bookdragonbeth · 4 months
Rereading your own fics after years is w i l d i forgot so much like why am i shocked why am i wondering how it ends
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bookdragonbeth · 4 months
Hello it has been a long while since ive been here but ive recently saw some (very old but new to me) comments on my six of crows fics and my heart is full and i feel like i want to write again
I dont really know if the soc fandom is super active after the cancellation :(( but ive found some of my rough ideas/half written wesper fics and wanted to maybe gauge what you guys might be interested in!
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bookdragonbeth · 4 months
inej and kaz having issues with touch due to trauma. kaz and wylan drowning and being reborn in the ketterdam harbor. wylan and jesper feeling like they have to hide a part of themselves due to their fathers. jesper and nina being grisha with addictions. nina and matthias being raised as a weapon rather than a human. matthias and inej being deeply religious. inej and wylan making themselves smaller because of the abuse they suffered. wylan and matthias being forced into a life of crime. matthias and kaz losing their parents and siblings. kaz and jesper being thrown into the barrel because of reckless behavior involving money. all of these characters being so different yet so similar and forever interconnected with each other because they know that no one else will understand
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bookdragonbeth · 9 months
can we talk about how beautiful the credits are???
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bookdragonbeth · 1 year
Am i the only person who didnt really like the queen charlotte bridgerton show?
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
Just binged all of shadow and bone and im just gonna say i loved it yes its different to the books but honestly the characterisation the relationships the pacing how intense it was so good i loved it the ending for alina and mal worked so well like i know theyve changed the crows plotline but i think itll still work with the ice court heist plus jurda parem and facing jan van eck storylines and theyve built up and established the characters relations really well for that and honestly i just want to say well done for the writers for working that much plot and backstory and character developments into 8 episodes and the way they weaved the soc and sab stories together is impressive like i know i couldnt have looked at all the books and fit it into a few hours
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
If i dont have just ONE scene of the crows doing a leap over an impossibly large gap between roofs when escaping where it slows downs and looks like they are just hanging in the air just about to fall and then they slam back on the roof with the music going again then i will riot
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
*taps the glass* hey, y'all know that what you might want isn't necessarily what's best to legislate?
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
something something the crows are all dead before the narrative begins, yes, And!!! they’re each reborn in a body of water. kaz is born in ketterdams harbor, but the child he was died there with his brother. wylan loses any hope that his father might love him in the harbor escaping his fathers men, inej loses her faith in herself, her inner child, when she can’t jump into the water and die to escape the menagerie. jespers mother dies saving a girl who drank from a poisoned well, so he too loses something to the water. nina and matthias both lose their faith in humanity when jarl brum leaves the grisha to drown in that slave ship. each of them goes into the water and comes out something else. none of them can ever go back again, now that they’ve seen the truth. they were ghosts from the beginning
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
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live footage from the bad place
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
amid the celebrations about the queen probably dying soon, we need to remember how this will negatively affect the country. there will be millions spent on a funeral and charles’s coronation while we are in the middle of a severe economic crisis and working class families are having to choose between heating and food. it will take attention away from all the important politics and parliament may be suspended. all news and television will be about her death and her reign — it’s been said that comedy programmes will be cancelled for potentially up to a fortnight out of ‘respect’.
yes, celebrate this news. but her death does not erase the fact that the monarchy exists, and it will be a spit in the face for working people when the money we all so desperately need is spent on her and the rest of her family
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
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Well, you know, some bathroom graffiti offers insight.
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bookdragonbeth · 2 years
Nina is now working for Ravka, right? Granted, I haven’t read the Nikolai series (I’m getting to it!) BUT what I truly want for whatever book comes next is for Nina and Kaz’s rivalry to be brought to a comedic boiling point. Like, Nikolai is dealing with Kaz for whatever reason and so he brings Nina in like:
Nikolai: I’ve heard you have had dealings with that Kerch Bastard of the Barrel?
Nina: Yes.
Nikolai: Good. We’re having an issue and I’ve done my research. He is dangerous, merciless, calculating, and-
Nina: He’s a little bitch with shitty hair is what he is.
Nikolai: ….
Nina: ….
Nikolai: I mean, sure-
And the entire rest of the story and Kaz and Nina going against each other but instead of it be a tragic ‘we’re on opposite sides of a war’ sorta vibe, it’s a feral ‘I am so excited I get the chance to beat the shit out of you for free’ vibe. i.e.
Kaz: What are you doing to do? I’ll fear you when I’m dead, Zenik.
Nina: I can still throw a punch- oh, btw are you going to Wylan’s birthday dinner next week?
Kaz: That was a pathetically weak punch. Have you not fully recovered from the parem? And yes, Inej is visiting, so I may as well join.
Nina, while trying to load a gun to shoot him with: Want to go half and half on a present?
Kaz: No.
Nina: Come on. He’s so hard to buy for.
Kaz, hitting the gun from her hand with his cane: I already got him something.
Nina: What?
Kaz, holding up a bag: Treasures I stole from your king.
Nina: Bitch-
And it’s just like that the entire story. Nikolai gets annoyed and starts coming up with all these super smart, intense plans that Kaz manages to untangle and finally Nina goes, ‘I got it. He hates the smell peanuts. If we make everything smell like peanuts he’ll get pissed off and leave’
Nikolai thinks it is so stupid but then it works. The very last chapter is them at Wylan’s birthday dinner and they are both beaten up and covered in blood while the rest of the Crows remain oblivious as to what happen until finally Inej is like:
Inej: How was everyone’s day?
Nina: Your boyfriend stabbed me.
Inej: I- wait, what?
Kaz: Only twice. She tried to cut off my head.
Wylan: What on earth were you two arguing about?!
Nina: Hm? Oh, we weren’t arguing.
Jesper: You two always have fun without inviting me :(
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bookdragonbeth · 3 years
toph: hey zuko, when you're fire king or whatever, don't pardon any of my crimes against the fire nation
toph: it'll ruin my street cred
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bookdragonbeth · 3 years
See i thought she who shall not be named just left him as some vague British guy most likely English and ive seen a few fics where hes Welsh and got an accent and those fics have very special places in my heart for that reason alone but if he is canonically Welsh then theres one redeeming point if nothing else and i do love that cant lie
I have no idea who it was who decided that Remus was Welsh but i love you
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bookdragonbeth · 3 years
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I never post my own content but this meme was important enough to share
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bookdragonbeth · 3 years
au where jet doesn’t find out that zuko and iroh are fire nation and when he runs into the gaang he goes ‘oh by the way this is my new friend lee. we met on the ferry ride over here!’ and the gaang and zuko just like awkwardly stare at each other for a really long time
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