I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I can pinpoint the moment in Remember The Titans when Coach Yoast realizes that, even with all good intentions, he’s perpetuating the soft bigotry of low expectations and special treatment and he felt awful. I could see it literally dawn on him. And then he course-corrected when a new situation called for it. Will Patton played the ever-loving hell out of that role.
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nah cause the fact that jane austen wrote a character like emma woodhouse is still insane to me. she threw all the standards out the window and was like hey, here’s this incredibly complex and nuanced character, she’s selfish, privileged, manipulative and arrogant, but she’s also really fucking kind, she would do anything for those she loves (including sacrificing a lot of her liberties), she is able to admit that she’s made a mistake and grow from it, because those things are not mutually exclusive. and i think the reason why everyone is trying to girlbossify their heroines to make them like lizzie bennet (which is an insult to her character but that’s another story) is because they’re scared to write characters like emma. which is understandable, because she’s unlikeable-ish, and they don’t want to take that risk.
honestly the way jane wrote emma is IMPECCABLE and not everyone can pull it off, but i wish female characters with actual flaws were more popular.
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You do have a point, in that Flynn always crashed in not in response to something but in conjunction with something and then he took charge, maybe because he really had no idea how things were going without him other than not completely going to hell? He was just grabbing whatever was in front of him.
Thanks! I never thought in that context.
I love this
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I love this
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I think it would be more powerful if this wasn’t literally the plot of every Flynn episode, him learning to trust the people he trusted to not screw everything up in the first episode.
I love this
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Eventually I will get my Perry Mason headcanon into some kind of form fit for the masses and put it out there no matter how small those masses are. I have so many little moments written, but I don’t want to start in the middle.
It does involve Paul Drake taking several months to make a decision to make a move that could up-end either or both his personal and professional life.
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I need Will Patton to guest on Leverage Redemption, but he’s too good to portray one of the one-note generic villains Redemption has been serving up so far. He should be either a Joe Biden figure who can’t be touched no matter what he says or does or allows to happen to good decent people, or a Robin Hood figure the team lets go because he’s better than the government or the two-tiered justice system at this point.
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And it’s not that I particularly like Karen. I didn’t really get a chance to know Karen versus Harnessed!Karen, but why is she the designated bad guy versus previously Harnessed!Ben, who most of the main cast trusts and who the narrative tells us is trustworthy?
And I’m still sore Tom let Weaver get electrocuted last season but go near pregnant Anne (who never should have left Charleston) and he’ll sell everyone except his family out.
I’ll finish this series. I finished Battlestar Galactica despite basically hate-watching season four, but I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised as opposed to Battlestar.
And of course there’s always Will Patton to redeem almost anything. (That is NOT a challenge, by the way!)
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I’m kind of bummed by the seven-month time jump. This show is developing a distressing trend of skipping over a lot of stuff I would have liked to have seen, such as the losses at Fitchburg and then whatever happened between seasons two and three.
I don’t mind the new alien guy, but I would have liked to have seen how we went from him literally being the second to the last shot in season two to him hanging out in war meetings in the first ten minutes of season three.
Why is Tom president and why is Manchester now head of the new CIA?
And Gloria Reuben, no matter who or what she’s playing, deserved a proper introduction. She worked with Wyle on ER and Patton on The Agency. I’d rather see more of her Marina Peralta than half the rest of the cast at this point.
And I really no longer care about the Days of Hal’s Lives. Or the Days of Maggie’s Lives. Or any of the Masons who aren’t Tom at this point.
I’m hoping Diego makes it. Jeanne deserves it after apologizing to her dad last season for just up and leaving while he was unconscious after saving her.
How did the only doctor in the cast accidentally get pregnant on this show? C’mon son.
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I don't wanna @ anyone because I understand how fast things seem to move in today's landscape of streaming shows dropping entire seasons in one day, and networks pumping out new series constantly to try to attract more subscribers with no intent to actually maintain those shows over time but I just saw someone self-deprecatingly lament that they are still thinking about a show that ended almost a year ago, making fan art and playlists for it, and I want to be very clear:
you can still create fanworks when it comes to old media!! PLEASE do!! there are always going to be new fans who will appreciate it, and veteran fans who are dying for new content and new perspectives. also, less than a year is NOTHING. the original Star Trek series was on TV six decades ago and there are still people losing their minds over it, writing stories and reblogging gifsets daily, and that's only one example.
a fandom lasts as long as there are people who love a thing, even if it's only a handful of people. love what you love and write and draw and make gifs and playlists about it!
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Okay, so what do we do if we don’t want to see a post, but don’t want to report it?
Like, seriously, just because I don’t want to see something doesn’t mean it should be reported. But I should be able to not see something I don’t particularly care for without being forced to appear to penalize a poster who for all Tumblr knows prefers yellow to brown.
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I’ve been randomly reminded of the reason I stuck with BSG through the ridiculous Final Five reveal, the increasing bleakness (seriously, do not watch beyond season three if you’re already depressed) and the unnecessary, cruel deaths of Kat, Dualla, and Cally (among others) while Shagathon and Baltar skipped off unscathed *RAGE!!!!!*, and the sheer random directionless of season four.
The Adama/Roslin love story remains the greatest I’ve ever seen and so much of it happened accidentally.
ETA - Please keep real world politics off here. Apparently someone has referenced something specific here which I’ve reported and hopefully will be removed from re-blogs?
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They are totally twins separated at birth. Eliot’s mom found him at the hospital after Daddy Stone dropped him off because he couldn’t afford twins.
So I've been watching Leverage (almost done with Redemption and sad about it) and that led me to watching the Librarians mostly because Christian Kane is in it and he's my favorite at the moment (but also like...that is really my kinda show).
I've noticed a few parallels between Eliot Spencer and Jacob stone. The weirdest one being that they're both from Oklahoma? Which of course makes them both a bit of a country boy.
They also both have daddy issues stemming from not following the plans that their fathers set out for them (very different plans and very different fathers. Eliot's father is a great guy Stone's father is an ass).
Both are good fighters. Eliot is like legendary status, his name strikes fear into his enemies. Stone is great in a bar fight and the most competent fighter when Baird isn't around.
For very different reasons they both speak many languages.
They are also...huge flirts. Especially early on, we see Eliot flirting with random women while in the middle of big fights and he is also able to charm his way through a bunch of situations. Stone literally flirts with Lamia while they are fighting each other. Both of them are rather gruff (Eliot more so) but very charming and also very soft and gentle at times.
Basically Christian Kane plays the same character in two shows and I'm love him. But seriously....both from Oklahoma?!
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I’m proud of the fact that I am putting together a Will Patton playlist on YouTube. It’s also a reminder of how lucky we soap aficionados are that so many old shows are available despite how they could come up with some completely ridiculous names. What were they smoking when they came up with Kentucky Bluebird? What other name combinations were discarded to come up with that one? It’s a question that must be answered!
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Just because I've had a rough day and I want to see the comments/arguments;
Alex Walker is better than Eliot Spencer and Jacob Stone.
I said what I said.
(Please make me smile.)
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Totally forgot John Williams did ET too.
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Season two and I still love this show with the new-tier aliens and Tom and Ben’s self-awareness and of course Will Patton just kills as Weaver, but still. The hair! Especially my girl Lourdes and Anne performing surgery and other nasty bits with all that lovely hair hanging loose all over the place?
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