bo-abrams · 5 years
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bo-abrams · 6 years
Won’t Stay Down | Selfpara
I’m glad he doesn’t have a gun, was the only thing Watcher managed to think before his head cracked to the side. He’d completely walked into this one, and he’d be lucky to make it through the night. This man was practically a mountain, but surprisingly fast. There had been no indication that the people who ran their money through this club knew he’d been keeping an eye on their operation, but this guy had been waiting for him specifically. Waiting in the alley, itching to do his job.
The first blow had been a simple punch, but it had staggered the vigilante like a battering ram, moving out of range with his nose starting to bleed under his mask. The grin on the man’s face was maniacal, made worse by the flashing lights from the building. Bo spit some of the blood to the side, keeping his eyes up. Even if the guy was fast, unless he had some serious training, it’d be fairly easy to pick up some of the moves he was going to pull. Watch the shoulders, but don’t forget the hands.
Of course, when there’s nearly an entire foot in height difference, watching the upper body for tells opens up kicks. The sweep knocked him clean off his feet, and as he gasped for air, the guard backed up and crossed his arms. Watcher began to panic. He was clearly outmatched here, the man was toying with him. He needed to figure out a way to leave, preferably in one piece.
It was easy enough to push up to his knees. This wasn’t the worst fight he’d ever been in, not yet. But they were only one blow in and it wasn’t going in his favor. He huffed a pained laugh, ”Now I don’t suppose you feel underpaid or unsatisfied with your work,” he gave a pained chuckle as he rose to his feet. The man snorted, a good sign- but then his fist was flying again and Watcher could have sworn his shoulder was obliterated. He grit his teeth and kept his feet with a groan. “What, they don’t want you to talk while you fight?”
At that the man laughed outright, stepping back half a step with a grin. “They did not tell me you would be funny,” he said. Eastern European, not Russian though. “But I am not supposed to let you go without a lesson, little one. So come here and I will teach it to you.” His posture was open, inviting. Watcher got a feeling that this man didn’t particularly care about much besides his money and his amusements. Hopefully he could stay within the parameters of the latter, but the former might make that irrelevant.
He tried to use a move he’d seen Anima pull a few times- never more glad for the fact that he worked with people of varying heights. His opponent didn’t blink, didn’t even move until his hands were nearly on the oversized coat. Then the giant just tsked at him like a small child and batted his arm away. Watcher’s mind was beginning to race through his possible routes.  The adrenaline starting to pump through his limbs would make it difficult to think clearly soon, and he leapt for the wall as fast as he could. If the man wasn’t invested in the fight he could potentially get away on the rooftops. Suddenly he was moving even faster, propelled by a large hand on the back of his head. The noise his mask made as it hit the wall would stay in his memory for years to come. It was a terrible crunching, grinding crack, and he felt small splinters from the porcelain dig into his cheekbone. “I am sorry, little Watcher. I cannot let you run away so easy,” the man whispered from behind him before slamming his head into the wall again.
The next thing he knew he was on the ground looking up at the sky. He took a deep breath and winced- his ribcage would need to be checked out, hopefully Nightingale would be around in the next couple days. He rolled and pushed himself up to his knees, thinking he would be given the same time and patience the man had shown before. But something changed. There was a low growl as he began to rise again, and he knew the cat and mouse game was over. A heavy boot crushed into his back before he could react, pinning him to the ground again and driving the air from his lungs. The force that had driven him back to the ground forced his arms to give out, and another piece of Watcher’s mask broke, this time on the corner of the jaw piece.
Glad for the lack of a weapon, he lost count of how many times he tried to get up. Only three of them he managed to regain his footing, and his opponent seemed both impressed and annoyed each time. Watcher wished he could say he’d been able to keep up the banter, but after a punch had made him nearly bite through his tongue he didn’t speak much.
An eternity later, he lay panting and broken on the ground. He was bleeding freely from blows to his face and arms. Two of his fingers had broken when the man stepped on them. There was a telling twinge in the back of his thigh that belied a torn muscle, but still he struggled to rise. There was an irritated huff from his left and he turned to see the man crouching beside him. “You do not give up, do you?” came the question with a surprising amount of begrudging respect. He barely managed to shake his head before trying to get his arms under him to push up. The hand that came down was gentle this time, but the red that dripped from it nearly turned the boy’s stomach. “It is a good sign in a fighter.  You did well tonight, Watcher. Just.. Stay down. At least until I am gone. I have nothing to teach you. I have my orders, but you will live this night.”
All Watcher could muster in response was a near gurgle as he turned his head further to let the blood drip out. The weight on his chest lifted and came down twice in what he assumed was meant to be a reassuring gesture, but only caused more pain. He heard cloth rustling as the man gathered his jacket and pack and tried again to get his shaking arms under his body. The giant ignored him, moving towards the front of the building without looking at him directly. He paused just before he left Watcher’s view to mutter, “No hard feelings, little one. I hope to fight you again some day. When you’re ready, ask around for Rostek. If I’m around I’ll come find you.” And a moment later, he was whistling his way into the night.
Finally alone, Watcher let himself sob, tears mixing with the blood as the deep breath irritated his ribs. He slowly curled to his side, panting with effort. Rostek was right, he’d live through these injuries. It would be a painful process, but from what he could tell there hadn’t been permanent damage, not even a concussion. “Stay down” echoed in his head and he grit his teeth. “Not fucking likely,” he hissed. By the time the club owner had come back with Rostek, the only sign the vigilante had been there was the trail of blood leading into the maze of Newhaven’s alleys.
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bo-abrams · 6 years
When it came to anything, Ivy tended to be bad at it. His reading skills were that of a middle schooler, his coordination made klutz chuckle and try as he might as drawing, the best he has ever been able to do it a solid stick figure. Even with animals, he lacked the ability to comprehend biology enough to become a vet like he originally wanted to.
It should have come as no surprise to him that he was equally horrible at being a vigilante. From the moment he stupidly gave his middle name as his hero name, he had been trying to be better at it. It was difficult to do when all he really did was scare people into running away. Still, he wore the scarf to cover his face now and that seemed to be an improvement on its own, even if he still wore normal street clothes.
He walked down one of the few streets that he recognized in the city–despite living there for most of his life–and started down an alleyway. He sensed rather than heard the little brown bird come toward him and sure enough, Skittles dove straight toward his shoulders. Food boy, she greeted him, nipping at his ear lobe. He smiled at her and pulled a little seed from his pocket to give to her. “Wanna help me find a way on the roof?” he asked her, placing the word fly into her mind. She chirped and took off into the air. He stared at her before closing his eyes, letting himself see through hers instead.
She flew above the buildings and he could see the fire escape not too far away. Before he could tell her to return, movement caught her attention and she dashed away. Fly away. Danger. Fly away. Ivy could barely make out the dark figure heading toward him and he forced himself to open his eyes. He glanced up just as she touched onto the ground.
” he muttered awkwardly. “S-sure. I don’t see why now. I’m not a great tour guide. I’m
” His eyes went to the roof and then back to the ground. “How did– Does everyone have the power to just jump off of rooftops?”
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She couldn’t help but smile gently at the flustered man. He was clearly new to their shared profession and he vaguely reminded her of- well, he was nice enough at least. “I’m not sure anyone just be jumping off them per se, but I’ve got a safety net everywhere I go,” she chuckled. “Were you on your way somewhere in particular? I’d be happy to give you a lift.”
It was maybe a bad idea, he seemed nervous enough without her grabbing him with threads and carrying him around. But whatever power he had clearly didn’t lend him any help with mobility, and this was standard enough when she worked with other Guild members. “Of course, if you’d rather stay on ground level I’ll follow your lead.” She’d have to be careful not to push him outside of his comfort zone or take over. This was his city, his patrol, and while he hadn’t given any sign of recognizing her, she knew she could be intimidating in action. 
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Skeins and Shuttles | Weaver
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bo-abrams · 6 years
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bo-abrams · 6 years
Skeins and Shuttles | Weaver
open starter
Bela hadn’t been to Newhaven since the government had picked up the slack on rebuilding after the invasion. When her help wasn’t needed to stitch the physical world back together, she noticed very quickly that certain people in charge were unusually cold. So she’d kept her distance. The things and people who had tied her to the city were beyond her reach now, and it hurt less to stay away.
Walking down the busy streets again was enlightening. Some people knew her, recognized her from news programs, but not all. It was nice to get lost in the anonymity of the crowd again. Of course, the reason she was here couldn’t be found with the sun still in the sky. 
So as the lights of the city flicked on and set their own glow into the sky, Weaver took to the streets. There were people here she was looking for, people she needed to check on, and as always, people to meet. Pulling herself from the ground to the roof and bounding from building to building was easy enough with pouches full of materials that could stretch away from her on a whim.
It was mostly luck she’d seen the figure in the darkness. Her habits of checking corners had remained after the invasion, but this wasn’t her turf anymore, and not knowing who ran the scene made things tricky. But a glance at the right angle as she’d been about to scan the next block over made her pause. A few more lengths of rock and metal rose from where she’d stored them as she touched down gently. Better safe than sorry.
“Well, it’s always nice to meet the locals. Do you mind letting a visitor tag along for a bit?”
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bo-abrams · 6 years
It was only a mask but she felt exposed and vulnerable without it on. She could feel his gaze studying her face with the intense look only someone like Watcher could give - someone so skilled with details and memorising that she knew without a doubt he wouldn’t forget her face even if he tried. Her reveal seemed to have stunned the anger from him and for that she was grateful.
Nightingale looked away at the mention of the night he’d saved her from gunpoint. It was pleasing to know, at least in some small way, that she was convincing enough at playing the part of a civilian that he’d never had suspicions. “Yeah, thank you for that. I know it’s what you do, it’s what you did tonight, but it was different to see you from the other side of it all instead of behind a mask with you.” She braved a look back towards him, testing the waters with a shy but short smile before looking back down towards the mask in her hands.
She hadn’t realised just how tightly she’d been clinging to it until she saw how white her knuckles her turning. The ribbon dangled lazily between her fingers and did nothing to distract her from the awkward situation to hand. She dithered over whether or not she should return her mask to its place on her face for too long.
 You asked me to.” She frowned at him, the mask no longer hiding her expression as it had done so many times before. “I can’t ask for your trust and not show you how much I trust you in return, it would be a hollow request otherwise. Us working together, your trust in me, means too much for me to not take the bigger risks if it means keeping you.”
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“What we do,” he murmured in echo of her. She had a point, it was different interacting with other vigilantes when he wasn’t masked himself. His conversation with Pitch echoed in his memory, how differently it could have gone. 
The mental click when he realized she’d misunderstood his question silenced the ringing. It was strange to be able to see her emotions so easily when she spoke, but it made her words sink in more easily than usual. The lengths she would go for their work, for their partnership, how dedicated she was to their cause, were staggering. “Thank you for this, uh, Thalia. I’m sorry I put us- you, in this situation, I really am. Your identity is safe with me, I swear it on my mask and the work we do.”
There was a part of him that wanted to be as brave as she had shown herself to be. A prickle along the back of his neck as he contemplated pulling away his own mask to show vulnerability in return. But the faces of his parents and echoes of Blue Bolt scoffing at his age stayed his hands. “Put that back on,” he gestured to the mask. “The night’s not over yet, and Newhaven needs her Nightingale to get home safely.”
It would take time to reconcile what had happened tonight in his mind. He was certain of that much. The uncertainty lay in how he would interact with Thalia from this point on. Could he keep his secrets from her when she’d ended up being so open with hers? Would there come a time when she was bitter he hadn’t reciprocated? He took a shaky breath and cleared his mind. He had to get through tonight. Whatever would come in the future would come, but now he could trust Nightingale to have the best interests of Newhaven and the vigilantes at heart.
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bo-abrams · 6 years
Strings Attached
It wasn’t often that they visited her. There was no way to tell when they were coming, these reminders of her past. Laughter usually rang freely, but sometimes there were tears instead. But why do you have to go, Bela? There were times she wished she wouldn’t see them anymore, but she knew deep down that she would feel that final loss even more strongly than any of the ones before. And so she held on to them with desperation so deep it made her hands shake.
She always felt a bit empty when she woke up after, cold by herself even though she finally had real shelter. But the cold faded and the tears dried, and then she would neck deep in work. It was easy to put aside the web of decisions that had put her where she was when she was helping others. 
Even rarer than the dreams were the notifications. That tiny ping she dreaded more than anything. They slipped again, it said. This wouldn’t have happened if you were there, it whispered. This is still your responsibility, echoed in her soul. But she had new tasks. A duty to the people she protected, to the Guild, and all they stood for against the harshness of the world. 
So she picked up the pieces of her heart in the mornings after she dreamed of them. She kept her head up and extended her hand once more to those who needed her support. And she tried to ignore the memories and their ties. She tried.
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bo-abrams · 6 years
He nodded at Bo’s response, and while he wasn’t completely sure that the younger boy was completely ‘alright’, at the very least he was talking to someone else about the whole thing. “It’s all good. I just worry about you too,” Aiden replied, waving away the promise until he realized he’d been waving his sandwich as well. He frowned, dropping the food onto the table and brushing his hands off, considering the offer that he’d been made.
It took him a moment to really think about it. He’d never been very good at accepting help of any sort. The fact that it was about being Red River was even more of a wall. There was no reason to drag Bo into that sort of danger. No one needed that, and Aiden very much preferred things to stay the way they were.
But even then, the encounter with Watcher had left him
 worried, if nothing else. He’d admired the young vigilante’s drive to do what was right, seeing far too much of a younger version of himself in the kid, no matter how much it freaked Red out to see Watcher beat up and bruised. To think that his powers would be the source of distance kind of hurt.
Half lies then, as Aiden was starting to find, were the answer. No need to burden Bo with the idea that Aiden was a vigilante, and still satisfying the concern and need to help that the younger boy was showing. “Talking might help,” he conceded. “But it wasn’t really an argument honestly. It was more like
” Aiden trailed off, trying to figure out how to best phrase it. It was a longer pause than he’d meant to be, weighing his words and realizing there was no way to say it without prompting a couple more questions. “They found out something about me that I wasn’t quite ready to share, and I don’t think either of us took it very well.” He shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “We kind of left on awkward terms, but hopefully when we meet up again it’ll be a bit easier to talk to them about it.”  Vaguely, he wondered what story he’d told Bo about how he’d come to Newhaven. Another part asked if he’d even made up one for Bo to hear yet. “I’m not too worried about it.” Lie. Aiden grinned and grabbed another bite. “Though I might take you up on that offer if it doesn’t go so well.” 
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Bo has been worried he’d pushed too hard on a sore spot before Aiden started talking. It’d happened in the past, when he hadn’t quite realized just how much someone wanted to avoid a topic. He was bracing to apologize and move on when Aiden broke the silence. He could tell his friend wasn’t entirely comfortable talking about it, but who was with this sort of thing?
He tried to be patient while he looked for words- or maybe Aiden was just lost in thought, but mere seconds in his knee was bouncing under the table. When Aiden continued, he winced at the similarities of their situations. This was just another level of confirmation that secrets never did anyone any good. Some of the way the words were put together gave him the strong impression that something was off, but Aiden seemed casual enough about that Bo figured he was just trying to avoid spilling details. It made sense if he didn’t want his other friend to know yet that he wouldn’t share it easily with Bo.
“I’m sure it’ll be easier! You’ll both have had time to think about it on your own, and then you can talk about it with them and figure out what it changes. Who knows, you two might realize nothing has to change after all,” he said with a reassuring smile. He hummed when Aiden said he wasn’t worried- maybe not a full truth, but if he was trying to convince himself, Bo wasn’t going to stop him.
“My ears are always open, man. If the first go doesn’t work, I’ll try to help you with the next one. And you better tell me if it goes well, I want to hear the good stuff too!” His grin spread wide with laughter as he settled back. He had a bit more time before class, and now that he’d admitted something was wrong, he was feeling lighter already. He hoped Aiden was feeling a bit of the same as they fell back into jokes and light conversation.
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bo-abrams · 6 years
ne0nl1t: I hope not. I always worry about that shit y'know
ne0nl1t: Like, with all the heroes in movies and stuff, there’s someone who fucks it up for everyone else
ne0nl1t: Somehow
ne0nl1t: But maybe I’m a weird pessimist lol
PM to user: ne0nl1t
wonderbo: Well sure, but that’s media for you, have to get dramatic beats from somewhere right?
wonderbo: Doesn’t make you a pessimist to draw the parallels though! Just human and aware of possibilites :)
wonderbo: Oh crap, I’ve gtg finish this essay sorry neon
wonderbo: I appreciate the update! I’ll message you next time I’m online <3
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bo-abrams · 6 years
(Z: okay folks, I’ve realized some of my threads are.... kinda dead... and a few of them have been for a while. So I’m gonna send messages to everyone that I have a “dead” thread with to see if you want to keep it going! If I don’t send you a message, but you think we have a thread that should be closed off, please let me know blease. If I do message you, please know that I’m not doing it because I don’t want to have threads with you!!! I just would rather have new threads than try to hold onto ones that.... aren’t being written.)
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bo-abrams · 6 years
Thalia’s smile was bright enough to compete with the neon decorations of the festival at the sight of Bo. A light dusting of pink coloured her cheeks at his greeting, hoping the music playing and the general buzz of people talking would prevent others from hearing the affectionate term. “That would make you my favourite walking calamity then,” She retorted back, smile still in place and as bright as before, shuffling sideways so he could join her in line.
She waved off his declaration he wasn’t going to play with her free hand. “You can help me, I’m already waiting in line so it’s technically not cutting.” The blonde bounced on the balls of her feet, swinging the bag of goodies she’d already acquired to capture his attention. “I’ve already bought all the goodies I wanted, there are so many handmade candles in here my arm might drop off.” Thalia followed his gaze back towards the stall, immediately becoming focused on the giant bear again without much effort.
“Oh I know, but I really want that ridiculously sized bear. Then I won’t look so lonely going on the rides by myself.” She said with a jovial tone, but there was truth in the joke since she’d come alone. “There has to be a way to win though, it can’t be 100% fixed. Maybe you could be my hero and help me out since I’m weighed down by candles.”
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He giggled at her quip- she didn’t even realize how accurate the statement was. He shrugged slightly with a wink. “I have faith that you can do it yourself, but a little help never hurts.” The bag she lifted had more momentum than he’d expected when she swung it, but the accompanying statement made more sense. The candles here were fairly large and if she’d bought a bunch the bag would be hefty. “You’re the one who made the choice to shop before playing, but I won’t make you suffer for it,” he grinned cheekily.
He eyed the bear hanging over the head level of the line. It certainly seemed big enough to take up the space of a person. He’d have to knock down the entire stack to do it, and he hummed as he tried to think of how to pull it off. He started watching the throws of the people at the front of the line. Some missed entirely, but there were others that hit and did nothing. He grinned when he caught the attendant taking interest when it looked like a throw would hit a particular can- and the boredom that returned when the ball went wide.
“Alright, I’ll give it a go. I’ve got a good feeling about this one,” he smiled as they stepped up. He quickly stepped between Thalia and the attendant before she could pay, handing his own bill over. He tossed the first ball a couple times to get the heft, trying to calculate the angle for the distance. The first ball went wide and he frowned. The ball was weighted to spin when it was actually thrown horizontally, he’d have to counter it.
“Huh,” he muttered. Sidestepping just a tad, he lined up to the point where the curve of his last throw would hit that particular can. A half breath later, and the clatter of cans faded into the cheers and clapping of the people watching. He spun happily back to Thalia. “Your prize awaits,” he crowed, pointing her towards the counter. 
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bo-abrams · 6 years
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Bo as Fabulinus :: The Roman God who teaches children their first words Often associated with language and knowledge, Fabulinus is there to receive an offering when a child utters their first word. Unfortunately, he does not appear in Roman literature or arts, but he is also associated with spoken word. His name comes from 'Fabulari' which means 'to speak'
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bo-abrams · 6 years
New page I made for my own reference with muse birthdays!! I won’t have a link to it through my blog sorry! Let me know if you have a muse you want to put on it or if I got the date wrong ^.^
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bo-abrams · 6 years
So things aren’t going as well as Lyra would have hoped with her new method for flying. Overheating is still a very big issue and while liquid nitrogen can keep it cool, it isn’t a sustainable way for her to proceed. She is already sure she is on some kind of watch list for how much liquid nitrogen she’s bought over the past month.
Until she figures something out, she is stuck with her current form of levitation. In her Blue Bolt outfit, she sat on the edge of the rooftop, one gauntlet off so that she could run maintenance on her left boot. She murmured to herself as she worked, almost to the point where she let the world around her slip away.
She sensed rather than heard someone approach from behind and she turned around, hastily shoving her boot back on her foot. Upon recognizing Watcher, she slowed a little. “Oh,” her distorted voice called out to him. Things were
different after the box incident and just as she was starting to see that he could do this, she read the Mayor’s letter. She chewed on her bottom lip. “Fancy meeting you up here at this hour,” she said, already cursing herself for how awkward she sounded.
Bo was stressed. Maybe an understatement, but true nonetheless, and while it might not be the best idea given the newest announcements, he needed to run a patrol. It wasn’t like he’d be sleeping if he didn’t go. And at least this way he’d be doing something productive. So he waved good bye to his mother, told her he’d be out for while, and walked into the night. It was always easy enough to find a place to change and put on the mask, but there was a tension in the air, a heaviness and anticipation like the city was waiting for something to snap.
He’d been bouncing from roof to roof looking for something to do or a way to work off the nervous energy when he’d seen the suit a few buildings away. Things had been strange after their conversation during the Mainframe Box incident, like they couldn’t figure out how to interact with each other. Blue Bolt had lightened up on telling him to run how after bedtime, which was nice, but now they were both struggling to find a way to interact without the expected arguments.
When he finally go to the roof they were on, he’d been surprised to see them tugging the boot of the suit back into place. He’d known the parts of it needed maintenance, but it was another thing to see proof of it. He waved as he crossed the roof, wincing behind the mask as they greeted him. “Yeah, fancy,” he muttered. “I, uh... Didn’t know if I’d see anyone else out tonight after the, yeah.” He shuffled awkwardly as he tried to think of something to say. “I had a feeling that some people might get the the idea that they can do what they want after that uh, announcement. Want to help show them otherwise? I mean, if you’ve already got plans then that’s cool, just figured I should uh, see if you wanted to... yeah.” His hands swung at his sides, tense and unsure.
Fragile Equilibrium | Watcher & Blue Bolt
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bo-abrams · 6 years
Dimetre’s entire demeanor flipped when he heard the familiar voice call out his name. Of course, he was still frightened by the heightened presence of both protestors and the mayor’s supporters but having a friend by his side meant that he had an alley in any sticky situation. A grin spread across his face as he watched the boy bounce over to them, Bo’s excitement spreading to him. “Hey kiddo, got some time away from work and school to destress I see.” When Bo addressed Wesley Dimetre had begun to prepare himself to introduce his little brother, knowing that strange social situations were not the kid’s strong suit. But, to his surprise, Wesley moved away from him and stood tall in front of other. 
“Say aaaah,” Wesley stood on his tippy toes holding out a large fork full of funnel cake towards Bo, he barely reached the top of the boy’s chest. He eagerly waited for the other to accept his offer before putting on a dashing smile and giving Bo’s hand a gentle shake. “I’m Wesley, but you can call me Wes if ya like.”
Dimetre wasn’t entirely sure how to react to the event he just watched so he simply decided not to and returned his attention back to his friend, “We would be more than happy to add another member to our little party, huh?” He placed a hand on Wesley’s head and ruffled his hair, “But, why don’t I pay for food? Wouldn’t want to see you go into debt because of a turkey leg.”
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He hummed gratefully as he chewed the bite of sugar he’d been fed. The kid- Wesley, was cute. Bo didn’t know a ton of people at that age that would share their treats unprompted. “Well thank you very much, Wes!” He gave the small hand a light squeeze before relaxing his arm without pulling his hand away. Some kids were weird about physical contact, with the kids of family friends he’d taken to letting them decide what they did and didn’t want. 
Attention back on Evans he grinned at being accepted in their adventures for the day. He was about to protest that he could afford to buy turkey legs, but then he remembered how expensive the tickets for the rides were going to be. Swallowing his words he chuckled his agreement. “So where are we headed first?” he asked as he glanced between them.
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‘Harbour’ing Guilt
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bo-abrams · 6 years
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“Bo is the fae that is the definition of kindness and purity. The prince the human world wished existed“ - @pucky-goodfellow killing me and my son in one blow
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bo-abrams · 6 years
"You’re gonna be rude? Okay, you’ve lost the pleasure of my presence.”"
“Oh, come on now,” Watcher laughed as he bounced after Puck. “I didn’t mean to be rude, I’m sorry okay. It was just a joke! I figured you’d appreciate it with all your Shakespearean stuff. Hold on, don’t be mad- damn, you walk fast- hey!”
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