bokunopeaches · 6 years
hey!! i’m SUPER sorry for completely dropping off the face of the planet here, and I’m afraid I don’t have good news as far as coming back either :(( i’ve just been too busy to maintain an imagine blog, so i’m afraid i’ll have to put this blog on an indefinite (probably permanent) hiatus! again, i’m very very sorry!!
however!! i AM available and active on my art blog, where i also post a lot of bnha!! i’m over at @peachiestleaf , so please follow me there now! thank you guys SO much for your support up until now, and i hope you continue to support me over on my other blog!!! 💕
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Hello!!! I like your writing a lot!!! Can I have todoroki, bakugo, midoriya with an s/o that puts on makeup to cover their freckles cause they don't like them? Don't know if I told you already but YOUR WRITING IS TOP NOTCH GOOD STUFF RIGHT THERE.
aaAAA TYSM!!!! I’m rly rly glad u like it, and I hope u enjoy these !
he won’t lie— he thinks freckles are absolutely adorable, and they’re even CUTER when he sees his s/o with them for the first time! Naturally, he’s confused in the beginning, and even thinks that freckles themselves were put on with makeup (as improbable as that is in the middle of the night after s/o had come out of the bathroom)
he waits a couple minutes patiently before finally giving in, and asking about their sudden freckles. As they explain it to him, he’s very calm and understanding, nodding every now and then until they finish.
of course, the first thing he’ll mention is that personally, he thinks they look great— but if they want to continue covering them up, he won’t object. He understands that it’s a big insecurity to them, and he wouldn’t want to insist they show their freckles if that would make them uncomfortable! He WILL assure them that he loves them though, and if they ever felt comfortable enough to stop covering up their freckles, he’s positive everyone else would love them too! Either way though, he’s very very supportive!
for the longest time, he didn’t even know s/o had freckles! So naturally, when the secret comes out a little while into their relationship, he’s surprised to say the least! he’s even confused at first, and just stares at s/o for a while before finally saying “What the hell. Have you always had freckles?”
Once everything is explained though, Katsuki’s confusion will turn to annoyance. “Hey hey hey, what the fuck! Why’ve you been covering ‘em up so long? You look ten times cuter with them out!”
afterwards, whether or not he can convince s/o to stop hiding their freckles, he’ll start dropping more frequent casual compliments for them! and ESPECIALLY so when their freckles are out, even if that’s only at nighttime before they go to bed!
it isn’t long into the relationship before s/o reveals their freckles to him, but when they do, he’s absolutely thrilled! in his own words, “look, we match!”
when s/o explains why they usually hide them though, his excitement turns to light disappointment, though he tries his hardest not to show it
“O-oh… so… do you not like freckles in general? I guess I never really thought about mine…” of course, s/o quickly assures him that they adore his—! it’s only their own they have a problem with! and though he’s confused with the answer, he at least seems to cheer up a little
will definitely try and get s/o to start showing their freckles more often, insisting that they look adorable and, to be honest, he really likes it when their freckles “match”
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
potential bnha slumber party zine!!
So uh…I’ve been thinking a lot about BNHA zines 👀 There are so many that are absolutely adorable and I think that creating one of my own would be a really cool experience!!!
I was wondering if anyone would possibly be interested in participating in/purchasing a slumber/pj/sleepover party themed zine (∪。∪)。。。zzz I’ve been thinking a lot about cute pjs and the BNHA kiddos doing face masks and other stereotypical slumber party things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’d probably be an art-only zine (I don’t feel like I’m qualified to judge writing hnnnggg ;u; ), platonic and SFW, for-profit, with ideally 20-25 artists (deffo subject to change depending on interest ahaha)
So if anyone would be interested, please let me know!!!!!!! I’d really love to make this happen 💪💪💪✨
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
hey guys!!! so I’m almost at 1000 followers, so for those of you interested in a celebration event, please vote on smth over here !!!
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
hey guys!!! so I’m almost at 1000 followers, so for those of you interested in a celebration event, please vote on smth over here !!!
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
hello! hope you're fine! could i ask the following scenario for kirishima+kaminari+amajiki? : they are going home and see their usually cheerful fun loving crush sitten against the walls in a vacant room, trying to keep in their muffled crying. turns out they have been keeping in all the pain of whatever's been causing it (in my case its due to having very toxic parents but i dont want to be specific for others sake/enjoyment) the crush tries to hide this, but how would the boys act ? thanks!
hey love!! I only accept 2 characters per scenario request, + I only do characters from the anime, so I had to cut out Amajiki unfortunately!! I hope u enjoy these anyway though, and I hope your situation improves !!!
“Hey, is that you s/o? What are you doing—” He cut himself off when s/o suddenly looked up at him, eyes wet and puffy as fresh tears still streamed down their face. Clearly they were startled, but wasted no time in wiping away their tears and attempting to get up, trying to stutter out some kind of excuse as to why they were there.
“A-ah, this isn't—! I mean— it’s not what it looks like. I wasn’t…” They trailed off, staring down at their feet. Meanwhile, Kirishima was still a bit shocked. s/o was always so cheery and happy, he’d never thought… ah, no no no! That wasn’t the point! It wasn’t time for getting lost in thought, s/o was clearly upset, and he was determined to at least offer help!
“Hey, hey! It’s okay! It’s alright!” He offered comfortingly, gently placing a hand on the other’s shoulder. “Listen, I’ll leave if you really want me to, okay? But you look pretty beat up right now, and I… I wanna help, if that’s okay with you. If you’ll let me, I’ll do my best to help you with whatever you need!” s/o blinked, but slowly, ever so slowly, a tired smile crept onto their face.
“Thank you, Kirishima. Thank you so, so much. It’s just… it’s been… a lot lately.” Sitting down together, s/o explained their troubles away, and Kirishima listened patiently. No matter how long it took them to vent all their feelings out, he’d wait, and be there to comfort them all the while.
The second he’d heard muffled sobs, Kaminari was on high alert, trying to find where it was coming from. It didn’t take him long to find the room it was from, but as he quietly slipped in, he was shocked to see s/o of all people sitting against the wall in the corner with their face buried in their hands and their shoulders shaking with each sob.
“…s/o? Woah, calm down! Don’t panic, it’s just me—!” The moment s/o heard him, they practically jumped back, startled and confused but mostly looking miserable. “Hey, what’s up? You’re lookin’ pretty beat up… you can say no of course, but do you wanna talk about it?”
For a second, all was silent, and he was sure they’d decline— but finally, they nodded. Letting out a quiet sigh of relief, he moved to sit down beside s/o, putting a gentle arm around their shoulders and letting them lean against him.
“…Thank you, Kaminari. This means a lot to me.”
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
aah, i love your writing so much, it's so cute!! if its not too much to ask, could i request a small scenario of aizawa and his (male, teacher) s/o falling asleep on a couch in the teacher's lounge, and someone walking in? thank you so much!!
By the time he could go on break, Aizawa was exhausted. Of course, that wasn’t exactly uncommon, but he felt especially drained that day, and based on a handful of exchanged texts between him and his lover, his s/o was exhausted too. They’d agreed to meet up in the lounge, but even after they met up they seemed too tired for words, only s/o silently offering a gentle hug when Aizawa joined him on the couch. It wasn’t long before they’d made themselves comfy though, s/o leaning back and Aizawa slowly leaning his head onto the other’ shoulder, until finally, they both drifted off to sleep.
Unfortunately, the peaceful nap didn’t last. Aizawa was the first to wake up, s/o’s arms loosely wrapped around him, but what’d really woken him was the snickering coming from the doorway. Sighing deeply, he gently sat up, shooting a glare towards Mic and Midnight before returning his attention to ever so gently waking his s/o up. Undoubtedly, it’d require both of their patiences to deal with the teasing to come.
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Hello! I've recently started a bnha scenario blog called hero-scenarios and I was wondering if I could get a shoutout? If not, that's perfectly fine. Thank you either way! ^^
no problem love !! everyone, go take a peak at @hero-scenarios and consider shooting them a request!
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Can I request a scenario of Bakugo reacting to finding out his(female) s/o is being bullied, like bad at her workplace, but she refuses to defend herself? But like not because she's scared or anything, but because she thinks she deserves it?
of course !! I hope this is ok! and I hope you’re doing alright nonnie !
He’d come because s/o had forgotten her lunch back at their apartment, but the second he walked in to see his beloved s/o being treated like… like SHIT, he exploded.
“The FUCK did you just say to her you piece of shit?! I’ll rip your arm off you—” It didn’t take long for him to get in the other person’s face, but s/o was similarly quick in holding Bakugou back. Of course, it wouldn’t have taken much on his end to pry her off of him and continue scaring the life out of the bully in question, but the pleading, desperate look on his s/o’s face made him hold back. Oh, he wasn’t happy about it— anyone could see that— but he could at least console himself in the thought of coming back to finish what he started later.
So he let himself be hurriedly dragged away by his s/o, somewhere more private.
“Well? Why didn’t you let me at ‘em! I could’ve made sure they never said anything like that to you aga—”
“It’s not their fault, Katsuki! I mean– they— listen, I… I deserve it, okay? I don’t need you to stand up for me because I DESERVE it. Can… can we just leave it at that?”
“…What? Of fucking COURSE we can’t leave it at that! Why the hell would you deserve that?! They were being a total ass! What’s with all this deserving it bullshit?” A moment passed in silence, s/o clearly uncomfortable, and for a moment Bakugou relented, softening his voice.
“Listen, I don’t know why you think you deserve that, but you don’t, okay? You’re… You’re the fucking best, okay? You know I’m not good with words, but— I love you, alright? We’re gonna work on this. Together. And I’m gonna make sure no one treats you like that ever again, got it?” 
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Headcanon for Aizawa, how would he react to learning his s/o is pregnant & what does he do to help during the pregnancy? :)))
when he’s first told his s/o is pregnant, he’ll be in a happy shock! Though, before letting himself get TOO excited, he does ask s/o if they’re being completely serious. He does trust them to be serious about this kind of topic, but he also doesn’t want to get ahead of himself if it was simply some kind of misunderstood joke!
but once he's assured that s/o is being completely serious, he'll be overjoyed! Without a doubt he has his worries over how good a parent he'll be, but he knows he'll give it his best and more, and in the moment all he'll be focused on is showering his s/o in kisses and hugs!
as for helping during the pregnancy, he'll do anything his s/o asks! He's not usually one to dote over his partner, but there's no question that he's all but spoiling them in his own way when he can! Rest assured, Aizawa will be doing a LOT of research on the subject, and he'll make sure s/o has as smooth a pregnancy as possible!
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
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has.. this been done before?? I was thinking abt it the other day and I couldn’t get it out of my h ead
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Headcanons for Present Mic/ Eraserhead/ All Might with an s/o that has a "crying" quirk? Every time they cry, it's big overflowing tears, and they seem to have healing or toxic properties to them depending on their mood, and have a sort of "hydrokenesis" over the tears, being able to manipulate them however they want?
he thinks s/o’s quirk is the absolute coolest! He’s always curious about it and offers plenty of questions, but most of all he just thinks it’s really neat! It’s definitely the kind of quirk that leaves an impression and that the public will remember, and in that manner he even admires them! Also, he’ll probably ask them to teach him how to cry on the spot so easily— he doesn’t need it for battle or anything, but god knows this man loves to be dramatic.
thinks s/o’s quirk is very useful and versatile! Even though the tears’ toxic/healing properties are a bit unpredictable, their usefulness is undeniable in pretty much any situation! If possible, he’ll likely team up with them as often as possible for patrols and fights and whatnot!
he’s seen a lot of different quirks over the course of his life, but there’s no denying the uniqueness of s/o’s quirk! Plus, it's super useful in all kinds of situations! So he'll be very vocal about how interesting and unique he thinks his s/o's quirk is, maybe even asking them some questions about it every now and then as well!
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Can I request headcanons for Toshinori and his early twenties s/o where she just blurts to him 'Marry me!' out of the blue one day?
the first time she says it, he’s certain he misheard! Still, when he asks her to repeat what she said, he’s nervous and blushing and barely keeping his composure. And based on how anxious and tensed s/o seems too, he can guess that he did actually hear correctly before she even managed to stutter out the words again!
what happens next depends on their relationship! If he still isn't INCREDIBLY confident and comfortable in it, he'll probably politely decline, assuring them that he loves them very much but he'd like to be with them for a bit longer before deciding on something so big!
if he's REALLY sure though, and he knows his partner is sure of their decision as well, he'll hurriedly stutter out a yes! Of course, they'll need to talk it out more later, but in the moment there's nothing but happiness and bliss and, well, a bit of surprise too to be honest!
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Hi! Could I pleeease have a fluffy senario with Aizawa and what he does for his fem s/o's Birthday? Pwetty please~~~ :)
Honestly, s/o didn’t know what to expect from Aizawa for her birthday. He hadn’t given a single clue as to what he was planning, and of course, anytime she tried to pry the information from him he’d clam up even more. She was nearly dying from curiosity and suspense as she made her way home from work, but when she opened the door to their apartment she wasn’t disappointed.
The table was set with her favorite foods, freshly made from the looks of it. Lights were dimmed and candles were lit at the table, and at the center of it all was her beloved— Aizawa, who’d looked just about to doze off when she opened the door but now quickly woke himself up, offering her a lazy grin. And for a moment, she was speechless. Certainly Aizawa showed plenty of love and affection in his own ways, but it was rare for him to do anything so… romantic. It was obvious he’d put a lot of effort into making a nice dinner for her on her birthday, and s/o couldn’t be giddier.
“It’s… Wow! Shouta, it’s amazing! I didn’t think— wow!” Even if she couldn’t quite put her feelings into words, joy and excitement were written all over her, and in turn Aizawa’s own smile grew. Dashing over to him, a sweet, lasting kiss was exchanged between them before Aizawa softly pulled back, tucking a strand of s/o’s hair behind her ear.
“Come on, let’s eat before the food goes cold.” He leaned in and lowered is voice to a whisper. “We’ll resume our kiss later, hm?”
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bokunopeaches · 7 years
Hello! May I request headcannons with bakugou, todoroki, and deku having a crush on fem reader that can play the violin really well? Tysm!
he thinks s/o is super cool for being so good at the violin, even calling her “badass” when she’s doing particularly complicated/advanced/intense songs! And even though he’d never admit it out loud, he thinks s/o’s music is always very soothing! After particularly tough days, he might even ask her to play one of his favorite violin songs if she feels up to it!
anytime she plays in public you can bet Katsuki will be there, and not only that but he’ll be there shouting praise above everybody else the second she finishes. Sure, he includes a lot of… colorful language in his encouragements, but s/o couldn’t be more appreciative!
every time he hears his s/o playing violin, he’ll drop whatever he’s doing to stop and listen! He’d never really been allowed to learn an instrument when he was younger, so he strongly admires s/o for her talent! And he’ll often remind her of that, too!
If she plays in competitions or anything like that, he’ll make sure to always be there for her turn! and he’ll always be clapping and cheering the loudest when she finishes! Overall he’s just really proud of s/o and has a lot of love and admiration for them!
as if he wasn't already enamored enough with his her!! Izuku will be completely FASCINATED to be entirely honest, and very attentive and enthusiastic whenever s/o is playing violin! He has nearly endless questions about everything from her basic routine violin care to how she pulls of even the most advanced songs, and even though it can get exhausting sometimes s/o is always happy to see him so excited!
if she plays in public, she can count on Izuku being there to help! Of course, he's always the loudest and most energetic cheerer in the crowd, but he's also right by s/o's side before and after playing, helping them get ready beforehand and unwind afterwards!
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