blushlouise · 29 days
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The annual Transformers Rare Pairing Fest is coming! October 13-26, 2024 Bring your favorite rarepair(s) and we'll bring the prompts!
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blushlouise · 1 year
Coming Soon
TF Rare Pairing Fest! October 15-28, 2023
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blushlouise · 1 year
Are you frustrated you can't leave second kudos on AO3? or third kudos? or whatever-who's-counting kudos?
Well, have I got the html for you!
Plop any of these in a comment (by copy&pasting the code) to make an author's day and show your appreciation!
Second kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/tHMjbb6/second-kudos.png" alt="second kudos">
Third kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/52bggQH/third-kudos.png" alt="third kudos">
nth kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/6y7qGtC/nth-kudos.png" alt="nth kudos">
yet another kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/wKtcj0s/yet-another-kudos.png" alt="yet another kudos">
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It will look something like this (and will be transparent with white outline on dark backgrounds):
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Feel free to spread and use these as much as you like! (and if you have ideas for other variations, let me know ✌️)
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blushlouise · 2 years
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blushlouise · 2 years
Ao3 Subscriber Statistic
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blushlouise · 2 years
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finally drew my boy
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blushlouise · 2 years
Between the Arkenstone, the One Ring, and that cache of magic swords Bilbo uncovered during Thorin and company’s confrontation with the trolls that just happened to be the former property of the High King of the Noldor, Bilbo and Gandalf’s relationship is just a constant process of Bilbo showing up with some random artifact of world-changing significance and Gandalf sagely stroking his beard and making a pithy remark while internally screaming “WHERE DO YOU KEEP FINDING THESE THINGS”.
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blushlouise · 2 years
Stuff kids on tumblr better relearn
1. You are responsible for your own media experience. 
2. There is such a thing as a healthy level of avoidance towards topics that make you feel unwell or even (in a real-life clinical definition of the term) trigger you - but you are the one to actively take care of what you view.
3. Avoiding does not mean policing others.
4. You have no right to tell artists to censor themselves - you may criticize what others do, you may dislike it, that’s fine - but actively asking for censorship when you could easily unfollow or block a person just makes you look incompetent in your use of the internet.
5. Do not give people on tumblr or /any/ website the responsibility for your emotional well-being. Because these people do not even know you so no, you have no right to ask them to take care of you.
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blushlouise · 2 years
Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.
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blushlouise · 2 years
Hi there! Just wanted to say, I LOVE your stories, and I was wondering - could you please do some fanart for Live Weapon? Because I for one would like to see what choom looks like.
Hi Anon! Thank you 😁 I'm happy you're enjoying my fics! And honestly, I've been wanting to have fanart commissioned for Choom for months 😅 Since way before I started posting. I can't draw to save my life, so I've been looking at fan artists I follow, and unfortunately I haven't had the money to get a full-body commission done (because we want to see all of Choom if we're going to see him, don't we!) and so it hasn't happened yet. I still kind of want to do it though, so it might still happen 😊
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blushlouise · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #496
Top Ten Violent Moments in Transformers
Transformers is a franchise populated, it seems, by a lot of forty-year-olds. I should know, because in far too short a time, I’ll be one of them. But who you chat to on Twitter or meet in the bar at TF Nation is not entirely representative of everybody – this is important to remember at the best of times – and really, when you get down to it, Transformers is for kids.
It all started out as toys, remember; I know now there’s this whole adult collector market of arrested development kidults attempting to stave off the hopeless sense of ennui brought on by a world sliding backwards into darkness whilst simultaneously being on actual fire by buying plastic replicas of things they loved when they’d never heard of suicide bombers or carbon thresholds or gender critical ideologies, but really these things were meant to be played with by literal children. There was a cartoon on the telly introduced by a bespectacled man in shorts who talked to a rubber hammer. There was a comic with free gifts on the cover. Even now, when Michael Bay gets away with dropping F-bombs into the movies, they still have preschool shows and colouring books and early reader books and, look, just take my word for it, Transformers is a children’s property, just like Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter. Deal with it.
This is quite an entertaining thing to ponder when you consider just how fricking violent the franchise is – and, frankly, always has been. I remember being an Actual Child and discussing with my cousin – also an Actual Child – how there was no way you’d get away with the level of violence and mass death in The Transformers: The Movie if the film wasn’t animated and starred great big chonky robots. This is a film, remember, in which we see entire races snuffed out of existence, to say nothing of crumbling bodies, physical dismemberment, flayed skeletons, and the lights literally going out in someone’s eyes. But ‘twas ever thus: practically the first image in the first Transformers comic is one of all-out war, and features a huge ‘bot literally crushing another ‘bot in his bare hands. right from the very start, writers, artists, and other creatives have used the Transformers nature as, well, not being human as an excuse to do the kind of really meaty, limb-lopping, face-wrecking, body-destroying violence you’d never get away with in other properties. I mean, it makes sense; these aren’t flesh and blood creatures, so we don’t get messy, mucky organs and blood. It’s all cogs and wires and leakin’ lubricant. Plus you can fudge stuff in a lot of ways: for a start, they can always be repaired, so the loss of an eye or a limb or even half a face isn’t some debilitating injury that’s life-changing for the person concerned. But even if someone is blown to bits or ripped in half, quite often their “death” is rendered moot and at some point they can be fixed or even – seemingly – brought back to life. However, that’s no excuse for quite how horrible some of scenes have been in Transformers history.
So that’s what today’s list is all about, then: a cavalcade of gruesome grand guignol inflicted upon unsuspecting ‘bots; a smorgasbord of circuitry, an explosion of energon, a whole lot of just really, really nasty slag going down. Take a stiff drink, shuffle the children off to bed, and prepare to witness some good old-fashioned ultra-violence. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
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Glavatron versus time and space (Transformers UK, #203-205, 1989): Galvatron really goes through the ringer in Time Wars, the classic, beloved UK saga of the late eighties. To be fair, however, he did start it, and ended up creating a reality-destroying rift in the fabric of space and time. But he goes through the ringer. First of all, half his face is blown off, his eye swinging in the breeze. Then, finally, he’s consumed by the rift, his metal skin literally being torn off his body over several gruesome panels, until his flimsy-looking skeleton is at last pulled into the rift itself. It’s nasty. And when you read this at the age of, like, seven, it’s incredibly nasty.
Shockwave’s brain (Transformers UK #146, 1988): talking about nasty… many Transformers are killed or maimed in the comic. Usually it’s just an explosion or a missing limb or maybe some exposed wiring. But when a mind-controlled Death’s Head kills Shockwave, it’s brutal. Outsmarting and outmanoeuvring the Decepticon leader, Mr. Head blows chunks off old Shockers, until finally digging his fingers into Shockwave’s head and crushing his brain between his fingers. I mean, come on.
Scorponok versus Unicron (Transformers US #75, 1990): many Transformers die in the seminal On the Edge of Extinction story, as Unicron finally invades Cybertron and starts eating it. Some are crushed, some are stabbed, some are blown to pieces. Scorponok, trying to tear Uni’s foot apart with his bare hands – er, claws – is melted by the Chaos Bringer’s fire breath. Optimus Prime finds him later, and he’s a sight: his limbs are literally dripping off, extremities turning into puddles of paint. His face is slipping off his head, exposing the wiring beneath. His pathetic, plaintive last words are a desperate plea for approval and validation. It’s sick, and it’s sad.
Ambulon bisected (More Than Meets the Eye #19, 2013): ah, moving from the classic gory excesses of the eighties and nineties to more recent instances of violence. Here, Ambulon – the poor medical ‘bot who was built to be, well, a foot – is played as a pawn in a gruesome game between uber-medics Pharma and Ratchet. Pharma – nuts and not very nice – challenges Ratchet to repair Ambulon if he’s cut in two. But then Pharma makes it even more difficult by chainsawing him in half from crotch to crown in a blood-soaked scene of horror and carnage. Ambulon, alas, does not survive. But then Ratchet is able to turn his corpse into a weapon in order to escape, so it’s all good.
Pipes underfoot (More Than Meets the Eye #15, 2013): talking of just unpleasant, poor old Pipes, who only wanted to make friends. But then bloody Overlord comes out of his cell, and literally stomps on the wee Autobot. And – as with Ambulon – we really need to call out artist Alex Milne for his rendition of this nastiness. Ambulon is falling apart, desperately trying to stop his spark leaving his body, his shocked mind reeling, but – top man – he still manages to sound the alarm before finally expiring. Talk about traumatic.
Scrounge versus the smelting pool (Transformers US #17, 1986): back to the old days, and here we see the sad death of poor little Scrounge, the Autobot spy with a special arm. After being caught by mean old nasty Decepticon boss-man Straxus, he has his special arm ripped off. His mate Blaster tries to rescue him, but he’s already been dumped into the smelting pool, and so when Blaster picks him up, there’s only half of him left; the rest is dripping clumps of liquid metal, falling back into the pit.
Sharkticon facial (The Movie, 1986): we move at last into, well, movies. And the ’86 animated classic is known for being pretty damn violent. Optimus and Megatron beat each other up, Unicron eats a planet, Brawn gets shot in the shoulder… it’s a whole thing. When the Sharkticons are trying to eat Hot Rod and Kup, one of the little fish-bots goes to slice our heroes, but he misses and claws the face off one of his little fish-bot friends. Said face then slips off his skull in thick metallic slices, in a way that I found incredibly grisly even as a nipper.
Starscream’s ghost (Transformers UK #216): this is a classic moment for me, not just because of the level of horrific robo-violence on display, but also because it was one of (maybe the?) first instances of artist Andrew Wildman’s glorious way of depicting injured Cybertronians. We see Starscream, presumed dead, wandering round like a zombie; basically a walking skeleton, exposed struts and rivets, internal fans and components on display, wires trailing everywhere, and lots and lots of leaking energon. It’s a delightfully detailed, nasty piece of art, and one of many Wildman would contribute to Transformers over the years.
The Insecticons were in the way (The Movie, 1986): back to the movie and another bit of superior viciousness. Basically, the creepy-voiced Insecticons are trying to eat their way into Autobot City, when Hot Rod and Kup (them again!) run over them on their way into the city. And they literally run over them: in glorious close-up, we see Kickback’s head crushed under Hot Rod’s wheels, his skull flattening, the glass of his eyes shattering. This film was given a U by the BBFC.
The Jumpstarters’ twin fates (Last Stand of the Wreckers #3-4, 2010): a slight change of pace here, as this one is less of a gore explosion and more of a sustained piece of nastiness. Twin Twist is being tortured by Decepticon Stalker; we don’t get to see much of it at first, but we know it has something to do with his mouth, because his twin brother Topspin is feeling every painful twinge. When we do get to see it, it’s horrible; half his face is torn away, his eye gone, his jaw gone, as Stalker sticks things into his face. In the end, Topspin sacrifices himself to save the mission and put his brother out of his misery, as their branched spark means they’ll both die at the same time. A very nasty piece of writing by Nick Roche, and a really gory bit of art by, er, Nick Roche.
I feel I should throw a bit of praise – if that’s the word – to writers Simon Furman and James Roberts for their part in crafting many of these scenes of horror and misery. And there’s plenty more – Optimus in pieces after Unicron, or Roadbuster’s head exploding, or Ravage being torn in half, or – I guess – the whole “give me your face” thing in Revenge of the Fallen. Basically, what I’m saying, is that Transformers is nasty and no one should ever read or watch it.
And do not get me started on how the toys would break.
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blushlouise · 3 years
Legolas pretty quickly gets in the habit of venting about his travelling companions in Elvish, so long as Gandalf & Aragorn aren’t in earshot they’ll never know right?
Then about a week into their journey like
Legolas: *in Elvish, for approximately the 20th time* ugh fucking hobbits, so annoying
Frodo: *also in Elvish, deadpan* yeah we’re the worst
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blushlouise · 4 years
My @secretsolenoid fic for @surveille! Hope you like!
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blushlouise · 4 years
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💫 Only 18 days left to buy HOMEMADE!💫
We are so excited to be sharing this zine with you and we hope you enjoy it! We have included Transformers media that appeals to every type of fan!
Sample Writing by @/RhieraLouise on Twitter
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blushlouise · 4 years
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Hey hey! Orginal admin’s had to step down so I’m patching in last minute to try and get everything reblogged in one place! Better late than never-let’s get this show on the road >:D
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blushlouise · 4 years
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Prompts for TF Rarepair Week 2020!
Day 1 (Oct 17): Intimacy / Time
Day 2 (Oct 18): Pre-War / First Meeting
Day 3 (Oct 19): Disclosure / Memory
Day 4 (Oct 20): Misunderstanding / Confession
Day 5 (Oct 21): Profference / Gifts
Day 6 (Oct 22): Sparkling / Mayhem
Day 7 (Oct 23): Devotion / Adventure
Day 8 (Oct 24): Ceremony / Free Space
Feel free to use either, both, or none of the prompts for each day.
There is no AO3 collection for this challenge, but if you'd like, you can use the freeform tag 'TF Rarepair Week 2020 (Transformers)'.
Tumblr posts tagged #TFRarepairWeek2020 (please keep the capitals for fans who use screenreaders) will be reblogged here, and you can also submit posts. Anything goes, but make sure to tag any citrus/nsfw or common triggers. Citrus/nsfw will be tagged #citrus warning and common triggers will be tagged with the #tw [trigger] format.
Works can be art, fic, meta, cosplay, etc, the only hard and fast requirement is that they not be one of the top ten ships in the Transformers - All Media Types tag. I trust everyone to know the difference between a rarepair and an uncommon ship as well as what counts for either in their specific corner of fandom - no one should be policing anyone else.
As of the time this is written, the top ten ships are:
Megatron/Optimus Prime | Orion Pax
Drift | Deadlock/Ratchet
Breakdown/Knock Out
Optimus Prime | Orion Pax/Ratchet
Chromedome | Tumbler/Rewind
These ships can be in the background, but any work focusing on them will not count for Rarepair Week.
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blushlouise · 4 years
I'm in this, and so are so many other awesome people!! Go preorder, it's too much Starscreamy goodness to miss out on 😁😁
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Pre-Orders Open!
Don’t miss out!
We’ll be taking zine pre-orders today through Sept. 21!
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