bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Mateo has been waiting to turn 8 so that he can enroll in his first pre-scuba class. Headed to La Paz with @benlowy and the boys to swim with #sealions via @cortezexpeditions & work on a #sunscreen piece for @pogopictures
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Waking up on Wheat's 1 year death anniversary with this old dog is bittersweet.
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Mateo and Daddy. My two space cadets.
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Mateo directs Kaleb as he reenacts the "Columbia Pictures lady" for their next movie. Welcome home daddy. #columbiapictures #parenthood #sons
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Suburban nights: KK and Teo make shadow animals. Snuck in an hour of cuddle time after a long day at an #SVA #Sony #xrite workshop teaching video students with @mrubee @kaylalindquist @katrin_eismann
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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[Mateo at his first #Broadway show, gets a signed playbill from "Scar" @thelionking. 8/30/17] Art has always been the one space that allowed room for all my progress and pitfalls. It was my comfort in a new country, my medium as a storyteller, my lifeline in the dimmest of years, my rediscovery as a mother, my method of comprehension. Art has always been my constant. To be honest, I barely saw the show this second time around. I kept marveling at Teo's awestruck grin, and Kaleb's frenetic clapping. Oh, how I could bathe in my sons' giggles as they disappeared into this world, enraptured. "I love it so much, mommy," Mateo whispers as he nods off and falls asleep on Ben's shoulder; ironically, just as Simba's consciousness awakens. The nexus between father and son mirrored in life and stage: "He lives in you, he lives in me, He watches over everything we see, Into the waters, into the truth, In your reflection, he lives in you." Meanwhile, KK picks his nose and wipes his own balled up legacy under the armrest of seat 123, rear orchestra at the Minskoff theatre. (at Minskoff Theatre)
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Breaking it to KK, one question at a time. Hopefully his generation will do better.
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Dry suit certified on the right. Budding explorer on the left. #justlikedaddy
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
Happy Father's Day! This was a passion project for @benlowy and me that was made possible with the help of Sony. I'm so happy we got to introduce them to my country of birth and do a lot of the things I did when I was their age. Link to the full video on my profile ^
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
Kindergarten, done! KK, 6/16/17 (at Seth Boyden)
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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I've been to @ikeausa way too many times this week, my son thinks it's a verb. Kea: To shop for an unnecessary, inexplicable, bordering on irrational, home remodel... on a budget. Not to be confused with Covfefe, of course. Happy Birthday @benlowy
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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April 23, 2017 | Mateo Distraught by Death "I don't want to die! I don't want my eyes to die. That means I'll never be able to see you again. I'll never be able to remember you!! --- Death has never been a taboo topic in our household as it's is a subject that comes in mundane and sometimes practical discussions. Living with their grandparent, for example, has given them a peak into the realities of aging. They're often reminded of it by guttural freak outs like "don't jump out of the window or you'll DIEEE!" This after Mateo broke the lock to his second floor bedroom window intending to "fly like superman." But before losing Wheat, our dog he's known his entire life, death was merely a concept that lived in the world of Bambi and the Good Dinosaur. Sad, true, yet distant. Mateo's fear of death is unlike an adult's horror at experiencing physical pain. His is still untouched by tragedy, like how children borne of war fear loss. There's nothing raw, or broken in his world view still, even after death was introduced to him intimately. "Is it true that my energy is connected to your energy and that we will always find each other?" Tonight's latest iteration was what happens when the world ends, will other worlds begin and will we know each other then? He's an anxious child, this we've known since he was two. "You BELIEVE?! You can't just believe! It has to be true! We have to find each other because I don't want to ever stop loving you!" Insuppressible weeping for a half hour. "But mommy, there's something about the new world that I don't like. There will be different super heroes. There won't be Batman or Robin or the Joker," he concludes. Shut eye. "Why didn't you just tell him he'll go to heaven?" KK interrupts, chuckling, like he's privy to some cosmic secret only smart ass 5 year olds know.
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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Kaleb, *eats breakfast in silence, and hits him mid-chew... #kidquotes #kidssaythedarndestthings #family
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
This happened while you were away @benlowy "It didn't electrocute us!" KK, 6, Mother's Day 2017. "Mom, you'll get a teabag for Mother's Day" 1 day before. Teabagged on Mother's Day. 😂😂😂 Nice touch Ben.
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
"It didn't electrocute us!" KK, 6, Mother's Day 2017. "Mom, you'll get a teabag for Mother's Day" Teabagged on Mother's Day. 😂😂😂 @benlowy good one!
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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And Kaleb for the win! #kidquotes #kidssaythedarndestthings #shitmykidsays #family
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bonetiredmama · 7 years
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So we spent over a week in Arizona with Ben's family to celebrate Passover. Of course our failure to pass on bits of religion to the boys played out during the most inopportune moments, like when Mateo insisted he wanted to play Indiana Jones and all he needed was to complete his cast of characters. He could NOT, for the life of him, understand why it maybe wasn't the most appropriate time to ask any of his very Jewish, very Modern Orthodox cousins if they can play the Nazis. #Interfaith parenting at its finest. (at Fairmont Scottsdale)
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