blognamebutstupid · 2 years
Assessment 2
Chapter 1
An eerie feeling inside me slowly increased with each step I took.
“Something feels wrong.” Cherry blatantly showed her growing displeasure. Her voice echoed off the middle school walls, making it sound creepier. Hearing her say that only made me feel worse.
The school felt so barren, as if everyone in the world had vanished. It was calming in a way. Our footsteps here are the only things making sound in  the whole building. It was still, but oddly felt too still.
Both of us jumped when Cherry’s stomach growled. We were on edge, but laughed it off. I really needed that laugh, and so did Cherry since the both of us relaxed after.
“Let’s just quickly grab it and go, I‘m super hungry! The others must be too,” Cherry admits, rubbing her stomach.
Yeah, the three of them should be waiting for us downstairs at the side door. I left my stuff with them too. This shouldn’t take too long, I kinda feel bad making them wait.
As we kept walking closer and closer to the next turn, the mood became heavy again. Each classroom had the lights off, each door looked locked at a glance, every tile above on the ceiling felt as if they were removed and replaced with eyes, watching our every movement. It was kinda like a lockdown drill in the middle of the night, and we were the intruders.
Tap, tap, tap, the tap of or shoes was in synchronism, making the sound seem louder. The tapping also echoed off the barren walls. The school is usually so filled with life. Well, it was when I was in middle school. The kids half-running so they couldn’t be told to stop running, the teachers inside the classrooms prepping for class, my friends waiting for me outside my locker, the tapping of the classroom clock, wait. The tapping of the classroom clock? It was more of a ticking than a tap. Oh, I was replacing the sound of the clock with the tapping of our shoes. Suddenly, I come back to reality, the creepy school and the eerie turn we were about to make.
The turn felt wrong, no, the corner felt wrong, I could feel it in my gut. Maybe I should say something. No, it’ll make Cherry even more worried then she is now. I can see Cherry’s legs shaking, she’s terrified. 
There was a word my gut was trying to say. It was on the tip of my tongue. What is it? I know it’s something important! I know that at least. Hm, it’s right there, how can I not know it? 
As we turn the corner, the word finally comes to me, “MOVE”. Once I got that word, my arm moved on it’s own, grabbing Cherry and pulling her back towards me, as if on instinct. 
As I did that something flew past Cherry’s face. It made a sickening sound as it striked the wall. Cherry and I turned around to see what had flown at her with such extreme force, only to see a yard stick, seven inches deep into the wall!
I took Cherry’s hand, “We need to move!”
We ran down the hall we had just gone through, a roar behind us. I couldn’t hear footsteps coming from it. All I could hear was some sort of rhythmic fleshy sound. What the hell is that thing?! It hurled that yardstick so fast it went that deep into the wall? That would’ve killed her!
I kept going, knowing I was only running on adrenaline at this point. All I cared about was saving Cherry after figuring out its murderous intent. Turn after turn, down the stairs and right as fast as I could. I could feel Cherry stumbling as I ran, dragging her by the hand, and at this point I wasn’t having it. The sound was getting closer, making my heart race. 
When I said I wasn’t having it, I wasn’t having it. I quickly turned around to Cherry, bridal style picked her up, and bolted. I’ve run carrying Cherry before, but it was only for a short distance, this time I had adrenaline to back me up. 
Cherry didn’t even seem surprised though, she just sat there blankly staring. She was in shock. Did she turn around? What did she see? I would love to turn around and see what exactly was chasing us, but I know I would trip or slow down if I did. It was one more turn and there would be the door we entered through.
Closer and closer. Yes, picking up Cherry made us a little slower, but it prevents the chance of her falling and stopping us entirely. 
I could hear the terror and fear yelling inside my head. Actually, that and my instincts were the only things controlling me right now. I had no room in my head for anything else. 
It was so close! The door right there, after this corner of course. They are right outside, I’m sure they waited for us! “Open the door! Open, the door!” I screamed, hoping they would hear me, but I didn’t hear the door open, nor a peep. As I turned the corner I looked to the door where they promised they would wait. The thing chasing us slowed down.
They weren’t there. They were gone. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. I shook it off, placing shocked Cherry down who had the strength to stand. I grabbed the glass door, but it was locked.
It was locked. What the hell?! Cherry and I were stuck at basically a dead end! If we took the stairs to our right, it would slow us too much, and we’d get caught. I can’t go through the door behind us since it’s locked. If we go back the way we came, we would be stuck head to head with that, thing!
I inspected the door, looking for an opening. There! Our only chance! The rhythmic fleshy sound had slowed, not to a stop, but giving us time. 
I punched the glass door, which snapped Cherry back to reality. 
“W-What are you doing?” Cherry said, terrified. She looked around to then come to the conclusion that we were doomed. 
“Stand back.” I punched the glass again over and over. Every time I punched the glass, the rhythm for the fleshy sound got faster. Cherry this time was whimpering. She took a step back in fear and tripped, bashing her head against the glass door behind her. The fall wasn’t enough to knock her out, but the stress made her faint anyway.
Shit. That just made things worse. I bash the bottom of the glass door again, this time shattering the glass. Yes!! Finally! We have a chance! I stick my hand through the glass and unlock the door. I swung open the door and shoveled Cherry out first, knowing this was my chance to get a look at what was chasing us even though I hadn’t left yet. The door was built to shut automatically though.
As I turn around, I realize how close it was to me. Slam, the door I had just opened shut after a frozen second. It’s face was only inches away from mine. Actually, I’m not sure if I’d call it a face. The only notable thing that made it a face was it’s long blonde hair that looked cleaner than anything in the school which startled me.
After being startled and coming back out of that frozen state, I stumbled backward out of the building, scratching myself on the hole I made in the glass door, taking some of the shards with me. That, thing just up and vanished right then and there.
“What the hell?!” I managed to spit out, getting up next Cherry, noticing she finally woke up.
Cherry paused for a moment, “Oh, haha it was all just a dream!” Cherry said hysterically.
“Cherry…” I said, worried for her.
“It was only a dream, all of it was only a dream! It wasn’t real! It can’t be!” Cherry laughed, seeming to become more crazy the more she repeated herself.
“Cherry, it was real.” I hug her tightly, thinking about how our lives could’ve been lost just a few seconds ago. Something still felt wrong, but I shrugged it off. It would come to me eventually.
Cherry started bawling her eyes out while tightening her hands around me. “I must be insane,” she mumbled through her sobs.
I believe at this point my adrenaline started to wear off because I could finally start to feel the pain all over my body. The glass shards stuck in my back, arms, legs, and my hand. The scrapes too. My whole body felt suddenly so weak. It felt all tingly, as if it’s all out of my control, I couldn’t control my legs. My arms felt kind of numb too. Even through all this pain, I feel somewhat relieved. I wince after my headache starts to form.
“Are you okay?” Cherry asks sniffling, as she lets go of my black hoodie. She then sees her hands which have been stained red by none other than my blood. She shrieks at the sight and rushes around to my backside to check out what had happened.
As she moved around me, I see she had gotten cut too, not as much as me, but enough to hurt a lot. She only got hurt because I placed her down on the glass shards when I basically tossed her out the door. I made it even worse by falling out the hole I made and landing on her. She lifted the back of my hoodie up and gasps at the sight of my back, but I shake it off. I can’t let her worry, we still have to get out of here. 
As I try to stand, my legs fight me and wobble, preventing me from standing all the way up before falling to the ground. This is much worse than I thought. At the sight of this, Cherry’s eyes water as if they are about to overflow again.
“It’s okay Cherry, just help me walk.” 
“N-no! You can’t! You can barely stand!”
“Then carry me or something!” I bark, “We still need to get out of here, that thing is still a threat!”
“B-B-But…” Cherry’s voice trails off as she continues to mumble to herself about how this is a bad idea. I give her a look to make her stop and becon her to help me up. She slowly gets up grudgingly and puts my arm around her shoulders. “1, 2, 3.” After she counted up to three, we slowly stood up together. 
“Wow, you are heavy!” Cherry comments, hoping to make me laugh but my only response was a quiet whimper I let escape my mouth. We slowly walk to the road, making our way there a step at a time when I am reminded of just the other day.
(10 likes, I'll post the next chapter. I've only created 10 chapters so far, but that adds up to 65 pages. I'll make sure to continue working on it if you like it C: )
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