Hey, I was looking to request either a scenario or headcannons of bakugo or todoroki having an alternative girlfriend. I’m a lil chubby and heavily tattooed and I never get to see that represented and bnha is my favourite anime. I love your writing! (Also if I was gonna have a quirk it would probably be a water manipulation/siren quirk) Thank you so much!
I haven’t done any scenarios in awhile so I’m think I’ll do two little short ones for your request.
You were a bit bigger than most girls your age, you weren’t traditionally pretty and that was what had drawn Bakugou to you. You’d come from America and had tattoos (with your parents permission of course) and piercings, you weren’t overly pierced just an industrial and a septum piercing really. You coordinated the pieces to match whenever you changed them. You are also wild, you like doing the risky things and fighting with all you’ve got. Most don’t understand how your quirk works, but you call it the Siren’s Call and your vocals were definitely hypnotic.
At first Bakugo fights with you because you look tough and you always fight back with all you’ve got. This develops into surprise attacks by you or him. It becomes a game and one time his failure to surprise you...makes you laugh. The laugh causes Bakugo to stop almost dead in his tracks, cuz fuck it’s a pretty sound. He stops attacking you though and distances from you, which...weirdly bothers you. One time you ambush him though and corner him, “Hey! Why’d you start avoiding me suddenly?” You’re trying not to look mad but you’d built this odd bond with him and it bothered you.
He tries to escape but you’re annoyingly stubborn and follow him, just because you just want to know why. He sort of freaks out and hollers at you, “Cuz I fucking like you okay?! And I don’t know how the hell to deal with it!” You blink, caught off guard by the angry confession but before you can even pause you grab his hand and lean in to kiss him, a light peck which confuses him more. “What?”
“So for once, don’t fight it. How about that?” You make the suggestion lightly, smirking a bit. “Come with me on Sunday to a movie. It’s one I’ve heard you talking about. I bought two tickets cuz I don’t like going to movies alone.” You don’t wait for his answer, you let him ruminate on the offer, simply expecting to see him Sunday...and you do. From then on you two are far closer and work better together, Bakugo more than happy to always proud to declare you his girl.
Todoroki has no clue how to deal with you when he first meets you. Tattoos and piercings and an intimidating air about you. It isn’t until you shyly ask him for help with your studies that he begins to realize you’re actually much kinder and shy than you appear. He helps you with your studies and you two just sort of end up falling into being a couple, it feels natural.
Everyone in class 1-A notices and start teasing you both about it. Todoroki shrugs it off, “It feels comfortable so it doesn’t bother me.” You on the other hand blush and sort of shy away eyes darting nervously all over the room. Todoroki notices and holds up his hand glaring some, “Hey you guys are upsetting her, leave her be.” Thankfully they listen and retreat letting you breathe and put your mask back on.
“Thank you.” He nods quietly and you both turn your attention back to the class, the rest of the day passing without anymore hassle. That afternoon after class Todoroki finds you and lightly traces his cold fingers along one of your new tattoos, soothing the pain away slightly. “I can’t wait for it to heal, it’ll be my favorite one so far, I know it.”
“What is it? You never told me.” You laugh and shake your head at him, telling him he’d just have to wait and see. “I’m excited, maybe I’ll see about getting one. Well when I’m a bit older anyway.” Calm again and feeling peaceful you both sit out in the grass and sunlight laying in the field near the dorm rooms. You two would rather keep your distance from the others at the moment.
So...like...I’ve never done this before and you don’t have to do anything with this but Ima leave a link to something, just because I plan to work on my original content soon. (while keeping up with this) btw Sorry I didn’t post through Christmas and Christmas Eve got busy with family. I AM NOT VANISHING AGAIN I PROMISE.
http://ko-fi.com/jisatsuscorpio (Again you don’t have to mess with this but I’m putting it up there.)
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O hey :'' can you do HCs for,,, Todoroki, Denki and Tokoyami with a s/o who quirks is turning into a dragon? But like, they're bioluminescent so they shine in the dark? And maybe they like to fly in the night sky, and wouldn't mind taking the boy with them? K sorry i'll just stop bithering lol-
Hmm interesting idea and no worries you aren’t blithering it’s fine. I like getting ideas for these.
Shoto’s S/O turning into a dragon that’s bioluminescent!
You were very shy about your Quirk, it was...eye catching to say the least. After all you turned into a dragon with bright yellow luminescent scales! The first time you have to use it around Todoroki you get nervous but eventually change into the dragon.
Todoroki has no idea how to react, it’s dark out and the scales glow and he just sort of stares for a minute before lightly reaching out to pat your side. Warm...though that was the part of him that was cold so you squirm under his hand and he softly chuckles. “Sorry you’re just very warm.”
You sort of make a churr sound, before lowering your body to the ground and placing one wing on the ground. “Climb on, we need to cause a distraction. So light up the sky.” He would never show it to anyone but you, but his ear to ear grin is adorable as he carefully climbs on your back and you wing into the sky. Your soft glow is eye-catching enough but Shoto raises his palm up and lights a fire in it, drawing the eyes of everyone to them.
The villains hunting for the rest of class 1-A didn’t think much of it when they started chasing you two, you were all getting really sick of these morons coming after your class. So your class had set up a trap, use you and Shoto as bait to lead them to an open clearing where the rest of the class would surround and capture them without a fuss. Or so they hoped. Thankfully the distraction seemed to work and with their teacher’s help they captured those causing trouble.
After that whole trouble you decide not to land quite yet and just hang out in the sky with Shoto on your back, the sky was pretty and clear so everyone could see the yellow ball of glowing scales circling around in the sky. “It’s really nice up here when we’re not worried about having to fight people isn’t it?” Shoto speaks quietly idly petting you, “It would be nice if peace like this could last.” He sounded weirdly wistful and you, caring for him, told him that if he wanted to be up in the air again like this he’d just have to ask and you didn’t mind carrying him around. “Well that’s not fair. We should go stargazing next weekend if the sky is clear, as a date.”
Denki’s very excited response.
“You’re is awesome!” Is the immediate thing to come out of Denki’s mouth when you turn into a little bioluminescent dragon that’s small enough to sit on his shoulders and curl up around the back of his neck. You may have been small but you actually had a lot more strength in this form because you could rather freely adjust the size of your dragon form as well. Still you churr in response to Denki’s excited declaration. You were just acting as a guiding light for the moment, but that didn’t stop him from scritching under your chin and petting you.
Denki and you had been paired off for a silly exploration thing the teachers had decided to do at night. They wanted their students to get used to navigating in the dark they’d said and had sent them into a cave in pairs, sending them in ten minute intervals. You didn’t know if you two were lucky or unlucky since you were sent in just before (unfortunately) Bakugou and Izuku were sent in. It was random chance but with only 20 students to a class it wasn’t all that surprising. They were already arguing when you two went into the cave and you’d taken on your dragon form.
“Wonder why we’re doing this, feels more like a Test of Courage than actual training. Although it is kinda maze like down here. Guess we gotta find a way out?” You nod and sniff at the air flying in front of Denki to lead him out, it wasn’t very fair honestly, you could turn into a dragon, your senses were sharper than some of the others. Ha, there was the exit. Feeling proud you start flying out of the cave only for Denki to grab your small dragon form and pull you back. “I think...someone’s waiting out there.” You blink, you can’t smell anything but wiggle in Denki’s grasp. When he finally lets you down you make yourself bigger, big enough for him to ride your back but not so big you can’t make it out of the cave entrance.
“Hop on, I don’t think they’ll be able to catch me.” He nods and rather eagerly hugs your back laughing and nuzzling your scales. It’s almost embarrassing for you but you don’t mind either. Grinning a bit you dash forward, wings tucked at your sides. As soon as you have the space you snap your wings out and beat them hard to take off into the sky, hearing the swish of Aizawa’s binding scarf behind you. He couldn’t quite reach the height of a flying dragon! You and Denki both laugh, flying just overhead and out of reach. You stand out like a sore thumb against the night sky but Denki seems to like being in the air with you so you’re reluctant to land honestly.
Excited he sort of stares at the sky for awhile before rubbing your scales side, “We should land before we get in trouble, if you’re okay with it I think it would be neat to do it again when we’ve got spare time.” You nod happy and eager, because in truth you liked being in this form, being able to fly was...strangely and very much so important to you. Being able to go out with Denki and do it would make it even more precious to you.
Ugh Denki is such a bean, sorry I’m playing around with the way the Quirk works by the by, I hope you don’t mind. So Tokoyami is next then~ I’ll be nicer with this one.
You had invited Tokoyami out for the evening. He didn’t really like being out in the dark since it made Dark Shadow so hard to control, but you had assured him it wouldn’t be an issue. You two arrive at a cliff looking out over trees and green grass below, it was a lovely site and Tokoyami really appreciated it, especially in the dark. “Hey Toko, what do you know about my quirk?” He blinks, a bit surprised at the sudden question but shakes his head, tell you he knows nothing. “That’s good.”
With that you step back away from him and activate your Quirk. Now you normally can’t and wouldn’t because it’s an unwieldy form, if there’s not open space you can’t move around. Eventually you finish the transformation though and a beautiful glowing purple dragon stands in your place, the accents on your body black, you’d blend in with the evening if you didn’t glow like that. He stares wonderstruck for a time. “I see now why you said Dark Shadow wouldn’t be a problem. This form is very beautiful and suits you.” You chuff with approval before laying in your stomach and placing your wings flat on the ground.
“Wanna see what I see? I know you worked with Hawks after the sports festival but well I’d like to show you it from my perspective.” He’s very careful and cautious as he approaches your wing placing his hand on it and gently climbing onto your back. High places didn’t bother him and in no time you’ve leapt off the cliff and winged into the sky. Your glow draws eyes from below but nobody can really make out your shape because of the black accents. Tokoyami was staring off your side while hanging onto your back enjoying the view of the lights of the city below.
It’s a very calm and relaxing moment between you two and you don’t talk much but it’s a bonding moment. Tokoyami loves it and in a rare display of affection he hugs around your neck a bit stroking your scales. These night flights become a regular “date” thing you guys do together, though you two still aren’t very affectionate, but neither of you mind it, there’s a peace that comes from just being together.
Well those were cute I hope you guys like them~
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Idk who the anon was but I have mild scoliosis too! Just remember to do your stretches and I promise it helps a lot more than you’d think!
Oh hey~ I’ll just drop this on the page in case they wanna see this stuff. I hope I didn’t mess up the Scoliosis one too badly. XD
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Your midnight character link tag leads to Uraraka's tag. Love your theme btw. :)
thank you for the heads up! I actually tried to fix it a while ago, but when I tried it gave me the mce link glitch, so was unable to then. Now I finally figured it out though, so the tags are fixed! if any other tags break, please let me know and I’ll fix em as soon as possible c: also thank you for the compliment! saw the theme and thought it was perfect for the blog
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Idk if you do polyamory but if you do, can we please have dekuxbakuxshoutoxfems/o (or gender neutral s/o which ever one is easier) relationship hcs? Thanks!
Oh my do I ever do Polyamory, one of my older posts actually had an Italian s/o ending up dating, Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku so I like polyamory~ This one will be fun.
You are the center of attention, mostly because when the boys focus on you they don’t fight with each other. Though they can get along most days. Deku is also a good buffer between Bakugou and Shoto since they both like him so much.
Nobody knows you’re all dating though, not because you hide it but because you all still act the same at school, not wanting to draw too much attention to yourselves, people are judge mental and none of you think anyone would understand that you all love each other equally.
Deku often spoils you and loves spending time with you. It’s often his idea; or yours; for the four of you to go to a movie. Afterwards you all go eat a a burger place and sometimes go to hang out at Deku’s house, after all Inko (and technically All Might) are the only two adults to know that you guys come as a package deal.
Shoto is subtle and quiet, he gets small thoughtful gifts for you and the other two boys, not often but occasionally, often saying “I saw this and thought of you so I guess I just picked it up.” Your favorite gift is the necklaces he got. Fire and ice charms hang from the silver metal thread, he got a pair for each of you. Deku shows his off, you quietly appreciate the love of the gift, and Bakugou wears them begrudgingly...though you did catch him one time admiring the charms with a surprisingly soft expression.
Bakugo is protective and explosive about his affection; in private, and nobody knows anything when he’s in the eye of others. At one point you three told him it hurt your feelings, Deku and Shoto’s too. He had explained he didn’t want people to say bad things about you, Deku, and Shoto because of his attitude, he knew he wasn’t the greatest person in the public eye. After that he has very subtle tells that make you feel loved from subtle brushes of his fingertips with yours or one of the others to the occasional head pat.
When people finally stop being blind and dumb and realize you’re all dating the responses are mixed, the teachers try and keep you separated, your friends and classmates are open-minded about it and ask you questions about how you do it. Despite the teachers and adults responses you, Deku, Bakugou, and Shoto keep seeing each other, though not as much as you’d like. Eventually the level of distance starts to affect your moods and in turn your grades. Bakugou’s grades don’t drop much and his motivation is unaffected but he is definitely more angry, if he can be more angry. Deku seems listless and sort of does everything automatically. Shoto looks even more depressed somehow and hasn’t really been putting his all into the physical training even if he still does it. And you are snappish and determined, you’re doing your best to focus it into your training, though you are really mad.
Thankfully the teachers seem to notice the changed behavior and decide it may be better if they just try and be open about the situation, they shouldn’t force their views on children after all. Once the situation settles down they become more prominent as a team, they can read each other like books and flawlessly follow through in hostile situations. Becoming a well known team of UA students.
I kinda got into this idea...I could go on and do much more but I think I’ll stop. XD
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For match ups can we submit our ocs?
YES my profile picture is actually an OC of mine for bnha (obviously) my friend drew it for me. So for OCs yes I’ll happily do match ups for them too~ I’ve got a lot of matchups to do actually. I’m getting to it all slowly I promise, it may just take time. I’m so sorry you’ve had to wait so dang long!
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Hello dear, are you accepting requests?
YES I AM RETURNING though very slowly. XD I’m trying to play super catch up, so it may take me a few days to get to what you were wanting.
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Hi I love your blog! And I’m sorry if this comes off as kinda angsty. But just recently at my psychical therapy appointment for my neck they discovered that I have mild scoliosis in my spine and need X-rays. It came as a shock because that was the last thing on my mind and it got me wondering how would Bakugou, Midoriya, Shoto, and Dabi react to their Fem!(s/o) telling them the same results.
Not a problem, some of these are so very old now oof dunno if you’ll see them but I’m trying to clear out some of my asks and stuff so I can get to slightly more current stuff quicker, once that all settles I plan to get a post out once a day again like I did before. (By the by I don’t know that much about Scoliosis so sorry if everything is all wrong)
Bakugou first then
When you first tell Bakugou about the diognosis he doesn’t really say much, he doesn’t know much about it if he’s being honest.
He does some research though discovering your spine isn’t wholly straight and if tweaked in the wrong way could cause you some pretty intense back pains.
He’s a bit weird about it then, as someone also in UA you don’t get to get away with opting out of activities that could hurt your back.
He regularly spars you and while he doesn’t know how to go easy on you he also doesn’t pointedly target your back, he won’t ever say it but he doesn’t like when you’re in pain.
When a spar with Deku; who doesn’t know, causes your back to hurt for a week straight, he gets really pissed off though and hollers at Deku for hurting you; making Deku immediately find you and apologize, he didn’t know so he couldn’t try and be careful. You tell him it’s fine and from then on most of the time in a spar your classmates avoid purposefully hurting your back. Anyone who does hurt you though promptly gets yelled at by Bakugou or blown up, depends on if he’s in a good mood or not.
Midoriya next
You’re a bit ashamed of the newly discovered medical problem you have. it’s not major but it also can’t be fixed so when you tell Midoriya he is very sweet about it and says he’ll look into ways to help protect your back from hurting you. He knows a little about the subject because it had popped up once in a hero article he read when he was little.
You guys research it together, eventually learning that a back brace could help with that. You buy a plain back brace and wear it under your clothes for a couple of weeks, it’s cheap and not all that good but it’ll do for now.
Midoriya is a sneak though and goes to the support class’ Power Loader and trying desperately not to let Mei hear whispers to the teacher how he was hoping they could invent a brace that gave you more support in your hero costume. Once Midoriya tells Loader it’s for a medical purpose he agrees to help, though before the upgrade is approved he needs your permission to make your costume different.
Power Loader creates the brace Midoriya has asked for and gives it to him, telling him to have you try it out. He’s more than happy and eager to do just that! He races off to your room the lightweight but sturdy and supporting brace in hand and knocks on your dorm door. You’ve been in some pain for a few days so you’re a little slow to answer the door but when you do to see a shining and happy looking Midoriya holding out a new brace you sort of look confused. “Try this and tell me what you think.”
Slightly concerned you take the brace and close the door for a moment to take your other brace off. You put the new one on and it starts whirring quietly. It was loose before but now something inside the brace is powered and adjusts itself to fit you snug and comfortably, helping to straighten your back out some. The relief is instant and without tossing your shirt back on you open the door and tackle Midoriya to the ground. You’re really grateful he thought to do this for you! You easily agree to the change in your hero costume though you do get yelled at by Aizawa for being in the halls without all your clothes on.
Shoto is up next
Shoto was there in the waiting room when you got diagnosed, you were sort of in shock because you’d had no idea you even had anything wrong with you. It actually takes a bit of prying for Shoto to get a response from you and when you do tell him he seems sympathetic, if a little distant; though you’d long ago realized that was just how Shoto was.
The first time your back starts to hurt and you say you need something warm on your back to relax you he places his hands on your back and focuses his flames internally, regulating the temperature to basically act as a living heating pad. You’re super grateful with the warmth and it helps soothe your pain. He won’t tell you but it greatly pleases him he can help make you feel better and nobody else can.
You do eventually get some support for your back but having Shoto as a boyfriend is a blessing. He can regulate his temperature to be either an AC or a heater and it’s so nice for helping to soothe your pain. He’s so sweet even but he doesn’t show it to others. His face always remains neutral even when you’re snuggling up to him and he always rubs your back softly.
In training he doesn’t really trust anyone else to keep a good eye on you, though recently he’s begun noticing their team mates; whoever they happen to be will take out those who try and get behind you. Midoriya specifically seems to have picked up on his need to protect you or maybe that’s just his natural state, either way he’s super grateful for the help.
Unfortunately Bakugou is a bit a jerk and scarily observant. He ducks around Shoto and Midoriya and slams full force into your back. The pain is blinding, not just because of your spine but because Bakugo hits like a damn train. You aren’t paralyzed but the pain sure is high, unfortunately for Bakugou you’re in full combat mode now and with some reflexes you didn’t know you had you twist your body around and slam the open palm of your hand into Bakugou’s jaw sending him flying. The move tweaked your back however and you fall over breathing hard. Shoto is not pleased though and if you hadn’t been hurting so badly he might have got into a fight with Bakugou. With Shoto’s help though the pain fades but you’re down and out for a few days not really able to move. You begin to wonder if being a hero is the right work for you now though.
Well that one sort of ended ambiguously...and not on the nicest note, whoops. Dabi is finally up.
It was some mysterious intense back pains that prompted you to go to the doctor, it was beginning to interfere with your villain work with your s/o, though you’d originally wanted to get him out of the work you found yourself helping him, he hasn’t told you why he was a villain yet but that was fine, you’d gone down this path because of who you’d chosen to love.
Once you get the results back and require some X-rays of your back you had to call Dabi and tell him quietly over the phone why you couldn’t help him deal with Hawks right now. “Be careful.” Is all he says before you both hang up. You’re suggested a back brace to help keep your spine aligned. You get the brace, some pain medicine, and huffing go back home to find Dabi there waiting for you. “Is the problem major?” You shake your head and tell him it’s not super awful but it can’t be fixed either. “Do you need to stop working with us?” You immediately yell ‘No’ in response to this, you liked the work surprisingly.
Nodding then he steps closer to you and hugs you tightly. “If it gets bad let me know. My fire is too hot to soothe but I can get you medicine or a heating pad if you need it.” You laugh and nod, grateful that he’s offering to help if need be, though you’re response is “Sorry babe, you stand out too much, but thank you for thinking of me.” He nods again his expression still neutral though he does hold onto you for a long time, just rubbing your back, though his hands were a little hot to the touch it soothes your pain slightly.
You wear the back brace at all times, continuing to help Dabi and the League of Villains with their work, you’ve got to do things alone so you’ve developed ways to move quickly and efficiently without harming your back. Nobody can get behind you or follow you, so maybe it’s not such a bad thing you’ve got to keep your guard up far more now.
Dabi is more protective of you than before, although he never really says much about it. He just suddenly appears at your back sometimes and heroes are always a problem, thankfully you’re rather plain looking and your quirk is not all that unique so you’ve met some of the heroes you’ve fought with and they just think you’re a very strange fan, it’s useful for getting close to them though. You’ve managed to take out a few heroes permanently because of it, though you’re always wondering if eventually you wouldn’t be anymore help to Dabi and he may leave you. You hope it doesn’t ever get that bad and continue to do what you can.
Well this took me ages to write, cuz I don’t know much about the physical problem and well I wrote it at work between phone calls sooooo anyway I’m coming back slowly but surely I’m sorry you’ve had to wait for so damn long.
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Could I request Snipe helping his girlfriend/reader with a panic attack after she is stressed out and having a mental breakdown? Feel free to ignore if you aren't interested in this prompt!
So...it’s been kinda way too long, I got distracted by the holidays and other real life stuff. So I am like extremely sorry.
Snipe has always been very respectful of your privacy and has never pushed you to talk about the things that upset you, though he really wishes you would talk to him more. It almost feels like you don’t fully trust him and it sort of hurts his feelings, but he doesn’t push you. He’s not unobservant though, he’s noticed your week has been awful so when you break after work that Friday he’s really not surprised.
You start sobbing shortly after you get home, shaking like a leaf and breathing so shallow and fast it scares Snipe. He’s not sure how to react at first but after a moment he kneels next to you and speaks quietly. “What do you need? I want to help.” He knows handling children is far different from handling you, an adult woman who had different needs and coping mechanisms.
You can’t breathe well and can’t exactly tell Snipe what you need. You haven’t talked to him about these things because you’re ashamed of them, so it’s no wonder he doesn’t know how to help. Your mind is just racing far too fast to think and after a moment Snipe cautiously scoots closer and gently touches your back, just a light touch, he wants to make sure you are okay with it but knows you can’t really answer him. You don’t flinch away from it thankfully and gently he starts to rub your back, talking really quietly, “Once ya’ve calmed down, I’ll get yer blanket and bundle you up in the couch so I can make ya some tea, if I remember right it’s chamomile that helps. We got some I think. We can watch a movie too if ya want.”
He sort of just keeps talking quietly while rubbing your back, when you want more attention than that you’ll let him know, and he knows it. With a surprising speed you start to calm down, just having Snipe nearby is good, you feel safe. Breathing still a bit hard you start mumbling, “I’ve had an awful week, customers keep yelling at me over the phones, my umbrella broke, I got cut by some sort of really sharp metal and the blood suddenly dripping off my fingers really freaked me out. I haven’t been sleeping well either, it’s just...been all around an awful week.” Your breathing slows down a bit finally and you grab Snipe’s sleeve sort of clinging to him.
He gets up and picks you up princess style being a sweetheart he doesn’t put you down right away he keeps you in his arms as he goes to get your blanket, which you take quickly. He sets you down on the couch, tucking the quilt around you, “I’ll be right back, okay? Here’s the remote, see if there’s anything ya wanna watch.” After that he disappears into the kitchen to boil some water and make the tea he promised. Snuggled in the blanket as you are the panic recedes further, slowing your heartbeat down. The sudden exhaustion washes over you and you end up dozing off, not really realizing you’d fallen asleep until Snipe comes back and gently taps your shoulder. “Hey sweetie pie, I brought ya some tea, ya wanna wake up and drink it or would you rather rest?”
You shake your head, still fairly mute and sort of makes grabby hands at the tea cup. Snipe laughs a bit, you normally weren’t that childish but he let it be, it was kinda cute after all. He sets the cup in your hand, it’s warm, not hot thankfully and the smell immediately helps in calming your nerves, you sip the hot drink and breathe out softly. “Thank you.” Is really all you feel like saying right now but you do scoot closer to Snipe and lean your back against his chest sighing quietly as you readjust with your blanket. Calm as can be he wraps one arm around your middle and just holds you like that while flipping through channels, eventually turning on some romance flick about Christmas because you’d asked him if you could watch it together.
After the movie you talk to Snipe finally, explaining more detailed what’s been happening and tell him he was a really big help to you. You’d been stressed out all week and it finally imploded, you just couldn’t keep it inside anymore. You’re really touched when he says he’s going to do more research on panic attacks so he can help you better. After that the night is peaceful and for the first time all week you’re able to settle down and fall asleep, kept protectively in Snipe’s arms all through the night.
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I apologize for this being the first thing I’ve posted in ages. but it’s important and this is all I can do, please share it around!
Article 13 is going into it’s final stages of voting. 
If this gets through, it will allow many, many companies to abuse and misuse this article to take down as many memes, fan works, and even other independent creators on sites like YouTube, Facebook, and other websites INCLUDING Tumblr. 
So here is what you need to do to drag this article down. 
1. Spread the word 
I can’t stress this enough. The more attention this gets the more people we can get to take this down. 
2. Make your own content 
Make your own content on the matter and make sure it is clear to others that Article 13 is bad for every internet user involved. 
3. If you live anywhere in Europe, contact your MEPs 
Ask them if they approve of the article and why. If they do approve of it, try to convince them in a clear, reasonable, and most sensible way possible that this law is BAD. 
The article itself is way to vague about what it’s conveying to its people. 
Saying that as long as the use of said internet memes or content is good as long as it’s in “good faith.” 
We cannot let some shoddy government tell us what we can and cannot post. 
Here’s a video on Article 13 that Film Theory made on the matter. It will explain things better than I can. 
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those who have read the manga will know why my hype is up
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“A Talk about Your Quirk”
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So I am new here AND I ABSOLUTELY LIKED YOUR RECENT SCENARIO, so, if it’s okay, can I request a scenario with Todoroki trying to calm down his love interest after she knew that her father is a villain, and that her quirk is inherited from him? (You can keep the quirk anonymous or if you want I have thought of a one; compressing air; where she can suffocate a person, or even cause small explosions, or damage her enemies ears,) and thank you!
Well let’s see what I can do~
You were great student, in middle school and heading into high school, yourscores were among those “to keep an eye on”, your potential was obvious, but even the best student can have secrets and they don’t always come out the best way. Such as during a trip with your classmates where a villain began attacking and suffocating civilians. You weren’t supposed to fight but when you felt the air being sucked from your lungs suddenly you panicked and used your quirk to cause the bubble of air suffocation you to rupture, leaving you gasping for breath! Several of your classmates were at your side immediately and one of them you heard above the others, “Hey! Are you all right?! That looked really bad, like you couldn’t breathe.”
You glance at Todoroki coughing and nod before snapping your eyes up to the villain who had tried to suffocate you, it’s…uncomfortable when you look up and feel as though you’re looking in the mirror. Your facial features, hair color, and eyes reflected back at you, except his hair was much shorter than yours. Smirking at you the villain compresses the air around you scattering your friends far away before approaching you and leaning down in your face. “So you’re the brat she was hiding from me? You’re the spitting image of me, I’m surprised she kept you after I left her.” Your breath catches but instead of thinking that he could be tricking you, you recklessly start compressing the air around his nose and mouth, the anger hitting you as you try and suffocate him. However, he does what you did to save yourself rupturing the bubble and laughing. “You really are! This is my lucky day huh?”
As he said that he reached for you, as though he was going to grab you and take you with him. Thankfully your friends are nearby and Deku uses his Full Cowl to dash up to the man and punch him while Todoroki flings flames at the man. You’re glad when he runs off, leaving you behind while cops finally arrive to question you guys, your mother not far behind. After she’d seen the Quirk a work on the news she’d known she needed to tell you about who your father actually was. She takes you to the side and talks to you quietly away from your friends. Afterwards it’s obvious your shaken up though and Todoroki sort of slowly approaches you feeling worried. “Hey…you okay?”
You shake your head and start shaking, you had a villain’s quirk, your father had killed people with the same power you’d wanted to use to protect people, but…you’d almost killed someone with it. Were you just naturally prone to more volatile responses? Should you even be walking down this path? You’re questioning your whole life at this point and don’t really know how to handle it. The whole way back to UA everyone is surprisingly quiet, all looking worried about you, especially when you vanish into your room decorated like a sky and don’t come out for anything.
Shortly after dinner Todoroki, who has been quietly crushing on you for a few weeks now, takes a plate of the stuff up to your room and knocks. “Go away.” He knocks harder, “I told you to go away! I don’t want anything!” You’re so angry you slam the door open and flip the still hot food onto Todoroki, who sort of stands there with the mess on him but doesn’t move. “Shoto…” You mumbled slightly staring in horror before fumbling to clean up the mess you’d made. Really ever since this afternoon you’d been irritable and angry, you knew you shouldn’t act that way but you’d been doing it anyway.
“It’s all right.” He spoke a bit quietly as he knelt down and started helping you clean the mess, even though you were now crying and really upset about the situation, you felt awful for being so mean to him and were already vowing to stay away from him from now on. Then he spoke the words that you had hoped no one would put together, “He looked a lot like you, seemed to have the same type of Quirk too…and he had obviously been trying to take you.” You flinch immediately away from him hiding your tears as best you can before he lifts his head and makes you lift yours to look into your eyes. “You’re you though…even if you’re related to that man somehow, you’ve never hurt anyone and only want to save people. This Quirk is yours…and nobody else’s. Trust me I do understand what it’s like to hate your power because of blood relations.”
Gently he swiped the tears from your eyes and leaned close to you kissing your forehead softly before you clung to him and just started sobbing, you couldn’t in that moment articulate how much his words meant to you…but they did change the way you felt and just made your drive to be an amazing hero higher. You would make it and…you had a feeling Shoto would be by your side when you did.
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Polyamory scenario Momo x male reader x Kaminari where their s/o (who’s a lot like Makoto Tachibana from free aka tall,muscley, and really seeet) actually has the nicest and comfiest lap to lay down on and they’re kinda fighting for their attention and their lap
Hmm Momo x Kaminari X a Make s/o? Sure sure not a problem.
Momo and Kaminari has begun dating on the down low for awhile by the time a new guy had transferred to UA, he was tall and looked like he could pick anyone up with ease and both of them were fairly instantly drawn to him. It was a complete accident that they’d discovered his comfy lap though. Momo had gotten a fever and had passed out from it, Kaminari was instantly worried but then the new student quietly walked up to her and set her head on his lap until she regained consciousness not want to move her too much. When she did blink awake she didn’t feel particularly inclined to move and had mistook his lap for Kaminari’s and hugged around his middle while sort of nuzzling his stomach.
His muscles twitched and jumped under her hands and when she finally opened her eyes she turned a deep crimson because it wasn’t Kaminari’s lap she had cuddled into, it was the new student’s. Overwhelmed with nerves she jolted up, making herself dizzy, falling over once again, only to be caught by Kaminari this time. “Sorry about that, I’m gonna take her to the nurses office, talk to you later.” With that Kaminari wandered off while Momo mumbled about the most comfortable lap ever in her state of high fever.
About two or so weeks after that Kaminari had received a confession letter from the new student, asking him to meet him after school. Now Momo and Kaminari were pretty quiet about their relationship but they were also curious and both attracted to their new friend. Instead of showing up alone, both him and Momo go see him together and at first he’s really upset about the situation, until Momo says something interesting, “Well…who says we can’t all be together? If you want to do that I say we could give the polyamorous relationship a try. Ah…that is if you like me too and not just Kaminari.”
The boy was caught off guard by that but after thinking about it he remembered when she had snuggled in his lap and had been so sweet and affectionate to him and yes she was very pretty and if they were open minded enough to give it a try then he would try as well. He agrees that it sounded like fun and he was interested in trying it.
It went amazingly well, surprisingly enough and in no time they were as inseparable as Iida, Ochaco, Izuku and their cute italian girlfriend, at least they weren’t as blatant about it as those four but they did all get talked to about staying in their own dorms after curfew, which wasn’t a problem. Momo could make walkie-talkies so they wouldn’t all feel alone. However, it’s during one of their monthly sleepovers with the teachers in the living room that, despite trying to keep the relationship mostly secret she and Kaminari start arguing over who gets to sleep in their s/o’s lap. “Come ooooon Momo, it’s my turn, you got to have him this afternoon.”
“So did you, you were laying on him while we were doing our homework.” The two sort of narrow their eyes at each other not even really noticing the stares they’re getting…while their s/o starts slowly turning a deep red from the intense staring. Eventually he just sort of pats both of their heads and makes them lay down, letting each of them use a portion of his lap while hiding behind a pillow while he listens to the chatter going on. “Mm thank you~ this is nice and your lap is so comfy.” Momo seems to hum happily and so does Kaminari, both snuggling his lap sweetly, and he sort of forgets that people are staring. Instead he sits back and pets their heads softly, relaxing his shoulders and feeling their warm breath even out on his legs before falling asleep sitting up like that.
I’m really sorry I’ve been slow with these lately. I’ve been busy with work and college starting soon and everything is kinda crazy I want to try posting these more often and finally catching up eventually but I’ll probably only be able to post once or twice a week for awhile.
ALSO THERE ARE SUDDENLY 569 OF YOU! I’m so happy about that~! I am sorry for being so delayed, combine the crazy with writer’s block and it wasn’t going that well. Anyway I’ll try to catch up soon! There’s so many lately. I’ll see you all later!
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Cute shit here we go! Ok so i was wondering if you could do one a headcannon with our wonderful Sparky boi Katsuki, our chill child Todoroki, and the lovely bean we all love Midoriya where their S/O couldnt sleep at night so they sneak into their rooms and fall alseep besides them??? Thanks love 💖💖💖💖💖💖
So Katsuki, Todoroki, an Midoriya yeah? I can do that no problem~
Katsuki sneaking into his S/O’s room!
•He’s athletic so the goofball climbs up from the outside, thanking everything that she’s on the second floor and not the fifth! He tries to be quiet but when he falls in her window he cusses some. She’s quick to cover his mouth though.
•However he’s a bit of a strange one and doesn’t like being muzzled in anyway, so he bites her palm to make her stop covering his mouth. “Quit that. I don’t like it.” She blushes and pulls her hand back nodding a little while apologizing. “So why couldn’t you sleep?” He sounds nonchalant but is looking at her with concern in his red eyes.
•”I…had a nightmare. That’s all. We’ve been attacked so often I’m…just scared.” He nods surprisingly understanding before picking her up with ease and carrying her to her bed. He lays her down then crawls in with her. He doesn’t like his sleep getting disturbed but he’ll deal if it’s for you. Still he’s sort of aggressive and tells her to go to sleep despite the fact he’s got his arms around her.
•She’s quite happy and cuddles up to him, almost instantly falling asleep, despite his grumpiness he starts petting his girl’s hair making sure she stays calm. Her breathing evens out and eventually they fall asleep together…but it’s a bit rough when Ochaco bursts into the room yelling for his girlfriend to wake up only to find Bakugou jolting awake and promptly jumping out the window.
Wheee Todoroki next!
•He is far less caring about being caught and walks through the halls to tap once softly on his s/o’s door when she answers…her eyes are puffy with dark circles under them and without a care about decency he pushes into her room and rubs his cool fingertips under her eyes immediately noticing the wetness from her crying. “Are you okay?”
•”Not really…” She tells him and he pulls her over to her bed being sure to lock the door behind him and sitting beside her grasping her hands tightly asking her to tell him what’s wrong. She breaks down and starts crying, she’s been depressed since she was young and told him she was feeling worthless and couldn’t sleep and that she just wanted him with her so she could calm down and sleep.
•He immediately lays down with her wrapping her up in a burrito of blankets and hugging them while petting where her head should be, “You’re not worthless. Please don’t say that about yourself.” Inside the blankets she sniffles and snuggles up to Todoroki while he pets her. He’s known she will sometimes not sleep but now that he knows this is why, he feels guilty about not noticing sooner how much she needed his support.
•As he pets her she slowly drifts off her hiccups and tears finally stopping. He doesn’t fall asleep easily himself over his worry for her but when he does it’s surprisingly peaceful, and they both wake up late. Almost going to be late for class. He is somewhat more careful getting back to his room, glad when there’s no one in the halls but then running out the door to make it to school on time.
Midoriya is up next, he’s such a precious bean.
•He is against it. Immediately. He doesn’t want to real the rules, he doesn’t want to risk getting expelled or suspended or put under dorm arrest again, like after his fight with Bakugou. It takes a bit of begging and sucking up ensuring she won’t let him get caught for him to finally do it. However as he’s about to sneak out, he opens his door and in swoops his girlfriend shutting and locking the door behind herself. “You didn’t want to come so I came over. Sorry.” She doesn’t look sorry at all!
•However he immediately noticed the dark circles under her eyes and surpasses his panic about getting caught to grab her hands and run his fingers over her knuckles. “What’s wrong? Why can’t you sleep?” He asks placing his forehead against hers, because despite himself he’s very physically affectionate with his s/o, it’s important to him.
•She leans into him sighing quietly and shaking her head. “My mind won’t shut off…and I can’t seem to sleep. A lot has happened, you know?” He nods, it feels like the calm before a storm or maybe he’s just paranoid, All for One is captured now despite villains being far more active, it’s stressful and scary, he understands that well. Eventually he grabs her hands and pulls her over to his bed sitting down on the edge before rather adorably pulling her into his lap. She cuddles up to him like that hiding her face against his neck. “I’m sorry Midoriya…I’m not…bothering you am I?”
•”Never.” He replies rubbing his hands along her back to try and soothe her; he remembered his mom doing that for him when he couldn’t sleep. She sighs contently and slowly her breath evens out, she falls asleep, cradled in his lap. He sort of laughs, though he’s glad to provide her comfort and slowly shifts onto his bed laying down, she doesn’t wake up but she does stir and adjust so she’s laying on top of him and he pulls the covers over her back, before dozing off himself. He was glad she’d locked the door and that tomorrow was Sunday, they had an excuse for sleeping in after all.
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Matchup? I’m a straight, 17 y.o. girl with brown hair and brown eyes. I’m plus sized and kinda self conscious about it. I love writing (especially romance), traveling, meeting new people, and researching and becoming an expert on something I care about. I can be kinda hot headed at times if something or someone offends me in some way. Also when u first meet me, I’m cold and distant. Once I warm up to the new situation I’m in, I’m kinda crazy and ,I’ve been told, extremely loyal. I love music.
Eijiro Kirishima would be your perfect match!
Kirishima is a very friendly sort of guy, he wouldn’t care about your weight, he’d also be persistent in becoming your friend despite getting the cold shoulder, after all he’s used to that because of Bakugou. Your earthy hair and eyes would be some of his favorite parts of you since a lot of his quirk is hardening his body much like a rock. When you’re angry or offended he’ll always be the one who will do his best to calm you down, he takes the attitude in stride and even grows to love your craziness. Your dedication to the things you care about would be one of his favorite things about you and he’d take interest in the things you talk about, even looking into some of the topics himself. The first time he finds your romantic writings…he didn’t blush, no way no how, he also didn’t try and emulate the ideal male character you wrote into your stories, of course you notice when he starts acting weird and when he finally admits he found your writings you’d likely panic and blush about it, maybe even yell at him. He’s the sort who’s patient though and understands that he shouldn’t have pretended like he’d never seen the writings, he will however ask you about them and show interest. You also bond over music a lot, though Kirishima’s taste isn’t…that great but he likes a lot of the things you listen to. The loyalty is a huge deal to him because he’s the same way. Anytime you’d get self conscious about your weight he would do his best to comfort you.~~~
This is the first match up I did I hope it’s satisfying. >w
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What's your take on shigaraki's crusty-ness? My personal opinion is it's related to his quirk.
Huh that’s the first time I’ve gotten a question like this. As for his crustyness, I’d have to agree that it has something to do with his quirk. (cuz and this is just a very sudden theory totally off the top of my head on this) Maybe his quirk doesn’t just disintegrate stuff, after all, all quirks seem to have some back fire. What if he’s draining any and all moisture from it to make it crumble. Which would be why he has to maintain extended contact to completely disintegrate something. Note. What he did to Aizawa’s arm in the USJ attack. But it also causes him to have really dry and crusty skin himself especially if he overuses his quirk.And this is all just a small bit on what I think about it now that I’ve actually started thinking about it. Now I kinda wanna know exactly how his quirk works…cuz I don’t think it’s been explained yet. But there’s what I think of that. Sorry it took so long to get to this thankfully it was something that caught my interest. ^.^
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Did you delete your latest post? I was excited to see my ask answered :(
sorry! i got kinda insecure abt it and ended up deleting it, but here it is again, i hope you like it! (i’m really sorry)
Jirou and a male S/O with a teleportation quirk and a habit of accidentally sneaking up on people? (I would ask this off anon but I’m not ready for the world to know that I’m OCxCanon trash)
◦ Your friendship initially starts due to your (un)fortunate habit of alarming your classmates with your quirk.
◦ Upon accidentally scaring Kaminari during lunch one afternoon, you catch Jirou doubled over with laughter out of the corner of your eye as he recovers from the initial shock, a dumbfounded look on his face. As Kaminari tries to adamantly explain that he was simply amusing you, it’s too late. Neither you nor Jirou believe him, and that’s where it begins.
◦ Though you tell others you don’t like purposefully scaring them with your quirk, they’re quick to catch on that it’s become more of a habit now that you and Jirou have become friends. Your fellow classmates quickly began to tease you over it, claiming that you were upping the scare factor simply due to the fact Jirou found it amusing. Of course, you’d deny it but there was a part of you that found it adorable as she laughed with you at the sight of your startled pals.
◦ Your first date is over at her house. It isn’t anything special, or fancy, but you treasure it anyways, after all, it’s the mark of your relationship! Since you were unaware on how to play a guitar she decided that it’d make the perfect first date, bonding together over one of her greatest loves; music. You struggle at first, naturally, but as she assists in guiding your hands to find the right chords; a gentle blush dusted across both of your face’s due to the proximity, by the end of the night you actually manage to play a small, incredibly basic tune.
◦ As you get more comfortable in the relationship, you find you like to give her surprise hugs. Though she loves them, they do startle her a bit, especially if she’s listening to music. So, sometimes you’re met with a playful arm slap.
◦ She actually adores cuddling with you. She never initiates first though, and is usually very awkward about asking, that is if she does. You’ve noticed she looks at you a lot, and usually tries to say something so most times you can tell when she wants to. Upon outstretching your arm for her to make herself comfortable she’ll cling to your side with a warm smile.
◦ Though she isn’t super affectionate, especially out in public, you love her and she loves you. As long as your with her it’s a dream come true, and there’s nothing more you could ever ask for.
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