Incorrect Quote || 16
Magnus: You need a hobby, Julian.
Julian: I have a hobby.
Magnus: How many times do I have to tell you that stalking Emma is not counted?
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Incorrect Quote || 15
Tolya: Treat spiders how you would want to be treated.
Tamar: Killed without hesitation.
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Incorrect Quote || 14
Zoya: I can’t believe we’re stuck in this room together
Nikolai, swallowing the key: Yes, truly unfortunate
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Incorrect Quote || 13
Cassian: I can fit the whole world in my hands.
Nesta: That’s impo—
Cassian: *cups Nesta’s face*
Nesta: *blushing* I have a reputation.
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Incorrect Quote || 12
Cassian: I have no fears.
Azriel: What if you woke up one day and Amren was actually taller than you?
Cassian: I have one fear.
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Incorrect Quote || 11
Fenrys: ‘Sleepy’ is so much cuter than ‘tired.’ Everyone needs to stop saying ‘tired’ and start saying ‘sleepy.’
Rowan: I’m so sleepy of your shit.
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Incorrect Quote || 10
Yrene: How do Chaol and Dorian usually get out of these messes?
Aelin: They don’t. They just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one.
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wicked games | jurdan
the aftermath was more devastating than one would have initially thought
post-the wicked king
Since he had exiled his seneschal away back to the mortal lands of her origin, not a single soul could deny that the High King was… different.
His air of boredom and ease that had formerly clung to him like perfume was now gone, dark circles and exhaustion having since replaced it.
More often than not his perfect lips were stained with gold and his eyes glassy with wine, though despite it all he managed to end up sleeping alone every night.
His dreams were plagued by his wife, the High Queen.
Sometimes he woke up tangled in a mess of sweat and sheets with her name on his lips, the bitter ache clawing at his chest far too painful to ignore. Sometimes his heart beat so fast with something between fear and longing that he thought he might drive himself mad.
Most times he imagined her beside him, the heady scent of her mortal skin and her body flush against his. It was the only thing that kept him sane, yet simultaneously managed to destroy him piece by piece every subsequent night they were apart.
The land greedily drank in his suffering, the colors startling and almost painful in their intensity, the air thick and sweet, every breath tasting as if one was drinking a mouthful of honeysuckle.
Any mention of her name brought storms rushing in with thick, dark clouds and droves of freezing rain.
It was quickly learned to avoid speaking of the mortal girl around him.
And though quite surprisingly the High King had since come to embrace his role as ruler, no one could deny that he was Cardan Greenbriar no longer. Cardan was not sitting in on council meetings, the man who slumped on his throne before them was a mere shell of what he had once been.
Instead of listening he was clinging to thoughts of his seneschal, lost in a sea of dreams and blurry memories.
He had lost himself in her. She had taken him with her into exile, his heart clutched unknowingly in her grasp.
That epiphany came to him like the shock of ice water one night as he lay curled up in the comforts of his grand bed.
But funnily enough, he didn’t resent her for it, his former hatred had faded in the face of the realization of how much he needed Jude Duarte. Everything that he had once despised about her he now craved more than ever, her mortal beauty, her sharp tongue, her growls of frustration and flushed cheeks. The knowledge that she more than likely hated him even more than she had previously was painful in its reality. Even more painful considering he had finally actualized his feelings of her into something breathtakingly sensible.
He had betrayed her, but he had done it for her. To keep her safe.
Because he was in love with the very mortal that he had once resented with every fiber of his being.
That was his one solace in the dark, as he laid amidst a heavy swath of blankets, that despite everything, she would be kept from harm. Every last second of agonizing suffering, of painful, shattered breaths and miserable exhaustion was worth it. Even every soft, muffled sob as he cried into his pillows, because very quickly he had come to find he was so completely and utterly alone without her by his side.
He had done it for her, and he would have done it again a hundred times over.
But even still, he reached out for her in the dark, whispering words of regret accompanied by soft promises that one day, he would find a way for them to be together.
Most nights she didn’t sleep.
The abrasive sounds of traffic and the city accounted for a part of why she tossed and turned late into the night, the unfamiliar sounds frustratingly loud and obnoxious compared to the peaceful quiet of Faerie.
But more than that, her eyes stubbornly refused to close mainly due to the fact that she was utterly terrified of dreaming.
She was afraid of dreaming of him.
Her anger was white hot in its intensity, often she found herself trembling with fury, her hands balled so tightly into fists she began to leave increasingly bruised marks on the soft flesh of her palms.
She hated him more than she ever had, more than all the times he humiliated her or spat stinging insults or made her feel like she was nothing.
Because worse than all of that, for the briefest of moments, he had made her feel like she could belong.
Like she could belong with him.
She hated him that much more because, somehow, he had made her want to belong with him.
Her days stretched on meaninglessly, her movements listless and her eyes clouded with thoughts of another world as she moved about her sister’s apartment not unlike a ghost. She didn’t fit into this world and she didn’t make an attempt to either.
Most days she did nothing at all. Most days she ate nothing at all. Most days she didn’t even speak a single word.
Most days she could do nothing but think of him.
The lack of control she had in her dreams was what frightened her from succumbing to sleep, but while she was fully conscious she could do nothing but concoct convoluted plans of retribution, of bitterly cruel revenge against the High King. She grasped at the memory of holding a knife to his throat, of his fear and desperation and self loathing. She lived on the thought of his pain.
And yet.
More often than she would ever admit, without her even realizing it her thoughts would shift. Instead of holding a knife to his throat it would be her lips. The memory of his skin was intoxicating, she easily got drunk off of the thought of his breath mixing with hers, soft quips snapping between them amidst panting pleasure.
In those moments she would bite her lip so hard she would draw blood, plunging herself back into the shockingly cold waters of reality.
Reality was that he had exiled her, and even if he somehow eventually ended up begging on his knees for forgiveness, she would never give it to him.
Despite everything she told herself, still, she could think of nothing but him.
And despite everything, her only comfort was his name on her lips, whispered like a sinful prayer into the quiet darkness that threatened to consume her.
Neither of them knew how often they talked to the other in the dark.
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The FIRST THING Cardan better say when he sees Jude in the next book:
Tumblr media
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Genya: Nikolai is a very dignified king
David: He is reknowned for his eloquent and witty speech
Zoya: Even I must admit he is quite sophisticated
Nikolai, bursting into a roomful of enemies, firing his pistols wildly: EAT ASS FUCKERS
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I’m disgusted. Literally disgusted by how some people can just lie like that.
Facts about Japan and Islam
* Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.
* In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.
* There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan.
* In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.
But barely any of you know this because the Japanese are “people of color” and should never, ever be painted in a negative light.
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Incorrect Quote || 09
Jesper: —and now for a gay update with Wylan Van Eck.
Wylan: Getting gayer.
Jesper: Thank you, Wylan
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Incorrect Quote || 08
Jesper: Okay, so you and I are married.
Kaz: We are not married.
Jesper: Relax, it’s just pretend.
Kaz: I don’t wanna pretend.
Jesper: Scared you’ll like it?
Kaz: Okay, if we’re married, I want a divorce.
Wylan: Are you two like this all the time?
Inej: Yes, they are.
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Incorrect Quote || 07
Mark: Good morning.
Julian: Good morning.
Ty: Good morning.
Emma: You all sound like robots. Why don’t you spice it up a bit?
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Incorrect Quote || 06
Emma: And how exactly do you think you’re going to stop me?
Cristina: I’ll tell Julian.
Emma: You sick bastard
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Incorrect Quote || 05
Zoya: You’re pretty dumb.
Nikolai: Thank you!
Zoya: Why are you thanking me? I just insulted you.
Nikolai: All I heard was “You’re pretty.” I’m focusing on the positives in life.
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Why would I change your mind if you’re 100% right????
money power glory is such a kaz song change my mind
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