Hi April. Boy am I happy to see you? But I’m also sad that COVID-19 is happening this year and last year.
Hi Julian! I know things are pretty scary right now but follow the guidelines and be safe and everything should be okay!
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Which one do you prefer between kissing for 1 second and hugging for 10seconds?
Probably hugging as I would get more of it!
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Which wild animal can you compare your character with?
A bobcat. I might look small and cute but I'm fierce and capable!
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Hey April, it's been a long time since we haven't talked, hope things are ok with you and the guys, I miss you all so much 😊
Hey there! Things are wonderful over here at the moment! How are you doing?
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Hey April, how'd you sleep?
Like a very tired rock!
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What is the best moment in your life?
I have many beautiful memories. Some with family, some with friends, even a few by myself! But the best moment of my life so far? When Donnie popped the question
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What is it that always brings a smile on your face no matter how your day was?
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So guess who left for a few hours and returned with over 300 notifications from this turtle?
Spam is love!
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Hey. Don’t know if you remember but congratulations on your engagement with Donnie. I missed asking questions.
I remember you Julian! It's been a long time. How are you? I missed you!
Thank you for the congratulations!
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Félicitations!! I know it's usual to say "I hope you'll be very happy" but I know you and Donnie will be very happy 💖
Thank you so much! I am so completely in love
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I made this with an app called Photo Lab.
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Wow I love the flowers in the background!
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Do u ever try to go back and watch a series you used to like so you can watch it all over again and relive the memories you had while it was still on the air? I remember me and my now former friends used to talk about the new episodes that would air on Sunday mornings when we got to school the next day, it ended four months after we all graduated, now, years later, I try to go back and watch it, but, it doesn’t feel the same, maybe, it’s just me?
I do this too! It's totally normal and also can be very comforting. It won't feel quite the same because you are no longer waiting in anticipation with your friends for the next episode and you also know how the plot goes. But that doesn't mean it can't still be fun to watch and bring back some great memories!
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Hey girl, I'm curious, do guys flirt with you often?
Yes but I shut it down as soon as it starts. I've always been a little awkward with that stuff. Now I'm happily engaged and I make sure to bring it up in conversation around people who seem to be getting a little flirty with me
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Hi April! I was wondering if you have any advice for trying to flirt with a boy? I'm asking because I have idea on how to flirt to my crush, and it's hard because I'm REALLY socially awkward at times. I mean I hang out with him every day as well as talk to him, but I just don't know how to show that I like him more than just a friend
Hey there! I'm not the best with flirting myself. I'm very awkward and clumsy at times. My suggestion would be to just spend as much time with him as possible. Make eye contact when he's speaking and smile a lot. That's bound to get his attention!
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Hey girl, have you ever had a crush on one guy, but then after a while you form a crush on another guy, while still crushing on the one guy from before?
No not really but I haven't had that many crushes in my lifetime anyway. I heard a lot about this sort of stuff in school from friends so I think it's pretty common especially with teenagers. I'm sure it can get confusing picking between two people so think of it this way - there is a difference between having a crush on someone and thinking someone is attractive. Crushes are a lot stronger and it makes you feel like you're in love!
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So I'm going to the pizzaria y'all want anything?
The tastiest veggie pizza you can find!
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Um Hi I'm not asking a question just wanted to say I'm really really sorry. I first thought of you as not a nice person for no reason and might have said a few wrong things about you. I'm sorry for my terrible behaviour. Please forgive me and make me your friend.
I accept your apology. It can be very difficult to admit you are wrong so I admire you for that! Of course we can be friends!
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