an elaboration on why Horikoshi‘s misogynistic writing is so frustrating
BNHA literally starts with an ass shot of a woman.
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Mt. Lady does get her cool moments later on, but she’s a seriously minor character and I frankly wouldn’t be surprised if she dies. And she’s far from being the only female character who is egregiously sexualized.
Manga spoilers through chapter 315 (leaks) below.
Keep reading
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First porn bots, now bots that bait you to a virus infested website.
Ive already gotten 2 of them.
If you guys get a random message like this
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Or similar, DO NOT go to what ever the link tells you to, its a trap and YOU WILL regret it.
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Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and you’re for us.
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@staff get your shit together! Seriously!
@staff are you fucking kidding me right now?! You’re limiting text posts to 100 text blocks (aka paragraphs). What the absolute fuck.
Since you couldn’t take out fanfic writers with the purge so you’re just fucking up formatting for text posts until they leave? Is that your plan?
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Send me a number and a paring, and I’ll write a ficlet!
“Here, let me see.”
“Don’t look down.”
“I’m sorry I yelled at you…”
“Will you just hold still?”
“This isn’t just about you…”
“What’s that behind your back?”
“When you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“I wish this moment could last forever…”
“There’s a leaf in your hair.”
“I think I twisted my ankle…”
“Why are you giving me such a hard time about this?”
"Look into my eyes, what do you see?”
“Of course you’d believe that…”
“Your hands are so much larger than mine.”
“Shhh, they’ll hear us.”
“It doesn’t look like you’ll need stitches…”
“Remember when you used to care?”
"Why didn’t you text me back?”
“Will you just tell me the truth?”
“You’re too damn cute.”
“Why are you laughing?”
“That stuff can’t be good for you!”
“This will only take a second…”
“Don’t look at me like that!”
“This tastes bitter…”
“You think you could do better?”
“Isn’t this a gorgeous view?”
“You’ve been so selfish lately!”
“Anything but that!”
“Why did you think that was a good idea?”
“Stop it, you’re embarrassing me.”
“Your eyes are red… Were you crying?”
“We’re running low on time here.”
“You’ve got something on your cheek.”
“If I could just get you to understand…”
“Don’t move, it’ll be okay.”
“Hey, don’t raise your voice at me!”
“Let’s take a deep breath…”
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad.”
“You call that music?”
“Damn auto-correct…”
“You can’t have it both ways.”
“I’ve made a huge mistake…”
“Don’t worry about it. Everyone screws up.”
“You can’t do that!”
“If you love it so much, then why don’t you marry it?”
“We go on three…”
“I’m not bothering you, am I?”
“I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I forgot you used to like this stuff!”
@belatedbeliever1127 helped me compile this list, since we wanted more fic request options. Feel free reblog and join in!
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Green Flames
I know I haven’t posted in a while, but I decided to start a new project, considering I’ve been a little stumped with Truth or Dare or. . . . Oh, Fuck we messed up. 
This was inspired by @tokoyumi ‘s villain!Deku and villain!Iida sketch! So without further ado. . .
Bright lights.
And a whole lot of fire.
I woke up with a start sitting up only to feel a sharp pain in my left side.
“Be carful Green. Your seriously injured you shouldn’t be moving much or else it could get worse.” My coworker Blue (a.k.a Iida Tenya) said in a worried tone “We can’t have you getting injured now of all times especially when we’re in dange-“
“Blue,” I said putting my hand over his mouth “not now.”
“Ssssshhhh” I shook my head ”Just tell me what happened.” Iida took my hand of his mouth “Alright.” He said with a sigh “Shigaraki released about 5 Nomus onto the city. Wreaked havoc. And, to put it bluntly, destroyed the place.”
Like usual, I thought That guy never thinks anything through.
Apparently I must have said that out loud because the next thing I know Iida’s hand’s over my mouth, and he’s looking around frantically as if he’s just seen ghost.
“While you might be right in saying so, I would advise you not to be so careless with your statements, unless you want to fall pray to a certain disintegration quirk!” He whispered (quite aggressively, might I add) while tapping his left ear.
Oh. Right. The coms. I had forgotten about those. Well, then again, I’ve also forgotten about everything that’s conspired within the last 16 hours.
“Anyway, as I was saying. Shigaraki let a few Nomus loose to destroy the city in the hopes of luring out All might-“
“Let me guess, it didn’t work.” I said bluntly.
“Will you stop interrupting me!” He whisper-yelled at me. Although I knew he wasn’t really mad at me. “But yes it failed. All might did not show up, instead it was Endeavor and his son that came.” That did ring a small bell “the younger Todoroki confronted you and you had a fire-on-fire battle-“
“Like an Agni Kai!” I exclaimed, my fanboyish nature getting the best of me.
“Yes, Green, like an Agni Kai. Long story short, he cornered you, and nearly impaled you with ice. Luckily, I came right in the nick of time and managed to get you out with only a scratch. I brought you to this roof and you’ve been unconscious for around 10 minuets.”
Ah, so that’s what happened. I thought.
“Well then,” I said standing up with a grunt “What are we waiting for? We have some havoc to wreak!” I ran and jumped off the roof, using my fire as a way to decelerate before I hit the ground.
“Midoriya! Wait! Your injured!” I heard Iida scream but I ignored him. It was time for vengeance on a certain dual-haired hero!
My name is Midoriya Izuku. I’m a 15 year old villain with a fire manipulation quirk. And this is the story of how I became the greatest villain in the world.
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Attention Writers!
If you are 
a) Interested in critiquing and offering constructive feedback to other work
b) interested in having your work critiqued
like or reblog this post and check out the notes to see who else may be interested!
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I would murder all of the worlds leaders without hesitation for this
I just wanna take a vote, how many fanfic authors would actually enjoy someone live blogging their fics?
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Everything ok but… WHO ARE YOU???
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pls reblog this and put your fav bnha character in the tags
i want to do something,,, so yeah,,,, pls
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If you play Shouto Todoroki: Origin at exactly 11:43:56 on New Year’s Eve, you will hear midoriya scream “ITS YOUR POWER, ISNT IT?” at exactly midnight and start the new year right by bursting into tears
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Reblog if your icon
needs a hug
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Truth or Dare or.... Oh Fuck We Messed Up
1 | 2 | 3
Kirishima POV
“Hello everyone!” Iida said making his way into the common room with Tsuyu behind him.
“Morning Iiida!” Midoriya replied in an overly cheerful voice making Bakugou sneer. Kirishima, to his disdain, noticed this.
“Dude, calm down. We can leave now that Tsu and Iida are here!” Kirishima said. What’s wrong with him lately?? Kirishima thought Oh well, guess I could try to ask him later. I just hope that what we have planned can help calm him down a bit. Kirishima turned to face the others “So, everyone ready? Everything packed and all?” “Yes. Kero” Tsuyu said.
Iida opened his mouth to respond but before he could even get a word out Kaminari cut him off “Iida, you don’t need to answer. Your too responsible to forget anything. Not to mention that we all already know that you have everything and then some.”
“Well I’ve always believed that- “
“You can never be too prepared.” Uraraka and Midoriya said in unison with him earning a laugh from everyone. Except Bakugou. Which, once again, did not go unnoticed by Kirishima. He glanced at Bakugou from the corner of his eyes. He was wearing a downright murderous gaze, even more than usual, and that says a lot. Kirishima closed his eyes and groaned mentally. Remind me again why I’m in love with this sadist? He opened his eyes again to see Bakugou looking at him with a kind of murderously curious expression that’s always on his face when he’s confused about something. Oh, right. I remember now. Cause he’s gorgeous and beneath all that douchyness can be a really nice and caring person. But beneath that he can still be a douche.
Kirishima stood up and took a few steps towards the exit. “Well?” Kirishima asked looking back “What’re you guys waiting for? We have some quality fun times ahead and I don’t wanna waste another minuet!”
“He’s right! Let’s get to it!” Mina said jumping up and down enthusiastically somehow managing to move in the general direction of the door.
“Yep! Let’s do this!” Kaminari said standing up from his little area on the carpet, which was designated to him by the ‘Denki-shaped’ burn on it from that one ‘incident’ (but that story is for another day), and following Mina out the door.
“Just do it!!!!” Sero screamed standing up and jogging to catch up with Denki.
“SERO! NO SCREAMING IN THE COMMON ROOM!” Iida yelled following him and doing his weird robotic arm gestures.
“Your being kind of counterproductive Iida.” Midoriya laughed.
“Yeah Iida I have to agree with Deku here.” Uraraka said.
“Your being kind of hypocritical.” Todoroki pitched in joining the other two.
“I AM NO-oh.” Iida said making Uraraka and Midoriya laugh and Todoroki faintly smile. They made their way outside.
Kirishima turned to look at Bakugou only to discover that he was no longer sitting on the couch.
“Come on Shitty-hair. We-“
“WHAT THE FUCK SHITTY-HAIR!!!???” Bakugou scream-snarled (is that even a thing? No? Well. It is now.)
“S-sorry.” Kirishima whimpered embarrassed turning around to look at Bakugou. “You scared me-” Looking up his breath hitched in his throat. Their faces were so close. Almost to close to comprehend. So close, in fact, that if he just tilted his head slightly to the side, and shuffled just the tiniest bit forward their lips would collide and probably cause the thing that has been haunting his mind with longing for god knows how long now. But, alas, he is too much of a coward. So, he just stood there. Frozen. Like a mannequin.
“Uuuh…umm w-we sh-should probably….um….c-ca-catch up w-with the o-others.” Kirishima faltered as he stepped back.
“Umm….y-yeah. Your r-right.” Bakugou stammered.
Kirishima shook his head in a frantic attempt to regain his composure. “Let’s go.” He said walking towards the door. Kirishima paused when he realized Bakugou was not walking with him. He turned around just as Bakugou was snapping out of whatever trance he had been in. Bakugou turned around and started walking towards Kirishima with his head down. Kirishima noted he was walking at an unusually slow pace.
“Come on dude.” Kirishima said trying to lighten the mood. “We don’t have all da-“ Shit. Why voice? Why must you betray me at such a time.
Bakugou froze in his tracks and looked up at him. Kirishima stared at him wide-eyed and red in the face. He quickly looked away and cleared his throat. “uh-y-yeah. W-we don’t have all day now. L-let’s get g-going.” Kirishima stuttered as he desperately tried to cover up what had just happened. He dared a glance at Bakugou but god he wishes hadn’t. As soon as his eyes landed on his blond friend he regretted every decision he had made in his life that led up to this moment. The sight he was faced with when he foolishly made the mistake of turning his head was a shit-eating grin plastered on the older teens face.
“Shitty-hair,” Bakugou started.
“Don’t” Kirishima warned.
“Was that,” he continued.
“A voice-crack?” Bakugou teased.
“No! Nononononononononononononono!!!!!!!!” Kirishima screamed frantically running around the room covering his ears. Bakugou burst out laughing at his crush’s friend’s actions.
 Kaminari Denki P.O.V – 5 minutes later
“Uhhh…. guys??” Kaminari said poking his head through the entrance. “It’s been like 5 minutes. Wanna…...come out now???Or are you guys-“ He froze at the sight before him. His best friend was running around the common room covering his ears and swearing like a sailor, and Bakugou was lying down on the floor laughing his ass off. “Umm….nope.” Kaminari said turning around and running for the hills.
Sorry for the late update!!! I got sick!!
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Hey guys! Sorry for the late update but lately hime life has been kinda stressful so I’m gonna take a hiatus I’ll probably be back by December 10th. Again, sorry for the late update!
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