bookofancientsouls · 2 years
Hanako-kun x sad reader
I see no reason to lie here, this started out as a comfort for myself since I was feeling a bit down today. The ending gets a little choppy, not to mention this is my first time posting something I’ve written. Scary times.
Please enjoy my lovely darlings. 
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Warnings? General sad themes
Word count: 674
You always had been close to very few people—the ones who didn't leave you behind at least. Slowly, your smile began to fade along with grades taking a hard swan dive into the bubbling mass of sorrow, misery, and repressed fury, burning in the ravine where once a heart of passion and kindness beat proudly. Smiling felt like trying to plant a flower in concrete, a nonexistent, pointless, and brainless endeavor. A vibrant soul deadened by its own thoughts. 
One thing kept you diverted from desperation's savage jaws. It was the Phantom on the third floor. He is one of the only friends you have. Sure, he could be an all-out prick at times, but that ghostly prick was the only one who could crack your stone-cold face. 
So, after a brimful day of failed tests, a mental breakdown, and an oreo, your mind was drained, unable to work another complex thought. Soon aching feet brought you up the stairs, a bag gripped in hand. The scent swept by your nose, pleading the tongue just for one small taste. 
Before temptation had been breached, your feet had brought you in front of the girl's bathroom. Were awaited a certain boy, cards in hand, distracted from the game held with the mokke. Ember eyes darted towards the door hearing it squeak as you pushed it open. Hanako allowed the cards to flutter down and pile upon the widow seal. 
He was just about to scold you for leaving Yashiro to clean all by herself. Then he stopped, you didn’t seem right, a little scruffier than normal. 
 “(Y/n) where have-”
He paused mid-sentence, the smell of the freshly baked treats snatching his attention. Now those large eyes connected with yours. A soft chuckle escaped you, holding up the bag. With furrowed brows, he took the bag before setting it off to the side. Next, cold hands intertwined themselves into yours. A stern line took the place of Hanako's signature smile. A confused expression spread like a plague on your face, eyes locked onto the dead boy. You moved to speak, but the seventh wonder had beaten you to it. 
“Where have you been?”
“Please don't lie, (y/n)”
The pressure began to build itself behind your eyes, in your throat, gripping at your lungs. That feeling dared you to speak, dared you to utter a single thought that beat you senseless in the night. 
The corners of your mouth up turned into a smirk as hands bolted into the comfort of your pockets. 
“Been busy” you replied, shoulders shrugged before taking a step backward, pulling out of Hanako's grasp. The ghost had known better, after all, he could read you like an open book. You had been friends far too long for him not to. Before you knew it your thoughts engulfed you once more.
 He was on to you.
He would call you worthless, weak for crying over the stupidest of things, that you could never do a damn thing right, just like everyone else had. The tears felt like a battering ram against your eyelids. It began to physically hurt to hold back as your thoughts ate you alive. Now you had been violently jerked out of the cage your thoughts build around you, by Hanako, his arms wrapped tightly around you. By this point the tears had burst through, soaking your face. Your voice cracked, arms hovering right above Hanako’s back, still refusing to give into these emotions. 
“I’m not going to force you to talk about it, but please, stay here until you feel better”
He wiped away your tears, before pinching your cheeks making you laugh. Now he turned his attention toward the bag you had brought with you. Reaching in it, he pulled out one of the many plain donuts that still remained warm. You took it and swiftly took a bite, savoring the soft texture. You moved to sit on the floor, Hanako sitting beside you. This may not be much, but this was home.
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bookofancientsouls · 2 years
Holy shit I might accidentally post today, the writing vibes are too strong not to.
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bookofancientsouls · 3 years
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bookofancientsouls · 3 years
I finally bit the bullet and did it. I now have a writing blog.
what I will NOT write for:
- Necrophila
- Pedophilia
- Fetishes
- probably more added later on
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