bookishly-kate · 3 years
As I was reading the cover, I was like oh nooo you’re def supposed to know these people... definitely did not expect it to be #7 though 😂
I didn’t even have the heart to tell him - maybe I should link him to my Goodreads TBR for future gift ideas 🤔
4 and 21 for the book asks!!
4) Did you discover any new authors that you love this year? I answered this once but I have more - Kate Elizabeth Russell, Maggie O’Farrell, Ilona Andrews, and Ibram X. Kendi.
21) What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations? So my most anticipated release, I’ve been anticipating it for like five years, was The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel and lmaooooo I haven’t read it since I got my copy in April. So idk.
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bookishly-kate · 3 years
Fun fact - my brother in law got me the 7th book in the Kate Daniels series for Christmas a few years ago (bless his heart, he thought it was a stand-alone). I was skeptical to start the first one until I saw you add it and give it a good rating this year on Goodreads and I thought “ok if Leslie likes it, it’s gotta be good”.
And it’s one of my favorite series now! So thanks for that ���️ I’m looking forward to exploring more works from Ilona Andrews.
4 and 21 for the book asks!!
4) Did you discover any new authors that you love this year? I answered this once but I have more - Kate Elizabeth Russell, Maggie O’Farrell, Ilona Andrews, and Ibram X. Kendi.
21) What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations? So my most anticipated release, I’ve been anticipating it for like five years, was The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel and lmaooooo I haven’t read it since I got my copy in April. So idk.
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bookishly-kate · 3 years
Facts, Fics, and FAQs
Hello, Tumblr! I’m finally getting around to creating a masterpost. 
I’m Lovesbitca8, AKA Julie, AKA Juls Beth. I’m a playwright, novelist, and fanfic writer for the Harry Potter and Star Wars fandom. I’m not taking any requests or prompts at this time for fanfiction. 
All of my works can be found on my AO3 profile. I also post most of my HP fics to Fanfiction.net and some to Wattpad. 
You can follow me on Twitter or Instagram as well as here on tumblr. There is a Facebook Group dedicated to discussing my works that I’m very active in called Rights & Wrongs. I am also on Discord as LovesBitca8#4198 and you can email me at [email protected]
Yes! I give you permission to bind my works, create art, translate my fics, write parody fics, or record podfics. 
Just send me the link (if applicable) when you are done. Audiobooks for The Right Thing To Do, All the Wrong Things, and The Auction have been started by The Audiobook Warriors. 
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I have to read The Right Thing To Do/All The Wrong Things before starting The Auction? A: It is not necessary to read TRTTD and ATWT before starting The Auction, but is it highly recommended.
Q: What order should I read the Rights and Wrongs series in? A: Suggested Order: The Right Thing To Do All the Wrong Things Birth Right (WIP) The Auction When What’s Right is Wrong (oneshot) Wrong Time, Wrong Place (oneshot) All Right (WIP)
Q: Are you writing a Draco POV for The Auction? A: I have no plans to write a Draco POV. It would be a very dark work, far darker than The Auction already is. Yes, I could only write the “happy, angsty, sexy parts,” but that doesn’t interest me at this time. I never intended for The Auction to have a Draco POV counterpart.
Q: Did you take down your Reylo fic The Food of Love? Can I still read it? A: I did remove it from AO3. I am turning it into an original novel! You can email me at [email protected] to get a copy of the fanfic PDF. 
Q: What does your username mean? A: It’s two great Buffy the Vampire Slayer quotes smashed together. See this post for an explanation. 
Q: What is the podcast? A: My Alpha team and I started a podcast called Austen, Bronte, and Hugo Walk Into a Bar for recapping Auction chapters and discussing the writing/editing process. We started it after posting chapter 29 and then went back to the beginning, so the episodes are “out of order” so to speak. 
List of Fics
Rights and Wrongs Series: The Right Thing To Do - rated E, 36/36 - 175,000 words All the Wrong Things - rated E, 24/24 - 160,000 words Birth Right (WIP) - rated T, 4/6 The Auction - rated E, 42/42 - 325,000 words When What’s Right is Wrong - rated E, oneshot - 5,000 words Wrong Time, Wrong Place - rated E, oneshot - 1,300 words All Right (WIP) - rated E, 6/? - drabble series
Good (WIP) - rated E, 2/8
Every Day, a Little Death - rated E, 11/11 - 67,000 words
Kiss Me, Haunt Me, Kill Me - rated T - 4,600 words
familiar faces, worn out places - rated E - 7,300 words
oh my god, they were roommates - rated E - 7,500 words
apples & cream - rated E - 1,400 words
Sock It to Me - rated E - 1,000 words
We’ll Always Have Paris… and Venice, and Moscow, and Amsterdam, and Perth, and Hong Kong, and New York, and Madrid - rated E - 4,800 words
I Think It Might - rated E - 6,000 words
Christmas Fics
A Stake of Holly Through His Heart - rated E, oneshot - 8,700 words
Ribbons Down Her Back - rated T, oneshot - 3,300 words
Mistletoe Woes - rated E, 3/3 - 7,700 words
brandy, apricot, and spice - rated T, oneshot - 2,000 words
The Food of Love - rated E, 12/12 - TAKEN DOWN - email me for a copy of the PDF
Diverging - rated E, 5/5, - 26,000 words
Nothing Nice to Say - rated E, oneshot - 3,900 words
He Made It Through the Wilderness (somehow he made it through) - rated E, oneshot - 6,700 words
Saving Mr. Wanks - rated E, oneshot - 6,700 words
chase all your cares away - rated E, oneshot - 4,600 words
by any other name - rated E, oneshot - 5,000 words
Podcasts I’ve Appeared On
Wine, Wands, & Waffling
Dramione Fanfiction Podcast (Spotify) (Apple)
Original Characters
Austen, Bronte, and Hugo Walk Into a Bar 
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
It’s been a long time since I was excited to read tog fics but damn if I’m not about to reblog this 10 times so we can have part 2
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Swipe Left {Rowaelin Fluff AU}
A/N: We’ve been writing some aaangsty shit lately, and we needed a break to get some fluff out. Enjoy!
As always, written along side the loml, @tacmc​.
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Attention, all passengers. All flights departing from Adarlan have been delayed, due to inclement weather. Please see the nearest information screen for more details.
Aelin dropped her head in her hands and groaned. She knew she should have taken the direct flight from Wendlyn to Terrasen, rather than booking the one with a layover in Adarlan. She knew she should have, but instead she decided to save a few bucks, and booked the cheaper flight, with the longer travel time.
And now Adarlan was experiencing some of the worst weather she’d ever seen.
As she looked around for an information board at her gate, a brilliant flash of lightning raced across the sky. The accompanying rumble of thunder shook the airport and Aelin begrudgingly accepted that grounding the flights may have been the right thing to do.
She sighed and pulled her phone out, noticing a text from Lysandra. She opened it, finding a picture of her feet shoved in the sand and a drink in her hands, with a text that read, Got my beach, got my beer. All I’m missing is you, bitch. What time do you get in?
She sighed and replied, Flights out of Adarlan we’re just grounded. No clue.
Her best friend’s response was short, sweet, and to the point:
Aelin laughed to herself, but closed out of her messages and began to peruse her social media apps, eventually opening Tinder.
She made a face, looking around the airport and thinking about how stupid it would be to thumb through her possible matches while in a another country. Especially one she wasn’t staying in for very long.
And then decided, why the hell not.
A blonde man who looked far too much like her cousin was the first that popped up.
No, definitely not.
Then a young man with striking blue eyes, raven black hair and a mischievous grin graced her screen. Mmm, maybe…, she thought to herself, scrolling down to read through his bio. Loves dogs, an avid reader, and-.
Nope, to the left he goes. A doctor. 
Aelin wasn’t sure she could handle dating another doctor.
On and on she went, finding a flaw in nearly every profile she looked at.
Muscle head. Swipe.
Drinks too much. Swipe.
Doesn’t drink enough. Swipe.
Too old. Swipe.
Too young, she thought, swiping left at the photo of a teen in his high school basketball uniform. He’d definitely lied about his age to get on here.
And then she was pinned in place by the most striking pair of green eyes she’d ever seen.
And those cheek bones, by the wyrd, she was jealous.
She scrolled through his pictures, wondering if the silver hair was natural or if he had to dye it to keep it that shimmering hue.
Gods, he was gorgeous. She looked through his pictures again, every single one of them a candid, but couldn’t help but hear that little voice in the back of her head.
What’s the catch?
He’s definitely too good to be true.
Scrolling down, she decided to read through his bio.
Rowan, 28
11th grade history teacher by day.
Whiskey aficionado and trivia extraordinaire by night.
Aelin blinked at the short and sweet description the man had written for himself and after swiping through his pictures one more time, decided there was no way this guy was real.
She was sure that whoever this Rowan guy was, he may have been an eleventh grade history teacher, and he may have been kickass at trivia, but there was no way in hell he looked like that. No, she was sure that was just some poor, unsuspecting model, with the most kissable, gorgeous face she’d ever seen, who’d had pictures lifted from his personal Instagram. She even thought about trying to reverse image search the model to see if she could figure out who he was. If she did, it would only be fair of her to let him know.
But until then, she wasn’t exactly in the mood to be catfished…again.
She swiped left, sending him to the pile of men she’d rejected.
“Ouch, so that’s a hard no, then?”
The voice came from behind her and Aelin whirled, so fast that her blonde hair fanned out around her.
That hair. Those eyes. That damn bone structure.
Aelin blinked. “I’m sorry, what?”
The man - Rowan, she realized - chuckled. “Can’t say it wasn’t entertaining watching you swipe left on the entire male population of Adarlan.” He smirked. “But after spending so long on mine, I thought you’d at least swipe right.”
Aelin was still stunned. “Fuck, you’re not a catfish?”
A silver brow arched and he chuckled again as he said, “No, definitely not a cat or a fish. All male.”
“So you teach teenagers?” She asked, gesturing to him. “So that’s your real job, even with a face like that?”
He asked, “A face like what?”
“You’re gorgeous,” Aelin said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, then she realized what she’d said. She covered her face with her hands, feeling her cheeks and the tips of her ears reddening.
But his grin only widened as his eyes narrowed, the most ridiculously handsome, smug look crossing over his face. “Do you judge everyone so harshly? What? I can’t be pretty and smart?”
Aelin’s hands slid off her face as she met his gaze, once again. “I never called you pretty.”
“But you called me gorgeous,” he countered, and at her scowl he breathed a laugh. “I’m Rowan.”
“I know,” she said, and held up her phone. “I cyber stalked you, remember?”
“Ah,” he said, leaning forward. “I can’t deny I did the same to you, Aelin.”
Oh, she liked the way her name sounded on his lips. His voice alone, that accent, had her toes curling.
“Did you swipe right?” She asked, slipping her phone in her back pocket.
Rowan smirked. “Guess you’ll never know, since you decided to swipe left.”
He adjusted the laptop case on his shoulder and winked, before walking over and sitting down at the closest plug, leaving Aelin staring.
How to unswipe left on tinder.
The question she typed in her browser mocked her and she sighed.
She picked at her unappetizing chicken - she thought it was chicken, at least - she’d picked up in the airport food court and looked around. The place was packed, travelers from everywhere stuck here until the storm passed. Almost every table was occupied, though she had gotten lucky and found one of the small ones by the wall. She was inclined to stay here until her flight finally departed, but she figured she could at least go to the bar until her flight and give someone else her table.
She was putting her trash on the tray, getting ready to get up when a head of silver hair sat down at the table across from her.
She blinked, watching his every movement as he plopped his tray down on the tabletop. He, unlike Aelin, went with burrito. After consuming her chicken…ish lunch, the burrito looked wonderful. She eyed it with envy.
“May I join you?” he asked, not bothering to wait for her to reply as he unwrapped the burrito from the foil and taking a bite.
Aelin opened her mouth to reply, but her lips snatched shut. She had already finished eating, was ready to go waste her time elsewhere. “I was headed to the bar.”
Rowan nodded, slowly, as he took another bite. He waited to swallow before asking, “So, first you swipe left, then you don’t want to eat with me? Apparently I need to take a hint. Then again…you did say I was gorgeous…so.” 
Aelin was caught somewhere between wanting to run and hide, and wanting to jump his bones. The latter was more appealing, but the former felt easier, all things considering. 
She pursed her lips. “Did you swipe, right?”
The gleam in his eye was wicked. “Have lunch with me.”
She exhaled through her nose. “Fine.”
Rowan raised an eyebrow. “Don’t act so excited about it.”
Aelin closed her eyes and sighed. She was being a bitch.
Well, she was a bitch, but she was letting her bitch show.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “You kind of…caught me on an off day.”
He looked around while he chewed,at their surroundings, at the people around them. “Yeah, I think we’re all having an off day.”
Aelin let Rowan eat, not asking him questions every few minutes, despite wanting to, though she did respond to his while he quietly ate.
He asked what she did for a living, she said she didn’t know because she was on the way home from graduating college. He asked what her degree was in, she said literature and English education.
He was balling up the aluminum foil and standing when he asked, “So you have a degree in education but you don’t know what you want to do for a living?”
They grabbed their various bags and carry-ons and she shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so.”
He said, obviously, “Have you thought about teaching?”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course, I have, but I have more passion for literature and English than I do for standing up in front of a classroom full of kids only to be disrespected and unappreciated.” 
Rowan looked at her, thoughtfully. “I had the same fear when I began, once I got my degree. But, I fucking love history, and my kids, for the most part, are great. If you choose to become an educator…well, the vibe of your classroom is in your hands.”
Aelin’s eyes narrowed but she didn’t protest. “Come get a drink with me.”
Rowan arched a brow. “Is this a date?”
Aelin put a hand on her hip. “Did you swipe right?”
He tilted his head. “Let me buy you a drink.”
“You said you’d tell me if I had lunch with you,” she laughed.
“I didn’t, actually.” He was smirking and Aelin wanted to wipe it off his handsome face, in whatever way she could. “I just mentioned that you should eat with me after I asked and you chose to.”
Aelin opened her mouth to disagree but then snapped it closed. He was right. “You tricked me.” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.
She stopped walking and he stopped and turned. She narrowed her eyes at him and said, “Tell me if you swiped right and I’ll have a drink with you.”
He smirked. “Deal.”
She crossed her arms, waiting.
Rowan just arched a brow. “Come on. I’ll tell you after the first drink.”
Aelin’s mouth fell open, but Rowan was walking away, down the terminal. Aelin wanted so desperately to grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he confessed, but she didn’t. Unable to control herself, she only walked after him, intrigued.
“What gate are you flying out of?” Rowan asked as she caught up to him. 
She knew exactly which gate it was, but she wanted to see if she could make him squirm. “C.”
She kept her head straight, didn’t glance over at him as he looked at her. She just asked, “You?”
That half smile returned and she knew that he knew she was trying to mess with him. “C, as well.”
They got to the bar and sat down, being waited in quickly, despite the larger than normal crowd. Aelin ordered a jack and coke and Rowan a 7&7.
The bartender gave them their ID’s back and said, “Thank you, and happy birthday, Miss Galathynius.”
She cringed as Rowan turned to look at her. “It’s your birthday?”
She lifted her hands and gave a half-assed attempt at spirit fingers. “Surprise.”
He stared at her for a moment before he said, “You should’ve said something.”
“What’s the point?” she muttered.
Rowan blinked, still watching her through his side-eye. “What do you mean?”
Aelin snorted as their drinks were slid in front of them. “I was supposed to be celebrating my birthday at home, with my best friend on the beach; but, instead, I’m here, stuck at the airport. I don’t even remember the last time I’ve had an interesting birthday.”
Rowan nodded. “If it makes you feel any better, I spent my last birthday in the hospital.”
“What?” Aelin asked, sipping her drink. “How?”
“Horrible food poisoning,” he laughed. “I’ve never been that sick in my life.”
Aelin shook her head. “Maybe we can celebrate our birthdays together.”
Rowan chuckled. “My birthday was five months ago.”
Aelin took another drink and set her glass down. “And?” She shrugged. “It’s someone’s birthday everyday. Why not make it yours?”
Rowan eyed her for a moment, his lips teasing the edge of his glass. Then, he said, “Alright. Fine. Today is both of our birthdays, what should we do?”
“Raise hell, obviously,” Aelin answered, shrugging, as she took a sip from her glass.
Rowan only grinned. “And what does raising hell look like to Aelin Galathynius?”
She smirked, but a thunder clap drew her attention to the windows they sat across from, to the storm raging outside. A crease formed between her brows. “Definitely doesn’t look like an extended layover in Adarlan.”
Rowan watched her, wanting to brush back the hair that slipped from behind her ear. He turned to the bartender and said, “Two shots of Gentleman’s.”
Aelin’s eyebrows raised. “Well, that’s one way to wake hell up.”
The small glasses were set in front of them and Rowan said, “To raising hell, Miss Galathynius.”
Aelin rolled her eyes and threw the shot back.
The bourbon warmed her entire body and she shook her head, blowing out a sharp breath. Rowan was watching her, a small smile on his face. He paid up their tab and they made their way over to the information board by the bar entrance.
“Has yours been updated?” Rowan asked, scanning the flights.
Aelin found hers instantly. “No, still just delayed.”
He nodded. “Mine too.”
“So,” she began. “What’s next on the birthday agenda?”
An easy smile spread across his face as he said, “Presents.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Presents?”
They walked over to one of the small convenience stores tucked in between the Starbucks and the restrooms. “Since today isn’t actually my birthday, I don’t get anything. But you do.”
She looked at the glorified gas station snacks lined up in the fancy shelving. “Oh goodie, a Snickers bar and the latest issue of Erilea Weekly.”
“Is that what you want?” He asked.
She laughed. “Not really. I don’t need anything though.”
“Everyone needs something on their birthday.” Aelin glanced up at him and he was looking down at her.
You could kiss me, she thought. That would be a pretty good gift.
Instead she said, “Okay, then surprise me.”
Rowan’s smile grew. “Gladly.”
Rowan took a step and Aelin followed, but then he froze, and blinked. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean what am I doing?” Aelin asked, taking a step back, confused.
But Rowan only arched a brow and grinned. “If I’m going to surprise you, you can’t see what I pick out. Go away.”
Aelin snorted but sighed. “Fine. My gate is C-17. I’ll be there when you’re done.”
Rowan’s smile was triumphant. “See you there.”
Aelin headed back to the gate, sitting by the window and watching the storms swirl around them. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. It was Lysandra, but no picture accompanied her text this time.
How goes the long, boring wait?
She sighed. Long and boring. I have company though.
The text immediately showed “Read” and the grey typing bubbles reappeared.
Company? How?
Where? The airport?
Is he hot?
How did you meet?
Aelin smirked and typed back. I swiped left on him.
The bubbles reappeared and left and reappeared. I’m not following.
He’s gorgeous, so after hardcore staring at this face, I decided I didn’t want to get catfished.
So I swiped left.
And then I turned around and found him standing there, looking just as pretty as his pictures.
She hit send and waited, anticipating Lysandra’s next question.
What’s his name??
She laughed, knowing that Lysandra was probably driving Aedion insane with her commentary.
She replied, Rowan. And no, I don’t have a last name, but I think he’s flying into Orynth and he’s a history teacher.
The message sent and Aelin waited for her reply. The message was read, but nothing came in.
Twenty minutes later, when Lysandra hadn’t texted back and Rowan hadn’t shown, Aelin began to chew on the inside of her cheek.
She suddenly felt ridiculous. Most likely, Rowan had used it as an excuse to get rid of her. They were strangers, and nothing more. He wanted to get her a gift? Bullshit. He probably thought it was pathetic that she was spending her birthday alone in an airport and was getting a laugh out of the whole scenario. 
Aelin rose to her feet with the intention of grabbing her bag and going to the ladies room just for something to do, but then she saw him coming toward her, a shopping bag in hand.
“Going somewhere?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
She dropped her purse back into the seat she’d been occupying. “Just to the ladies room.” She smiled sweetly, hoping he didn’t realize she’d been about to bail.
Granted, she thought he’d bailed on her.
He nodded. “Well, then, I’ll be here.”
He sat down in the spot next to the one she vacated and smiled at her.
Aelin began to walk away, but she turned and looked back at him. “By the way, you’re not, like, a serial killer that’s going to sell my organs on the black market, right?”
Rowan laughed, the sound rich and full and reminded Aelin of a bonfire on a crisp Autumn evening. “No, I’m not a serial killer and no, I won’t sell your organs on the black market.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Or the white market?”
He shook his head, chuckling, “How about this? I have no intention of causing you any bodily harm or removing your organs from where they already are.”
Aelin smiled and nodded, and continued into the bathroom. When she was washing her hands, her phone vibrated again and upon she pulling it from her pocket, she discovered why Lysandra had gone dark.
His name is Rowan Whitethorn. He’s twenty-eight, fit as fuck and looks like he could fuck you into a fit. He’s a teacher at Orynth Prep, where he’s also the coach of the varsity baseball team. His birthday is January seventh and he has a kitten named Snowball.
Aelin sighed and shook her head, laughing at her best friend.
You’re terrifying sometimes, you know that, right?
Her phone buzzed again.
Enjoy, bitch.
Then about twenty pictures flooded her inbox.
She had done a thorough job, Aelin had to admit. The few pictures she sent of Rowan shirtless certainly proved her “fit” comment. She didn’t feel the least bit shamed as she zoomed in on his washboard abs.
Aelin couldn’t help but stare, and gape, before she shoved her phone back into her pocket and went back out toward the gate, where Rowan was still sitting, scrolling through his phone. The second he sat her coming, his phone was put away.
“I was beginning to think you got lost,” he said, cocking his head to the side. 
Aelin cleared her throat. “I- yes, I did.”
His eyes flicked to the bathroom, which was a direct line to where he was sitting.
She sat and tucked the loose hairs behind her ears. “So what’s my present?”
She smiled and he couldn’t fight the tugging on the corners of his own lips. He handed her the shopping bag. “Happy birthday, Aelin.”
She opened it up, first pulling out a stuffed teddy bear, that was red and gold, the colors of Adarlan’s flag. In the center of its stomach was a big gold heart. She laughed. “Cute.”
He shrugged as if to say, I know.
She reached in and pulled out a t-shirt that read I’d rather be spending my birthday on the beach, but I’m stuck with a hot piece of ass at the airport.
Aelin threw her head back and laughed. “Where did you find this?”
He was chuckling himself. “You can convince people to make anything for the right price.”
She shook her head and pulled the last item out of the bag. It was a glass shot glass. Aelin didn’t even read the text printed, because Rowan said, “I was hoping you’d take a shot on me and let me take you to dinner.”
Aelin stared at him, blinked, then howled. Rowan watched her as she laughed, heartily, his slow grin spreading.
Once she calmed down, she wiped at her eyes and said, “Well, I can’t say no to that, can I?”
Rowan’s eyes were soft as he said, “I was hoping not.”
Aelin put her gifts back in the bag and said, “Thank you, really. This was sweet.”
“You’re welcome,” he said, softly. “Is that a yes to dinner, then?”
She smiled, and took his hand, resting on his lap. “It’s a date.”
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
I apologized to my husband for being less patient this week because ya know, I’m emotionally tired. And he said “I would really prefer if you went back to being more patient. Patient Katie is nice...”
keeping it together for 11 weeks and then having a breakdown over something stupid in week 12 because I wasn’t actually keeping it together is my quarantine mood
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
Aelin-Godkiller’s 2019 Year In Books
This is very late, but better late than never!
Here is my official Goodreads report, though it’s not counting my last book of the year currently, which annoys me to great lengths. I read 93 books, and was 7 books shy of my goal of 100.
All links go to my reviews on GR, though not every book got a review.
First Book of the Year:  a reread of Crystal Crowned by Elise Kova
Last Book of the Year: Get a Life Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
Worst Books of the Year:
1. The Kiss Thief by LJ Shen. This may in fact be the worst book I’ve ever read in my entire life. It’s rampant abuse marketed as romance. Do not read this.
2. Red Rising by Pierce Brown. Look, I only read 20% of this but life is too short. It’s terrible and I would rather eat a foot than read this. Also, for a series that treats women so abysmally, I don’t get why Brown has so many young female fans. Oh wait, it’s because he’s hot. Whatever.
3. Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas Idk, I just hated this so much. Nothing happened. The most interesting aspect of it was the historical farming information. I am not kidding. 
4. The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan This had a circus in it, which I hate, and gave off extremely odd creepy vibes. I dnf’d at 100 pages.
5. One Tiny Lie by KA Tucker. God Tucker disappoints aside from The Simple Wild. This was ridiculous and melodramatic at all times.
6. Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren. I came to really enjoy their books this year but fuck if their early books aren’t…misogynistic trash heaps.
Best Romance of the Year:
1. Red White & Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston. This was just a delight all around and I need to reread it asap. It captured millennial queerness in a way I didn’t think was possible.
2. The Bride Test by Helen Hoang. AHHHH OMG. those are my feelings on this book. perfectly sweet, funny, sexy, and heart warming. not a note here is off beat and Hoang’s notes about her mother inspiring this story really touched me.
3. The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren. CL finally hit it out of the park for me. This was sweet all the way around, and I read it on vacation, which helped. The only complaint is that the sex was fade to black and they can really write sex well so…why not lol.
4. Arrogant Devil by RS Grey. This book really meant a lot to me. It dealt with recover from abuse in the kindest, funniest way, and the sex scenes were wonderful. Solidified Grey as a must buy for me.
5. Coldhearted Boss by RS Grey. Grey does her best work in rural settings I think. This was just so funny and cute and ack, A perfect contemporary.
6. The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite. This was the feminist, queer, sexy historical I needed this year and always.
7. 99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne. I need to give this a reread, but fuck, no one writes about love and all it’s weird wildness like Thorne. She is so talented and this made me…vaguely sad because of how damn good it was. Book hangover only cured by rereading the hating game. 
8. Things You Save In A Fire by Katherine Center. I just adored this so entirely, and it is such an emotional ride of a book. I consider this more women’s fiction than romance tbh, but it’s billed as romance so here it goes.
Best Fantasy of the Year:
1. City of Brass and Kingdom of Copper by SA Chakraborty. yalllll these are fucking insanely good. cannot rec them enough!! Chakraborty manages to make intensely political fantasy with complex world building also exciting, fast paced, and twisty. Oh and there’s a romance or two in here that will make you ache.
3. The Wicked King by Holly Black. This book made me a jude and cardan STAN. It made me love this series. it fucked with my head. It was magnificent on every level.
3. Sapphire Flames by Ilona Andrews. I would read their grocery lists, as you all know, but Catalina’s story in particular gets to me. She’s such an interesting character, and this book includes everything Andrews always excels at. Action, romance, world building, cool as hell magic and exciting fight scenes. 
4. A Darker Shade of Magic/A Gathering of Shadows/The entire shades of magic series by VE Schwab. How did it take me so long to read these. past Lucia you are a dumb bitch.
5. Kindred by Octavia Butler. My short review says it all “One of the best books I have ever read. I’m blown away. Review to come (if I manage to ever put my feelings for this masterpiece into words!)”
Top Ten of the Year- ranked from best on wards:
1. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. This is a book that will stick with me forever. I love Amy. I hate Nick. I hate Amy sometimes too. Flynn manipulated me successfully and I bow before her skill. One of the best, most intensely character driven books I have ever read. Made me reflect on my own experiences dating men. Definitely will be rereading at some point.
2. Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. I already said why I love this so much, but to add, this is a book I’d rec to literally anyone and everyone. I want to buy it for everyone and shove it at them screaming.
3. The Kingdom of Copper by SA Chakraborty. This book and series is just magnificent and the third book probably tops my anticipated releases for next year, at least in terms of series.
4. The Wicked King by Holly Black
5. The Priory of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
6. The Bride Test by Helen Hoang
7. Kindred by Octavia Butler
8. Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkinds Reid. I gave this 4/5 because of some stuff having to do with the resolution, but there is no denying that it will stick with me forever. It’s just such an enjoyable, emotional book.
9. The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
10. Things You Save In a Fire by Katherine Center
Reading goals for next year:
70 books total
read more women of color authors.
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
Ok I just devoured the first 300 pages of KoA because I was SO GODDAM STRESSED.
Like every time I thought of putting it down, I’d read the first line of the next chapter and be like oH ShiT I forgot they were in DANGER.
Someone send help...
Y’all. I just finished Tower of Dawn and I wish I hadn’t waited so long because it’s so good??? I was not prepared... why didn’t I think it would be good!?
And now that I’m finally through, I just want to yell about it but there’s no one to yell at but my husband who is Not Into It 😂😂
I’m about to go crack the spine of Kingdom of Ash. Wish me luck🤞
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
Y’all. I just finished Tower of Dawn and I wish I hadn’t waited so long because it’s so good??? I was not prepared... why didn’t I think it would be good!?
And now that I’m finally through, I just want to yell about it but there’s no one to yell at but my husband who is Not Into It 😂😂
I’m about to go crack the spine of Kingdom of Ash. Wish me luck🤞
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
A Loveless Romantic - feysand 1
Rhysand and his neighbor were content in their mutual dislike. When his neighbor moves his fiancée in, Rhys can’t ignore the sounds of discord coming from next door.
AO3 | notes: idk how long this will be or how often I’ll update! I’m just being up to my usual bullshit! But this is based on the neighbor prompt “I always hear you fighting with your s/o and at first I was annoyed at the yelling, but now i’m concerned for you” so yeah!
Looking in the mirror above his bathroom sink, Rhysand Chevalier felt the curves of his jaw, wondering if he should do as his cousin suggested and get rid of the stubble. After glancing at the watch on his wrist, he decided that he didn’t have enough time that morning, and would face her scorn one more day.
Working with Morrigan was a delight and a trial, but Rhys wouldn’t have it any other way. Walking into his office every morning he was sure to find her perched on the edge of his desk, nose buried in files and ready to tell him exactly what was wrong with his subsidiaries and foreign branches, and what she was going to do to fix all of his problems. She could just fix them without so many details, but Morrigan wanted him to know exactly how hard she was working, proving that she was worth every dollar and every annual raise he gave her.
After being seated at his desk, coffee hot and ready, Rhys would, at turns, expect to hear from Cassian, Azriel, and Amren, though communication from Az would likely come via messenger. They were his colleagues and his friends, more like family than his actual family had been. And they were the reason that he was able to gather energy to step foot out of his front door every day. They were his bulwark against the storm that was Velaris, and the only group of people he could rely upon.
A rather chilly relationship with his next door neighbor, however, had never seemed capable of remedy. Various overtures had been made, drinks mulled over and evenings spent together musing over what it was like to be captains of industry and lords of all they surveyed. But nothing would bring Rhys into a closer friendship with the person who slept and lived and dreamed on the other side of the wall separating their apartments.
Scrutinizing himself in the mirror, Rhys shrugged. If he was honest, his neighbor was an asshole, anyway. No love lost, there. There would, however, be a much bigger problem if he was late for his meeting with Kallias. Pushing back from the sink, Rhysand ran a towel over his face and threw it on the counter before turning towards his closet. Running a finger from one black suit to another, he pulled one from its hanger and completed his morning ritual of preparing for work.
Stepping out of his door, Rhysand’s thoughts were too full recounting his tasks for the day to remember such mundane items as keys. As the door clicked shut behind him, he let out a quiet curse. He might have had his keys with him, or he might have left them in the ceramic tray just on the other side of the door, inches away yet impossible to reach.
Wondering how much later he would be to work, Rhysand turned around as he patted his clothing. He worked his way through the series of pockets in his wool coat and reminded himself to thank Mor for the gift she’d given him on Starfall. She’d hinted that it was from some special tailor on the Continent and quite expensive, and Rhysand wondered if they had charged by the pocket.
Giving up on his coat and reaching to his pants pocket, Rhysand finally felt the outline of his keys and murmured, “there you are.”
Looking down as he was, distracted by the fear that he had just locked himself out of his apartment, he couldn’t see the woman who had just turned a corner. Even if he had known he wasn’t alone, he wasn’t prepared to be run into by a rather large box.
“Oh, shit!” A woman took a step away from him, or rather bounced off of him as they collided. She was rather disheveled, and could barely see over the box she carried.
“I’ve been looking for you,” Rhysand said, pulling his keys from his pocket, then he blinked and refocused his attention on the woman he had accidentally spoken to. Her face was free of makeup and she wore plain clothing made of a simple homespun shirt and pants. Certainly she didn’t look like one of the residents of that exclusive address, and Rhysand wondered how she had found her way to his front door.
Keep reading
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
Top ten books of the decade
Thanks for the tag, @bookofmirth!!
Rules are simple:
list 10 books that you either loved or that particularly shaped your life over the last decade.
the books do not have to have been published in the last 10 years, they just need to be something you either read or reread in the last decade.
I’m not posting in any particular order since ranking things is hard.
Feel free to add explanations as I did.
This list took some thought since I didn’t start my Goodreads account until 2018, but I really enjoyed thinking back on my biggest moments and what I was reading at the time.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - I read this in my senior year of high school and at the time, watching Sense and Sensability and the 2005 P&P with my mom and sister were already loved traditions. The book captured my imagination and I come back to it when I want to get a little lost in the romance.
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - I started reading this on a break from my Freshman year of college. I still remember taking a snack break and telling my mom Rue and Katniss had just become friends and I hoped she didn’t die. My mom’s poker face is incredible - that dream was crushed not 15 min later.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling - My sophomore year of college was really trying for me - it was full of math and logic analysis and I was drowning. I asked my 10 year old brother to find all of my HP books and give them to me for Christmas and I decided to do a reread over break. It reminded me that I love reading and I could make a little time each day for something I love.
Allegiant by Veronica Roth - This is the first book whose ending surprised me and I felt the pain more deeply than anything I’d ever felt before. I sobbed for what felt days and still get sad when I think about it.
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas - SJM’s books got me out of a reading slump but it was ACOMAF and the promise of ACOWAR that drove me to tumblr and this wonderful community.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - This book was enchanting and I just love the story.
The Deal by Elle Kennedy - This was my first dive into the romance genre. I found I loved the format and I’ve read many, many more books that I never would have given the chance before. They’re comforting at times when I can’t find the energy for any deep reading.
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen - Another comfort from my teenage years that I reread often. This particular one is good for reminding me that bad things happen but you have to live and embrace the chaos.
Physiology by Berne & Levy - While not a novel, this book signaled my return to academia. It’s the first textbook I had to read for my Masters and I’ll keep it forever.
I’m going to cheat for the last book - I’ve spent the majority of the last two years in and out of reading slumps but one constant has been reading amazing fanfics on AO3. I’ll forever be grateful and a little in awe of those stories and the time, creativity, and skill that go into them for free. I may not be the most vocal reader but if you’re a fanfic writer - THANK YOU!
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bookishly-kate · 4 years
2020 book releases
Every year I do these, and every year I have to revise them because I hear about more books. These are generally organized by adult and YA, and by (U.S.) release date. Then I noted what genre they are. Feel free to add on in reblogs! Bold are my most anticipated, and I put a * if there is queer rep, because I’m like that.
Adult releases:
Come Tumbling Down, by Seanan McGuire (fantasy, Jan. 7th)*
A Beginning At the End, by Mike Chen (speculative, Jan. 14th)
Upright Women Wanted, by Sarah Gailey (speculative, Feb. 4th)*
Escape Routes, by Naomi Ishiguro (short stories, Feb. 6th)
House of Trelawney, by Hannah Rothschild (contemporary, Feb. 11th)
The Mirror and The Light, by Hilary Mantel (historical, March) (been waiting five years for this, nbd)
House of Earth and Blood, by Sarah J. Maas (fantasy, March 3rd)
Glass Town, by Isabel Greenberg (graphic, March 3rd)
The Companions, by Katie M. Flynn (sci-fi, March 3rd)
My Dark Vanessa, by Kate Elizabeth Russell (literary, March 10th)
The Glass Hotel, by Emily St. John Mandel (literary, March 24th)
The City We Became, by N.K. Jemisin (sci-fi, March 24th)
Death In Her Hands, by Otessa Moshfegh (literary, April 21st)
The Switch, by Beth O’Leary (romance, April 30th)
Second First Impressions, by Sally Thorne (romance, May 19th)
Something to Talk About, by Meryl Wilsner (romance, June)*
Harrow the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir (sci-fi/fantasy, June 2nd)*
The Empire of Gold, by S.A. Chakraborty (AHHHHH, fantasy, June 30th)*
Sisters, by Daisy Johnson (literary, July 2nd)
Empire of the Vampire, by Jay Kristoff (fantasy, Sept. 3rd)
The Stormlight Archive 4 (The Rhythm of War? fantasy, Nov. 17th)
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, by VE Schwab (fantasy, fall)
A Day Like Today, by Sarah Moss (literary, no date)
YA releases:
Blood Countess, by Lana Popovic (fantasy, Jan. 28th)*
The King of Crows, by Libba Bray (historical fantasy, Feb. 4th)
Yes No Maybe So, by Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed (contemporary, Feb. 4th)
Witches of Ash and Ruin, by E. Latimer (fantasy, March 3rd)*
Be Not Far From Me, by Mindy McGinnis (contemporary? mystery? March 3rd)
The Midnight Lie, by Marie Rutkoski (SCREECH, March 3rd)
Bone Crier’s Moon, by Kathryn Purdie (fantasy, March 10th)
A Field Guide to Getting Lost, by Joy McCullough (technically middle grade, April 14th)
The Deck of Omens, by Christina Lynn Herman (fantasy, April 21st)*
Girl, Serpent, Thorn, by Melissa Bashardoust (fantasy, May 12th)*
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, by Suzanne Collins (speculative, May 19th)
My Calamity Jane, by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows (historical, June 2nd)
The Damned, by Renee Ahdieh (fantasy, June 9th)
A Peculiar Peril, by Jeff Vandermeer (sci-fi, July 7th)
A Nobelman’s Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks, by Mackenzi Lee (historical, Aug. 18th)*
The Silvered Serpents, by Roshani Chokshi (historical fantasy, Sept. 22nd)
Bridge of Souls, by Victoria Schwab (middle grade, fall)
World of Throne of Glass, by Sarah J. Maas (fall?)
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bookishly-kate · 5 years
Lol this is what I get for waiting to submit an ask 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I love seeing what people view as their greatest achievements other than the normal degree/career/family!
Any tips for started to read a book in another language? I never feel I know enough to try
Supergiant andddd Uranus! (Am I immature for giggle to myself as I typed that? Yes.)
lol poor Uranus. 
Uranus- What would you say is your greatest achievement? I answered this one but since I have achieved more than one (1) thing in my life: one of the things I’m proudest of is the first time I ever read a book in French because it was one of my goals in life. Teen me was a huge snob who didn’t want to read a translation, she wanted to read in the original French.
Supergiant- What’s something you like about yourself? I answered this one too lol but I have more than one thing I like about myself so - I like my kindness because it’s something I try really hard at. 😊 
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bookishly-kate · 5 years
It can be really scary to put yourself out there, especially about something you really enjoy. But you never know until you try, right?
And if you don’t get good reception over there, it’s ok because you know you’re still welcome over here!! You got this.
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H.A. - Hi! Another fandom question (and please tell me if I'm being annoying, I'm serious.) There's a new fandom that I want to enter (it's kind of dying out, though) and I'm a bit scared that I'll sound annoying or that my opinions will be unwanted, or just, well, that no one will like me. This fandom has been really welcoming for the most part, and I'm not sure if I'll really fit into this other one. Can I please have some advice?
There’s not much to do except start posting! Use the proper hashtags so people can find you. Don’t expect a ton of response right away, especially if the fandom is slow. It’s not personal, sometimes there’s a sea of people talking and it takes them a while to notice you. Fandom is also an occasionally volatile space so people might be hesitant to interact with newcomers until they prove they aren’t super rude or something (aka me, I almost never interact with new people because I feel comfortable with the people I know).
You could also try to dm some people you want to chat with. Then it wouldn’t feel quite so much like yelling into the void. 😊 You’ll find your people eventually! I’m sure I annoy people but it’s whatever. I always feel weird posting about something in one of my not-usual fandoms because you never know what the mood is but people will either respond or they won’t and that’s just how it is! It might take a few months to figure out what sort of opinions or content people are interested in interacting with.
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bookishly-kate · 5 years
Ok but I would read the hell out of this?
1) Nell is a badass name
2) you used the words perfunctory and fecund and I’m weirdly excited? Maybe I need to read some more challenging books if cool vocal gets my adrenaline pumping 😂😂
3) please tell me Nell is the one in the house cause I love the idea that she’s struggling with the responsibility
4) is this a dragon...? Please let it be a dragon
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for @anabelkay because she asked
Amongst the soil and the blades of grass, the pebbles and the loam and the detritus of neighbors long gone, something was pushing its way out of the ground in the yard at 318 Clark Street.
Shelly left the warm paper smell of the library and frowned. She had no inkling that a foreign object was in her midst, one that had the power to wreck and ruin. But she would soon find out that she was the only one with the ability to stop its terrible path.
Because she was the only one willing to believe.
Far away, Nell Greene waited. A red ring stained her wineglass from where she had forgotten to drink. She blinked in a perfunctory manner, some animal instinct caring for her when she could not herself.
Tired. She was oh so tired of waiting. Let it be done already, and let the responsibility fall from her shoulders, once and for all. Then she could finally say that she had failed.
In another part of the country an ancient creature stirred, glutted on sleep and eager to expend its pent up energy. It stretched its limbs and curled its fingers, counting them one by one and smiling to think of days when it had merely to look in a particular direction and have its wishes granted.
Stretching to its full length, the creature breathed in deep. The air around it was dank and warm, wet and fecund in a way that could only mean decay had recently visited. It may have been an offering but was more likely happenstance. No one remembered it to appease it any longer, but they would soon enough.
There was no need to hurry. All prey came to it, eventually.
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bookishly-kate · 5 years
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bookishly-kate · 5 years
I’m like this too!!! And I also think it stems from my lack of imagination 😂 in middle school, a teacher drew a box on the board and said to think outside of it and I spent the entire lesson fixated on the edges of the box. I’m the same way with books - the author put the story there and I can’t think outside those lines.
But this is why I love fanfiction. Other people CAN think outside the box and they show me different flavors of what’s possible and my understanding of the world or the characters is richer from those glimpses.
But I will never be a creator of content because I just can’t get out of the box.
So, I love to read and I definitely have favorite books and characters and ones I dislike too.
But, I find it hard to get involved past that. I see so many wonderful posts on here about character motivations and character analysis and lots of in depth insights that I could never think of and I absolutely love to read these.
But I don't seem capable of doing it. When I think about a book it is more about what the author wrote.
I don't really question motivations or all the possibilities if the character had made a different choice because it isn't possible for me. All the characters did what they did because they were written that way. Things couldn't have been different because the author didn't intend for them to be.
Like when I see people get upset about character actions or happy about them, I'm unable to do that. Again, yeah I like and love characters, but I don't really dive too deep to get deeper emotions because it's meant to be that way. The character was always going to do that shitty or great thing and the story was always going to unfold this way.
I feel like I'm explaining it horribly. I wish I did see it differently. I feel that if I did I could have better discussions about books.
Does any of this make sense? Maybe I lack real imagination.
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bookishly-kate · 5 years
Spooptober Readathon -*Completed*
In typical fashion, I extended my Spooptober Readathon 3 extra days because I wasn’t done and *technically* this weekend was when a lot of adults celebrated Halloween. Yeah, that sounds legit...
Here’s how I did:
Frankenstein: 3/5 I thoroughly enjoyed the audiobook for this but I struggled with the level of drama sometimes
A Bone to Pick: 2/5 I’m a little disappointed with these books... the main character in the Hallmark movies is smart and curious and actively contributes to solving the mysteries. But in the books, she’s just boring and things just happen to her? Left me frustrated that I couldn’t puzzle out who dunnit because the narrator wasn’t even contemplating the clues
Gotham Academy: 4/5 super cute, held my attention and wasn’t the least bit spooky (which was good for me). I may pick up the next volume
Ghost Bride: 4/5 I also listened to this as an audiobook and I think I got more out of the setting and mystery than if I’d tried to read it. It was captivating and even my husband thought it was dope.
I didn’t even start the 5th book on my TBR - sometimes it be like that. But I got further than I realistically expected of myself, and for that, I’m proud!
Thanks to @bookofmirth for hosting - I’d totally be down for another one in a few months!!
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