fox shifted his weight to allow Blair to lean further into him, running a paw through the ferret's hair.
"Sleep. We'll figure it all out tomorrow."
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blair-the-navigator · 5 months
Ellis nursed at his elbow, thankful he was in better shape than Kettil. The two had only met once before in passing - but much like the other healers in the Rebellion, his heart was good.
"Blair." The fox knelt, putting himself just below the ferret. "What do you want to do?"
"Dunno." Blair's ego was slightly bruised; he had intended on successfully carrying out his duty of beacon bearer, and without it, there was uncertainty as to their place in the fold. "Healer kid is down, we don't 'ave a dragon to take us around... s'pose we stick with te' group 'ere?"
"No objections here. Wait, hold on." Ellis licked the side of his paw before wiping it under Blair's left eye. "Think you're bleeding a bit."
"Ye', that's te' problem." The mustelid chuckled, placing his own paw atop Ellis'. "Ye' worry too much."
This Will Be the Day [pt 5]
"I'm old with a head bump, not elderly. Don't worry about me, put me down with the healers and get where you're supposed to be."
They flew through several columns of smoke, although with the large amount of water and ice being used as weaponry, there was less than expected, and most of the time it seemed that when one fire sprung up, it was eventually doused, until another one sprouted in a different location. Progress was quickly being made on the wall, faster than it was on the ground, where some tough fighting was happening in the neighborhoods of High Central. The elevation of the buildings were highest at the center of the inner city, and as the boroughs spread from east to west, From dragonback, she could almost imagine the picturesque place this must have been--well-kept, maintained, manicured. Streets full of people, shops, markets, churches, libraries, polished guards. A sparkling facade over a rotting infrastructure. For a moment, it was a little bit sad, the war that was breaking out over it, ruining it.
But what was she kidding? It was already ruined from the start.
Pyro landed on the street nearest to the medic setup, after being recognized by those circling overhead to keep High Central from rallying and making the lowest of blows--attacking the wounded. Treepelt refused help getting down, but she definitely stumbled as her boots hit the street, and she immediately turned around and helped the other rebel soldiers down from the dragon's back.
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blair-the-navigator · 6 months
The fox didn't even have a moment to register what had happened. It was just a searing, sudden sharp sensation barreling into flesh. Ellis yelped as he was pulled along by the feline half-breed further into the dark of the burrow. Any weight put on his leg was a brief moment of torture.
"Treepelt, wait-"
His vision caught the glimmer of light off of his partner's dagger; Blair had caught up rather quickly, with Vox hunched behind in tow. The scout's height was still a hinderance, but with the looming threat approaching, he had to get through as quickly as possible.
"Do not fuckin' stop! What te' fuck is going on here?"
"We- we can talk about it when we get away from whatever that thing is!" Vox's breathing was heavy in between words. "This route goes pretty straight for a while, so go as fast as you can!"
Bound to the Burn [Pt 3]
"Ye' called us a fuckin' what?"
Blair looked to both ends of the burrow, gifted with decent dark vision. It was a fraction of a second that he had turned to face behind them when he let out a blood-chilling scream.
"What in te' everloving fuck is that?"
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blair-the-navigator · 6 months
Bound to the Burn [Pt 3]
"Ye' called us a fuckin' what?"
Blair looked to both ends of the burrow, gifted with decent dark vision. It was a fraction of a second that he had turned to face behind them when he let out a blood-chilling scream.
"What in te' everloving fuck is that?"
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blair-the-navigator · 6 months
Watching the droves of soldiers take positions and navigate to the points ordered by their Commander, Blair took note of a specific request relayed to him by a younger half-breed in passing - he was to report to Lila as soon as possible.
"Now's as good a time as any." The ferret gently gripped at Ellis' forearm, fighting the tremble with everything he could muster. "Let's get te' moving."
"Lead the way." Ellis adjusted his hilt against his hip before trailing Blair. He took care to avoid the crowd pushing in the opposite direction, nearly losing his short-statured partner in all of the chaos. The mustelid was much faster than he remembered.
"Lila- yer majesty- I mean, Commander, apologies." Blair rested his paws against his legs, catching his breath. "You beckoned a beacon bearer?"
Silhouettes in the Night
Seeing Lila in this light was a welcomed change.
Blair's previous encounter with the Commander was less than ideal, much to his own credit, but seeing her steadfast approach to leading those under her was almost entrancing. Still clinging to the beacon fashioned against him, he stood near the gate cresting above the waters below. The commotion of battle, even if just speech in his current location, was jarring to his already sensitive ears; he couldn't help but wince at any sudden noise.
Not able to see the source of the command barked to his left, Blair felt himself recoil- only to then feel a set of paws envelop his ears.
"Start wearing something over your ears, Blair."
The ferret spun around, the momentum of the beacon nearly causing him to stumble to the feet of the taller copper man. The timbre of his voice was unmistakable.
"E-Ellis?" the mustelid stuttered in disbelief. "You... how are ye' here?"
"Easy, they didn't say no." The fox chuckled, placing his paws on either side of Blair's reddened face. "Dario mentioned you'd be here, and I wasn't going to sit back while mi amor saunters into danger."
"Do ye' see who we're in te' company of?" Blair forced an incredulous look to his parter, further turning to glance at the populous present in their vicinity. He could see the stag and the goat; inseparable. The sweet girl with her strange father... there was no shortage of fight to be had. "The last thing any of us will be doin' is saunterin'!"
"Calm yourself. I'm trying to bring some levity." The canid looked to the gate ahead, awaiting any signal from Lila to progress. "But I will say, I didn't expect any of this."
Blair studied the light armor and blade that adorned Ellis- it was in this moment he realized that he'd never seen his partner in any combat situation, and vice versa.
"I would 'ave been plussed if ye' had." The ferret sighed, feeling at least a semblance of relief in the present moment. "Either way, I'm glad te' have ye' here."
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blair-the-navigator · 6 months
Silhouettes in the Night
Seeing Lila in this light was a welcomed change.
Blair's previous encounter with the Commander was less than ideal, much to his own credit, but seeing her steadfast approach to leading those under her was almost entrancing. Still clinging to the beacon fashioned against him, he stood near the gate cresting above the waters below. The commotion of battle, even if just speech in his current location, was jarring to his already sensitive ears; he couldn't help but wince at any sudden noise.
Not able to see the source of the command barked to his left, Blair felt himself recoil- only to then feel a set of paws envelop his ears.
"Start wearing something over your ears, Blair."
The ferret spun around, the momentum of the beacon nearly causing him to stumble to the feet of the taller copper man. The timbre of his voice was unmistakable.
"E-Ellis?" the mustelid stuttered in disbelief. "You... how are ye' here?"
"Easy, they didn't say no." The fox chuckled, placing his paws on either side of Blair's reddened face. "Dario mentioned you'd be here, and I wasn't going to sit back while mi amor saunters into danger."
"Do ye' see who we're in te' company of?" Blair forced an incredulous look to his parter, further turning to glance at the populous present in their vicinity. He could see the stag and the goat; inseparable. The sweet girl with her strange father... there was no shortage of fight to be had. "The last thing any of us will be doin' is saunterin'!"
"Calm yourself. I'm trying to bring some levity." The canid looked to the gate ahead, awaiting any signal from Lila to progress. "But I will say, I didn't expect any of this."
Blair studied the light armor and blade that adorned Ellis- it was in this moment he realized that he'd never seen his partner in any combat situation, and vice versa.
"I would 'ave been plussed if ye' had." The ferret sighed, feeling at least a semblance of relief in the present moment. "Either way, I'm glad te' have ye' here."
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blair-the-navigator · 6 months
I've always said that
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blair-the-navigator · 2 years
0 notes
blair-the-navigator · 3 years
Lost Until You Find Me
The refuge of the fallen trucks of trees was nothing short of a blessing in a vulnerable ferret's most trivial moments; he had weaseled his way into what little opening was offered underneath the collective of slowly decaying logs, desperate to keep himself still and quiet. There was no guarantee that he was truly alone anymore.
His mind flickered between the sight of those like him distraught and wayward, unsure of where any sense of salvation would be found... and the sight of those who were unlucky enough to believe that challenging the incoming opposition would result in anything other than an inevitable casualty. It had only been days since he first caught wind of the changing social landscape, but Blair could never have imagined how dire the situation would become; a recruitment mission devolving ever quicker into an escapade of survival.
There had been a shuffling of footsteps in the distance only moments ago, but the sound seemed to trail off in any direction that wasn't where Blair found temporary solace. For the first time in what felt like hours, he could let air into his lungs a bit slower. The ferret's limbs stung from a combination of fading adrenaline and exhaustion, but Blair kept vigilant. At any moment, he would have to move again.
"...and if you need anything else, I'll be around, okay?"
The deer half-breed gently placed a hand on the shoulder of a visibly shaken refugee. The sight wasn't anything out of the ordinary -- there had been an influx of populations ostracized from the homes they once knew, and Dario had been tasked with operating as moral support in some of their darkest moments. The situation struck a nerve close to his own heart, and any help he could provide gave him was the least he could do.
"Thanks, really. It's kind of you to offer." The fox shifted his weight from one side to the other, unsure of how to remain still. There were many unknowns still at play, and though there was relief to his perils in the present moment, it would only last so long. "I just need to wrap my head around things. It's heavy right now."
"I would imagine." Dario scanned the newly arriving group of half-breeds from a distance, taking note of their solemn expressions. These were lives uprooted in an instant, and knowing what little he did, it wouldn't be letting up anytime soon. "If you don't mind me asking, was it just you? Did you have anyone else come with you?"
The fox stopped swaying, the question striking a chord and creating a pause. The silence lingered for a few seconds while he carefully considered his words.
"I mean... other than my mother, no. We had left earlier than most where we come from. I didn't want to take any chances." His head didn't move away from the gaze it held on the horizon. "Regardless, there's only one person I'm hoping to find safe."
"Well, maybe they made it here already. I can help you look if you'd like."
"I would appreciate that."
"It's nothing at all." The stag felt the radiating concern that the fox was letting off, and to know the same pain fueled his desire to aid. "Who should I be keeping an eye out for?"
Ellis laughed to himself; even when his mind was filled with nothing but an overwhelming want to see his partner again, it still found a way to fall back into old habits.
"If you could believe it... a ferret. My boyfr- my... yeah, no, my boyfriend. A ferret with a big heart and an even bigger mouth." Ellis couldn't keep the smile from his face. "Haven't seen him since... since before all of this, but he's stubborn as all Hel. I'm sure he's managing just fine, but I have to know for sure."
Turn around turn around turn around turn around...
The proximity of audibly hunting individuals grew closer to his location, and it wouldn't be long before Blair's hideout would be compromised. The ferret coiled himself tightly against the wood, desperate to blend in.
"...has to be. I heard it out here. Find the fuckin' rat before sundown."
"Waste o' time, don't you think?"
"Unless you have a better idea, I'd keep your head straight and your mouth shut."
The barking commands caused Blair to shiver with each word; the sound was louder as each syllable left the lips of his enemy. Time was not on his side, and without any feasible escape, his hope of making it back to the Jaw grew faint. He forced his eyes shut and kept his breathing shallow.
Turn around turn around turn around turn around...
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blair-the-navigator · 4 years
His head turned to look at her from an angle, contemplating how to respond to the unprompted question.
“Aye, they did, nothing that I could remember. That was before my time. I can bet ye’ it was lovely, though.”
Blair didn’t move for a moment. His ears flicked softly before tilting downwards ever so slightly.
“...thank ye’, Commander. I’ll be seeing ta’ getting a plan together fer ya.”
Arrivals & Departures [pt 2]
[Part 1]
It was too late for Blair to control the eruption of laughter that followed the Commander’s information. He used the back of a paw to wipe the newly formed tears under his eyes; roaring laughs fading to a hefty chuckle.
“Oh- oh Gods, thank ye’. I needed a good laugh t’day.” He forced himself to quiet down, with an unavoidable grin still present on his face. “Yer going ta’ do what now? Miss, I am so sorry ta’ be te’ one ta’ tell ye’ dis, but yer gonna need a miracle ta’ pull enough people here. I ‘aven’t seen hide nor hair of the lot in a bit, but if memory serves, they’ve got quite te’ army themselves.”
Blair tapped his paws together, thinking on the situation. Even with numbers not stacking in the Rebellion’s favor, he wanted to believe that they were different. After all, he had seen what just one in their ranks was capable of. For the sake of himself and those he left back home, he had to be on board.
“That bein’ said, I’ve got good news fer ya.” Blair moved in closer to Lila, looking to her with eyes wide. “I am just the ferret fer te’ job! My village alone has got plenty ‘o strong, able folk ready ta’ work. Beyond that, I suppose I could rally a decent amount fer ye’.”
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blair-the-navigator · 4 years
“Understood, ma’am. I will start with my home, an’ work my way east. Should cover a decent amount o’ ground that way.”
Blair adjusted his back to hang from his opposite shoulder. He had planned to return home regardless, but the thought of having a purpose for his travels worked greatly in his favor.
“I will certainly be in touch, Commander. Ye’ can bet on it. I will seek ye’ out before I take my leave.”
Arrivals & Departures [pt 2]
[Part 1]
It was too late for Blair to control the eruption of laughter that followed the Commander’s information. He used the back of a paw to wipe the newly formed tears under his eyes; roaring laughs fading to a hefty chuckle.
“Oh- oh Gods, thank ye’. I needed a good laugh t’day.” He forced himself to quiet down, with an unavoidable grin still present on his face. “Yer going ta’ do what now? Miss, I am so sorry ta’ be te’ one ta’ tell ye’ dis, but yer gonna need a miracle ta’ pull enough people here. I ‘aven’t seen hide nor hair of the lot in a bit, but if memory serves, they’ve got quite te’ army themselves.”
Blair tapped his paws together, thinking on the situation. Even with numbers not stacking in the Rebellion’s favor, he wanted to believe that they were different. After all, he had seen what just one in their ranks was capable of. For the sake of himself and those he left back home, he had to be on board.
“That bein’ said, I’ve got good news fer ya.” Blair moved in closer to Lila, looking to her with eyes wide. “I am just the ferret fer te’ job! My village alone has got plenty ‘o strong, able folk ready ta’ work. Beyond that, I suppose I could rally a decent amount fer ye’.”
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