bloomsonghaven · 8 months
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My Valentine Day craft - my toddler only helped with trying to tear it apart.
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bloomsonghaven · 8 months
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Last week I bought my first Sponge Mommy and it has changed my life! I don’t know how I made it all this time without it 😂
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bloomsonghaven · 8 months
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What we were listening to since we have been stuck indoors since the winter storm struck at the beginning of the week 🤣
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bloomsonghaven · 10 months
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I started crocheting or trying to probably five years ago. It was difficult for me, and the fear of messing up a project kept me perpetually busy redoing what I finished or not finishing anything because I would let months pass before picking it up again and wondering “what was I trying to do?”
After my son was born, or when I was in the hospital waiting for him to be born actually, I picked crocheting up again. I wanted to make something for my son. Well, it certainly wasn’t perfect, but it was something. Then, like all the times before, it got put away and forgotten about (actually crocheting, not my son’s mittens). I didn’t have time for crocheting for a long time - between the horrors of being a NICU mom, to the agonies of being sent home on oxygen and suffering from a series of medical trauma in our family, it just wasn’t feasible or practical.
Then, this year, out of the blue I picked up the yarn and crochet hook again. I was shocked when I actually made something for the first time that looked decent; it didn’t take me a year but a couple weeks at best, and I didn’t find myself agonizing over the details being perfect.
Isn’t it funny how we can go a long time feeling like something is more work than fun, and never seeing the fruit of the labor, that is until we change our perspective on it? Or how we can have such a hard time then put something away for a while and come back with fresh eyes and suddenly it seems like we were really good at it all along but the anxiety was keeping us from doing it well?
I want to take these lessons from crocheting and apply them to motherhood. I want to see my family flourish even in the midst of messy situations and imperfect family photos. Life is beautiful if we learn to see the beauty in every cloudy day, in every thorny bush blooming with roses or blackberries, and in every fire that clears the forest to allow new growth in abundance.
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bloomsonghaven · 10 months
I love How to Train Your Dragon lol
I have been slowly watching the Race to the Edge series. I hope my son will love How to train your dragon when he is older- right now he couldn’t care less about it - the only time he even looks at the tv is when the commercials come on because he notices the change in sound and what is on the screen.
My favorite characters in HTTYD movies is obviously Toothless and Hiccup, but I also feel like as a mom now I can totally understand Hiccup’s mom and relate with her on some things. I just know that there’s something special about the bond between Hiccup and Toothless, something I think we all long for in a friendship. Maybe you have a pet that you feel this bond with; for me it is my cat. Sometimes human friends can’t fill the cat shaped hole in our heart…
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bloomsonghaven · 10 months
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Who has planted flowers in your life?
For me, there have been some friends of years gone by who planted some seeds of faith in my garden on those dark days. Those seeds have grown and the flowers were beautiful while they lasted. I miss those times with those friends.
Now, every day I have a sweet little boy who simultaneously plants seeds he may not even be aware of, and also tramples over them in the garden as he runs with glee and playfulness laughing with joy. And I don’t mind if some of the seeds get trampled. They can be eaten by the birds.
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bloomsonghaven · 10 months
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Oatmeal mixed with berries - trying to make toddler’s table foods a little more exciting.
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bloomsonghaven · 10 months
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When toddlers put anything and everything into their mouth (or nose). This is Mr. Potato Head’s hand tonight.
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