bloomministries Β· 3 years
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I’ve been reading through John 4 and 5 this morning and while there are many note-worthy passages in these two chapters, there is this one verse (John 4:34) that especially stood out to me. You see, in verses 31-33, Jesus’s disciples urge him to eat something and do not understand when Jesus tells them that he has food that is unknown to them. When they still don’t understand, he simplifies it for them. β€œMy food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” What stood out to me in that verse was put into the quote in the image here. As usual, we set our minds too much on the moment and the needs and desires that must be satisfied at THAT second. We feel hungry so we eat. We are thirsty so we drink. But how often do we set our minds on the things that will remain with us forever? How often do we come and spend time with the only one who can give us things that will last for more than just a moment? Physical food only satisfies the momentary hunger. But as Jesus said, true satisfaction comes from doing the will of our father who is in Heaven. #devotionals #christian #truefood #jesus #satisfactioninthelord https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSFzGHLcSe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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Chapter 2 (Depression: What Really Is It and How Should We Approach It?) of β€œCourage, Dear Heart” is available to read now! Chapter Two deals with the topic of depression and how we should approach it as Christians. As we all deal with depression at times, we all probably ask ourselves why we go through this. I mean, if we truly are born again children of God, why must we be plagued with bouts of darkness and gloom. You can find the answers in the words of the following chapter. Click the link below to start reading! https://www.wattpad.com/1161092220?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=BloomMinistries&wp_originator=PBDFc4AXjUt1nLobnrPVRl0Ag%2Bc%2F3HKAVb5rzNUWFCh%2F8UViSjwpVzOIIUX2hMTHat%2Fa2%2Bj8%2Fo1l7u87sFPu5vl96iEqNtp4BRv8XaInpPErUyvy67j8PDucZqKzL%2FED https://www.instagram.com/p/CXMnB9CFgKy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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BloomMinistries is coming out with a new book on Wattpad! Called β€˜Courage, Dear Heart,’ this book is a devotional that deals with the topic of anxiety and depression. If you find yourself in a stalemate with your anxiety, we hope that this book will serve as an encouragement to you. We also pray that God will allow this book to serve as a light to darkened souls. More info can be found on our Wattpad announcement page and in the books description. Start reading the book here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/276418002?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=BloomMinistries&wp_originator=pvmlJzfi1QuWw5A87ofehbtt21svw%2B1YWVNh01yImr04aunCZc%2BC7kpVd5ye%2Fxdzc2%2BAsahRZOXlXUcjg9OeFheVlqhT6gOZdN0%2BhigLMm1RjHhci9hnBvpRfDLle7kC #newbook #christian #anxietyanddepression #godlyhopeandhelp #encouragement https://www.instagram.com/p/CW50qaXl2ZF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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#christian #onlineministry #bible #bibleverse #psalms #trustinggod #blessthelord https://www.instagram.com/p/CQylgSxFNK7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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The world and everything in it is God’s creation! From the words of His mouth was everything fashioned! We are God’s and we must stand strong in that fact and in our faith! If we remain strong even in weakness, there is no devilish trick Satan can pull to make us believe otherwise!
#encouragement #standstrong #christianity #standwithgod #dontfall #crushtheserpentshead
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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The Lord is our Shepherd and we are his sheep. When he watches over us with his eyes of protection, we will lack nothing and we will want for nothing. When His rams and ewes hunger, He provides them with fresh green pastures of plenty and security. When his lambs thirst for the refreshing taste of cool spring water, He quenches the thirst of their tongues with the taste of His love and mercy. Our Shepherd will always ensure that his flock are securely protected. When we wander into places that threaten danger to our well-being, His rod and His staff will bring these stray sheep back into the safety of His fold. His eye is ever watchful. Not for one moment will our Heavenly Guardian shift His gaze from his precious sheep, for no matter how often they turn from Him and chase after their own desires, those sheep are more precious to Him than any refined gold or rare gem. He loves them so much that he sent His only unblemished and untainted Lamb to pay for the wandering of His entire flock! #sheep #wanderingsheep #welcomingbacktothefold #ourshepherdissomerciful #safetyinthearmsofgod #devotional #christianity #growinginthefaith #godisourshepherd #godisourshelter #psalm23 #psalms https://www.instagram.com/p/CQl0d_ellyK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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We often hear the question, β€œIf you had one day and night left to live, what would you do?” Most of us probably automatically began to think about all the fleshly desires we would appease. We probably began to imagine that we would go out and spend our last few hours in selfish indulgence and use the excuse, β€œyou only live once.” But take a look at the verses in this chapter. Jesus HAD this opportunity! He only had a few hours left before he would be crucified and yet, what did he do? He ate one last meal with his disciples and washed their feet! He humbled himself to the position of a lowly servant and washed the feet of his followers! He didn’t go out and indulge in the comforts of his flesh. He didn’t go out and seek revenge against the Pharisees for being so unjust toward him. Instead, he wrapped himself in the garb of a servant and washed the feet of his followers. This story really brings a sense of humility and a new light to the question I started with. In his last few hours, Jesus didn’t focus on Himself. He focused on the welfare of others. What a great example for Christians everywhere to grow from! #christlikemodel #themastermadehimselfaservant #lastmomentsofjesuschrist #christian #bible #devotional https://www.instagram.com/p/CQGYZvSlueU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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#wattpadchristianministry #recentwattpadannouncement #christian #bibleverse #bible #psalms https://www.instagram.com/p/CQBL44tlBd0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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In Exodus chapter 4, Moses encounters God in the burning bush and God tells him to go to Pharaoh and demand that he let the Israelites go. Moses bucks against it and uses his poor speech as an excuse not to go. But guess what God does? He reminds Moses that He is the Almighty and that there is nothing that is impossible with Him. If he can make the mute speak, the deaf to hear, and the blind to see, then He can certainly give Moses the words to speak to Pharaoh.
I think we all are like Moses in some ways. We don't like to outside our comfort zones and so when God tells us to do just that, we immediately throw out excuse after excuse. We don't have the money, our family situation is not exactly in the right place, we've just built a comfortable home in a place that is sociably situated for us, etc. We will try to find any reason to avoid doing anything that goes outside our comfortable dwelling.
But do you think God cares about all that stuff? Psalm 37 says that if you trust in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart. We all know that it doesn't mean He will give us what our flesh desires, but rather that He will make His desires our desires. If you are truly trusting in Him, you would do whatever He asks and go wherever He directs you no matter the cost. If He can make the dumb speak, the blind to see and the deaf to hear, He can certainly provide whatever you need at the exact moment you need it. All you have to do is trust, obey, and pray.
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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There is one of many aspects of God that we must pause and admire Him for and that is this. No matter how far away we feel from His presence, no matter how lonely our lives can be, God is always right there beside us. We are never truly or completely alone. God's presence will never forsake us if we continue to seek Him. It doesn't matter if you are sprawled across your bed at 1am, eyes red and swollen from a mixture of lack of sleep and weeping, heart pounding uncontrollably, anxiety weighing on your chest like a 500 pound brick. It doesn't matter if your pillow has been continually moistened by the tears of sadness and pain. All that suffering doesn't matter! What really matters is remembering in times of doubt and sorrow that God will always be faithful to His children. He will never let us be to handle our own problems on our own. He mercy extends beyond our human capacity. All we must learn how to do is let go and trust! #godly #psalms #bibleverse #devotional #christian #hope #faith https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8yw7-FBM5/?igshid=g1g23zpez7rd
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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Whatever is in the heart makes itself evident through the mouth. Jesus makes such a wonderful point here! This is why we must be vigilant in guarding our hearts because what we allow into our being has the power to change who we are as a person. It also affects what kind of people we are friends with and how we influence them. You see, people tend to look up to or admire a person for certain qualities they possess. They tend to imitate or copy the behavior of the person or persons that inspire them. This is a great reason why we should become imitators of Christ. If we admire and look up to who Christ is and what He has done, we should have the desire to be like Him.Β  We should aspire to live lives that are wholly glorifying to Christ. We should direct every thought, every word, every action of everyone, ourselves, family and friends to living a completely godly and Christ-centered life. Peace can be found if we choose to rely on God with everything. Our families, our finances, our futures. But we must be diligent in guarding that peace. We must not let the devil corrupt our hearts and pollute our minds with evil things. We must center our minds on God in all things! #christianity #devotional #bible #bloomingingodsword #biblicaltruth #godlyliving https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3GOoulhw2/?igshid=1845zlqk32pfb
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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The law and word of the Lord is perfect. There is nothing stated in the Bible that isn't honest truth. From it, we can glean knowledge. From it, we gain wisdom. By soaking ourselves in the word of the Almighty, our simple minds can learn to comprehend the greatness of the God we serve. But we must be careful. We must be careful to read the Bible with discernment and in its correct context. The curse of sin has caused our minds to be clouded by faulty judgment. All too often, when we read the Scriptures, we are tempted to read the words in the wrong way. We are tempted to read the Scriptures with our focus on what the Bible has to say to us personally. We judge the Scripture and try to interpret its meaning according to our own emotions and feelings. Let me tell you something right now! That is the WRONG way to read the Bible!!! We are not meant to read the Bible and distort the context into what we feel can be applied to our own situations in life. While, yes, we can use verses in application to our lives, we must let God direct us. We can't just pick a random verse and apply it without proper meaning, we must be sure that God, through the Holy Spirit is using that verse to use in our situations. We must let God do the directing in our lives. His plans for us are good and perfect and when we try to direct our own steps, you can bet that the only thing that will greet us at the end of the path is failure. Let God take direction and don't try to think that you can do everything on your own because you can't. You can't. #biblicaltruth #devotional #christianity #thegoodnessofgod #thelawofthelordisperfect https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3FLttlt8z/?igshid=133dagdckp1cy
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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The Lord is not slow in his promise to fulfill his word. We may feel as if the time that passes as we wait on God seems like an eternity, but God doesn’t work in our timing. His works and promises will come to completion at just the right time. Once we recognize this and learn to rest on Him and get to know Him, we will realize the truth of this verse. He uses the time of waiting and impatience as an opportunity for us to grow stronger in Him. #1peter #bible #devotional #biblicalencouragement #biblicaltruth #christian https://www.instagram.com/p/COYAKeAFvN9/?igshid=1deyflgtprtph
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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When things get too big or overwhelming for us to handle, we must learn to recognize what time it is. It is time for us to throw ourselves into the arms of God and say, β€œGod, I can’t do this anymore! My strength has dissipated! Help me!” It’s in these moments, with our tears dripping onto His shoulder that He embraces us, wipes our tears away with His hand and says, β€œI never wanted you to do it in the first place, my child. I have been waiting for you to let go and watch ME do the work through you. Just trust me.” #encouragementfromjesus #god #christian #faithandtrust #ourstrengthismadeperfectinweakness #psalms #bible #christianposts https://www.instagram.com/p/CN_bUBSlPOz/?igshid=14aojyqwcnami
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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Trusting in God sounds very easy. But I don’t think we realize how hard it actually is. It’s hard because trusting means giving up ourselves. It means giving up our desires and letting God take over our lives. Giving up our desires is very hard, I know, but let me tell you something. God’s plan are so much bigger and better than ours. What we think to be so big, awesome, and life-changing are just the size of a pea compared to what God has for us. All we have to do is surrender completely to Him and He will lead us down His straight paths. Trust in Him and He will give you more than you could ever imagine. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNli4TUDihR/?igshid=1ssjl25r3l7wp
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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#bibleverse #bookofmatthew #christianity #thegreatestwillserve #godlyinspiration #hopeisfoundinjesus https://www.instagram.com/p/CNpA10ljCo1/?igshid=wbr1gohe7z8d
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bloomministries Β· 3 years
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Time has a way of capturing us under her captivating spell. None of us can flee from it. Her subtle touches go unnoticed for only a little while, coming out into our view when we recognize the changes we have been moved into. Her fingers loosen the petals of the rose and it’s beauty fades. Her hand glides over the grass and it’s green blades wither and turn brown. But one thing Time cannot touch will endure forever. The word of our Father will always remain steadfast. The words of our God will never be outdated or die out. His word has stood strong for many, many, years. Just as it was read and cherished 200 years ago, so will it be read and cherished for many more years to come! #time #spell #christianministry #bloomministries #godswordwillstandforever #christianity #praisegod #bibleverse https://www.instagram.com/p/CNp9WAbjxpz/?igshid=17my489324car
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