shout out to my fellow abuse victims who were abused by their grandparents because no one ever believed me when i talked about my grandma or they brushed it off and i want you all to know that i hear you. i see you. you're just as valid as everyone else. just because they're grandparents, and older, doesn't make them any better of people, or any less likely to be abusive. age does not excuse someone from being abusive, even if they're old. you are not faking, and their abuse towards you is not justified by their age. no one has the right to abuse you. absolutely no one.
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if someone does the “fine, you’re right, i’m clearly a terrible person, i’m satan, i’m the worst person alive, i should just die” thing in response to criticism of their harmful behavior, they are trying to manipulate ppl and flip the situation around so that they look like a victim
stop tolerating this in 2k17 tbh. like really and truly, if you or your friend thinks this is okay pls call the hotline on the bottom of the screen and learn how to take responsibility for your bad behavior 
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some nt: nobody actually has “"evil”“ alters those are all fake uwu
me, someone with an ”“evil”“ alter: most systems don’t, but support those that do because they are mean for a reason!! DID is caused from trauma, and sometimes the alters behave mean to “protect” because they’re still stuck in trauma zone. and sometimes they’re just bad people, like any singlets could be! either way, they deserve respect. if you don’t want to be their friend, that’s fine! but they deserve respect!!
some nt: uwu
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shoutout to people with ptsd, combat or otherwise shoutout to people with c-ptsd shoutout to people who experience vivid flashbacks shoutout to people who have obscure triggers shoutout to people who go nonverbal shoutout to people whose identity is a result of their trauma shoutout to people who still care for their abuser shoutout to people who regress when they’re triggered
we’re all valid and we all matter
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me: alright, im not mad, i just want to know who has these specific set of memories
alters: *point fingers at each other*
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man. you know what I really wanna do? make a comedy play/tv show script about being in a system. because let’s be honest, it’s not a dangerous thing, dramatic yes, confusing yes, but not dangerous to people outside of your system. BUT IT CAN BE HILARIOUS JUST IMAGINE
“Wait, WHAT DO YOU MEAN (bilingual alter) WON’T WAKE UP WE HAVE A TEST TODAY!!!!!”
“…who put the body on a roof again?”
“…no, no (little), go to bed, it’s past your–No you can’t stay up the body is doing adult stuff– JUST GO TO BED!”
“questions we ask the host: what’s for dinner? what’s this word? who’s this? how do we talk to this person? what’s the equasion for this? things we ask (older alter): where’s the host?”
“why is everyone asleep it’s literally 7pm?”
“why is everyone awake it’s literally 3am?”
“can everybody shut up I’m trying to front”
arguments about what to do
including over what we eat
arguments over going to friends’ houses
feel free to add some system friends…
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when people say “alters may have different talents” they actually mean one alter can cook correctly and meanwhile, i just ruined cup noodles
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types of dissociation:
existing but a little to the left
am i crossing my eyes or is everything just blurry?
clipped right thru the floorboards
what the fuck is a “body”
i have too many bodies at once and they’re trying to start a fight club. how many arms are humans supposed to have again?
sounds fake but ok
pick two: harsh noise, dial up tone, cantina theme [10 hour version]
360 no scope
the atmosphere is lighting me on fire very, very slowly.
someone: “wow! you handled that stressful situation so well! so cool and competent!” me, unaware that anything happened: “i what now”
*forgets to breathe for 5 hours*
feel free 2 add ur own
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trying to do something fun: dissociating off my ass, focus and memory gone, disconnected from reality
trying to do something boring: now in New and Vivid detail, doing the dishes! experience the thrill in real time!
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to all those with DID/OSDD thinking about integration
because there is so little information on it
integration is worth the struggle, trust me.
take your time with integration and be patient. start with integrating just two (consenting) people. i tried to integrate everyone at once without their agreement and i learned the hard way that that’s not what integration is about. it’s about mutual healing and accepting. a decision fueled by love for yourself and for your alter(s).
start by saying “I” instead of speaking in the third person. i know it’s hard to admit that an alter you’re integrating with might, for example, have violent thoughts. but you must accept them as your thoughts if you are to truly integrate.
integration has made me more emotionally mature and more equipped to deal with stress and trauma, and it will help you with this, too. it may be rough at times, but you will reach a point where you feel freer than you ever imagined.
you will probably feel extreme emotions at first; either extreme joy and happiness turning into a loneliness and craving for dissociation, or vice versa. this is because, while integration is an amazing reclamation of one’s mind and identity, it’s also very overwhelming and unfamiliar. you’re used to the wall between you. these feelings will subside with time.
the important parts of who you and your system members are will not go away. that being said, you will have days when you act more like one person than another. don’t be afraid that you’re losing yourself; just try to remember who you are, you will be fine.
you have to work at integration, consciously work towards fully accepting every inch of each of your identities and histories as “me” and “mine.” otherwise you will split again. and that brings me to…
you will split again. it’s like any relapse. but you can reintegrate, too.
there’s a good chance that dormant and perhaps previously unknown alters will come out during the integration process. just a forewarning.
even if you aren’t planning on integrating, i’d really appreciate if you reblogged this. I hardly had any resources when i first started integrating and it was really hard on me.
if you’re in the integration process/have integrated, feel free to add stuff to the list, and feel free to ask me for more information/experiences. I’ve integrated eight alters at the time of writing this post.
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[Image Description: There are four images. The first is a banner with dark purple bows on either side of a light purple background. Above a row of stars in various shades of purple is the words, “please do not interact if you’re cgl(re), ddlg, kink, nsfw, liltot, kidheart, littlespace, or a supporter! thank you!” The second image is a banner with a series of small pixelated animals on a white background. The third image is a square yellow background with the words “using a paci is always okay!” in pink bubble letters. The fourth image is the same as the one before it, but with small drawings of hearts, stars, and other shapes in the four corners. End Image Description.]
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I made a cute edit
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m worried because trick trick is upset and i don't want him to be?
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i need help.
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...what is this? where am i? who are you all?
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reblog if your new year's resolution is to fight m. night shamalyan in a parking lot at 3 am
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person: why do you have so many plushies??
main fronting alter: oh, they're pretty cute and nice to collect
younger alter: woo!! plushies!!
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when ur feeling suicidal and an alter steps in to stop u from killing urself but then u come back and are even more suicidal,,,
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