Enough time in my profession and you end up saying "Five hundred years from now, you just know that's going to be found, interpreted as a lost story of a legendary pokemon, and probably the subject of at least two Alola-spanning criminal conspiracies." I don't know if it's the same for librarians as it is for history teachers.
So just for review. We don’t allow people to write notes in the margins of our book, but… we do forgive this one. Just this once.
[It’s an image of the two blank pages in the very back of a book, covered edge-to-edge with a crayon drawing of… a Charizard, most likely? There’s messy kid’s handwriting in pen that also says “CHARZAR”.]
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The original ideas for what would become the Terarium date back to the 1950s and 1960s - some old Ice War research into building artificial underwater habitats for military purposes called Project Kyogre, which got further than either of the two sister projects before being canceled (largely due to the fact that Project Rayquaza was going to require a propulsion system based firing the Kalosian weapon in order at it - multiple times! - to reach orbit, and researchers never found a way to satisfactorily dissipate heat from Project Groudon even assuming that it was only supposed to briefly travel through the Earth's mantle). As I'm sure you know, Alola has been of great military importance to the Allies due to its location in the Pacific Ocean, and there were a lot of military researchers there - we owe this website to your country, in fact - ALOLANet was one of the things that combined with ARPANet and lead to the creation of the internet. (There's actually a research paper probably due to be written there about whether or not the designers of ALOLANet were inspired by tales of Solgaleo and Lunala given some of the design decisions that went into the open-broadcast design of the ALOLA protocol rather than the point-to-point design of ARPANet, which would have implications for Alola's contact of Ultra Space. Of course, it could all just be coincidence. But forgive an old history teacher's ramblings.)
Anyways, because Alola was one of the major research sites for Project Kyogre, Minior were originally proposed to be used as carbon scrubbers for the submersible. With 1960s technology, this would have required frequent replacement of the Minior, resulting in over 10,000 of them needing to be captured and shipped every month to the submarine in order to keep the people aboard it alive. The Terarium is much larger than Project Kyogre's design (though much more stationary, which is the only reason it's even possible), and at last census we estimated our Minior population as being between 25,000 and 35,000, of which roughly 5% at any time are out of the Tunnels and into the Research Biomes that students and journalists travel through. (Since we have a stable breeding population, we don't need to have them regularly shipped from Alola, which would strain even our budget.) In fact, one of the reasons I haven't sent an invite for you to send Paperweight to the Terarium is that I worry that Paperweight would get lost among the population - we have no ability to sift the ozone tanks for a single pet Pokemon, even if it is RFID chipped, and the environment there is hazardous enough to humans that getting it back with the Pokeball's retrieval system manually wouldn't be safe. Anyways, Minior are one part - not the entire system, of course, if a disease wiped out the population we have ways to recover - of our carbon scrubbing system in the Terarium. It's worth remembering that despite the name and the shape, this isn't a giant Pokeball or terrarium that we built in order to hold a bunch of the Pokemon that our esteemed director, in his mercurial nature, decided he wanted to decorate the environment with - it's an entire underground ecosystem, which the students only see roughly a third of. The Pokemon are the Terarium.
I was reading up on the populations of Minior lately, and what do you mean there’s a whole population in Unova’s Blueberry Academy? How? Where are you keeping all of them when they live in the ozone layer naturally??
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Ah, they're carbon scrubbers, actually. Ms. Briar, the Chemistry teacher, would know more than I do - she's the local expert in Terastal-catalyzed chemical reactions, but apparently whatever processes are used for deep-sea mining using Terastal synchronization (While the exact process is a confidential trade secret - unless our esteemed director decides to show another cybercriminal around the Tunnels - I believe this information is public) gives off a significant amount of ozone. Ozone breaks down quickly on its own in high concentrations, having a half-life of a little over twenty-four hours, but Minior respire both it and carbon dioxide to create their shells. Since when the Terarium was originally being designed it had far more carbon dioxide sources than sinks, a population of (carefully preserved) Minior was taken from Alola and added to a storage tank underneath the Terrarium where the ozone byproducts are kept, and we siphon carbon dioxide into the tank. Over time, breathing it causes them to regrow their shells. Once they regrow their shells, their lifecycle causes them to leave the underground through the air interchanges. They 'settle' - as much as something whose natural life span is generally measured in days can 'settle' - in the Coastal Biome, which was intentionally engineered to be as similar to Alola as possible. But they're inherently migratory beings, so they tend to move to the Polar Biome and the Canyon Biome as well - as near as I can tell, they don't handle the flat terrain of the Savannah Biome very well. We have a lot of students from the general Kanto-Johto-Hoenn-Sinnoh archipelago for historical and financial reasons - they look like a candy from there called kompeitō, so they're somewhat popular with the younger students. I believe there's a festival to gather them? I'm not sure.
I was reading up on the populations of Minior lately, and what do you mean there’s a whole population in Unova’s Blueberry Academy? How? Where are you keeping all of them when they live in the ozone layer naturally??
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rb this if youre a trainer or you post about your pokémon or etc
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Blueberry Academy Department of History
Current Classes this Semester - All Times Terarium Standard Time
Please click links for the syllabi for each of these classes.
History Empire of the Sea and Empire of the Air: The Kalos-Galar Rivalry Throughout the Centuries [3 PM - 4:20 PM MWF] Classroom 3-2 The Revolution of Ideals: Founding of Unova [5 PM - 6:20PM MWF] Classroom 3-2 The Warring Clans Era in Hisui: Akari, the First Shogun [12 PM - 1 PM TuTh] Classroom 4-4 Foreign Relations Dojo Destroyers: The Standardization of the Gym System Across Regions [11 AM - 12:30 PM MF] Canyon Biome 3 Inter-State and Intra-State Anarchy: Why You've Lived Through 0 Wars and 4 Legendary Pokemon Awakenings [6 PM - 7 PM TuTh] Canyon Biome 3 Economics The Poke-Ball and the Rotom: Inventions That Shape Societies [2 PM - 3:20 PM TuTh] Classroom 3-2 Advanced Battle Studies Base Stats and You: What Weights to Lift and Why [9 AM - 10 AM MWF] Canyon Biome 2 Type Specialization [Normal]: Not an Oxymoron [11 AM - 12:30 PM W] Canyon Biome 2
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