bluestone-dragon · 15 hours
my advice to you is to never waste your time trying to fit into a club or hobby or any community who makes you beg for acceptance and approval just to participate when you could do the alternative—get involved in a niche and endangered hobby run primarily by old people.
i wanted to learn how to hunt ruffed grouse and train bird dogs so i sent an email to my local chapter of the ruffed grouse society explaining that getting into wildlife groups is intimidating to me because I’m trans
and all they saw was that someone under 60 wanted to learn to hunt grouse & several months into my mentorship I was told that like 7 old guys argued over me until they had to pick a number between 1 and 100 to decide who got to personally mentor me.
imagine vying for the acceptance of some gatekeeping weirdos when your mere interest could be inciting verbal combat among retirees
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bluestone-dragon · 15 hours
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| WHITE COLLAR | 2.13 “Countermeasures”
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bluestone-dragon · 15 hours
Growing up is actually all about realizing people don’t inherently dislike you and it’s a bit odd to assume they do
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bluestone-dragon · 2 days
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bluestone-dragon · 4 days
I'm looking for that ONE Tumblr post that was like. A GIF of the Winter Soldier landing on the car during the highway scene, and then someone came in in the reblogs and analyzed it from a parkour point of view. And it was super interesting and I want to reread it but I CAN'T FIND IT.
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bluestone-dragon · 4 days
I feel like Bruce Wayne projects the kind of amiable playboy 'fun' vibe that he'd be the type of celebrity that certain interviewers feel comfortable surprising with puppies.
You know the kind of shows I mean.
The late-night talk show situations where they're making benign small talk with their smiling guest, and there's a segment where animals get brought out, usually to talk about some sort of ecological relief effort.
So you're watching your trash TV talk show late at night, and you get to watch billionaire pretty boy Bruce Wayne be begrudgingly talked into holding a (relatively) harmless creature which inevitably gets a lot of delighted shrieks from the audience as it starts being a lot more active than the handler promised. And to his credit, Bruce doesn't flinch, he doesn't freak out. But his eyes are a little wide, and his voice a little tight as the smile on his face takes on a slight rictus quality before he's inevitably rescued by an apologetic handler who is also laughing because they all know there was no real danger, it was just funny to put Bruce, who is an undeniable good sport and already laughing along, out of his comfort zone for the sake of charity.
Meanwhile, up in the Justice League headquarters, several founding members of the League are wondering how fast they can get a fake Oscar award shipped to the space station because fuck off. Absolutely fuck off, Bruce. Where the fuck did he study? Juilliard? (Probably.)
(Clark ends up going to a novelty store during the commercial break. It's faster than trying to get anything shipped, even with the infrastructure Bats built for them. He finds it several days later taped to his console in a conspicuously empty briefing room. It's gaudy and awful, the words "Best Actor" engraved on the plaque. No one's around to see him smile. No one comments when it vanishes. Everyone thinks it's been yeeted out an airlock. Dick absolutely comments when it shows up in the manor, stashed in one of the trophy cases that sprung up for all the bat kids' school awards. Bruce has no idea how it got there. Must have been Alfred. (It was not.))
Anyway, consider, for your amusement, Bruce Wayne getting highjacked on The Gotham Toight Show with a handful of wriggling puppies and, for a split second, not having to pretend he's delighted to be there.
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bluestone-dragon · 4 days
Out of curiosity, what was Geralt's and the Witchers' plan for after killing the king of Kaedwen, before they did it? Geralt ended up Warlord because Szymon treated him like one, if I understand correctly, but if that hadn't happened, what was the original plan? For the Witchers to stay united and just....continue to be Witchers, but unionized this time, and also killing monstrous men as they saw fit?
They were hoping to retreat to Kaer Morhen and let a less terrible king take over Kaedwen and then just sort of...go on being Witchers. With optional "okay no you're a monster time to stop doing that" moments.
It is possible they did not entirely think the consequences through.
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
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I bet octopuses think bones are horrific. I bet all their cosmic horror stories involve rigid-limbs and hinged joints.
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
this is gonna sound stupid but i’m amazed at baby capybaras bc they really truly are baby capybaras. there r so many animals you guys. so many where the babies look like tiny primordial creatures compared to the mature ones but baby capybaras r just little capybaras. they just start out like that. you know what i mean
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
he’s at it again
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
reblog this to put a leaf on your mutuals head
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
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Over The Waves by Setsuko Matsushima
art quilt
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
ah yes, Galavant, the musical comedy fantasy show with bangers such as
"Local King Realises He Has Zero Useful Skills"
"Gay Bar Anthem About Undressing An Oblivious Straight Guy"
"The Ruling Class Sucks, How About We Poison All Of Them"
"The Most Scathing Critique Of Representative Democracy You Will Ever Come Across"
"Yelling About How You're Going To Very Sneakily Kill Your Brother"
"Pirate Shanty: Run Aground Edition"
"Disney Princess Love Interest Duet Except The Lyrics Are About How You Barely Tolerate Each Other" (twice)
and of course
"A New Season AKA Suck It Cancellation Bear" which is the actual real title of that song and cannot be improved upon through humorous description
also have I mentioned that all of these are composed by actual real Disney composer Alan Menken, of Little Shop of Horrors, Tangled, and basically the entire Disney Renaissance fame, and wow do they sound like it
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
J. R. R. Tolkien, undisputedly a most fluent speaker of this language, was criticized in his day for indulging his juvenile whim of writing fantasy, which was then considered—as it still is in many quarters— an inferior form of literature and disdained as mere “escapism.” “Of course it is escapist,” he cried. “That is its glory! When a soldier is a prisoner of war it is his duty to escape—and take as many with him as he can.” He went on to explain, “The moneylenders, the knownothings, the authoritarians have us all in prison; if we value the freedom of the mind and soul, if we’re partisans of liberty, then it’s our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as possible.“
Stephen R. Lawhead
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bluestone-dragon · 6 days
Okay, you need to make sure you play this game at some point. Maybe not today or anything, because you’ll need about thirty minutes and a serious willingness to understand how it works, but - it’s so worth it. It’s basically an answer to our occasional frustration - why do assholes always come out on top? - and the beautiful thing about it is that not only does it explain how that happens, but also how we can change it.
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“In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it’s us players who define the game.”
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