blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
Can't unsee it.
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Every time I see Paul in that stupid fucking fur thing I’m lowkey reminded of Bobo from Wynonna Earp.
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blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
[random questions] 1. Have you had an argument with anyone recently? If so, do you still have issues with that person?
Not an important one, just about tv shows lol 2. Are you talking to anyone while filling this in? How about texting/chatting on Facebook?
Talking to customers because I'm at work. No texting 3. Have you done something recently that helped someone else, in any way?
I listened to a friend vent. I hope I do things that help people every day 4. What kind of mood are you in atm? Is someone else responsible for that mood?
Stressed about and sick of work, want to go home and do something mindless really bad 5. Has someone of the opposite sex been getting on your nerves lately?
just this kid at work who acts like he doesn't know how to do anything 6. Who was the last person that asked to hang out with you? Tell me the story of how you met that person, everything you remember.
Teresa. We met at work because she does tags/pricing for my store 7. If you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them? This has happened a few times. Usually I remind them of the things they have worth living for 8. Have you ever felt so depressed that you were struggling to carry on? If so, what would you say to someone else who was in that situation?
Yes, but it's different in every situation. There is no generic response 9. Have you ever worn coloured mascara? If not, would you ever think about trying it? And if you have, what is/was your favourite colour to wear?
I wore blue once for like a theme day, but not normally 10. What do you remember about your first day of secondary school? Were new you more nervous or excited? I don't really remember it, but I'm sure I was excited. I went to the same school for high school as 8th so I was with my friends and teachers I loved 11. Who was the last person to pay you a compliment?
Umm last one I remember was Teresa said she liked my shirt 12. Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing. Is it one of your favourites?
It's a black work shirt and totally not a favorite 13. Is there anything that’s happened in the past month, that you wish you could go ache back in time and change?
My second reply 14. What colour is your purse/wallet?
I don't carry a purse, but my wallet has Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy 15. What’s the closest item to you that’s black?
my shirt 16. Do you think guys see your mother as a ‘yummy mummy’?
Wtf 17. Is there a certain name that you think seems to have become really popular, and you know lots of people with that same name?
Ashley 18. What’s the most expensive item in your make-up bag?
The majority of what's in it was in a bare minerals set, so that set 19. Think about what you looked like 5 years ago. How did you look different, compared to the way you look now?
I was way thinner, my hair was colored and straightened more often, I wore better makeup, had contacts, dressed better... 20. Who was the last person of the opposite sex to text you? Do you think that person is attracted to you?
Matt from work and heck no lol 21. Before Facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site, like Bebo or Myspace?
MySpace 22. Has anyone ever asked you out, and you turned them down? If so, did you feel guilty about it? Why do you think you said no?
I've said no many times, only felt guilty when it was guy friends, and I said no because I wasn't interested 23. Name the last five people of the opposite sex that you talked to. What did you talk about? All last 5 dudes would be customers, and all we talked about is the transaction lol 24. Who is your most recent text message from? Has that person ever told you that they love you?
My wife, and yes, many times a day 25. Have you ever asked anyone “Do you love me?” If so, did you get the response you wanted? Do you think when someone says “I love you”, you feel obliged to say it back?
I don't think I've ever asked that. I do feel obligated to say it back, but I don't unless I mean it. 26. I know it’s a depressing thought, but have you ever actually tried to imagine what the end of the world might be like?
No, I'd rather not try 27. Which Disney princess do you think is the most beautiful? Why?
probably Belle because she loves books 😉 28. Someone tells you that you’re wasting your time with the person you like. What do you say?
It's my time to waste 29. Has anything happened in the last 7 days that you’d like to forget?
My district manager coming in on a tear last week 30. Has someone of the opposite sex ever sang to you? If so, how did you respond to it?
No, not that I can think of 31. When did you last hug someone of the opposite sex?
My dad on Saturday 32. Have you ever seen the film “Casablanca”? Did you like it?
Never seen it 33. If you’ve had a bad experience in a past relationship, did you find that you were scared to get into another relationship, in case the same thing happened again?
I'm never scared of getting into relationships, but I do get scared of the same things happening again 34. Are you friends with the last person you hugged, or something more?
Married 35. Do you ever post song lyrics as your Facebook status?
Like half the time 36. How many girls do you know with the name ‘Georgina?’
None that I can think of 37. Give me 3 facts about yourself, that I might find useful if I came to spend the day with you. I like books, Greys Anatomy, and Taylor Swift 38. Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis, or do you prefer to save it for special occasions?
Closer to special occasions 39. Do you have a relative whose name begins with ‘L’? Tell me about him/her.
I can't think of one 40. Did you play with Barbies when you were a kid, or did you prefer something else?
A bunch of things, Barbies included 41. Are you a secretive person?
In some ways 42. When did you last eat?
🍌 for breakfast 43. If you were going to buy a present for the person you love/like, what would you generally choose?
Video game 44. Do you plan on kissing the last person you kissed, again?
Yes 45. If I’m going to buy you a box of chocolates, which kind should I definitely NOT get?
Please don't 46. If you met the celebrity that you most admire, what would be the first thing you’d say to him/her? What's up? 47. Has anyone ever told you that you are special? If so, do you think that person meant it?
A few people and I'm sure they did 48. Is there something you generally always ask for help with?
Fixing things lol 49. If you had to give up your phone or your computer, which would it be?
Computer 50. Has anyone called you gorgeous/beautiful today?
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blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
[random questions] Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
sure Where were you last night?
at home What is today’s date?
July 18 Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
my wife When you’re at the grocery store do you use the self check-out?
at walmart or target, they don't have one at market street Anyone crushing on you?
probably my wife 🤷🏻‍♀️ What is your relationship status?
married Who do you text the most?
wifey How do you make your money?
my job How do you feel right now?
really tired and lazy Do you look more like your mom or dad?
I think both Are you scared of flying?
In recent years, yeah Is there something bothering you right now?
Just work Where do you wanna go for vacation?
Orlando Who last sent you a text msg?
My wife What would you say is your favorite food?
I currently have a strange relationship with food and can't determine this What color is the keyboard you are currently using?
White and grey, it's my iPhone Would you rather write a report or type it on a computer?
i love hand writing things What color was the last jacket or hoodie you wore?
Probably my black and grey rain jacket Do you receive more compliments or insults on a daily basis?
I guess compliments. I don't get many insults Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they?
Green, black.. Would you say you drink more pop / soda than you should?
yes 😞 Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced?
yeah the person i like and why i like them.
I like my wife, that's why I married her 😉 a famous person i’ve been compared to.
Anne Hathaway, Hayley Williams, Natalie Portman, Winona Ryder, Danielle Panabaker the best thing that has happened to me this week.
The Bold Type something that makes me sad when i think about it.
losing people who once meant everything something i do without realising.
redirect a conversation to myself lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood.
I will love you till my lungs give out my longest relationship and who it was with.
with my wife for 2061 days someone i’d like to be for a day and why.
Currently? Elena Davies so I could be in the Big Brother house flirting with Christmas what is your favorite drink?
Cold brew coffee do you spend more time on the computer or watching tv?
TV do you wear makeup?
Mostly just a little base or powder are you a neat freak or a big mess?
Somewhere in the middle who was your favorite disney character as a child?
Pocahontas when was your last family vacation?
family reunion at the beginning of June what do you want to be when you’re older?
Happy have you ever wanted to be a foreign exchange student?
I thought of it once do you have an ipod?
yes, a purple nano do you take naps?
Sometimes after work if I'm really tired where was the last place you went to?
To work from home have you ever had a near death experience?
Not super close do you have any pets? (if so, what kind)
a cat and a lab mix do you curse?
not a whole lot, but more than I would like to what is bothering you right now?
Work what is a next upcoming event that you’re excited about?
Medieval Times do you text people that are sitting next to you?
yes I do have you ever been in a food eating contest?
no way have you ever been in a car accident?
A few have you ever ate dog food?
Definitely not have you ever performed on stage?
Quite a few times when I was younger do you live in the moment? A third of the time do you take long showers?
No are you religious?
Organized religion stresses me out are you dramatic?
Not often have you ever ran through a drive thru?
I remember one time at an away tournament at a McDonald's by our hotel
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blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
Random Survey
How old were you the year your favorite movie came out?
twelve Whose birthday is coming up soon?
my dad's is next Monday What’s your favorite place to get sushi?
Samurai of Tokyo What’s your favorite Paul Rudd movie?
well he's in Perks of Being A Wallflower, but not a star. So one that's like a starring role, This is 40. Mainly because I love Leslie Mann Have you ever been involved in Direct Sales Marketing and if so, what company?
I don't think so Do you know anyone who lives in Hawaii?
I know a few people that have lived there, but not currently When was the last time you applied lotion?
A few days ago What’s your favorite way to eat a potato, ex.: chips, fries, baked, etc.?
Fried with onions and garlic and butter and cheese Do you delete people from Facebook if their views are vastly different than yours?
No, I either get them off my timeline or don't have them on a list when I post anything regarding my stronger views Are you planning on having kids? Does that question annoy you to no end?
It's difficult to plan on anything. Have you eaten your favorite food in the past seven days?
I've eaten some good food, but nothing super favorite What was the last phone conversation you had about?
I called my aunt to see what flavor lime-a-rita she wanted Do you have a Snapchat and do you just add things to your story or do you send snaps to individual people? I don't do much of either, but more individual replying than story What’s the closest thing to you with someone’s handwriting on it?
I have a bunch of notebooks in my nightstand What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels?
cream cheese What’s the most important key on your key ring?
I guess my car key cuz it's expensive to replace lol Do you have Spotify and if so, what’s the last song you listened to on it?
Yes, Wrapped Up by Olly Murs What was the last argument you got in about and who was it with?
Kinda arguing with my friends about Younger...Josh or Charles? How many social media outlets do you have and which ones?
Facebook, twitter, Instagram, tumblr, Snapchat...guess that's all? At what age did you start picking out your own outfits? I don't remember lol, pretty young Have you ever been to a Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast where people act out the movie while it’s playing and the audience yells things callbacks?
Nope How spicy do you like your food?
Only a little Do you have a scented-wax warmer?
No Who’s your favorite director?
Troian Bellisario 😂 When was the last time you walked through your front door?
Like 3 1/2 hours ago when I got home from work What would you do if you accidentally got pregnant?
I would be super confused Bats: cute or gross?
A little of both Are you going to or did you see the new Star Wars?
I bought it, but I haven't watched it yet What’s your favorite Netflix show?
it's hard to choose just one. Jessica Jones I think What was the last really intense pain you felt?
when my dad had a stroke a few weeks ago
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blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
Some Say Love (a Criminal Minds fanfiction)
Chapter 1 A/N: I do not own Criminal Minds or any of the characters in this chapter. I hope you enjoy! The cabin of the jet was completely silent as the members of the BAU flew home from Tennessee. This had been a particularly rough case for all of them and many lives had been lost. The unsub had been a sociopath who was triggered when his wife left him after finding out he was sterile. He took out his aggression toward his ex-wife on seven young women, all pregnant, brutally raping and murdering them. Emily Prentiss still felt sick thinking about it as she stared blankly out the window. David Rossi was writing something and Aaron Hotchner was leafing through a file, but both were obviously distracted. Derek Morgan, unable to sleep, put his earphones on and tried to block his mind. Spencer Reid appeared to be reading, as the pages of his book turned at normal speed, but he wasn't actually comprehending the words. Jennifer Jareau glanced down at her phone as a text message came in from Penelope Garcia. "You guys almost home?" it read. JJ replied with a simple 'yes'. "Everyone ok? Know it was a bad one," Penelope wrote back. "Idk Garcia." JJ sighed and looked around the jet at her team, the other members of the BAU, her family. The typical plane rides home were celebratory, everyone still high on putting a stop to another serial killer. There was coffee and chess, card games and joking around, but today there was just silence. It would take a little while to bounce back from this one, JJ knew. Garcia had been on the case, she knew the severity, but she hadn't been there to see it. She hadn't spoken to the unsub and seen the joy on his face when confronted with the murders of innocent women and unborn children, murders he had committed. She hadn't been present at crime scenes where beautiful young women lay dead, covered in slash marks from head to toe, the underdeveloped bodies of their babies wrapped up in their arms. The scenes replayed in JJ's head, causing her to shiver violently. Reid, who sat next to her, felt her shake and looked over at her, eyes full of concern and understanding. "JJ…" he began softly, but not knowing the right thing to say, he stopped trying and just grabbed for her hand. JJ interlaced her fingers with Spencer's and held on tightly. The plane was landing soon and reality would come back to claim them as they headed home separately, alone. Across from JJ and Spencer, Emily also thought of her big empty house and the cold silence it would soon offer her. As the plane hit the runway, Hotch was saying something about everyone getting rest and seeing them all in a couple days. No one was really listening, but the others knew Hotch wanted some time with Jack this weekend and that they most likely would have it off. The team silently got off of the jet. Derek glanced down at JJ and Reid, their hands still clasped together, but he lacked energy to even suggest romance. He was surprised to see their technical analyst standing near their vehicles as he headed for his. "Hey, baby girl, what brings you out here?" Derek tried to sound happy to see her, but his voice stayed flat. "I thought you all could use some fun," she replied brightly. "Party at my place. I got games and funny movies and music…" she trailed off as she noticed no one was reacting to her suggestion of fun. "Garcia, it's really nice of you, but don't really think any of us are in the mood to party," Emily finally said. "I also got a LOT of alcohol," Garcia said knowingly. "Count me in," Derek changed his mind quickly, and Emily nodded in agreeance. Reid looked at JJ and she nodded. "JJ and I are in as well," Spencer said. "I've got to go see Jack, but you guys make sure you have fun," Hotch told them. "And I've got to meet someone, too," Rossi said. "I'll see you all on Monday." The four younger agents piled into Garcia's Cadillac and she drove them to her apartment. A/N: Please read & review! I always appreciate constructive criticism and will continue writing as long as people keep reading :)
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blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
The Edge of the World (a Criminal Minds fanfiction)
Chapter 1 A/N: This story takes place in the weeks after Zugzwang, but will not be canon with the rest of the current season. Emily never went to London, so Blake never took her place. I do not own Criminal Minds or any of these characters. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Jennifer Jareau tossed and turned, hoping to get at least a few minutes of rest before her alarm clock rang out an end to yet another sleepless night. Her eyes finally began to close, but she was jolted awake by the sound of her alarm and she sighed heavily. JJ rolled over to where her husband, Will LaMontagne, usually slept, and wasn’t surprised to find he wasn’t there. This was not the first night lately that Will had opted to sleep downstairs on the couch instead of in bed with his restless wife. JJ felt bad, knowing her nightmares and constant worry were taking a toll on her marriage. She only hoped that her young son, Henry, wasn’t being affected as well.
JJ pushed all thoughts away as she dragged herself out of bed, heading for a quick shower. As the hot water poured over her, she allowed her fears and worries to come rushing back. It was as if she had finally let herself be happy, marrying Will and convincing her best friend not to go to London. Both of her families had been faced with threats to break up and she had managed to save them both.
Now, months later, she couldn’t stop thinking that she had made a mistake. What if Will hadn’t wanted to marry her anymore and did it only for Henry? What if Emily resented her for convincing her to pass up on such a big opportunity? All of this was enough to make her feel crazy with worry without the added horror of the nightmares.
It had been a few years since she last had the nightmares about her sister’s suicide, not since the choking game case when she had finally shared her pain with Hotch. They hadn’t been working any cases involving suicide lately and she hadn’t spoken to anyone else about it since that day on the jet. It didn’t make sense that the nightmares were back now and JJ was beginning to feel like they were a warning.
Most of her thoughts were focused on Spence, considering the rough time he was having since Maeve’s death. She wished there was something more she could do for him, but things just hadn’t been the same between them since she had helped Emily fake her death and kept it from him. He had forgiven them both, but they definitely weren’t as close as they used to be. Spencer really didn’t want to talk to anyone about Maeve and JJ feared that his holding it in would drive him crazy, or worse…
“JJ!” Will yelled through the door. “What are you doin’ in there? You’re gonna be late!”
JJ sighed, frustrated that she’d let time get away from her. “I’ll be out in a minute,” she called back, turning off the shower.
“Henry and I are leavin’,” Will’s voice sounded distant. “We’ll see you tonight.”
JJ wrapped a towel around herself and opened the bathroom door. The sight of her little boy instantly made her smile. She leaned down and kissed his forehead.
“Have a fun day with Daddy, baby. I love you,” she almost whispered to her son.
She stood to kiss Will and he moved slightly so that her lips landed on his jaw.
“Well, I’ll see you later,” she told him, brushing off his actions. “Love you.”
“You too, JJ,” Will said hesitantly, turning away. “Come on, Henry.”
JJ watched them go, her husband and her baby boy. Dread filled her heart and tears filled her eyes as she realized things probably wouldn’t be this way for much longer.
A/N: Let me know what you think!
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blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
Fall For You (a Rizzoli & Isles fanfiction)
Fall For You Chapter 1 Authors Note: Rizzoli and Isles is one of my favorite shows, so I'm really happy to finally publish a fic for this show. I don't own Rizzoli & Isles! I hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think! Jane Rizzoli was more than ready to kick off her shoes and crawl in bed to catch the end of the Red Sox game, but Maura had insisted Jane come home with her after they'd gone out drinking. It had been a trying day for both of them; the case they were working on was hitting a little too close to home. The man who'd been murdered was a retired Boston Homicide detective and Maura didn't want Jane to be alone at her apartment. Nothing else about the case had insinuated that Jane was specifically in danger, but her best friend wasn't exactly willing to take that chance. Not to mention it was nice not being so alone at night, not that Maura would ever admit that to Jane. A small smile crossed Maura's face as she watched Jane's actions, so comfortable in a place that wasn't her own. Jane dropped her badge and gun on the coffee table, took off her belt and tossed it over the couch, and headed for the kitchen, grabbing a beer out of the fridge. "You didn't get enough to drink at the Dirty Robber?" Maura laughed. "You can never have too much to drink, Maur," Jane shot back. "I beg to differ, but drink if you must. I'm going to change out of these clothes." "What about me? Since you wouldn't let me go home to get anything." "I think there are some sweats of yours in my top dresser drawer," Maura said, walking toward the bathroom. Jane went into Maura's bedroom and opened the top drawer of the dresser. She was surprised to see not only the sweats in the drawer, but also some of her own T-shirts, a pair of jeans, and even a toothbrush. She laughed at the thought that the only relationship in her life serious enough to have a drawer of her things at someone else's house was the relationship with her best friend. She started to wonder why Maura would keep these things here in a drawer instead of giving them back to her at work or any of the many times she'd been over. Maura came out of the bathroom wearing her silky pajamas and noticed Jane still standing at the open drawer. "You tend to leave a lot of stuff when you're here," Maura offered her explanation. "I figured since you stay over sometimes that it would be nice for you to have some of your own things here." "Well, thank you, Maura," Jane said, pulling her sweat pants and a t-shirt out of the drawer. The shirt was one of her Boston Homicide baseball shirts. She thought back to the last time she wore this one. It had been when Frost's mom was in town. They went out drinking after the game. Jane had felt really bad about fighting with Maura over letting her play, but they had made up and were laughing together by the end of the night. Maura invited her over after the bar for after-drinking, which was not uncommon. There had been something different about that night, but Jane blushed just thinking about it. She shook the thoughts out of her head and unbuttoned her top, sliding it off her broad shoulders. Then she kicked off her boots and shimmied out of her dress pants, leaving her clothes in a pile on the floor. She heard Maura clear her throat and she turned to look at her. "I-I'm just going to go get some wine," Maura stuttered. Jane was a little taken back by Maura's obvious discomfort and she wondered what was bothering her friend. She finished getting dressed and then met Maura back in the living room on the couch. Maura held the remote control and was flipping through the channels, but she didn't stay on any of them long enough to even tell what was on. Jane grabbed the remote from her hand. "Spill," she demanded. "What are you talking about, Jane?" Maura tried to appear offended that Jane had jerked the remote away from her, but this sort of playfulness mixed with demanding a way into Maura's head was one of the things she loved best about Jane. "There's something on your mind and you should tell me what it is," Jane smiled. "Is that right?" Maura asked incredulously. "I'm good, Jane, just tired and more than a little buzzed. I think I'm going to get some sleep." Jane didn't completely believe her friend, but she nodded and watched Maura walk toward her bedroom. Maura stopped suddenly. "Coming?" she asked, extending her hand. Jane sat silently for a moment and then took the delicate hand in front of her. "Yes."
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blytheconner1-blog · 7 years
AKA Trish Walker (a Jessica Jones fanfiction)
AKA Trish Walker Chapter 1 A/N: I don't own Jessica Jones or anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (unfortunately). I really hope to continue with this fic, so any kind of feedback is appreciated! This first chapter is just what's going on in Trish's head immediately following the death of Kilgrave. I hope you like it! Trish Walker sat in her Genesis waiting for her best friend to come out of the police station. Her heart was still beating a little too fast from the adrenaline of the last few days. As much as she wanted to be a hero, everything that had happened was taking it's toll on her. She'd been so worried about failing Jessica and felt so much responsibility for Simpson's actions. If Jess could hear her thoughts, she probably would tell her that she'd done good and that she was a hero. Jess was all about making her feel like these things weren't her fault, but as much as Trish tried to be a part of things, to be a worthwhile sidekick, she couldn't help but realize how many things had gone wrong with Kilgrave because of her. She never should have tried to draw Kilgrave out on Trish Talk. That move was what brought Will Simpson into her life and that in itself led to so many mistakes. If she'd never trusted Simpson, so many things could have gone differently. Jess had tried to warn her about him, but she hadn't listened. And in turn, she'd been too involved with Simpson to be there for Jessica in the times she needed it most. Not to mention the whole thing where Simpson almost killed them both. Of course, nothing was as bad as losing her headphones and being under Kilgrave's control. She'd gone with Jessica because she wanted to help, but it had ended up the way it always did — with Jessica having to save her. Not that she would ever tire of Jess protecting her, but just once she wanted to be the one to save her hero. Worse than anything, Trish felt weak. Logically, she knew there was nothing she could have done to break Kilgrave's control over her. As far as anyone knew, Jessica was the one and only person ever to be free of him, but Trish still couldn't help thinking she should have been stronger. The memory of kissing Kilgrave was repulsive, but it replayed again and again in her mind. Trish started to panic, worried she would lose control over her impulses, until she saw Jessica walking out of the police station. The familiar calm immediately fell over her. Trish got out and leaned against her car, waiting for Jessica to come to her. She was always waiting for Jess to come to her, but a lot of times she couldn't hold on to that patience. By the time they reached each other, she couldn't tell who had gotten to the other first, just that it felt like home to have Jess in her arms. She thought about what Kilgrave had said, referring to Trish as Jessica's 'beloved sister'. They had never considered each other sisters. Jessica was a quiet girl from school. And then she was the orphan Trish's mother insisted they take in for good publicity. She was the girl who knew and saw way too much about the real 'Patsy'. And then she was Trish's protector. She was her lifeline. Jessica saved Trish from Dorothy and then she saved Trish from herself. Tears stung Trish's eyes as she realized she'd never been able to save Jessica from her own power and she hadn't saved her from Kilgrave. She was always messing up and putting them both in danger, all because of her obsession with the idea that they could be heroes. "Jess, I'm so sorry," Trish whispered. Jessica pulled back. "What are you sorry for?" "You had to save me. Again." "It's what I do," Jessica shrugged and opened the car door to get in. "Kilgrave's dead. It's over." Trish hesitated a moment before joining her friend in the car. "Okay..." she said slowly as she pulled out of the parking lot headed for home. "But what next? You say it's over, but there will always be another Kilgrave. And what about IGH?" "There is no next, Trish," Jessica sighed. "I'm not a hero. I did what had to be done with Kilgrave and a lot of people died in the process. I may have saved you, and Kilgrave may be dead, but I couldn't save Ruben or Hope or or Wendy or Louise or Albert. I went after the bastard and I got him, but I left a path of destruction behind us. So I don't want to talk about heroism or my powers or IGH or anything else." "Okay," Trish said quickly. "Okay, I get it. We'll just go home and get some food and get some rest and forget about all of this for now." "Just take me home, Trish. I just want to be alone." "Okay." Trish was nodding, and she changed directions to go to Jessica's apartment, but it hurt to hear those words. Jessica used words she would never normally say as a code for their plan against Kilgrave. Trish had to believe Jess meant those words, but she also had to accept that this didn't change anything. As much as they cared about each other, Jessica Jones was always going to keep up the wall she'd built between them after Kilgrave first came into her life. Trish had never heard those words before last night, and she would never hear those words again.
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