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Picture taken of scene where Sandra Bland allegedly “hung herself”, moments after the body was “found” was just released. And of course, no one is buying it.
Police are claiming that Sandra took the trash bag out and tied it to the partition on her shower, and then used it to hang herself with.
Problems with this explanation:
Trash bags/cans are not allowed in jail cells because any lose items are considered a danger to the inmates. If it’s not bolted down to the floor, it’s basically not allowed in a cell
If the police are right and the picture was “taken right after the body was found with no changes made to the scene” then why did they replace the trash bag?
The bag she allegedly used was a “black industrial sized” trash bag, which was not only unlike the white one shown above, but it wouldn’t have been strong enough to hold up her body
The partition she “hung herself” from is shorter than her. Sandra was a little over 6 ft, and the partition was about 5 ft.
There were no lacerations or bruises on her neck consistent with a hanging.
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Obama is SO yesterday. #HillaryDuff2016
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where do you sail?
usually the water. 
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guys guys guys this is where I sail and it’s the best place ever. 
also that was a gnarly team race today....
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
Listening to The Life Aquatic's soundtrack and thinking bout boats, as usual. 
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
My two loves
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
Forecasters across New England are is just drinking heavily by this point
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oh my god
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
reblogging for *straight person voice* 
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I found these off brand cereals and they all sound like weird euphemisms for gay people
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
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Real talk via newyorker.
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
oh holy shit
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
I’m not sure if you know, but everyone has the ability to get their hands on pot right now whether its legal or not. I just feel if you legalize this drug it will cut out certain things like the overcrowding of prisons and putting [criminal charges] on our record that will prevent us from getting loans, jobs and homes. This whole thing around recreational weed is not making any sense to me.
Watch 2 Chainz calmly crush Nancy Grace in a debate about pot legalization. (via papermagazine)
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
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90,000 lbs of #wood, #lead and #bronze. #woodenboat #woodworking #restoration #1929 #schooner #sailboat #longformat #raceboat #classicboat #circumnavigator.
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
If this doesn't terrify you--that even the best, most experienced, sailors in the world make the simplest of mistakes under intense pressure and apprehension--then I don't know what can. 
Wear a life jacket, check the charts, and stay safe out there. 
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The Volvo Ocean Race runs over nine months, thirty-nine-thousand miles, four oceans, and six continents. This year, one boat became the twentieth in the race’s history not to make the finish. John Clarke reports on the twenty-first-century shipwreck.
Photograph courtesy Brian Carlin/Team Vestas Wind/Volvo Ocean Race
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
I can talk to myself when you're with me
the best compliment I can dream of giving
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boatsandlesserthings · 10 years
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shit happens..
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