blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
hi! bloodhound has been moved to this blog. please do not follow unless you plan to interact :) hound's going to be very plot focused from this point forward because this rpc is so small and i much prefer to actually have a rapport with other writers. thank you!
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blessun · 3 years
anyways sometimes life is hell when you have a VERY niche muse that puts lil worms in your brain (fun ghoul true lives of the fabulous killjoys i love you)
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blessun · 3 years
i'm terrified for the bloodhound lore that is going to come eventually
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blessun · 3 years
i think i will remake this blog actually :)
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blessun · 3 years
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@blessun​ asked: patch - help my muse patch up a wound.
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     Wattson really needed to update her kit. As much as she loved her fences, the awareness and movement of other legends really put her at a disadvantage if she was anywhere without a low ceiling. The unbearable guilt of being the first one downed on one’s squad laid heavily on Natalie’s mind as she watched Bloodhound tear into enemies from her corner. At least now she had a moment to see Bloodhound fight up close without being on the other end of the gun. They were efficient in their fights; it was no wonder they were a fan favorite in the games. 
     The familiar call of a squad wipe being completed rung out over comms and Natalie sighed with a bit of relief. With patience, she stayed tucked into the corner until she felt the pull of her squad mate’s hand, holding her down to jab a syringe into her. Her eyes widened at both the slight pain and rush, then she is pulled back onto her feet.
     “Merci, Bloodhound.” She said with a smile while pulling out a battery from her backpack. “Also, that was very impressive! Bon travail!”
the  rush  of  battle  is  enough  of  a  reward  on  its  own,  but  the  satisfaction  of  finishing  off  an  entire  squad  alone  is  always  a  welcome  boost  for  their  pride.  the  hunt  is  one  of  the  truest  tests  of  strength,  and  it  would  appear  they  passed  with  flying  colors  today.  hrafnsbita  is  secured  in  their  palm  as  they  return  to  natalie,  returning  her  back  to  her  feet  with  a  promise  that  she  still  has  fight  left  in  her.
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“    you  shall  not  fall  today,    ”    they  slide  a  spare  medkit  across  the  floor  to  her  as  they  reload  and  peek  around  the  nearby  corner,  scanning  the  area  for  enemy  squads.    “    the  allfather  favors  us  -  victory  is  ours  for  the  taking.  come,  let  us  press  on  and  slátra.    ”
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blessun · 3 years
“And me, with my wounds, with my violent blood, with my painful and untranslatable experiences,”
— Daniela Crăsnaru, from Letters from Darkness: Poems: “Oxford Street,”
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blessun · 3 years
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#  MOTIFE  :  a private ,  slow reply  &  low activity multi - muse featuring canon  &  original characters from film ,  television ,  video games ,  &  literature .  dynamic  &  plot centric .  canon divergent  &  headcanon based .  as adapted by rodriguez  [  HE  /  THEY ,  21+  ]
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blessun · 3 years
he nods ,   eagerly awaiting his companion’s answer .   pathfinder is strangely fond of bloodhunter’s voice ,   &  welcomes it as they begin to speak again .   however ,   the other’s response leaves pathfinder wanting to know more .   does bloodhound consider him a skilled fighter ?   a honorable fighter ?   a companion ?   a friend ,   above all else ?   he’s dying to ask ,   but he reads bloodhound’s body language as uninviting  &  decides to shut himself up .   he quietly gives the other a thumbs up ,   before turning away from them  &  sighing heavily .   he ,   finally ,   gives up on holding a conversation with the other ,   allowing them to return to what they were doing before pathfinder interrupted them .
to try  &  cheer himself up ,   he gets up ,   &  leaves the campfire  &  his companion behind to take a short walk ,   but not before informing his squadmate .
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❛      i’ll be back ,   friend ,   going to walk around  &  explore the nearby area for  …  fun !   woo - hoo !     ❜
blóðhundur  is  aware  that  speaking  to  them  is  like  pulling  teeth.  they’ve  been  told  as  much  countless  times  by  many  people  with  their  hundreds  of  questions,  their  insatiable  curiosity,  their  incessant  need  to  know  everything  about  everyone  around  them  -  ‘what  color  is  your  hair?  why  do  you  wear  the  mask?  what’s  with  the  respirator?’  -  all  of  them  equally  irritating.  and  yet,  now,  they  find  themself  feeling  something  they’d  recognize  anywhere;  remorse.  
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pathfinder  moves  to  leave  and  they  say  nothing,  head  tilted  aside  as  they  watch  him  go  with  a  curious  eye.  their  brows  furrow  behind  their  mask,  respirator  clicking  with  a  soft  hiss  as  they  exhale  a  staggered  breath,  trying  to  place  this  strange  interaction  among  their  limited  experience  with  others  as  far  as  socialization  -  friendship  -  goes.  their  only  acknowledgement  is  their  hands  reaching  for  hrafnsbita  once  more,  opting  to  busy  themself  again  as  distraction.  they  would  only  serve  to  worsen  things  if  they  spoke  now,  but  their  attention  is  not  truly  on  the  task  at  hand  until  they’re  certain  he’s  disappeared  into  the  trees.
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blessun · 3 years
as bloodhound puts a pause on what they’re doing  &  turns their entire body to face him ,   the pit of guilt that was harboring itself in the equivalent of pathfinder’s stomach only increases in size .   pathfinder avoids eye contact with his companion ,   his gaze focused downward at his own hands as the fidgeting of his fingers continues .   he has always admired bloodhound  &  their proficiency on the battlefield ,   &  has always wanted to befriend them .   it’s been proving harder than usual to get to know them  &  reach that level of closeness that pathfinder is looking for ,   but he tries to persevere ,   putting his negative feelings aside to spark up conversation with a new topic .
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❛      i was wondering what you thought of the other legends ,   friend .      ❜
it  is  impossible  for  them  to  not  notice  the  anxious  fidgeting.  for  a  small  moment  it  shocks  them  -  that  he  could  display  such  human  behavior  -  but  it’s  quickly  swallowed  and  controlled,  a  boot  turning  over  a  stray  stone  in  the  dirt  before  them.  something,  anything,  to  not  be  still. 
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“    you  are  curious  of  my  opinion?    ”    the  hunter  keeps  their  tone  even,  void  of  any  inflection  that  might  show  their  genuine  surprise.  they  shift  uncomfortably  as  their  fingers  flex  over  their  knees  as  if  pathfinder  could  somehow  read  the  expression  on  their  face.  they  pray  the  action  goes  unnoticed.    “    they  are  skilled  fighters  -  many  of  them...  honorable.    ”    they  offer  nothing  else,  knowing  that  it  isn’t  exactly  what  pathfinder  is  looking  for,  yet  unwilling  (or  perhaps  unable)  to  say  more  without  further  prompting.
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blessun · 3 years
pathfinder quickly removes his hand from bloodhound’s shoulder ,   as he can’t help but feel that he has annoyed them in attempting to cheer them up .   as a result ,   the screen on his chest changes to a sad ,   worried facial expression as he begins to fiddle with his fingers ,   his head lowering in guilt .
his gaze shifts from his own hands to the theirs ,   watching bloodhound quietly as they busy themselves .   pathfinder has a hard time dealing with silence ,   &  knowing that the other isn’t a fan of pointless conversation ,   tries to sit in the silence .   it quickly makes him feel uncomfortable ,   &  after several moments ,   he can’t help but say something to fill the space in the air .
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❛      i am sorry ,   friend ,   i did not mean to upset you .       ❜
for  a  foolish  moment  they  think  that  is  the  end  of  it.  they  return  to  their  work,  inspecting  the  blade  of  their  axe,  its  crimson  edge  glinting  in  the  firelight  until  pathfinder  speaks  again.  a  sigh  rattles  their  chest  once  more  as  they  turn  fully  to  face  him  -  as  if  opening  themself  up  to  conversation.  so  long  as  it  will  sate  him,  they  will  indulge  it,  despite  their  better  instincts.  
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hrafnsbita  is  returned  to  its  place  upon  their  hip,  their  arms  coming  to  rest  over  their  knees.  blóðhundur  detests  stillness  and  distraction.  idle  hands  are  honorless  hands.  they  have  to  stop  themself  from  standing  and  moving  across  the  small  patch  of  land  they  currently  inhabit,  instead  forcing  themself  to  sit  and  listen.  pathfinder  has  done  nothing  to  truly  deserve  their  irritation.    “    i  am  not...  upset.  speak,  then,  if  you  must.  i  have  caught  your  staring  -  is  there  something  you  wish  to  know?    ”
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