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A spell has fallen over the world and no one who lived through Voldemort’s reign can sense it. Only their children are immune to the effects of this dark magic. Now if falls on them to save the world, but their parents refuse to believe it’s even in danger. Can they rise to the challenge of becoming heroes when the heroes who raised them are the very people trying to stop them?  
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Most wanted character and connections?
Honestly, whoever strikes your fancy! I think a person should always play whatever character appeals to them the most; you’ll do a better job when it’s the person you want to be playing and that’ll make the character a lot more interesting to both the other players and yourself. So have fun!
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To the anon who just messaged us: if you want to discuss your application please do so off-anon so that we can be sure that we are talking to the right person, and so that we do not have to discuss your application’s status publicly. Unless you really want a public critique of your application -- but we assume you just clicked “anon” by accident! In which case, just message us again!
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[+1] Hugo Weasley
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Please unfollow Eliza due to inactivity. Albus Potter is now open again for application. Guidelines for all applications are here.
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THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT is one of the odder architectural features of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and that is saying something in a castle that has been host and home to all manner of esoteric and experimental magic for over a thousand years. The existence of this strange, but undeniably useful -- albeit sporadically so -- room is not widely known, although many of the current generation of students will have heard it mentioned in their parents’ stories about Voldemort’s war as it served for a time as the headquarters of the unofficial student rebellion. Nonetheless its secrets were never widely-spread, and the majority even of those who laired there only ever knew the limited purpose for which it was used by the rebels. It does still exist, despite rumor to the contrary, and more than one student currently attending the school has stumbled upon it unawares -- but few manage to find it a second time. However the room has changed since its part in The Battle of Hogwarts:
The Room of Lost Things is gone for good, destroyed by Fiendfyre. No variation on the desire for “somewhere to hide something” will trigger a reaction from the Room of Requirement which was crippled by the inferno. It is unreliable now and even those few who do know how to access it cannot always summon the room.
A great deal more thought and effort is required to cajole the room into manifesting anything these days, and it does not always do so properly; often desired items show up charred or burned, or if one is particularly weak-willed, merely as a pile of hot ashes.
It also permanently smells of smoke, as does the hallway outside its doors whether those doors are currently visible or not. The school caretaker, Dolohov, is unaware of the Room of Requirement’s existence, and views this inexplicably-smelly hallway as a personal enemy.
It is suspected that the uncontrolled Fiendfyre that gutted the Room of Lost Things is still raging within that subset of the Room of Requirement. So far all attempts to either locate the Room of Lost Things or douse the flames have been in vain. Whether the Dark Magic that unleashed the inferno will ever burn itself out, or whether the entirety of the Room of Requirement may someday succumb to the flames trapped within its magical confines, no one can say.
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[+1] Meilin Blackwell
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How active is the roleplay currently? I was interested in a character that would be better played if some of the other characters in their connections tag were also taken, so I'm curious. Thank you!
We’re actually in the process of determining that! We closed down briefly because of lack of activity, but we’ve got a few new applications pending confirmation so we’ll likely be starting up again shortly. If you’d like to join us with that we’d be delighted to have you! And if you want to talk about your intended character and what/who you think would help you with them (either off-anon or on) we’ll certainly be glad to discuss that more with you!
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Bakkhai Grapes
A variety of magical grapes, known for the surprisingly intoxicating wine they can be made into, Bakkhai grapes are not actually related to Tantalans, with both breeds having been independently developed by different magical wineries. While Tantalans are a purplish colour and an elongated shape, Bakkhai grapes are much more rounded and almost bluish in colour, producing an almost indigo-purple juice, as opposed to the Tantalan deep purple. The wine in turn is almost black, with a bluish cast, and tastes almost spiced, regardless of the barrels it was allowed to age in, though Bakkhai wine allowed to age in Firewhisky barrels have a notably more richly spiced flavour.
Bakkhai grapes prefer to grow in soft soils relatively high up mountains, and are most commonly found in Greece, though they have recently been taken up by some of the few Veela-run wineries in France, and show signs of being adopted by the single Xana-Veela-run winery in Northern Spain. The wine is relatively popular, but due to its richness and surprisingly high alcohol level is usually reserved for special occasions where the side-effects of such intoxication aren’t likely to have a terribly negative effect on the occasion.
(Image Source)
(I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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Hi! I noticed you have to ask before sending in an OC to be accepted. Are there any reasons you wouldn't let somebody send an OC, given they asked?
There are a few reasons why we aren’t very keen on OCs right now, which is why we put a temporary ban on them:
We have lots of bios available and we’d prefer to see more of those slots filled before we add additional characters to the game!
We have had several OC applications that just didn’t fit the world and whose personalities/backstories were not going to add anything positive to the game environment and we don’t want more of those types.
Like we say on our page about OCs, if your submitted OC seems too similar to an existing character’s bio we won’t accept them.
We have discussed a few OCs with people who were too busy to apply initially who plan to come back later when they can, so that’s why we made sure to include a caveat for people who’d spoken to us previously; it’s not really there for new OCs that need to be “cleared” first.
That said if you’ve got a character in mind that you think would make for a good addition to the game, you can definitely come off-anon and talk to us about them some more! If your idea sounds good we’ll make an exception to the ban. We don’t want anyone wasting their time by writing a whole application for a character we won’t be able to accept though so you’ll definitely need to talk to us about it first, but we don’t want to say no to anything out of hand.
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Please unfollow Naomi due to time constraints. Cora Thomas-Finnigan is now open again for application. Guidelines for all applications are here.
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Send ✚ for a HEALTH headcanon. Send ♕ for a CHILDHOOD headcanon. Send ✿ for a HAPPINESS headcanon. Send ␛ for an ANGER headcanon. Send ♆ for a BODY headcanon. Send ϡ for a MENTAL STATE headcanon. Send ღ for a LOVE/SEXUALITY headcanon. Send † for a RELIGION headcanon. Send ✄ for a PET PEEVE headcanon. Send ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
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[+1] Hugo Weasley
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Hello beautiful potterheads! I would appreciate it if you would reserve Hugo for me. I'm very excited. :P
Well unfortunately we can’t reserve a character anonymously (because we have no way of checking who did the reserving you know?) but we will gladly put him on reserve if you send us another message from your blog! Or if you haven’t got one/don’t want to use it/etc you can send another anon with an e-mail address included; as long as we have some way we can contact you and confirm that any app we get is indeed from the person who put the character on reserve, it’ll work for us.
Additionally: we are extremely excited at the prospect of having a Hugo!
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To all those who are wondering why we suddenly started following you today: we apologize! One of our admins is having trouble with her mobile tumblring and it likes to randomly follow blogs that she interacts with on all her other accounts. If we confused or creeped you out in any way, we’re very sorry!
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Not sure if this is the right way to ask this question, but I'm looking for more active HP RPH blogs to follow. I know you do some of that stuff, so I hope this isn't completely inappropriate! I do have a handful of lovely HP-centric RPH blogs but most of them seem to be semi-hiatus or abandoned at the moment. any help would be greatly appreciated!
We are actually a roleplay game blog, although admittedly we do post things that qualify under the heading of “roleplay help” as well. But we only post those sort of things sporadically and it’s mainly geared specifically for our players. One of our admins also runs a Potterverse RPH but she’s not very active on it; it’s more of a side-hobby than it is a proper roleplay help blog. Still it’s better than nothing, so you could try @madampince-rph
We also recommend @ministryofroleplay which does lovely work.
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World Building: Tea
Tea became popular in Wizarding Britain far quicker than it did in Muggle England; wizards and witches did not need revolutionary politics to entice them to give-up their coffee for the more creative beverage. They had, after all, been brewing concoctions that were quite similar for many years, albeit for strictly medicinal or magical effect; when tea made its way across the trade-routes to England, then, it was almost immediately embraced by the witches and wizards who lived there. They soon started concocting their own blends—some with magical effects and some without and others caught in some hazy in-between world of herbs and homeopathy—and more than one famed Apothecary or Potioneer of the day was known nearly as much for their teas as anything else.
It thus did not take long for tea to become tied-in to one’s social standing; anything that could be was, especially after the Statute of Secrecy was enacted. When the allure and benefits of the much wider, if less magical, Muggle society was stripped away the wizards had no choice but to turn inwards—and to thus find all manner of miniscule divide by which to measure themselves. Among the multitude of social games that sprang up was the blending of teas (both magical and mundane). Wizards and witches started to concoct their own personal brews of leaves and herbs (and sometimes a little extra) in an effort to impress one another; it didn’t take long for it to become a matter of familial import, and recipes were passed-down the line and lineage just like the goblin-made silver and books of secret Curses.
Even today, most of the pure-blood families (and a good number of the half-bloods who see the incorporation and acceptance of some things—and people—from the Muggle World as no reason to turn their back on their traditions) still have at least one “family blend” that has been passed-down for generations. These are closely, carefully guarded secrets. One may drink the “family tea” at someone’s house; one may even obtain bags of the blended leaves and herbs to take home for one’s later use. The precise nature of the blend, however, will not be shared. Even family members are not always privy to the secrets of their own brews; it is considered especially bad form to try and take the specifications of a tea-blend with one upon a marriage, although generally most families are generous enough to gift a new bridge or groom with several bags of their personal brew as a standard wedding-gift.
Many a rebellious witch or wizard who left home under less than agreeable circumstances has spent hours trying to recreate their favorite childhood blends,and there are several disreputable apothecaries who claim to specialize in “distilling” a recipe from a sample, but they seem more interested in preying upon the disowned and desperate; no proper apothecary or herbalist would dare commit such an egregious social faux-pas, of course, and if they did manage it they certainly would know better than to advertise.
Several families are known for the strengths or qualities of their particular brews; the Vances, for instance, have a bergamot-infused blend that is particularly uplifting; the Longbottoms one based on chamomile that many claim is more soothing than a Calming Draught; and the Malfoys an energy-infuser that is so bitter it can hardly be drunk without milk but which can keep a person awake and alert well into the next day without the nasty headaches that usually accompany alertness potions, if one can stomach it undiluted.
It is rumored that Severus Snape knows the recipe to the “lost brew” of the Prince family, but if he does, he hasn’t yet offered to share a cup.
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