sexual history does not define purity. i have seen pure. it is my friend silently moving things so her blind girlfriend doesn’t have to grope around for them. it is the seven year old student i had who learned how to sign “want to play” so he could talk to his deaf neighbor. it is the morning i woke up to find my dog and two cats all sleeping next to each other. it is in small beautiful moments: holding someone’s hand so they can work through a panic attack, giving someone a smooth rock from the ocean, a little boy being a princess, the look on a child’s face the first time they read a book on their own from start to finish. pure is paying for someone’s coffee, is giving up time for soup kitchens, is staying up late to help a friend work through things. it’s saying “yes, i’ll help,” even when you’re dead tired and you need help yourself. 
this world is full of terrible things people can do to each other and yet we don’t see “pure” as the moments that matter. we see it as one black or white possibility: either you are a virgin and holy or you are unclean. but people are not blankets of snow. we don’t dirty for letting people in. no. when we love, we only become more beautiful.
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Do you ever just want to up and go somewhere, but you don't want to go alone, but you also don't want to go with anyone else?
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Wonder Woman was a great movie for equal opportunity eye candy.
Straight guys and gay girls can enjoy gal gadot in armor.
Gay guys and straight girls can enjoy a mostly naked Chris pine
Bi/pan people get to enjoy both
And if you’re ace like me, well. She threw a tank with her bare hands, and that’s as good as it gets
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Singing the songs of equal rights
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This is great
I'd very much like to punch a feminist.
I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.
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Draco: Look, Potter! I’m on this Google thing! I wonder what it says about me?
Harry: Oh?
Draco: Yes! The people love me! LOOK! They have pictures, and—
Harry: What?
Draco: Who.
Harry: What is it?
Draco: WHO. MADE. THIS. 
Harry: Draco, what’s wrong with it?
Draco: What’s wrong with it? WHAT’S WRONG WITH IT????? LOOK. 
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Harry: What? What’s wrong? You look amazing!
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Harry: I mean you were a Death Eater. I don’t—
Draco: *points aggressively*
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Harry: …oh……
Draco: *dangerously* Ferret, briefly? 
Harry: *very solemn face*
Harry: *the corners of his mouth turn up*
Harry:  *lets one snicker escape*
Draco: As soon as I’ve finished murdering this Google, you’re next. 
Harry: *gives up and dies laughing* You can’t murder Goo—
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Well damn.... i feel bad for you America
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Holy shit!
All right, listen up, folks, because this is really important. The media has been completely silent on this. The only way I found out is through the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) but that’s it. No articles, no news reports, nothing.
There’s a new bill up on the table (H.R. 620) that could keep businesses from not being penalized if they don’t follow the Americans with Disabilities Act.
That’s a mouthful of many contradictions so let me clarify:
The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 and is one of the few actual pieces of legislation that disabled Americans have. It’s the big one, the reason there are elevators in buildings, the reason there are ramps, the reason there are curbcuts, the reason there are options for Braille or subtitles, the reason service dogs need to be allowed into a building, the reason accessible parking exists, the reason accessible bathroom stalls exist, the reason you can’t be fired based on your disability, etc. etc. etc.
People, especially businesses, have been getting away with loopholes for years. But there’s always been some sort of enforcement in place, penalizing businesses who don’t adhere to the ADA.
But this bill?
This bill gets rid of that accountability.
This bill sets forward specific requirements (such as a disabled person having to make a formal claim before a building is investigated) that one has to follow before a business is penalized. If nobody is able to meet those requirements, that business gets to get away with not following the ADA without having to change anything or face any legal/monetary consequences. 
This bill could destroy everything that the ADA stands for and make the nation even more inaccessible/unaccommodating than it already is. 
And I know what you’re thinking. “Oh, that dastardly Trump, he mocked that reporter once, I guess this makes sense.”
And no, no, it’s so much worse than that reporter, it’s always been worse than that, we’ve been trying to tell you for over a year and none of you listened. This isn’t just about him being ignorant or prejudiced.
This is about this:
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An article from almost a year ago that most of the world ignored.
Other members of congress have been sued as well. And now, rather than fix the problems, they’re all trying to secretly pass a bill that makes it so that they can no longer be held accountable for not following the ADA, letting hundreds of thousands of businesses get away with it as a result.
Don’t let them get away with it!
Signal boost the hell out of this. Send it to your news sources. Call your representatives. The world’s already inaccessible enough. Don’t let it get worse. Don’t let them lose their accountability.
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the houses as things my dad has done
gryffindor: allowed his kids to go wild attacking him with water pistols in front of his peers and a lot of electrical equipment
hufflepuff: almost died dancing to 'cotton eyed joe' in a lion costume in church on the hottest day of the year
slytherin: got drunk and censored the wrong part of m******fucker
ravenclaw: walked into a pole because he was too busy admiring the architecture of a bridge
your dad is great
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Okay so this really annoys me.... All of the other houses have names that aren't their animal and just because ravenclaw happens to have raven in it everyone is like why not a raven? Okay then lets call gryffindor liondor, slytherin snakin and hufflepuff badgerpuff.... like ?????
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This is definetley something that COULD'VE happene........ if Sirius hadn't of been framed
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Remus Lupin: Sirius you did what.
Inspired by this post and others by lotstradamus
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This is the worst thing because you say it to someone because you genuinley want them to talk to you but if someone says it back you just think they don't mean it ir whatever when they're probably doing the exact same thing you would
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Person: They can't die! They're the main character!
Sherlock Fandom:
Supernatural Fandom:
Torchwood Fandom:
Doctor Who Fandom:
Game of Thrones Fandom:
Marvel Fandom:
Harry Potter Fandom:
Merlin Fandom:
Divergent Fandom:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fandom:
Arrowverse Fandom:
DC Fandom:
Every Fandom:
Tumblr: You must be new here.
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Time for a small rant
It seriously pees me off when people are accused of being homophobic or racist because they make perfectly valid comments.
Like if i want to say that i think making a big thing out of being gay or being part of a minority is then making yourself stand out and therefore a known target, does that make me homophobic and racist? No..... i love everyone no matter what their background because when it all boils down to it we are all the same and by belittling the majority in order to bring up the minority makes you just as bad.
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It's funny when you notice a customer doing it.... dude take your time the bitch behind you can wait
Whenever I have mini heart attacks trying to quickly put the change back in my wallet before it’s the next person’s turn, I always wonder if other people get those mini heart attacks too.
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Writing idea
Okay so I have this idea but need approval on it because it's a bit far fetched: Basically it's about a woman who has had no bad luck at all in her life. But she's developed a phobia now because she thinks she's due bad luck by now. Can I get thoughts?
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