blkgurlwhtgi · 5 years
🎉🎈🎊Last post for the year for blackgirlwhitegi.com! Check out how you can actually keep your goals for the upcoming year AND new decade with a vision board! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #newpost#newblogpost#blogger#fitnessblogger#blog#eventreview#2020vision#motivation#newyear#2020#visionboard#hopes#dreams#goals#makeithappen#bgwg#blackgirlwhitegi#lifestyle (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6s2YMTBqHB/?igshid=1q95gnmqmpoga
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blkgurlwhtgi · 5 years
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Wishing you the merriest Christmas and wishing all the best for the upcoming new year! Love ❤️ Jess and Pumpkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #christmas #christmas2019 #peace #love #joy #doggy #dogsofinstagram #cutepuppy #bgwg #christmascard #holidayseason #blackgirlmagic #naturalhair (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6emWs6hynf/?igshid=6mxhkqidetbt
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blkgurlwhtgi · 5 years
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blkgurlwhtgi · 5 years
#Zumba has been a big part of my life for 7 years. It has been a big part of physical and mental health. If you need some fitness motivation for the week before Christmas, check out my latest post on blackgirlwhitegi.com called 5 reasons why Zumba Rocks! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Zumba #fitness #newblogpost #newblogger #zumbafitness #dancing #5reasons #newpost #blackgirlwhitegi #blackfitness https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZcYRcBaEM/?igshid=7i3s4cfqrls0
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blkgurlwhtgi · 7 years
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Throwback Thursday Post
I just want to point out that in this picture (2013) I thought I was not tight and needed to lose weight!
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blkgurlwhtgi · 7 years
Throwback Thursday Post: #Jiujitsuproblems: 1) Cute Instructor
Like any girl with a crush, I used to gush over one of my old coaches back in the states.  I found it very hard to concentrate but because of him and my other teammates, my jiu-jitsu became better.  4 years later, he is married to one of my other jiu-jitsu friends, a female blue belt from Brazil. and they live a happy life together.  I’m jealous not of the fact that she is married to a very handsome and talented now black belt, but the fact that she has a training partner she lives with and can help her grow on her jiu-jitsu journey.
Post from 2013
On my blog, I will try to speak open and candidly about all my experiences practicing jiu-jitsu. All though there are many problems, (i.e. Spending to much time on my back or having people take my back, which I will get to in another installment), I can’t concentrate. You know why? Because one my my instructors is hella cute.
I am the kind of girl that when I get serious about something all of my attention goes into it. When I decided to practice jiu-jitsu, I decided that I was going to be awesome at it so I can defend myself and be more confident and secure by myself. At Railside MMA, the gym where I started, I was ready want wanting to absorb everything and anything, no distractions, all focus. Now that I am at Renzo Gracie Northern Valley, I am still focused, ready and wanting to learn everything I can but it's really hard to learn when your focused on the instructors lips instead of what's flapping out of them. At this point in my life, I'm not focused on having a boyfriend at all but all I can picture is having armbar-catching, triangle-choking jiu jitsu babies with this guy. This is a problem because I feel that it makes me seem ditsy and not serious...
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blkgurlwhtgi · 7 years
Meme Monday!
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I say it’s a little of both. #cuddlemonster #teddybear #bigSpoonProblems #jiujitsu #bjj #jiujitsuproblems #ShhJustLetItHappen
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blkgurlwhtgi · 7 years
Fun and BJJ Games at Warzone BJJ’s New HongKou Location
When you’re persistent about your goals, you’d be surprised about how fast you can achieve them.  This is the case for my friends Saulo, Kemal, and Patrick, proud owners of Shanghai’s Warzone BJJ, the place I’ve been training while living in Shanghai.  They recently just opened their second location in Hongkou district, equipped with more mat space, weights, more punching bags, and a lot more!
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According to Kemal, Warzone started as a little gym in Jing an district with just a few guys who had a passion for jiu-jitsu. It has grown into a large family of MMA enthusiast, boxers, self-defense peeps, and jiu-jitsu bros. 
This past Saturday (8/19/2017), Warzone had an in-house competition in order to celebrate their new opening.  
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The event started off with the white belt men having their gi competition, which was super intense to watch.  The men in our gym are always training hard and slightly trying to kill each other.
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 Despite just going there to watch and not participate, a couple of girls and myself were thrown in to compete all together including one purple belt, myself a blue belt, and all white belts.  Of course, Dorothy one of our female purple belts won. It was actually quite fun rolling all together and there is truly a sisterhood bond between the Warzone ladies.
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(That beer was amazing after rolling.  I swear I wasn’t trying to drink!)
Then the no-gi competition commenced, which was the most intense competition.  I need to get my competitive spirit up because the way these guys were competing, it seemed like they were fighting for their lives, money or both. 
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  The event had a few sponsors including Michelob Ultra beer (Even after I said I wasn’t drinking, I had one cup right after I was done with my fight).  I’m really excited to be able to call Warzone gym my BJJ home in Shanghai and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this growing gym!
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blkgurlwhtgi · 7 years
Workout Hacks: How to Cheat a Workout in When You’re Busy
How many times have you said the words “I’m too busy to workout,” as the scale numbers begins to rise and doing something as simple as walking up the stairs gets harder?  We’re all busy in our own ways and being active must be considered as part as your daily routine, just like eating and sleeping.  But I of course understand that sometimes life doesn’t a lot for a 2-hour intense gym session.  
For those of you who are busy, here are some little ways you can cheat a workout in when your busy.  These tips aren’t about an intense workout but keep in mind that it’s not about intensity, but consistency.
 1)  Take a 10-15-minute Walk Break Every Hour, on the Hour
You might be thinking, “I don’t have time for a 15-minute walk. I’m busy adulting at my desk and doing big boy/girl things.” Well, even the most productive and engaged person at work isn’t productive for 8 straight hours.  I bet you’re even reading this article while you sit at your desk during your “Busy work day”  
It isn’t good to sit all day! So, taking time to work for 50-45 minutes and walking for 10-15 minutes will not only keep you moving throughout the day, but it will keep you productive and looking forward to giving you brain and your butt a break during those long work hours.
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BONUS: If you really can’t leave your desk that often. Try standing every other hour for 15 minutes.  Get a standing desk or prop your computer up with some books!  Also incorporate some stretches.
 2)  Toilet Squats
I know the busiest of bees must have to take some time to go to the bathroom during the day.  Why not take that time to workout the biggest muscle group in your body?  Since most likely you go to the bathroom in a stall (unless you’re in a very rural part of the world) why not bang out 10 proper, deep, body weight squats.  No one will know you did them and it only takes a couple of minutes.  If you’re drinking the amount of water you should be drinking daily, there should be no problem getting 100 squats in per day.
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BONUS: You can also do wall push-ups against the stall to get an upper body workout as well!
I know, during the morning you just want to get in the elevator, get to your desk, and get your sh*t done.  Sometimes, you just don’t want to get sweaty in the morning.  But train yourself to get moving some way or somehow.   In my old office, I worked at the 11th floor.  The building was 30 something floors with a crowded elevator every morning and night.  So, I figured let me get my extra cardio in!  
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BONUS:  Don’t ride the escalators! They are also stairs.  Plus, it’s annoying when people like me are trying to walk and you’re on your phone!
  4) Desk Dips!
 This one is a little bit weird, but you can always sneak them in... Use your chair to do 5-10 dips using your chair.  Points if you have a chair with wheels and can keep the chair stable!
BONUS: Try doing it with one leg on the floor only!  
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 These are a few ways I cheat a workout in so I don’t feel bad about hitting the gym one day.  The human body isn’t meant to be sedentary, so keep it movin’!
 How do you keep moving throughout the day?  Do you have any tips! Please share!
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blkgurlwhtgi · 7 years
I need this
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"You must be imaginative and strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work, and you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul"
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blkgurlwhtgi · 7 years
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blkgurlwhtgi · 8 years
This makes my heart hurt so bad...
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Some of the beautiful faces stolen from us at Pulse Orlando. Please keep them and the many others lost and affected in your prayers to night. Rest in power. 
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blkgurlwhtgi · 8 years
It's Pride Month and Ramadan. Two events meant for peace and celebration. Two groups that get so much hate. Love your LGBT and Muslim friends
<3 <3 <3
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blkgurlwhtgi · 8 years
Opinion piece: Discussing the Orlando shooting with chinese collegues
Discussions with Chinese Friends: The Shooting In Orlando
The news of the tragedy in Orlando has made its way to the East and Chinese and Foreigners alike have been talking about it.  As I found out the news that the shooter had a “Muslim name”,My heart dropped for my Muslim brothers and sisters who aleady face periscution from the meat sack of a GOP nominee ( I refuse to say his name) and his gang of Islamophobic followers.  As I am reading the information about the tragic events, my chinese coworker takes a peak at my screen and proceeds to tell me that muslims are always causing problems like this for the US.  Of course, I am filled with a bit of anger but I want to ask his perspective.  I asked him if why he thought this and if he actually knew or had been friends with any person who practiced Islam.  He retorted no but that the religion teaches violence and that no other religion has these problems…
*pausing because I was incredibly angry*
I proceeded to tell that every religion has radical sectors and then he says Buddists don’t.  I then pull up  information about the Radical Buddists in Myanmar who kill Muslims minding their own business just because.  So after a bunch of back and forths, he proceeds to telll me that only muslims are terrorists… at this point I bring up the fact that yesterday (6/12/16) a Chinese man, so far not connected to any “terriorist groups” attempted to set off a bomb in the Pudong airport.  Then walked into our morning meeting.   
I still have to do the reading myself but according to my collegues who have lived in China for many years, Islamophobia in China has been alive and well.  This is seen in the persecutions of Chinese muslims who have lived in China peacefully…
This is mostly a venting session about my disscusion today, but this shooting has brought out so many social issues in one event: homophobia, gun control, islamophobia, terrorism, etc, etc.  Between all this, my morning discussion, and the hate I’ve seen all over social media, it makes me really sad for the world we live in today.  I’m sure many people feel the same. But I think this is event is more of a calling that we need to ban together with our similarities, not differences and stand on one platform to make changes for the better.
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blkgurlwhtgi · 8 years
people calling america “the land of the great” and waving their stars'n'stripes banners, while im over here watching 22-year-old girls get killed by stalkers because the good ole U S of A still dont have gun control laws; seeing black kids get shot by cops for existing; witnessing an era in which cis white males can rape girls and get a six month long punishment because they can flap their hands in water well enough to float; existing in a world where being different in any way is a crime; watching an entire nation shudder in fear and disbelief because an orange coloured, flabby skinned, prejudiced old dickhead might rule an entire nation. if you still think america is great, im here to tell you: FUCK. YOU. you have your eyes closed to the horrors of your own country and then act surprised when things go to shit. slap some sense into yourself and wake the fuck up
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blkgurlwhtgi · 8 years
Trouble in a Non-Paradise: No Weight Loss and Exercise in China
Some of you probably know I’ve been living in China for the past year and 8 months.  I’ve gone from my very active lifestyle to a quite sedentary one.  I attribute this to a number of things.
1) Work-Life Imbalance
I’ve gone from having a car and driving everywhere to taking the subway most places.  Although my commute is only 40 mins each way including walking (compared to the people who have to commute up to 2 hours every day, I shouldn’t be complaining...)  my work hours are a lot longer.  After that, my day doesn’t stop at just work.  I usually have Chinese class after work and by the time I get out, the gym is closed.  I feel like I barely spend enough time in my house.  Also, because I stay up late trying to finish my own things, I wake up late with barely enough energy to roll my behind to work.
2) Late Gym Hours
  As opposed to the US where gyms open at the crack of dawn and close late (and let’s not forget about the amazing wonder that is 24-hour gyms) most gyms in China open late, sometimes as late as 10:30 which is when of course many people are at work. Most gyms try to appeal to the younger adults/millenial market but because of their late hours only “nai-nais, ayis, shu-shus, and ye-yes (aka older folk) get to the gym during opening hours.  This sucks for me as a person who actually would wake up and adjust my schedule to be able to work out early in the morning at 6 or 7. But, as a lonely foreigner in the great sea that is the general chinese public, that ain’t ever gonna happen.   
3) Expensive Ass Gyms
    In the US, we have the luxury of gyms that fit your budget and your lifestyle. Struggle bus? $10 a month Planet Fitness or a 19.99 a month Retro Fitness.  Fancy pants? Get your butt to Equinox.  Fitness has become a necessary part of life for most people and the abundance of gyms shows this.  In China, working out at a fancy gym is seen as somewhat of luxury and the fitness market is just starting to catch up with western markets.  This is shown in the high prices of gyms, especially in Shanghai.  A low price, low quality gym might cost you $20 a month, but be prepared to get staph from touching a weight.  Don’t feel like catching staph? You might be able to get a gym membership for $50-$100 a month.  Some of you might be thinking $50 isn’t that expensive for a gym. But, when you’re living on a tighter budget, it definitely is.  Plus, there is no charge monthly system.  You pay all the money at once or you don’t work out. Sometimes that’s not really feasible.  I did get lucky and got a nice gym membership for about $25 a month which includes a pool.  But also I feel I paid a lot of money for very few hours of working on and very little classes. At least I’m on the way to getting back on track.
4) Pollution and Running/Working Out Outside
For the frugal fitness enthusiast that is intensely motivated to workout outside, going for a run, using a tree as a pull-up bar, getting some fresh air is never a problem.  In China, that pollution will get you.  There are ways to get around the highest levels of pollution by doing your workout late at night. But that doesn’t mean the pollution isn’t there.  I went for a run a couple of months ago, ( I wasn’t completely out of shape because I was Zumbaing once in a while) and when I was running, it felt like the air was squeezing my lungs.  It was awful.  There has also been times when I was in school and teaching Zumba outside where I felt like I was dying because of the high pollution.
5) Pure Laziness
  When fitness was incorporated into my daily life, it was hard for me to avoid working out.  Plus I felt extra motivated by everything I did so I made an extra effort to do little thing outside of my daily schedule.  Now that I don’t teach Zumba as often and going to BJJ is a rare occurrence because of scheduling, it takes me more effort to deviate from my day to day to go to the gym.  I’m make an extra effort, but I’m not as motivated.  
I’m working to get back to where I was when I was in the US. It will just take one step at a time.
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blkgurlwhtgi · 8 years
reminder to:
straighten your back
go take your meds if you need to
drink some water
go get a snack if you havent eaten in a while
maybe wander around the house/stretch a little if you’ve been sat at the computer a while (artists especially: sTRETCH THOSE WRISTS)
reply to that text/message from earlier you’d forgotten about
maybe send a nice lil message to someone having a bad day?
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