bookofshadowsonline · 6 years
speaking as a Jew, i’m extra-super dubious of all that stuff that talks about cartoon witches being an antisemitic stereotype. I can get where the thing with the nose is coming from, but the claims about the hats are based on flimsy claims that require a lot of mental reaching. The hats that Jews were forced to wear were not a universal thing, and I’ve yet to see any evidence that they were part of the cultural consciousness by the time the image of the pointy-hatted witch became common.
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bookofshadowsonline · 6 years
How to perform the great rite of banishing:
Be sure you really want this item gone forever
Locate the item you wish to permanently banish to the spirit realm
Think “I don’t want to lose this, I should put it somewhere sensible”
Put it somewhere sensible.
It is done, the item is gone from your life forever.
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bookofshadowsonline · 6 years
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bookofshadowsonline · 6 years
I think I’m leaning towards the Psychological/Biological theories, with a small touch of Quantum.  Because everything psychological is a record playing on a biological player, really, and made up of quantum stuff.  Still, definitely nice to have this list to think about.
Theories on how magick works:
These are a couple theories on how magick works from different practitioners understandings. By understanding these theories you will be able to get a better grasp on magick as a whole through the understandings that people have found magick to react, and/or be initiated by. None of these theories are wrong, or right, and may just be parts of the same understanding, so getting to know them in their ins, and outs will not only allow you to help understand the paradigms that use them, it may also help you better your own practice by allowing you to look at things you might have missed. These are in no shape, or form all of the theories, but they are at least the more popular ones. Theories on how magick works:
Energetic Theory: Energetic theory has the understanding that magick works by raising specific universal spiritual energy through the act of using tools, the practitioner’s inner power, or even the energies from other entities, and that the practitioner will be able to gather it, and use their intention in order to give it instructions on what it should do, or manifest. Just by taking this energy, and intending, and directing it towards our goal will allow that gold to manifest. This theory is also very connected to the understanding of a spiritual energy that permeates throughout all of existence in every single construct, and entity, and that this energy can be manipulated, or worked with through intention. In this theory any entity that has intention can harness, and control energy to do magick. Consciousness Theory: Consciousness theory has the understanding that magick works by focusing the will of our consciousness upon what we desire, then reality will move in that direction, and will allow it to manifest, because of our connection to consciousness as a whole. All consciousness is seen as connected, and by setting forth are will in that consciousness we will be able to manifest our realities. Whatever thoughts that the practitioner holds in their mind will affect not only the practitioner, but the world around the practitioner. By focusing and mastering the mind one can tap into their consciousness, and subconsciousness to imprint focus upon certain desires, so that they will manifest in the world around them. This understanding is also very connected to the understanding of the universal mind, collective consciousness, and the idea that everything is consciousness. In this theory any entity that has consciousness can focus it to do magick. Entity Theory: Entity theory has the understanding that magick works by gaining favor with, or appeasing certain entity, or entities in existence, one will be able to manifest their will, if the entity, or entities, so choose to help the practitioner. These can be any form of entity, or entities that can be communicated with such as deities, angels, demons, spirits, ancestors, animistic spirits, source, and/or the universe. Once these entities are appeased, or that the practitioner have favor with them they are said to go through the act of acting out their will. In this understanding there may be a hierarchy of entities where the top would send entities from the bottom to actually manifest the desires. In this theory any entity that can communicate with higher powers, or other entities will have the potential to do magick. Psychological Theory: Psychological theory has the understanding that magick works through the act of deceiving, or redirecting how the practitioner thinks, or believes about something in order to push the practitioner towards there desire. This is based on the premise in which once reality is changed completely based off what they think, and/or believe. By thinking, or believing certain things their reality changes allowing their will to be achieved through a different train of thought. One would use spells and rituals in order to create new mental thought patterns which would allow the practitioner to bring forth, or push themselves towards their desire. One may use magickal items to remind them of what their will is, and to imprinted in their conscious, and subconscious mind. Some may even see this as a form of self hypnosis, or as a way to trigger the placebo effect in themselves. Tools are seen as a way of focusing their will upon their intention, and will be things that will draw the practitioner to thinking, or acting in a way in order to align themselves with their goal. In this theory any entity that has a mind, and can change how that mind thinks, or believes can do magick. Biological Theory: Through the act of controlling our emotions, thoughts, and physical factors one will initiate chemical reactions that will allow the practitioner to trigger the release of specific physical energies which will then be able to go forth, and manifest one’s goal. This would be like wanting to be able to go to sleep easier, so the practitioner would focus on sleep allowing the melatonin in their body to be triggered, and activated allowing the practitioner to go to sleep easier. This understanding sees magick is all biological, and created by controlling biological forces in the body from different chemicals to the bioelectromagnetic field around the practitioner. In this theory any biological entity has the potential to do magick.
Quantum Explanation Theory: Quantum explanation theory has the understanding that magick works by using the will to interact with the mechanics of the universe in order to manifest the desire of the practitioner. The mind of the practitioner is used in order to interact with, and change the behavior of subatomic particles, and energy fields within space/time. Through interacting with the fundamental quantum mechanics one will make changes on the very basic level of being which will in turn react with the greater whole of existence in order to manifest one’s desires, and will. In this theory any practitioner who can access, and interact with quantum mechanics of the universe through their will has the potential to perform magick. Faith Theory: Faith theory has the understanding that magick works by having faith, and by believing that something will manifest, if the practitioner thinks about it positively. This theory is based around the premise that all the practitioner needs to do is believe in order to manifest anything. In this theory any entity that can have faith in what they are doing will be able to manifest their magick. Eclectic, and Syncretic Theory: Eclectic, and syncretic theory has the understanding that magick works through a combination of multiple, or all other theories, whether it is through bringing them all together to form an amalgamation of the theories, or if it is done through paradigm shiftings. This theory encompasses all, or some theories of how magick works, and uses them together or separately to explain its mechanics.
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bookofshadowsonline · 6 years
Nerdy Witch Idea
Use molecular structures as sigils. For example, I’m trying out a DMT molecule for enhanced dreams/visions. One could also try a melatonin molecule for sleep, or a dopamine molecule for happiness. Or use the molecular structure of a crystal or herb with the properties you need. The possibilities are endless!
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bookofshadowsonline · 6 years
Reasons why science & witchcraft are the same #2
When you do science you have a book of everything you do, protocols,  dates and times of experiments, notes, results, changes you make, and generally weird formulas and words other people don’t really understand.
When you do witchcraft you have a book of everything you do, spells, recipes, sigils, dates and records of spells, notes, results, updates, and generally weird symbols and words other people don’t really understand.
[my lab book, book of shadows/grimoire, and recipe notebook are all basically in the same format. except one has decidedly more rambling and over-emotional flailing.]
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
The primary use of essential oils is to smell good.  If you’re using it for something else, CONSULT A PHYSICIAN FIRST.  You never know what’s in them that you’re going to be allergic to, or will interact poorly with something you’re already taking, or will cause the exact opposite reaction from what you’re looking to happen.
I don’t CARE what your correspondence list says - you don’t KNOW what’s in that oil, and it’s an almost entirely unregulated market.  You could poison yourself, or your pets, or someone else you’re trying to help.  Unless you made it yourself, treat it as suspect.  And even if you made it yourself, CHECK AND DOUBLE-CHECK the toxicology!  You don’t want to find out via an expensive vet or hospital trip that it wasn’t safe for skin or ingestion.
If in doubt, just put it in a diffuser and use it for its primary purpose - smelling good.  There’s NOTHING that requires you to ingest or wear the oil, for magical or naturopathic purposes, and even holistic practitioners recommend that you talk to a doctor before attempting to consume any form of essential oil.  Specifically, the Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians states:
“...internal application of any type is not recommended by the professional aromatherapy associations.”
There’s a reason this stuff exists for aromatherapy.
I’m wandering around Whole Foods unattended (left the bae sleeping) and there’s a person here doing a demonstration on the uses for essential oils around the home and I may have to fight them.
Just for the record, tea tree oil is toxic to dogs and cats and you should not “drop a few drops on their bed to disinfect it”. Tea tree oil is only safe for your pets when thoroughly diluted, the safety range being a dilution of 0.1 to 1%. Most tea tree oil bottles come at 100%.
You are potentially dropping liquid death onto your pets bed where it will certainly come into contact with their skin and may be ingested when they lick themselves or their bed. Also never ever orally administer tea tree oil to your pet, I dont care what that one blogger and their nice clean aesthetic said, tea tree oil is toxic to dogs and cats and you will make them sick or possibly even kill them. It should only ever be used topically but only ever at the correct dilution and after the consultation of your vet who will most certainly have a better non lethal solution for your furry friend.
Now. If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to fight a Young Living sales rep. Hold my cart.
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
STEM witch ideas
1. Use periodic table abbreviations as sigils for the element it stands for and that element’s correspondence
2. Use the official Latin word for animals as mantras/spells to work with what that animal represents
3. Use chemistry knowledge and utensils to make potions.
4. Develop rituals that coincide with psychological techniques and log the psychological effects rituals have on you
5. Create spells by making math equations adding and subtracting numbers based on their correspondences (+ what you want to attract, - what you want to banish, × what you want to increase, ÷ what you want to lessen). The solution can be used like a sigil.
6. Create mini temples, either mapped out in blueprints or made physically for offerings
7. Build model rockets or airplanes and write affirmations on the side (write it in pencil or on a whiteboard surface if you want to reuse) and launch that spell way up there
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
Hi, I was wondering do you have to have a physical book of shadows or does a digital one work just fine?
I only have a digital one.  It’s more convenient for me, because I am VERY bad at managing physical materials - it’s more out of sight on a daily basis, and thus very easy to completely forget about.
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
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A good tool for yes or no tarot questions! I don’t own this!
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
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Compilation of the two card spreads I have posted so far!
core / context
do / don’t
worst case scenario / best case scenario
short term / long term
want / need
change / remain
Clicking the links will take you to the individual posts for more details about each spread 💙
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
Hi there! So I just adopted a plant from my grandma (a Golden sedum) from what I can tell, but I want to keep it alive and I'm so bad at plants. Do you have any advice for care, spells, or protection? Also if I add in some yellow rose water with the plant's water, will it be my friend? (mostly joking but kinda curious lol)
Oh wow.  Okay, so I have to specify before I even attempt to respond here - I’m a brown thumb.  Completely.  Somehow managed to kill a full rosemary bush before, and that’s just ridiculous.  They’re arid weather plants!
So I’d ordinarily recommend asking a garden witch, but just for the sake of providing a basic level answer I did some Googling as well.  The World of Succulents page says “A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer.”  Which is a good sign.  Regardless, SimplySucculents recommends high levels of sun (not baking, but with periods of full sun at least for half a day) and a watering level that dampens the soil every time it gets dry (while also allowing for the soil to dry - according to them, “Succulents don’t like to have wet feet”).
Make sure it has plenty of room to grow into, and it’s in a pot that drains well.
Hope that helps, but again - please ask a garden witch or something.  They’re also far better equipped to answer your rose-water question, since I have no idea whatsoever.
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
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this is the offical ‘i care’ symbol this is how it works: basically you reblog this and your followers know that you care and that they can message you about anything anon or not and you will reply back or at least look at there message. if you care about your followers please reblog
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
Handy reference for green/garden witches, or general brown thumbs like me.
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Illustrations by Annie Huang.
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
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bookofshadowsonline · 7 years
A Completely Random Diversion - EarnHoney - for Broke Folks/Witches
I’ve given out this information to two different people in the last two weeks, so I figure I might as well go ahead and make a post about it.
If you’re of legal age, but not in a position to have a job of your own at this point in time (for whatever reason) and yet want/need to make a little bit of money for some reason... I am in your position, and I use this web platform called “EarnHoney.”
First off, some caveats.  This is not going to make you large amounts of money.  I repeat:
This is not going to make you large amounts of money.
I make an average of about a dollar a day.  Literally.  You are not going to make enough to survive off of doing this.  If that’s what you need, and you can get a “real job” with a meaningful paycheck, do that.
But that’s not always possible.  For instance, I’m presently in a situation where my family is paying for my schooling and survival with the caveat that I focus entirely on my schooling.  They’re not paying for SHIT otherwise, but are covering my bare-bones living expenses.  I can’t get a job without causing problems, but due to circumstances I’m not 100% comfortable explaining here the money I’m being given just about literally covers food and bills.  So I use EarnHoney to make a little bit every week to put towards Amazon purchases for my girlfriend.
Thing is, there are a lot of different ways this COULD work instead.  They pay out in PayPal and Amazon gift certificates normally, so broke/closet witches can use the money to buy things off Amazon or from web-based retail sites that accept PayPal.  (They also pay out in “electronic debit cards,” but I have no experience using those and thus don’t want to say anything meaningful about something I haven’t used.)  Those in a situation like mine, where circumstances prevent them from actually working a normal paying job, may appreciate being able to earn a little bit every now and again for the purposes of getting something that they WANT instead of basic needs.  And... well, if you’re in a questionable living situation, it may help you get some few things to make your life a tiny bit more bearable.  Again, I have to emphasize that this is NOT “living wage” amounts - but it’s enough that I can spend $10 every other week getting something on Amazon, and I’m not heavily invested in doing the thing.  I just do surveys every so often in between other stuff.
Now, under normal circumstances I would put a referral link here (referring someone else gets you 10% of their HD as a “finder’s reward,” apparently).  But that does almost fuck all for you, so I’m not going to do that.  Instead, do what I did - use the promo/referral code “BEERMONEY200” (no quotations, obviously).  That’ll start you out with 200 free HD, which is almost halfway to their most basic $5 payouts.  Much better than the measly 50 HD you’d get using some other referral code.
My suggestions once you’re in?  Go to their “Give Opinion” page and start filling out badges.  You’re not going to lose access to any rewards by filling those out, because the surveys will automatically kick you out once they learn from your answers that you’re not in their designated demographic segment anyways.  It’ll just save you time and earn you some quick HD (5 per badge).  Then hit all the surveys until you run out of consolation prizes.  You get 10 for completing a survey successfully, but RARELY do I manage to successfully complete one on EarnHoney itself.  Instead I just take advantage of the free HD consolation prizes whenever I have any, and THEN go to their “Offers” page and start answering Peanut Labs surveys.  THEY pay out a 1 HD consolation prize for EVERY “sorry, you don’t fit our criteria” survey you get booted from, and you can just keep doing those until you get one that you can actually answer.  THEN go back and start answering the EarnHoney surveys again until you run out of prizes once more.  It’s a relatively profitable cycle.
I’ve read of people using their “Buzz TV” video advertising platform to earn money too, but I’ve yet to meaningfully make reasonable HD off of it.  It doesn’t seem to pay out well unless you actively invest time into it that I don’t reasonably have, since I’m typically using my phone/laptop more for other things.  Just answering a survey every so often winds up being better for me.
In any case, yeah - not the sort of content I normally post.  But since I already talked about this twice this week, I figured I might as well make a big post that I could go back and reference later if need be.
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