blondieravenclaw · 3 years
Greek is one of the best TV shows ever and nobody can change my mind
So, I just finished watching Greek and I just have to ask. How is this show not more popular?! I mean, the relationship between Cappie and Casey alone is  top tier. The angst, the longing glances, the drama! They are THE OTP and I just wish more people knew about this show. The writing is incredible, the characters actually develop over time and the relationships are so interesting. This tv show has ruined a lot of other tv shows for me and raised the bar on the portrayal of college life. Also, my emotions after this are a complete mess. Also, the series finale is actually really good and wholesome which doesn't really seem to happen often. 
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blondieravenclaw · 3 years
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Barbour wax jacket is perfect for warmer winter days. 
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blondieravenclaw · 6 years
that bloody wish list
When she gets to the ministry on Monday morning she decides to visit Harry first. He was supposed to drop off some wish list for the wedding in her office today, but knowing him and his sense of responsibility about „wedding stuff“ as he liked to call it, Hermione decided that getting it herself would probably be the best course of action.
The auror office is busy as usual and Harry’s door is closed. He always keeps it open unless someone else is there about personal business which means that she has to wait. She’s about to give up and come back later when the door suddenly bursts open and a very pissed of looking Malfoy gets out.
„There’s nothing I can do, Malfoy. Their decision is final until further notice.“ Harry sounds tired and resigned. That’s probably what a conversation with a pissed of Malfoy does to you.
Hermione tries hard not to stare at whole interaction but her sense of curiosity always gets the best of her. What the hell happened?
„You’re the bloody deputy head, Potter. Don’t bullshit me, there’s always something you can do, you just don’t want to do it for me.“
Malfoy is starting to leave without sending her a single glance. She still doesn’t understand what‘s going on. Why is Malfoy so angry? And why is Harry refusing to help him?
„Maybe I think they’re right.“ Harry’s voice sounds decisive and final. That’s the voice he uses when he is really sure about something.
„Fuck off.“ Malfoy doesn’t even look back while saying this which means that he is probably done with this conversation.
Hermione watches his retreating back almost forgetting why she was here in the first place.
„Hey, Hermione. You’re here for the list?“
She turns her gaze from Malfoy to Harry and smiles. „Wouldn’t want you and Ginny get shitty gifts.“
Harry opens up his door as indication for her to come in. He goes to his table and starts rummaging through mountains of paper consisting mainly of case files and ministry memos. She really doesn’t want to pry. After all, it’s not her business why Malfoy is pissed off. They slept together a few times, that’s not really enough for her to care about what is going on in his life. But she thrives on information. So…
„What was that about?“ She cocks her head in the general direction of the door.
Harry pauses in the middle of his quest to find the wish list. He doesn’t say anything at first and seems to be thinking about something. Probably evaluating if he can disclose this information to her.
„He got pulled from Egypt. Apperently he’s been too reckless during missions and almost fucked up a major ongoing investigation because of it.“ He looks up at her from the table and continues.
„The head auror in Egypt contacted Robards and asked him to back him up on this. You don’t ask the head of the auror department to back you up on something like this if you don’t have a really good reason.“
„Isn’t recklessness a job requirement in this field? Especially in the special forces?“
Harry sighs and stars rummaging through his paper mountain again.
„Yeah, I guess. Sort of. But there is a line. And I’m not saying that Malfoy is a bad auror. He‘s actually bloody good but there comes a point where you have stop and think about the consequences of your actions.“
„So what’s going to happen to him?“
She is starting to care too much. Harry will notice and ask uncomfortable questions. What if he will figure out that she had an illegal tryst with him? She should really learn to control her need for information.
Thankfully Harry seems to be too absorbed in his own thoughts to detect her secret sex life and simply replies without any questions about why exactly does Hermione care what happens to Draco Malfoy. You know? Her formal nemesis.
„Well, he‘s basically on probation so he‘s going stay in London and solve simple cases. I’m supposed to oversee his progress. If I’ll decide that he’s ready to go back I can offer to station him back in Egypt.“
„Oh, okay.“ Wait, what? No, not okay. He’s going to be here? Like, in the same building as her? Definitely not okay. She’s basically hyperventilating when Harry finally finds that bloody piece of paper.
„Ah, finally. Here you go. I spent two hours on this yesterday. And that was just replying „yes“ or „no“ to Ginny.“ Harry hands her the wish list and grins.
She wants to smile back but there are like million thoughts in her head concerning work relations and she is starting to feel very, very stressed.
„Um, yeah, thanks. I’ll see you. Bye.“ She basically runs out of Harry’s office before he can ask her what’s wrong.
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blondieravenclaw · 7 years
defying the law of nature
She needed to pee. Like really needed to pee. This is why you should only do intimate stuff with people you are in an actual relationship with. No fucking questions about whether or not it will be weird if you go pee after having sex. Also. People usually talk during it. Like, at least a little? To actually know if what they’re doing to each other is okay or something. But in this a case? Not a single word. If she wanted to sound cliché she could say that they were communicating through their bodies. Ok, that sounds terrible. 
But it worked? Sort of? Ok, it was actually really, really good. And fun. So she sort of wishes that it would happen again. But she already knows it probably won’t. Because she is Hermione Granger and he is Draco Malfoy. And sleeping together sort of defies the law of nature. 
At least that’s what she tells herself when she quietly gets out of his bed, puts on her clothes scattered all over his bedroom floor and flees from his appartment. 
Life is normal after that. She works, she goes out with her friends and she spends quiet nights at her house drinking cocoa and reading. 
But then she goes for drinks at Saturday night and there he is. Because apparently he comes back from Egypt from time to time and hangs out with his friends. Which would be fine. If some his friends weren’t her friends too. So that is how she ends up outside of the Leaky Cauldron at the end of the night. All of their friends already left and she should be leaving too. She really should. Like right now. All she has to do is apparate. 
He finishes his cigarette and flicks the bud on the pavement. There is smirk playing on his lips when he turns around and looks at her. 
„So. Your place or mine?“
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blondieravenclaw · 7 years
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Happy Ravenclaw Pride Day <333
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blondieravenclaw · 7 years
wedding guests
The wedding is- Well. Weird. Because Harry always expected that Hermione would be the bride but Ron is marrying Daphne Greengrass instead. Which is- fine except Harry doesn’t really know who to talk to at the moment. Because half of the guests are former slytherins and even though he swore to himself that he woudn’t divide people by their former houses in his mind (because nothing good comes from that and he’d rather avoid another war, thank you very much), it’s stil hard to look at some of them and not think about what happened. 
It’s stil hard to look at Draco Malfoy who now has his arm placed around Hermione’s waist and seems to hang on every word she says and not think about the fact that on that same arm there is a fading mark that symbolises the opposite of what he feels towards her. 
It’s stil hard to look at Pansy Parkinson and not think about what she said at the great hall on that fateful day at May all those years ago.
But. The fact is that Harry is looking at her and can’t seem to stop looking. She looks different than how he remembers her. And for some inexplicable reason he is drawn to her. He would no longer describe her face as pug like. That is for sure. He wonders why that is. 
She catches him staring. Of course she does. He expects her to sneer at him. Or something like that. Instead she gulps down her glass of champagne and makes her way over to him. 
“Potter,“ she says simply. 
“Um, hi.“ He feels really lame after he says that but she makes him fucking nervous. And as he eyes her body up and down he is starting to realise that it’s beacuse he finds her attractive. Like, really attractive. What the fuck?
“Where’s your girlfriend?“ she asks probably oblivious to the fact that he is now actively imagining what it would be like to kiss her. 
“Not a girlfriend,“ he replies simply, because that is the fact. The break up was very mature and friendly. As much as it could be anyway. When your girfriend of 4 years (who you thought you would marry sooner or later) tells you that she actually might be into girls it makes you sort of self-conscious about your, um, skills and you as a person in general. 
“Really?“ She looks surprised but Harry can’t help but think that she knew before. 
“Yeah, really.“ 
She stays silent for a few moments. It seems like she’s really thinking about something. Hard. 
“There are rooms for the guests upstairs,“ she states simply. Uh, what? 
“I was wondering if you wanted to check one out,“ she says in a nonchalant tone that doesn’t seem entirely genuine and rightly so. Because he could say no, he should say no. He already knows he won’t say no. 
“Ok, let’s go.“
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