scoutvox · 1 month
Desecration [Pt 9]
The scout, having had his senses barraged, reached out for Sav as he remained hunched down on the floor. He was able to grip what he hoped was his arm, wiping the sweat off his brow as he caught his breath. Seeing the gargantuan monstrosity before him, Vox felt his stomach drop - Kendra and Jin were likely still in the air, as were the Felman children.
Once the ash and dust settled around them, he turned to have his hopes confirmed; Liam was sitting where he had been before. With his ears still ringing from the piercing, shrill cry of what could barely be considered the Grand Illuminar, he kept a low profile and quickly moved to his son, careful to avoid the chains that bound him to the tomb.
"Hey bud, you good? Are you hurt?" Vox's voice was raspy and strained, clearly feeling the weight of the day alongside his desperate pleas just moments earlier. "We gotta get you out of here. I'm not leaving you here, don't worry."
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ad-aster-per-aspera · 1 month
Ad Astra [Pt 5]
It took Atty longer to realize what they were referring to; given his frequency in coming into contact with the contents of this floor, he had grown used to the sensation and could easily disregard it.
"You get used to it!" His voice was surprisingly cheery in contrast to the sounds of war in the distance. "I felt that for a few weeks when I was here; I suspect it's some sort of magick energy, but that is not my specialty by any means. Someone with more knowledge on the subject would be better suited to inspect it."
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dario-the-deer · 7 days
Rumble Down Under [Pt 7]
Lila's request to him directly was abrupt and unexpected; the two had an amicable relationship, but Dario had never been called upon specifically for much of anything involving the Rebellion, outside of his capacity as a healer. Knowing what Vox and Lila were asking of Kendra, the stag made quick time to get to the younger Arnason child, borrowing a nearby dragon to expedite his efforts.
What are you doing, Hjort?
The half-breed ignored the painfully loud presence in his head, nearly skidding as he reached Kendra. He took a knee next to her, feeling his back burn from the still-fresh wound placed down the length of his spine.
Hel of a situation you've got yourself in, Kendra. Dario flashed her a gentle grin; he didn't notice that he was instinctually signing along with his mental transmission. If you're going to take a hit, I can help brace and ideally channel the energy alongside you.
The deer waddled his weight to Kendra's side, outstretching his arms and placing his hands on the backs of her own. A soft whisper generated the faintest glow between the two sets.
I'll bear whatever burden becomes too much for you, I promise.
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furibotgd · 1 month
Rumble PT 2
Indigo let out a little growl when Lila jumped right in without hesitation, and knew this was an excellent moment to dive right in.
To prove even more how dedicated he was to helping this cause and these people. To being an ally, and one worth keeping. Worth trusting. The Indigo Phantom got to his feet with a burst and ran full speed towards the hole, Storm chasing right on his heels.
He didn't even mount the dragon, letting out a holler, almost a war cry, maybe the screech of a fury, and jumped in after the leader, his dragon companion on his heels.
They met up midair effortlessly and vanished into the red tinged void below, the wing whistle and roar of a night fury coming out after they'd vanished.
He didn't even see Indi, perched hidden inside one of the many holes in the walls, watching them, since they were going so fast.
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hubwalker1 · 5 months
This Will be the Day
Things were falling apart around her. Their super weapon was scrambling up the wall for God knows why, two teams of people had been lost underground and she had to send a third, and on top of all of that, their forward momentum had stalled. They needed to get moving.
She reached out to the network to one of the riders. Despite Vox's claim that he had lost the beacon the strength of the web had not been diminished. Now was not the time to consider that though. She ordered the rider to fly above the city and to look down. With that she began to plan. She ordered her troops to circle around to the second gate so that they might pin the forces between them and have a stronger foothold from which to press forward.
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blair-the-navigator · 6 months
Bound to the Burn [Pt 3]
"Ye' called us a fuckin' what?"
Blair looked to both ends of the burrow, gifted with decent dark vision. It was a fraction of a second that he had turned to face behind them when he let out a blood-chilling scream.
"What in te' everloving fuck is that?"
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moe-lazyeye · 8 months
War Helmet Removed (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2
Stonegit: Stonegit remained still. He knew what the answer had meant as well as Jonas. The possibility was there. The family could back him but not if a war broke out because of his actions. With one member of the royal family already dead, there was no one else who could rightly take the fall outside of Stonegit. Stonegit stepped further back into the room and rummaged around until he found some parchment and charcoal. "There may be little I can give you, Jonas, to help bring light to this situation. The tariff I forced Eindride to sign is gone, and between my memory and words I fear I am just breeding confusion..." He gave a wry, reminiscent smile as he scratched the pen across the paper. "Which has always plagued me I suppose, but here." He passed him a set of notes. The runic scrawl was still rudimentary, although a good deal better than Jonas remembered when Stonegit had been younger. "This is a copy of the letter I sent with the released hostages. And this is a note of everything I remember from the original document, and the day I brought it to Egil."
Jonas: The day I brought it to Egil. Well. There was the answer to that. Jonas wasn't sure if this made things better or worse. It was mostly learning which "worst" the situation was. Jonas looked over the notes, mulling carefully. He held the paper up in one hand and rubbed at his chin with the other. "The document Egil signed," Jonas said, as a statement, but to receive outright confirmation from Stonegit. This was huge. He wasn't angry at Stonegit. He was just concerned with making this situation right before a dear family friend was harmed and before international conflict broke out anew. It was a problem, and Jonas felt the pressing weight to fix it.
Stonegit: "Yes." Stonegit confirmed. "After I managed to get the councils to draft the document and Eindride to sign it, I took it to Egil. He signed it with scarcely a word." His hand came up to rub at his eyes and brow. "Jonas I...I fear I may have taken advantage of Egil in a time of grief. On my life I would never do such a thing on purpose but looking back..." He sighed as he slumped back in the chair. Even in the recollected summary, the sanctions Stonegit had managed to put against Eindride were severe and sparred no force behind its blows. However, as Jonas continued to mull through the papers, he did notice an element to the note sent with the hostages that Stonegit had neglected to make a point out of. It appeared as though the discussion of blood debts had actually originated with Eindride, a point that Stonegit then acknowledged, not that there had been much room for the Wilderwest to respond to the invasion as if it had been anything other than an act of war. It was conversation specific enough that Eindride would understand its meaning without the need for Stonegit to even sign the letter, nor did it have any excessive words that could have been used against the Wilderwest. It was, potentially, another starting place to finding out the means to stabilizing this matter.
Jonas: Jonas was still mulling over the data, but to Stonegit, he better knew what to say. "A person's grief does not rob them agency. You made your decision, he, his." Ultimately, Egil's responsibility would always fall on himself. Jonas fell silent again as he processed his remaining thoughts. He didn't enjoy thinking over his father's death, but therein lie the tangle of the issues. That the blood debts began with his father's offense and were fulfilled through Eindride executing him made sense. It coincided with everything Jonas independently understood of the matter. Eindride's quest had been to take vengeance against Gareth for those Gareth had slain. With the death of his father, Eindride's violence would be fulfilled, if Eindride were being logical. As he'd already voiced to Stonegit, Jonas suspected the Wildest North would find Stonegit's retaliation an unnecessary and grievous deed for a matter that should've already been 'settled,' so he feared this would set them on path for a second round of tit-for-tat. He feared this would make them feel the Wilderwest would continue to act unjustly against them. However, it did also mean that, with the blood debt paid in his father's death, in an ideal situation, they could negotiate peace: the most egregious Wilderwest offenses were already settled. He had to hope for this instead of any slights perceived.
Stonegit: Stonegit read Jonas's body language. A skill that had taken him quite a bit to grasp the fundamentals of. It was good to know Jonas did not share his fear, and Stonegit worked within himself to accept the truth of the man's words. "Nothing will stop the Wildest North from making a poor decision if they are determined to do so." He voiced with a note of resignation. "That is what drove them to invade us the first time...so what of Egil then? Shall we take this to him...again...?"
Jonas: Jonas exhaled noisily. Something still wasn't adding up, and Egil, as king (Weird to think of my brother as that...), was a needed authority to get this handled. "Yes, I think we should."
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Shadows of the Father
The palace halls were quiet. He wasn’t sure he liked them so. Even though he had no reason for immediacy, he found his pace increasing. Torchlight to torchlight, shadows flying wildly across the wall, these apparitions were Egil’s sole company as he crossed from the throne room to his private chambers.
Egil always felt alone, anymore. And he always felt like something was following him. Shadows pursued him, and not just the physical ones. Good days, bad days, quiet days, chaotic days, stressful days, more stressful days, solemn days, aggravating days—at all points, he couldn’t escape the shadows of his father. The ominous darkness of Gareth’s death and the legacy he bestowed upon Egil were two shadows Egil could’ve done without.
He’d never wanted to be king. He’d never deserved to be king. Why the Helheim had the Powers that Be approved his coronation? He was the most powerful man in the Wilderwest, technically, but he couldn’t feel more helpless and trapped.
He passed a few guards, presumably the only people awake this time of night. But then he spotted several long-stretched shadows flickering ahead. They dissolved into Avara Aslaug Haddock and two diminutive forms.
“Egil,” Avara said, before he could slip down a side hallway.
“Didn’t think you’d be up this late,” Egil remarked.
As if on cue, eleven-year-old Eva broke into an enormous yawn, which got passed to Sara standing beside her. The hours were late for adults and his daughters looked miserable standing here.
Sara said, “We can go to bed, right? I’m tired, Daddy.”
Avara forced out a belabored smile, thin, little more than a perfunctory stretch of her lips. The smile didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m afraid we didn’t leave Brega’s until late.”
Egil shrugged and said, “Ah. Something hold you up?”
“Oh, the trip went without a hitch, didn’t it girls?” Avara tried to make her voice light. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but no one, not even Egil, caught the expression. Instead, Sara was saying again, “I’m tired,” while Eva, prompted by the mention of their trip, was descending into a tangent about the ducks they passed near a creek. Both Egil and Avara ignored it.
“Well. That’s good.” Egil didn’t know what else to say to his wife. Avara was slowly herding them to the bed chambers, and Egil fell in line with his mismatched family.
“Daaaaaddddy, I’m tired.” Sara clawed at Egil’s sleeve, and belatedly, he picked his younger daughter up. She was getting heavy for this and holding her felt unnatural.
“We’re all tired,” said Avara. “The trip is a little hard for a woman expecting.”
This time, Egil comprehended what she was getting at. “I couldn’t have gone. I’m the king, if you don’t remember.”
“Your father’s got time for you, doesn’t he?” crooned Avara to Eva, sickly-sweet. Implied in it was a barb Egil didn’t miss, if only because they’d had the conversation before.
“Girls, let’s get you to bed,” she continued, maintaining that soft voice.
“I could sleep for WEEKS!” Sara said.
“I bet you can,” Avara said. Her pace quickened. “Egil, you’ve got Sara?”
“Of course,” he answered. Sara was feeling floppier; she’d fall asleep in his arms if he didn’t get her to her room. The two girls’ rooms were next to each other, so Egil was forced to walk beside Avara, and even after setting Sara down on her bed, couldn’t leave without Avara’s notice. She came out of Eva’s room about the same time, and, with more firmness in her voice now that the children were out of earshot, said, “You really should be doing this when I’m due soon.”
"You didn't think about it."
“Sorry for not thinking about taking them to my ex-wife.”
She pointed out, “They’re your girls.” Then, in a cruel parrot, “I’m not their mother, if you don’t remember.”
“And of course I love them. But this is something you could step up on. The trip happens once every three months. It’s hardly much of a responsibility.”
“If it’s not much of a responsibility, then why are you shitting on me for it?”
“Because I’m always doing your job!”
“My job is king. If you don’t remember.”
The two paused outside their bedroom door. Their faces mirrored displeasure.
There was a long, pregnant pause before Avara undercut, lowly, “I’d believe that if you took the kingship seriously, too.”
There couldn’t be anything more serious than Gareth’s death, than Egil’s awful descent to the throne, than the noose slipping around his neck every time he was expected to weigh in on foreign policy or local economics or the appointment of ministers. Ticked, he vomited out a “What the Hel?” before he realized he was speaking. Since it looked like she was waiting for a better response, he continued with the only other thing he could think of: “I do take it serious.”
“Do you? Then why haven’t you accomplished anything?”
“Now that’s l—”
“Am I supposed to believe you’re ruling when you slip off to the thirtieth ‘dragon stables inspection’ instead of entertaining dignitaries?”
“Is that what we’re calling feeding my dragons now?”
“No. It’s about what you’re avoiding, Egil.” Avara rolled her eyes. “You avoid Bre—”
“Who wouldn’t?” muttered Egil.
“You stop that! You stop that and listen. You avoid three-minute conversations with Brega to the detriment of taking care of your daughters. You avoid your royal duties, your actual duties. You avoid me. Egil, did you think I wouldn’t notice?”
Inflamed and insistent: “It’s too much. I’m busy.”
“I’m your wife, Egil.”
“Damn! Do you want me to spend time ruling the throne or don’t you? Because that’s becoming unclear.”
“I couldn’t BE more clear!”
“You could BE more supportive!”
“Of what? Your cowardice?!! YOU should be supportive of ME!”
Raised voices echoed through the hall. Egil sucked in a shaky breath. Avara squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her forehead.
“Egil,” she bemoaned, trying to rein in her frustration. “If we’re going to make this work, you have to take ownership of yourself. Everywhere. Quit running away.”
“I’m trying to make this work,” he insisted. Didn’t she see him in the throne room every day, forcing himself to do what he hated most? Didn’t she hear him trying to talk this out now? What more could she expect? If she wanted more time with him, that’d take away from his kingship. If she wanted him to spend more time ruling, that’d take away their time. Couldn’t she respect his hard work? Couldn’t she at least acknowledge he was trying?
“No, you’re running.”
“Fuck this. I’m out. You want running? I’ll run.” Egil began to back away. His eyes locked into hers for several cold seconds before he whirled about, leaving her alone in front of their bedroom door. If she didn’t appreciate his presence, she could sleep alone tonight.
The palace halls were too loud. He didn’t like them so.
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lbigreyhound13 · 6 months
My Little Grey (BOTGD 2 Oneshot)
(Takes place right after No Choice)
As soon as Grey and Lila stepped through the portal, the Chief quickly placed a hand on Lila's shoulder and smiled at her to silently thank her. She felt slightly better after their talk, but there was still a nag of guilt inside her. However, she couldn't think about that right now. She needed to find her mother and the council and get them to come home.
"Mom?!" she shouted running through the camp looking around for Ingrid. "Mom?!"
Ingrid sat in the tent with the councilmembers around her. She silently prayed to whatever god or goddess was listening that her grandchildren and the Rebellion were successful in their plans to take back Haligan Island and to save her daughter, her son-in-law, and their men. She begged her late husband to watch over them.
"Please, Sven, please, my love..." Ingrid whispered to herself. "Watch over our grandchildren. Watch over the Rebellion. Watch over...watch over our little Grey...our little girl...and our son-in-law, Brandt...please..."
Silence was her answer. The healer was sure that the council was looking at her, but she didn't care. All she wanted was her family safe. She sighed as she listened to the silence until...
Ingrid gasped aloud at that voice. She knew that voice. She's known that voice ever since she heard her cry when she was born. It was a voice of someone calling for her mother.
"G-Grey...?" she asked herself.
"Mom, where are you?!"
Ingrid wasted no time in running...scrambling out of the tent. She flung open the tent flaps. "Grey?!" she shouted.
Sure enough, there was her daughter...her only daughter...her little Grey walking about the tent calling for her.
"Grey!!" she shouted as she ran over to her. It wasn't a trick. There was no way it was a trick.
The Chief turned at the call of her name and smiled as tears flooded her eyes when she saw who was calling her. "MOM!" she shouted as she ran toward Ingrid.
"GREY!!" Ingrid shouted gathering her daughter into her arms. "Oh my gods...my little Grey..." Tears flowed from her cheeks.
"Mom..." Grey said as she held her mother tightly. For 16 days...especially after seeing her father in her dream...she ached for her mother's embrace...to be 6 or 7 years old again...and to be held in her mother's arms...safe...protected.
"I-Is it...really you?" Ingrid sobbed.
"I-It's me, M-Mom..." Grey sobbed in return. "I-I'm here. I'm really here." There was a part of her that needed to convince herself that that was true....even after she had just reunited with her husband, her children, and her dragon. "I-I missed you so much."
"I missed you, too...so much," Ingrid said before pulling away slightly to kiss her on the cheek. "My little Grey..."
Grey couldn't help but chuckle as tears streamed down her face at her mother's pet name for her. Sven always called her his little Valkyrie. Ingrid always called her her little Grey. She then pulled away to look at her mother allowing her to see the tears on her face. "Y-You're okay, right?" she asked. "Y-You weren't hurt, right?"
"N-No...no, I'm fine," Ingrid replied shaking her head tearfully. That was so like her daughter. Grey always made sure the other was okay before worrying about herself. "I promise, I'm fine. We're all fine, but you..." she placed her hands on Grey's cheeks wiping away the tears as she remembered where her daughter had been...in captivity, "oh...my little Grey...what about you? Did they...did they hurt you?"
"I-I'm okay, I promise," Grey said. "Everyone made it...me..." The Chief's face fell as she remembered... "Brandt...Shadow...the men...we're all okay..."
Ingrid furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "What is it?" she asked quickly. "Th-There's something you're not telling me."
Grey couldn't help but laugh to herself. Of course she couldn't lie to her own mother. "E-Everyone made it," Grey said meekly, "but...Brandt...w-when we get home...I-I'm going to need you to look at him. He...uh..." The memory came flooding back...
“Brandt…” Grey breathed. She then turned to Ai glaring at her. “You leave my husband alone. He has nothing to do with this. I’m tell you the truth. I don’t anything about the new leader!”
She shrugs. "Fair enough, have it your way." She looks up at the ceiling and the Half-Breed that brought him in cracked a whip across his back, hard.
Brandt screamed as he fell forward catching himself on his shackled hands as the whip struck his back.
“NO!” Grey screamed at the top of her lungs. “Brandt!”
"Ai...the...the leader...she..." Grey said trying to force the memory of her husband...the love of her life screaming in pain out of her mind as the tears came back, "she brought me in to interrogate me, and...I wouldn't talk. So...she had Brandt brought in...and whipped him..."
Ingrid gasped as her eyes widened.
"...right in front of me..." Grey finished.
"Oh...Grey," Ingrid said pulling her daughter into another tight embrace, "my little Grey...I-I'm so sorry that happened." She hated the idea of her daughter...her baby girl experiencing something so horrible happening to her husband and their love being used against her. She hated the idea of her son-in-law experiencing such pain. Ingrid and Brandt had a rough patch in their relationship when he revealed the truth about him and her late-husband Sven...after Brandt connected the dots. When Grey and Brandt told her and Einar that they wished to continue their relationship and to move past this horrible revelation, she gave her blessing but needed time to forgive him, and eventually, she did. She forgave Brandt, and their relationship improved greatly. The thought of anything happening to Brandt made her heart ache. "I-Is he alright?"
"I-I managed to clean the wounds before they separated us 2 weeks ago," Grey said sadly, "but I would appreciate it if maybe you could--"
"Absolutely," Ingrid said quickly. "I can check him once we return home."
"Thank you, Mom," Grey said, "really."
"Anything for my little Grey," Ingrid said smiling. She wasted no time in pulling her daughter in for another hug. "Oh...I wish I could've traded places with you. My heart ached every day for you."
"I appreciate that, Mom," Grey said pulling away, "but I'm glad you weren't there. After what happened to Brandt...I-I don't know what I would've done if they used you against me too." Ai was not afraid to harm Brandt in front her to get her to talk. She shivered to think about what Ai would've done to her mother. "Besides, I'm glad my kids had their grandmother."
"I'm glad I was there for them, too," Ingrid said, "but, Grey, I have to say, you and Brandt should be very...very proud of them."
"Well, we're always proud of them," Grey said.
"No, I know," Ingrid quickly said, "but...oh...they were so strong throughout this whole ordeal. Sven...little Sven...Hroar told him that he was acting Chief since you and Brandt weren't around, and he wasted no time in trying to figure out a way to take back Haligan Island."
The Chief widened her eyes in astonishment. "Really?"
"He said his first order of business was to take back Haligan Island and to get you back on your throne," Ingrid said with a smile.
Grey didn't dare to speak as her mother continued.
"And...Dagny...little Dagny..." Ingrid said. "Sven was trying to figure out how to get help from the Rebellion--"
"Wait...what?" Grey asked quickly. "I sent word to the Rebellion the minute the attack happened. A Nix was supposed to come here."
Ingrid sighed. "Sven said the same thing," she replied, "but...unfortunately, the Nix was killed in the attack. The Rebellion never got word."
"So, that's why it took so long..." Grey thought to herself.
"So, then what happened?" Grey asked. "How did Lila find out what was happening?"
"It was Dagny," Ingrid answered. "Sven was trying to figure out how to send word to the Jaw...to here, and his options were very limited. So...Dagny personally volunteered to do it."
Grey widened her eyes as she let her mother continue. Was her mother really about to say what she thought she was about to say?
"It took some convincing on Sven's part," Ingrid continued, "but he agreed. Dagny took SkySinger and flew all the way here to get Lila."
"She flew all the here...alone?" Grey asked. "For two whole weeks?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. While she was imprisoned in her home...while Brandt and her men were imprisoned...while Shadow was captured...Sven took over as acting Chief, and Dagny volunteered to fly on her own...to find the Rebellion.
"She did," Ingrid said. "I didn't agree at first, but it needed to be done, Grey. We didn't have many options."
"I-I can't believe it," Grey said in amazement. Of course, that left her youngest daughter...her baby girl. "And...and what about Kari? How was she?"
"She was remarkable as well, Grey," Ingrid replied. "She kept an eye on Haligan Island the whole time you were captured, and she helped Sven come up with plans to take back the island. Grey...they reminded me so much of you and Brandt."
"My kids are pretty amazing, aren't they?" Grey said with a smile.
"Well, they have amazing parents...one of them being my daughter," Ingrid said with a wink.
Grey smiled. However, there was a part of her that wondered if she...was even as amazing as her mother claimed she was...especially after what happened over the past few weeks. They had an amazing father for sure, but as for a mother...she wasn't sure. "Well, as much as I would love to stay here and talk about how amazing my husband and kids are," she began, "what do you say we grab the council and the rest of the villagers and head home?"
Ingrid couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Grey suddenly changing the subject, but she agreed that they needed to get home. Brandt was going to need those scars to be looked at, and she was itching to see the rest of their family. "Yes, I think you're right. I will check Brandt as soon as we get there."
Grey nodded gratefully.
It didn't take long to gather the councilmembers, who wasted no time in embracing her thankful that their Chief was back.
"It's good to see you again, kid," Hroar the Young said as he hugged her.
"You too, Hroar," Grey said with a smile. "Tomorrow, we can worry about the clean up and all that. I think we all need to get the rest of the villagers home, so that we can get some rest."
"Agreed," Hroar said. "We'll gather everyone up immediately." So, they went off to gather the rest of the villagers informing them that the Chief was freed from captivity and that it was time to return home.
The whole time, Grey stood there with Ingrid with their arms wrapped around each other...extremely grateful to finally be together again. She of course missed her father beyond words and wished he was there with them...but after that dream she had...she had a feeling that he was there...hugging both her and Ingrid close...grateful that the two women in his life were together again.
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darth-schism · 3 years
Last Lesson (botgd 2 "kinda flashback but technically more of a thread just being done super late")
(Takes place after Opie is caught and before the pirate attack)
Malak's head buzzed as the wood of Sven's training sword knocked into his head. The spider had momentarily lost himself in thoughts over his son that he had exposed an opening despite having a plethora of arms to protect himself.
Since the boy had caused Darien to lose his leg, he had been sent to the reformation camp. He still hadn't been one for the outdoors, so the rebellion authorities had decided learning indoor based crafts and trade still would be best for him. Malak knew his son was too dangerous to be allowed in society at large, at least for now. And frankly...he knew the same ought to apply to himself.
Malak had just started to plot out in his mind how to handle what he knew would be inevitable when Sven bonked him in the head, and he scrambled back a few paces with a bark of surprise.
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asha-the-viking · 4 years
Katryn Meets a Dragon (Kinda)
Katryn, when left to her own devices, often wandered the island on her own. Especially now that Siri was busy being pregnant and Aria was who knows where. Katryn was feeling quite lonely. She sat down on a rock that overlooked the sea.
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scoutvox · 5 months
Desecration [Pt 3]
Vox couldn't tell if he was humored or hurt by his son's betrayal; in either case, the young man's antics were in complete contrast to what the scout had grown accustomed to. Despite the current situation, there was a peace in that moment.
"If you insist." He continued to feel anxious each second that passed on the dragons, and a conversation with Lila was possibly worse.
Hey Lila! So, good news! We found the beacon!
Vox paused, seeing Liam stifling laughter during his transmission. "Keep laughing, kiddo."
Slightly less good news - Kezia, Grand Illuminar of High Central? Terrifying powerful woman? She's... here. Down here. Please don't ask me if we're engaging.
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ad-aster-per-aspera · 2 months
Ad Astra [Pt 3]
Atty removed the deep burgundy coat that had begun to weigh him down, as the additional time spent in the tower hadn't been accounted for. He pulled up the sleeves of a beige tunic that was visibly too large for him as he looked back to the woman questioning him.
"Oh! Nothing of relevance, if I'm being honest. I do not usually spend much time down here if I can help it. Various belongings of the Grand Illuminar and those who served her over the years can be found strewn throughout this place." He adjusted his thick-lensed frames on his face, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Please forgive me, I do not believe I caught your names."
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dario-the-deer · 2 months
Topside Turvy [Pt 2]
Dario walked through a scene of gore he could not have steadied himself for; while most who seemed to have been caught up in the stone were unscathed, there were plenty of signs to say that not all were that lucky. He could feel his stomach ready to flip at any moment, and the split second that he wished he wasn't in control nearly made him vomit.
The half-breed was pulled from his internal contest at the sound of a goat nearby - he moved autonomously towards the melodious voice.
Dario kept a wide gap between himself and the pair of demon and caprinae. Given the last interaction between the three of them, he couldn't be too careful.
"Seems like you found what you were looking for, huh?"
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voxarnason · 4 years
Non-Negotiable [pt 2]
Vox didn’t even pretend to understand the subtleties of their back-and-forth; there were obviously things at play he hadn’t been privy to. He needed some semblance of a grip on things.
“Excuse me, stranger...” He looked to the refugee with concern, taking a deep breath to try and calm his nerves. “What is your name?”
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hubwalker1 · 1 year
"I thought I heard the old man say, leave her Johnny, leave her~ Tomorrow ye will get your pay, and it's time, for us, to leave her~"
Those, and the lyrics of many other shanties echoed through the prison beneath the Jaw. The voice belonged to the Pirate Queen of Crows of Crestwill. She had waited patiently for her execution. Day after day after day, after day... But it seemed the axeman had forgotten about her. A rare occurrence, but certainly one she would capitalize on.
"will you shut up?!" Yelled a guard as she approached Ai's cell. "Honestly, everyday with you. It's the same bloody tune over and over and over again. Get some new material!"
The form inside chuckles. "Aww, and here I thought I was providing your entertainment." She says as she rolls off the bed and onto her feet. Her chains clink and jingle as she moves, her hands bound and bald into fists beneath covered manacles that were currently behind her back. "Besides, it's not as though you've given me much else to do, besides exercise that is."
She certainly hops up and tucks her legs up under her to bring her chain hands in front of her. Hide loosely to each wrist is one end of her bed sheets and she begins idly jumping rope.
"hey! You're not supposed to do that! The covers are to stay on the beds at all times." the guard yells taking an aggressive stance.
"well then, what am I supposed to do? Clearly you don't enjoy my singing." She replies with a smug grin.
"I'm warning you..."
"please, you're not going to do anything. Nobody in this ragtag army has the guts to really do anything. Oh, except maybe the chief. But I really had to show that bitch her place before she broke down and grew a spine, didn't I?" She taunts with a grin.
The guard's fingers tighten around her sword at that. All of the soldiers respected Grey and what she did. Especially after what she went through. And she certainly wasn't about to let this pirate scum bad mouth her or this army like that. She quickly worked the keys and threw open the cell door.
Ai's grin widened as the door slid open and the guard stepped inside. "Bingo."
A look of confusion comes over the guard's face before she realizes the position she's put herself in. But it's too late. With the next upswing of her covers, Ai brings them around the back of the guard's neck and pulls her head down on her extended knee. The guard instinctively reaches up to grab her nose as she cries out in pain and blood begins to flow. Wasting no time she pulls down hard again, laying her out on the floor with a grunt. She sets a foot between her shoulders to keep her down as she pulls the around her neck so it's around her throat and she starts pulling it taught until the guard passes out.
She lets out a sigh and let's the covers go slack as she pulls them out from under her. She moves over to the keys and grabs them with her teeth and begins systematically going through them one by one until her manacles are unlocked. She stretches her fingers for the first time in weeks and plucks the Moon cursed ring off her finger.
Now that she's free Ai begins to work her way through the prison, looking for her crew. After knocking several guards out quietly, she eventually finds them and frees them with the keys. "See, I told ya she wasn't dead!" One of them exclaimed. "I knew she'd come back for us."
"Of course, a captain takes care of her crew." Says with a grin.
"I knew you wouldn't just let us get captured for no reason. So what's the plan boss? We gonna destroy em from the inside out?"
She clicks her tongue and shakes her head. "Now where is the profit in that my friend. No, we're going to get out of here, collect our ships, and continue with business."
"But boss, I saw them Night Furies blow our ships to bits." Another pipes up.
She frowns. "Then it seems we'll be returning to Haligen to collect recompense."
"And then we start collectin' half-breeds and the like again, right boss?"
She chuckles and shakes her head. "Oh, my friend. Such a narrow view you have, I envy you. No no no, the rebels have made such a business quite unprofitable now. Though it has cost me greatly, cost us greatly, there's still going to be made in this world. We just need to do some... Restructuring. But we will discuss details later. For now let us go to one of our hideaways, get some drinks, discuss future plans, and get ourselves some new ships."
They all nodd and murmur in agreement, especially at the mention of a stiff drink. With that done she will create several portals to their hideout. Ai is the last to leave and she turns away from the portal to blow a kiss and take a bow to the fortress she escaped from and falls back into the portal.
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