bolinity · 17 hours
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Source: Avatar: The Legend of Korra [2014]
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bolinity · 2 days
He looks just like a dream,the prettiest boy I've ever seen...
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bolinity · 3 days
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Here is the final press art I did for the upcoming 1-hour finale of The Legend of Korra, which airs on Saturday, June 23. Thanks for all of the kind words and support as I posted some of the in-progress elements along the way. I was sick and exhausted through most of the process, so the positive vibes were more than welcome. Amon’s mask received a minor nose job since I posted that layer last week: he has less of the signature Konietzko schnoz now.
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bolinity · 4 days
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Here, have some angst. I was going to write something for this but fuck that. What’s going on i completely up to your imagination now.
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bolinity · 5 days
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Source: Avatar: The Legend of Korra [2013]
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bolinity · 6 days
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Collaborative Korra fan art with Grace Allison (she’s a prodigy—it’s sick. Check out her work).  I penciled, Grace inked and flatted, and I finished the colors.  I’m pretty proud of this composition—easiest way to squeeze in 12 likenesses ever! I was going to link to the listing for the original, but it sold before I could even finish the colors!  Keep a close eye on the Periscope Etsy store to snag the other collab piece we’re doing:
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bolinity · 7 days
Bolin: Hey, Asami, we’re friends, right?
Asami: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is heading somewhere and I’m not sure I like where. 
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bolinity · 7 days
The last part struck a chord through the earthbender. It wasn't that Bolin felt like a spare to Mako, but he definitely felt like as the younger sibling he would never be able to measure up, especially since he was well aware, as anyone, of how talented and amazing his older brother was — on top of taking on the monumental task of raising Bolin by himself at such a young age when they lost their parents. Bolin wouldn't take it lightly if he were to ever say that he owed Mako his life and that he loved him with everything had and that Mako deserved so much and more...
Yet, there were times he always felt overlooked and unqualified when stacked up against him. He was just... Mako's little brother.
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He offered Yua a tighter squeeze, as if to let her know that he acknowledged her presence, her existence.
"It's hard," he finally said after his own emotions stirred up inside of him. "I mean, I get feeling like being stuck in the shadow of an older brother, especially when they cast such big shadows... and it's just... really hard because you can't really control how people look at you or feel about you in the end, because that's all on them, you know?" He wasn't trying to be a downer not was he going to be sickeningly optimistic because he didn't want to dismiss her feelings — or his own. "But is there hurt in continuing to try to prove them wrong?" He paused as he let his own words hang in the air, wondering how long would one have to try before they break.
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The princess' shoulders shook softly with quiet laughter. If nothing else, you could always count on Bolin to lighten any mood. "I always say I'm used to it, the scrutiny, but it never ends. If it's not my mother's advisors, it's the press, or politicians." Taking a deep breath in, she slowly released it before pulling back slightly. This wasn't Bolin's burden, but she did desperately need someone to talk to about it. Someone not so close to the issue at hand."
"And the worst part is, sometimes I think they're right. That no matter how hard I try, I will always be the troublemaker princess. The spare that only exists in case something happens to Iroh."
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bolinity · 8 days
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Bolin–> Codewordfunkytown
Korra–> Frantabulosa
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bolinity · 8 days
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bolinity · 9 days
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My favorite earth benders TuT💚
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bolinity · 10 days
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bolinity · 10 days
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Now that his seemingly endless train of Sorrys were over after the initial hit, Bolin calmed down enough to offer to look at the injury. He laughed a little at Wei's pro-bending comment as he knelt in front of Wei and carefully rolled up his pant leg so he could get a better look at where the disk had hit him in the shin. It was good to know he wasn't in that much pain since he was still able to joke a bit about getting injured.
"Uh, dunno if it was from my experience in the ring... or more so my inexperience with earthbending something that has metal all around it. There's definitely some kind of learning curve to bending these earthen-core disks and getting them to bounce around the poles properly." Of course he still wasn't a metalbender, but he wondered if the earth encased in the metal didn't properly let the vibrations between the poles and the rest of the metal flow through each other like regular power disc disks would, which caused that one to go rogue.
There was a bit of reddening and slight swelling where the impact happened. "Looks like it didn't break any skin, thankfully. Though it'll probably end up bruising eventually. Sorry 'bout that." Carefully, he started to unroll Wei's pant leg back down. "Did you want me to get you some ice or should we go get someone to look at it more properly? If anything, I can help you walk somewhere."
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@bolinity sent: “is this okay?” for wei
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"You're good," Wei assured as he looked up at Bolin. He could go get one of the medical staff they had, but he didn't feel the need. It would take away from this moment, and his mom would be informed almost immediately. He definitely didn't need her reigning down on them to ask a million probing questions. "I shouldn't have underestimated your hits. Power-disk is more about agility, less about pure power and strength. I guess you never really take the pro-bending out of the pro-bender.
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bolinity · 11 days
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As Yua's arms wrapped around his waist, his arms wrapped more so around her shoulders as he pulled her in close, completely in his embrace. While his strong arms were very useful for bending, especially since he got most of his bulk from pro-bending, he did pride himself at how good his hugs were with them. Plus, he wanted to always be there to comfort someone when they needed it, and by the look on the princess's face, it looked like she needed it.
He held his embrace around her while his cheek softly rested against her head. "Did you want to talk about it? I mean, uh, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I've got an open ear and a literal shoulder to lean on if you need."
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@bolinity sent: “can i hug you? you look like you could do with it.” for yua
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There were times like these that she wished the pretense of royalty could be ignored. That crossing personal space wasn't something that needed to be confirmed before going through with an action. Yua silently nodded and let Bolin capture her in a hug. Arms going to wrap around his waist. Bolin's hug was strong, yet gentle. Like that you'd expect from a stuffed polar bear dog. It made her feel safe. As if she was standing on solid ground instead of teetering off a ledge.
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bolinity · 11 days
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their friendship makes me s o  h a p p y
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bolinity · 12 days
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I ship Korra x hugs
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bolinity · 12 days
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❖ || @feiiizhu
The earthbender cringed as he was reminded about Toph's impression of him, the evidence was clear on his face as he grimaced. "I mean, I mostly threw it out there because I feel like she loves you more than she, uh, tolerates??? me?" He was obviously using that word very lightly with heavy apprehension. "I swear I'm not trying to create an opportunity for me to change her opinion of me or anything. I literally didn't even think of it until, like, right now at this very moment." If anything he knew that the Beifong matriarch was impressed by the fact that he had the ability to lavabend. (And perhaps and inkling of maybe knowing that he's an excellent judge of character.)
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Bolin gasped softly as Opal proposed possibly taking Korra and Asami along with them. "A double-date trip to the Spirit World?" he said, his eyes sparkled at the possibilities of all the fun the four of them could have, even though he didn't have much of a frame of reference — aside from what happened during Harmonic Convergence, which definitely wasn't a pleasure-trip. "I'm sure they'd be all for it! Although, then I'd feel bad that Mako would be left out." He then paused. "... But I bet he'd be like 'No, I'm not gonna be the fifth wheel to all the lovebird-shenanigans'." He then huffed as if to accentuate a frustrating sentiment after imitating his brother's cadence, making the little curl on his forehead flutter.
He chuckled. "Our list has grown to a multi-stop trip to probably a multi-trip trip. And of course there's no one I'd rather do that all with than you." Bolin leaned in to press another kiss to her cheek since it had been a bit since he'd done so.
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ㅤㅤ𝓞pal raised her hand in defence slightly when she heard him ask if they should visit her grandmother in the swamp. ❝She's already kinda iffy about you... Well, honestly everyone. Even her own family. I think I'm one of the only ones that's on her good side.❞ She joked lightheartedly. ❝But I don't think I've seen the swamps. We could add it to the list. Oh! And the Southern Water Tribe- and or North too. I think it would be nice to see what those are like.❞ It was exciting planning where their adventures will lead them around the world. And getting to plan them with the man that she fell in love with was rather romantic. ❝But I agree, we should probably ask the experts or ask Korra and Asami to come along with us if we wanted to go into the Spirit World.❞
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|| @bolinity
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