boostcmgblog · 6 months
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🎬Indonesian serial murderer, malay orange asli Akhmad Suraju has dreamt about to kill 70 women to become a shaman. But, instead, he just occupied the chair of the POTUS #44. Not all dreams come true. Read đŸŽ„the new story in the #battleonthekrupskayabulge about serial murderer Shabama:
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boostcmgblog · 7 months
Who Framed Black Rabbit?
March 13th, 2024
🎬The merger of the two stock exchanges, having the monopoly for the gold miners activity, took place in 1934, immediately after the creating of the NSDAP, and preparation for the WWII. Thus, the owners of both exchanges were aware of the upcoming war, and planned to sell large volumes of gold. In 2022, the chairman of the TMX Group (owner of the TSX) board had the surname Grape, transliterated in Russian: Winograd. This individual Winograd managed his own company Winograd Capital. In addition to the Winograd Capital, the other exciting discoveries can be made through the study of the list of trademarks in the portfolio of the TSX: e.g., Alpha. Winograd (grape) has the direct attribution with the gospel of John, where he named Jesus as a wine grape (John, 15:1-8), and the basics of human biology: in the process of cellular respiration, after the breaking down of one molecule of glucose, two molecules of pyruvate are formed. Pyruvate is an important chemical compound in biochemistry. It is the output of the metabolism of glucose known as glycolysis. Thus, humans are really grapes, because in every cell there is the ongoing process of the pyruvate production. The main thing that the suffocating chemical intoxicants do - they stop the normal cellular respiration, and human dies as a result of asphyxia. Deprivation of oxygen and cessation of breathing - cellular or pulmonary - has become one of the main methods of ritual killing for the purpose of heap leaching of people.
The TMX Group, as an essential part of the human heap leaching process, was a part of Rio Tinto, Alpha and Glencore groups. They are a part of the drug cartel operational business structure, in particular - Los Zetas. The part of the combined drug cartels holding was under the management of the son of the 3rd Reich - the biological son of Mark Rich Reich, Pablo Escobar, also known as David Berkowitz, serial murderer. The best hedge strategy ever, according to Mark Rich with the 3rd name Reich, is to own the only distinctive stock exchange for gold miners, which is located in Canada - like in the death camp Auschwitz, to control the gold price. The gold price might be any as per wish of the 3rd Reich. No problem to control the market price, if you control all - the producers, suppliers, buyers, banks, and public market.
Canada was not the only one building in Auschwitz with the geographical name. The segregation by geography and nationality has been widely used for the marking of imprisoned, and for the name giving to the definite object. For instance, the road to crematorium in Auschwitz, was named as "Road to Canada," close by pronunciation to the "Road to Knaan." Thus, Canada building, where the gold extracted from the corpses was accumulated after the human heap leaching, was the destination points for the Jews and other categories targeted for the erasure. But, Winograd was not the only remarkable name transliterated into Russian.
The active open military action against Russia started during the presidency of Barrack Obama. In Russia, word "Barrack" is the homonym to the word barack, which is the building on the territory of the death camp. To discover more hot details about the biography of the Potus №44, follow the #battleonthekrupskayabulge. Returning back to the biographies of the hereditary dynasts of the most powerful monarchy dynasties, the geography onomastics also played in their fake biographies the extremely important, multifaceted role.
As per fake biography of Iliya Tolstoy, this forever young divergent by the version of the Library of the US Congress, was quitted to the New Heaven, Connecticut, in 1916. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, heaven means: "the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome, the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead, spiritual state of everlasting communion with God, a place or condition of utmost happiness." The synonyms of "heaven" are: New Jerusalem, [bunkovo], Sion, paradise, sky. On the map of Russia, there is the only place with a such name: New Jerusalem, the territory in the city of Istra. Following the strategy of the criminals, in the series of the committed crimes in the field of the hereditary law, they attempted to achieve the occurrence of death in the place that matches the place of death of the other ancestors. In this context, the New Jerusalem has the different meaning - not only the capital of the new believers, introduced the satanic rituals into the liturgy as a part of it, but also the place of the one more Jesus's crucifixion.
In 2024, I was involuntary relocated to the place of death of my granddad, the son of Mikhail Iliych Tolstoy and Elena Lvovna Koutchubei. The details about my living in the apartment on Maslennikova 16-13 in Samara, where I was poisoned by the mixture of extremely toxic substances, I am writing in my Holy Bitch Diary, so, I do not duplicate these horror stories here. In case if I died in the Maslennikova 16-13, the criminals could achieve the increase of the concentration of hereditary rights, as long as I would be dying at the same premises on Maslennikova 16-13, where my granddad died under the similar circumstances, being poisoned by the same toxic substances. When several dynasts die at one place, it is easy to illegally capture it because the criminals need to obtain illicit control just over the one object of property. Thankfully, I am alive up to the degree giving me a chance for the complete revenge for the death of all my family members, Great Grand Humans, and all my family dogs, Great Grand Animals. On Maslennikova 16-13, my dogs died as a result of the poisoning by the combination of the phosgene, mustard gas, lewisite, and VX. The conclusion was made on the basis of the Harry's Autopsy, Hemodynamics, symptoms and antidotes that worked, and, finally, elementary check of my face cream and my clothes with the simplest chemical intelligence device with indicator tubes. The indicating tubes responded positively on phosgene, mustard gas, and VX. Drowning like kittens is a kind of but widespread method of ritual murder. The phosgene gas detachment is called "drowning on land" - a person dies from pulmonary edema because they are filled with liquid. That is, death is equivalent to drowning, which is almost always confused with the accute or chronic pneumonia. When numerous family members including Leo Tolstoy and all his sons and descendants (except me and my last dog who happily survived) die as a result of it - there is no place to think about "bad luck," or "COVID." It is the fcking lost.
As per the fake bio of Iliya Tolstoy that was written in English, he first arrived to the Waterbury, after that relocated to the New Heaven.The word Waterbury consists of 2 words: 'water' and 'bury.' After being buried in the water, which, considering the context, probably was the death as a result of the poisoning with a phosgene (depending on the dose, death can occur within less than one day), my great-great-granddad relocated to the final destination in the paradise (died) joining (connecting) to all his other kins sharing the same fate with him. If we continue to revise the English version of Iliya Tolstoy's biography, we will find no words pointing to his immigration or departure from Russia, the words that were used are about travelling. The phosgene gas that kills by drowning on the land, has the second name - LOST, as an abbreviation of his creator's name.
So, the similar rhetoric in the falsified biographies can be easily found in each case with regards to Iliya Tolstoy, and his closest relatives by marriages. But, the method of creating the falsified legends and methods of murder were not the only replicated distinctive traits that allow to identify the crime series. Another part of this crime series was the delegation of fake parents to the hereditary offspring who possessed the concentrated legacy rights. After the murder of such holder of hereditary rights, the fake parents got them all as long as the legacy case is related predominantly to Germany, Where the basic principle of inheritance is the transfer of ascending rights. As long as the one of the largest legacy objects is the Gold of the 3rd Reich, it us obvious that Mark Rich was not a such a kind of person who could miss such an extraordinary big piece of property. But the conflict on the hereditary rights basis was not the only that speeded up the murder of Tim. Like many of us, he possessed the unique talent to identify easily both - not only the fake parents, but also who is who on this life celebration party - Pope Garavito, eunuch Shabama, his trans wife, and the human trafficker and the largest pedophiles supplier Mark Rich.
No surprise, that the invented legend to present murder as suicide was as ridiculous, irrational and stupid as the false biographies of Ilya Tolstoy's family. Ritual murder in which a male victim is bled with the help of many knife wounds to collect blood and its further use should be presented as a suicide not only insolence, but also desperate stupidity. Dementia and courage - these qualities should have been possessed by a person who creates these official versions of death, which do not withstand the test even by basic logic - the strangulation furrow on the neck of Alexander McQueen and Rudolph Heß, having looked at which any criminologist will understand that the "suicides" were hanged dead, or the murder of Amy Winehouse. Obviously, it is impossible to take a lethal dose of alcohol through the gastrointestinal tract on your own. Tim, who perfectly mastered the skills of visual-spatial language became a red rag for the masters to meik Amerika greit agame.
Written by Meggi Göring. All rights reserved. 2024. Copyright by the BOOST.
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boostcmgblog · 7 months
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Who Framed Black Rabbit?
February 14th, 2024
🎬Guilty of being born - it's not about the Holocaust only. Many other social and ethnic groups were totally destroyed. But nobody even fixed this fact.
New post arrived on our website.
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boostcmgblog · 7 months
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Who Framed Black Rabbit?
February 14th, 2024
🎬The perception in society and among historians is that the brutal serial mass murders in the death camps only affected Jews and Armenians. This erroneous assumption is based on the latent nature of the murder of other social ethnic groups committed by similar methods and the inability to comprehend the structure, substance, and motivation of the Reich's operations. "Those on the lookout for domestic enemies needed a target group that would be both sufficiently visible and more or less universally disliked, perceived as both all-powerful and numerically marginal so that its elimination from society would not have a major detrimental effect on the nation, both an easy target for victimization and generally accepted as the chief instigator of its persecutors' own victimhood. An enemy, that is, whose very persecution would serve to manifest the power and legitimacy of the victimizer, while simultaneously allowing the persecutor to claim the status of the "true" (past, present, and potentially future) victim." (Schneider, 2002). The Holocaust and the genocide of Armenians were widely discussed and communicated, leading to an incorrect assessment of the Third Reich's activities and an untrue impression that only Jews and Armenians were victims. That's not the case. The issue stems from the fact that numerous categories of people were completely destroyed, leaving few heirs capable of presenting the terrible truth.
As per John Olsson (2018), "forensic linguistics has been born as an instrument, which allows to correct the errors of justice." In terms of forensic linguistics, the repetition of specific Lexique constructions, words, and explanations point to the similarity of the people who were authors of the same metamessages. The specifics of the applied words, punctuation marks, their repetition and the degree of rarity of terminology also validate the similarity of the authors of the certain message. The principles of neurophysiology, in particular, its part about the reflexes and conditioning say that the regular, habitual language that we speak, it works similarly like any other habit. Every habitual activity forms a rigid trails of neuron chains in our brain, and the habitual chain of related reactions. It is very difficult to change habits, and this rule works in the language we speak as well. The language that we speak is a unique cumulative product of our origin, lifestyle, education, which characterizes our individuality and allows to distinguish it from the other people, or social groups. As per Agha (2015), "Ideologies of slang typically convert slang repertoires into systems of stereotypical social indices whereby particular kinds of social personae are linked to and thus can be inhabited and negotiated through the use of slang expressions, including personae emblematic of membership in or exclusion from specific social groups." Thus, our language represents the synopsis of our personality traits, combining with the specific of the habitual social group. From the perspective of forensic linguistics, it means, that defining the author of the certain phrase or text, we can identify the social group attributed to this, and, to identify the targets to act. The, habitual language and dialects can help to discover the social group originated the definite text. As per Agha (2003), "the enregisterment is the processes through which a linguistic repertoire becomes differentiable within a language as a socially recognized register of forms." The example of this is British English. But the enregisterment of metalanguage dramatically limits the boundaries of this group, not only because of the narrow field, but primarily by the biological causation - the capability to use, transcribe and understand metalanguage requires a distinguished biologically explained intelligence, which shall be trained, as per Hovard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory. Using the metalanguage requires specific biological conditions and well trained capabilities. It eliminates any hypotheses the "sudden matching," and that everyone can use and understand the metacommunication. Only the distinctive members of the distinctive social group can do this.
Making a step beyond the couple of Iliya Tolstoy and Sofia Filosofova, brings a plenty of comparable cases, we will analyze many of them in the investigation who framed Black Rabbit. The closest one to the case of Iliya Tolstoy and Sofia Filosofova, was a marriage between their grandson, that has been concluded Daria Bogarne, and Prince Leo Mikhailovich Koutchebei. According to the legend offering to us by Wikifakepedia, Koutchubei and Bogarne cancelled their "partnership," and Koutchubei immigrated with his kids to Paris, probably, "occasionally" living in Russia a daughter, Elena. What about the Grand Duchess, the great-granddaughter of the Emperor Nicholas I and Josefina de Bogarne-Bonaparte, in 1917 she immigrated to Germany, and in 1918, she returned to Russia where the Red Terror destroyed millions of nobles. After the return, in 1927 Dariya Bogarne changed her name to Dora, and changed a birth date to 1881. She (Grand Duchess, Member of the Emperor's family), also entered into two civil misalliances, with Austrian barone, and later with the Italian Viktor Markizetti. And all these complicated actions were undertaken by her to be shot on November 5th, 1937. So, like Iliya Tolstoy and Sofia Filosofova, Daria Bogarne and Leo Koutchubei committed the same stupid, inconsistent, impossible and improbable steps, allowing the behavior even not typical for peasants (free divorce), but not acceptable to the royal family members. Nobody asked the obvious question - why Daria Bogarne, the granddaughter of Napoleon and Josefina, French emperor's family, with a husband from Ukraine nobility, immigrated to Germany - the defender of Russia during the war, but moreover, after this, why did she return to the Red Terror in Russia for being murdered?
Thus, in the one family, the same levelled relatives (Bogarne, Koutchubei, Tolstoy, Filosofova), according to the Wikifakepedia, undertook the same strange, non-ordinary actions, which were impossible and improbable:
Left their spouses with a many children on hand, and the list of kids following the Wikifakepedia had been changed many times
Divorced multiple times
Change the beliefs, name, metrics
Emigrated outside Russia during the war time, or during the time when the borders were closed
Selected for the permanent residence, the center of the war theatre
Make another kind of "civil partnership" or strange misalliance marriage
Died without any traceable grave and ceremony of bury.
However, these inconsistent, stupid, impossible behavior is not the only thing which unifies the both cases: Tolstoy and Filosova, Koutchubei and Bogarne. The most important thing was that their kids - Mikhail Iliyich Tolstoy and Elena Lvovna Koutchubei left in Russia, and gave birth to the kids - a boy and a girl. So, the fake legend according to the Wikifakepedia were written for the members of the one family. And all the legends were written by using the same metalanguage, that means all the legends were created by the same person or the group of persons.
Written by Meggi Göring. All rights reserved. 2024. Copyright by the BOOST.
Olsson, J. (2018). Wordcrime: Solving Crime Through Forensic Linguistics. Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Kulikova, I., Salmina D. (2002). Introduction to metalinguistics: linguistic terminology in the communicative and pragmatic aspect. SAGA, Saint Petersburg.
Tiersma, P., & Solan, L. M. (2002). The Linguist on the Witness Stand: Forensic Linguistics in American Courts. Language, 78(2), 221–239. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3086556
Francis Nolan. (1991). Forensic Phonetics. Journal of Linguistics, 27(2), 483–493. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4176127
Tiersma, P. M. (1993). Linguistic Issues in the Law [Review of Language in the Judicial Process; The Language Scientist as Expert in the Legal Setting: Issues in Forensic Linguistics, by J. Levi, A. G. Walker, R. W. Rieber, & W. A. Stewart]. Language, 69(1), 113–137. https://doi.org/10.2307/416418
Hargitt, S. (2013). What Could Be Gained in Translation: Legal Language and Lawyer-Linguists in a Globalized World. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 20(1), 425–447. https://doi.org/10.2979/indjglolegstu.20.1.425
Marschark, M., Spencer, L. J., Durkin, A., Borgna, G., Convertino, C., Machmer, E., Kronenberger, W. G., & Trani, A. (2015). Understanding Language, Hearing Status, and Visual-Spatial Skills. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 20(4), 310–330. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26172500
TURBAYNE, C. M. (1971). VISUAL LANGUAGE. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 28(1), 51–58. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42574680
Humphrey, A. S., & CARVAJAL, J. (2015). VISUAL AND SPATIAL LANGUAGE: THE SILENT VOICE OF WOODSTOCK. Composition Studies, 43(1), 19–30. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43501876
Merrill, M. S. (2004). MASKS, METAPHOR AND TRANSFORMATION: THE COMMUNICATION OF BELIEF IN RITUAL PERFORMANCE. Journal of Ritual Studies, 18(1), 16–33. http://www.jstor.org/stable/44368668
Schneider, J., & Schneider, P. (2002). The Mafia and al-Qaeda: Violent and Secretive Organizations in Comparative and Historical Perspective. American Anthropologist, 104(3), 776–782. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3567255
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boostcmgblog · 8 months
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Who framed Black Rabbit?
February 6th, 2024
🎬As per Wikifakedia, the all family members did the impossible. In contradiction to the common sense, family traditions, behavioural genetics, and the external obstacles in the form of closed borders and military operations - all of them, hereditary monarchs, like peasants school kids, left their spouses with the children (consider that it was time of the war), and hit all serious things, entering, according to Wikifakedia, without the conclusion and dissolution of marriage into muddy sexual relations with people who do not correspond to their status. Moreover, these links to the level of everyday peasant ducking for some reason were inscribed in history and documented by Wikifakedia almost better than legal marriage unions. Drawing a line under the fate of the couples of Tolstoy/Filosofova, Bogarne/Koutchubei, according to Wikifakedia, all these unions were broken in an impossible way, the spouses are separately listed as emigrants, and the fate of the children is unknown. With a simple fact-check (we made inquiries to both the border control and the registry offices in the United States, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Austria, where four of these people allegedly "emigrated"), the facts of the immigration of these 4 people were confirmed in 0 out of 4 cases described in Wikifakedia.
The only verification of the kinda "immigration" of Ilya Tolstoy was the link to the newspaper with the announcement of his death, which cannot be considered as a credible source, because in the US, the toured there, according to Wikifakedia "the son of the great writer Leo Tolstoy, Count Ilya Tolstoy" possessed the absolutely different appearance from the true Iliya Tolstoy, as we noted in the previous publications. And the only proof of the personality of this fraudster, was the allocation of his photo in the other source of fakes - the Library of the US Congress. As the last important detail, on the photo from this library of the US Congress fakes, was depicted a man whose appearance precisely matched to the appearance of the Orekhkvskaya Gang's bandit, who was discovered as living in the apartments of the murdered grandson of Mikhail Iliyich Tolstoy, the true son of Iliya Tolstoy, with the fake passports, and the apartments connected to the legacy rights of the Tolstoy's dynasty were discovered as illegally rewritten for the benefit of the other people based on the falsified documents. This criminal case is now under the investigation of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. These facts merged together caused a great desire among both legitimate heirs and law enforcement agencies to deeply immerse themselves in the study of the circumstances where and how four people of hereditary monarchs disappeared at the same time, and instead of them appeared four similar articles in Wikifakedia and a foreign photo of one of the bandits of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group with the signature "Count Ilya Tolstoy in the United States after emigration," the source of which is the Library of the US Congress. According to the photo and the actual circumstances, on the photo is Rysev A.V., as per Wikifakedia, who died and buried on the cemetery alley of Orekhovskaya Gang and, in reality, now is living with someone else's passport in the apartment of the real heir of Ilya Tolstoy and actually all these 4 listed as "divorced and emigrated."
Taking steps back to explain all concerns regarding the fake biographies, the second one arisen from the story of the impossible and improbable divorce according to the Wikifakedia. The family of Leo Tolstoy and Romanovs and their origin did not allow a divorce as an option. The dynastically based status of a hereditary monarch ultimately does not permit the divorce as a regular action, reserving this rare exception in the cases of the child birth difficulties. The only acceptable reason for the cancellation of the marriage of monarchs is the death of the spouse. Thus, the dissolved partnership and divorce of Iliya Tolstoy and Sofia Filosofova were equally impossible, and in terms of forensic linguistics metaphorically means the occurrence of the "divorce" - the death of the spouse. Moreover, considering the death of their son in 1915 according to the Wikifakedia, the probability that Iliya Tolstoy left in Russia his wife with four kids just after the death of the son, and immediately divorced to marry the polish Satanist sectarian, seems impossible and improbable.
The complete interpretation going further in this series of the posts, with this one we concentrate our attention on the fixing of facts having the crucial meaning for the transcription of the metamessage. As per fake biography of Sofia Filosofova, the funny concept of her "immigration" through the territory of the Osman Empire to the final destination point in Chekhoslovakia to die here in 1934 seems the equally probable as the aforementioned movements of Iliya Tolstoy through the closed borders and the war theatre across continents and oceans. So long pathway to undertake just to die! The borders were closed, the divorce was impossible, and the route to escape Russia, even though occurred in reality as stated by the Wikifakedia, was transiting through the countries of mass genocide, mass serial ritual murders of Slavs and aristocracy, and well developed system of the death camps. In Chekhoslovakia, a country of the axis, the Teresienstadt death camp has been already opened. Thus, Russian noble Sofia Filosofova was unable not emigrate, she could be only departed to die. During the WWI, the methods to deliver the imprisoned for the further genocide in action were the same as applied later, during the WWII epoch. The research shows that the largest part of the genocide operational model had a basis on a deception, kidnapping and hostage-taking to deliver the victims to the death camps. The broad system of the death camps has already started to function, and people did not go there voluntarily. In terms of the number of "missing" - people who disappeared without a trace - WWI is not inferior to WWII, the murdered victims lost due to the complicated well organized death conveyer, data and document' falsification, the destroying of the crimes' traces including massive burning of corpses, obstruction of investigation and detection of crimes. Both spouses Tolstoy and Filosofova had the great chance to be murdered and dissolute without any traces in this human heap leaching machine in case of their real immigration.
The further study of the biographies of Iliya Tolstoy and Sofia Filosofova, shows the two similarly impossible biographies, equally inconsistent versions of the dates, places, and circumstances of the death, marriage, childbirth, travelling. Both biographies were written using the very recognizable similar rhetoric, idea, explaining, metalanguage including terminology and metaphoric communication. Knowing the specifics of the fascism as a totalitarian religious sects, which has substituted the verbal communications by metaphoric visual-spatial language, the history of the death camps, metalanguage, the culture and rituals of the fascists, it is quite simple to transcribe the allegoric Wikifakedia articles into the form of the direct verbal message, and figure out who is the author of it.
1. Olsson, J. (2018). Wordcrime: Solving Crime Through Forensic Linguistics. Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
2. Kulikova, I., Salmina D. (2002). Introduction to metalinguistics: linguistic terminology in the communicative and pragmatic aspect. SAGA, Saint Petersburg.
3. Tiersma, P., & Solan, L. M. (2002). The Linguist on the Witness Stand: Forensic Linguistics in American Courts. Language, 78(2), 221–239. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3086556
4. Francis Nolan. (1991). Forensic Phonetics. Journal of Linguistics, 27(2), 483–493. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4176127
5. Tiersma, P. M. (1993). Linguistic Issues in the Law [Review of Language in the Judicial Process; The Language Scientist as Expert in the Legal Setting: Issues in Forensic Linguistics, by J. Levi, A. G. Walker, R. W. Rieber, & W. A. Stewart]. Language, 69(1), 113–137. https://doi.org/10.2307/416418
6. Hargitt, S. (2013). What Could Be Gained in Translation: Legal Language and Lawyer-Linguists in a Globalized World. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 20(1), 425–447. https://doi.org/10.2979/indjglolegstu.20.1.425
7. Marschark, M., Spencer, L. J., Durkin, A., Borgna, G., Convertino, C., Machmer, E., Kronenberger, W. G., & Trani, A. (2015). Understanding Language, Hearing Status, and Visual-Spatial Skills. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 20(4), 310–330. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26172500
8. TURBAYNE, C. M. (1971). VISUAL LANGUAGE. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 28(1), 51–58. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42574680
9. Humphrey, A. S., & CARVAJAL, J. (2015). VISUAL AND SPATIAL LANGUAGE: THE SILENT VOICE OF WOODSTOCK. Composition Studies, 43(1), 19–30. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43501876
10. Merrill, M. S. (2004). MASKS, METAPHOR AND TRANSFORMATION: THE COMMUNICATION OF BELIEF IN RITUAL PERFORMANCE. Journal of Ritual Studies, 18(1), 16–33. http://www.jstor.org/stable/44368668
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boostcmgblog · 8 months
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🎬Battle on the Krupskaya Bulge
February 4th, 2024
💒Briefly, the so called Panama Papers case was a leakage of the Mossack Fonseca's firm (MSF) archive, which was disclosed and published, regardless of this action is a criminal offense: the commercial secrets, confidentiality, non-disclosure are the cornerstones of the US law with regards to any business, however, for this case the norms of criminal law were compromised. For many years, the MSF has been conducting operations related to incorporation, liquidation, accounting, trust management, and other related services. Criminals who illegally obtained confidential information and disclosed it claimed that this publication had resulted in the public disclosure of the names of politicians and public figures who were involved in an activity that could be considered as a 'conflict of interest.' Despite the Panama Papers data being illegally obtained and insufficient to draw conclusions or interpretations, many individuals from different countries were included on the list. Nevertheless, there were a lot of shameful publications that were propagandistic on the ICIJ website. The list excludes American politics, which is a remarkable fact. The rough conclusion is as follows. The German newspaper and website, which are funded by many US and doubtful organizations that do not reveal even their office locations, have published the stolen data. The data provided a general overview of the legal structures of various companies, and it was supplemented with conclusions based on unknown sources of information.
This context, presented together with the publications of stolen data, affected the reputation of many people and the industry of foreign jurisdiction services. Quick review of the published information demonstrated that in the documents were mentioned the legal entities apparently included into the legal structure of the Los Zetas drug cartel, considering the prefix ZZZ and the very specific style of names' giving, when every company got it specifically for every new project or transaction to launder money and inject them into the official economics turnover. Among the companies with the prefix ZZZ (Los Zetas), were listed their affiliates and related parties Alfa Group, and its subsidiary A1. Alfa Bank received the money from drug cartels via the chain of fictitious firms, and then used it to imitate crediting in affiliated retail companies. The money was returned to Alfa Bank and its satellites, such as Home Credit, Russian Standard, MKB, and others, in a clean and fresh condition after the completion of fictitious transaction 'credit payment.' As long as the amount of money to be laundered was undefined and depended on the separate transactions, both, the bank and the retail Laundromats, had the prepared blanket forms for crediting with an empty space left for the sum, which filled out based on the amount of each transaction. Participation in this 'crediting' was extended to other Alfa group banks and its retail Laundromats. The 'black cash office' was used by Alfa Bank and its satellites to credit the money of the drug cartels. Booking the deals on balance was done just in case of NPL. Despite the norms of federal law, Central Bank, Bazel's, and COSO requirements, none of the banks in the 'bank ring' issued properly documented credits and performed standard banking documentation and accounting procedures. Non-standard banking documentation was used to support the cases of illegal prosecution against Oleg Yakovlev and Sergey Bobylev. In reality, there were no credits taken, and the retail operation was owned by the same legal entities. Considering this, it can be concluded that no money was stolen from Alfa Bank as they did not leave the Alfa Bank legal group. MKB was an example of the one of the banks in the bank ring that were directly guided by US public officials on the Board. The forms of soft controls via credits, bonds, interbanking operations were also applied. Mass adoption has become fashionable because the distributed and complicated asset structure requires many trusting managers. Just Roman Avdeev brings up about 30 orphans fed by him for the future work to look after the property.
The Los Zetas and the Medellin, Sinaloa, CJNG, and Cali cartels came together to form one corporation that focuses on drug production and sale, smuggling, money laundering, terrorism, and serial murders. Panama's location has been widely known as their major hub for drug trafficking and money laundering for decades. The Panama Paper's list's failure to include US public authorities and individuals is a significant error in this context. Cocaine was trans-shipped to the United States as part of the illegal drug trade in Panama. The 1989 United States invasion of Panama to topple Dictator Manuel Noriega was justified in part by the need to combat drug trafficking. Nonetheless, the outcome was in the opposite direction. Noriega, the dictator of Panama from 1983 to 1989, had a relationship with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from the 1950s. Thus, all operations in Panama, were under the control of the CIA. Discovering the series of trading faces activities is easy when describing the CIA's activities in Panama through the remarkable ZR/RIFLE programs. No problem to identify the new image of the serial murderer David Berkowitz, whose mistakes in the appearance amendments, alongside with no changes in the behavior, allowed to match his personality with the new passport of the ZR/RIFLE mercenary issued in the name of Pablo Escobar, founder of the Medellin Cartel. Another one was El Chapo, the CEO of the Sinaloa cartel, who was taken back to the US by the imitating of El Chapo capture and extradition.
According to the 1988 Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations, Panama's General Manuel Antonio Noriega's story was considered one of the worst foreign policy miscues in the United States: "The failure of the US officials to act was largely the result of the relationships Panamisn official had developed with US intelligence and law enforcement agencies in performing services for them on a variety of matters, including drug enforcement." During the 1970s and 1980s, Noriega excelled at manipulating the US policy against his country, resulting in near-absolute power in Panama. It's clear that every US government agency that had a connection with Noriega ignored his corruption and drug dealing. Noriega was developing into a significant figure for the Medellin Cartel, which included the notorious Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar created by the CIA's ZR/RIFLE program by the reincarnated David Berkowitz. Noriega was allowed to establish "the hemisphere's first 'narcokleptocracy.' The important component of the narcokleptocracy was the maintenance of the complicated legal structures dedicated for the drug trafficking and money laundering. Another element of the narcokleptocracy established by the CIA through the chain of its mercenaries, became drug wars with their inherent element - enormous atrocity and ritual serial mass murders. Thus, for Berkowitz this job was probably the one of the most intimate dreams: to legally commit murder, for which he was sentenced to 365 years in prison in the United States. Now we know what it means in the US justice system: to become a CIA mercenary and get official permission to commit serial murders in their interests without hindrance and with impunity.
Written by Meggi Göring. All rights reserved. 2024. Copyright by the BOOST.
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boostcmgblog · 8 months
Who Framed Black Rabbit?
January 28th, 2024
🎬To clarify the mystery of the eternal youth of Iliya Tolstoy turns up to be impossible without extensive involvement of such criminalistics fields like forensic genetics, forensic biology, and even forensic linguistics. These disciplines permit to assess the trustworthiness of the biography of Iliya Tolstoy and his closest relatives. "Specific subjects that linguists may address include the likelihood of confusion in trademark cases; miscommunication because of dialect differences; the comprehensibility of legal documents; the meanings of statutes, wills and contracts; the identification of authors and speakers; the ability of jurors to understand instructions, or of an arrested person the Miranda warning; and many more." (Tiersma & Solan, 2002). Thus, besides forensic biology to verify the genuine kinship with Leo Tolstoy, as ascertained, a comprehensive forensic linguistics emerged to be indispensable for the decoding of the fake hares' biographies and identifying the metamessage to figure out who is the author of it. It is also essential for the identifying of the crime composition in particilar in the cases of terrorism: "a dialectologist might help identify the place of the speaker on a tape-recorded bomb threat."
Kulikova and Salmina (2002) state, that "Terms are words limited to their special purpose, created for certain communication within one group or sector." Like dialects attribute the speaker to the definite geography, the terminology becomes the attribute of the persons actively applying it within the similar organized group. The intensive exploitation of specific, metalanguage, aligns this with the meaning of masking during the rituals, to speak on metalanguage allows to translate the message through the metaphor. "Metaphor is the means to produce expanded consciousness, it is not simple analogy whereby qualities of "likeness," once applied to two or more objects or ideas, result in a remainder consisting of the same two objects or ideas which the mind holds as separate realities. Metaphor is, instead, unity of objective material existence and subjective experience: the objects of the masked ritual including the mask, the costume, the performer, the music, and the dance steps, are no longer distinguishable from the energy being imbued, i.e., the healing, the transition from life to death, or the transition from childhood to adults." (Merrill, 2004). Metaphor, like an inherent part of any metalanguage, is actively used in criminal groups to communicate securely regarding planning, organizing, committing, and recognizing the committed crimes in purpose to escape punishment (metalanguage requires special expert-level skills to be translated and understood) and get recognition. Thus, the forensic linguistics can shed the light not only in the absence of the fake hares kinship with the Leo Tolstoy, but also gives a clue to solve the enigma about the real fate of the real descendants of the great Russian writer of the genuine royal origin through the translation of metalanguage exploited in the preparation of the fake hares' biographies.
The eternal youth and obvious discrepancies of Iliya Tolstoy's appearance during the time, were not the only inventions of the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. in the strong cooperation with the Library of the US Congress. They went even further. Having their exclusive vision on how Iliya Tolstoy looks like, they offered the unique, exciting version of his biography. As per Wikifakepedia's page of Iliya Tolstoy, in 1916 he has immigrated to the US, New Heaven, in the Connecticut state. There, he has been married to the "teosofka" Katulskaya of the Polish origin, and happily died in 1933. Just in case, the Theosophical sect is one of the widespread Satanic cults. Iliya Tolstoy's wife, Sofia Filosofova, also immigrated, first to Turkey, and later, in 1934, she has died in Chekhoslovakia. The list of their kids was changed and extended multiple times, but the only son of Iliya Tolstoy who left the true descendants alive, did not get even the brief personal page. Moreover, Wikimedia Foundation Inc. stated unexplainable by any reasonable motivation, hard resistance to build this page. Any attempts to create the Mikhail Iliyich Tolstoy's wiki page, or revise the wiki page of Iliya Tolstoy according the true circumstances of his life, were aggressively disrupted by the Wikimedia Foundation Inc., subsequent to this by an utterly impressive comment: "In Wikipedia, if on the cell with the lion there is an inscription "This is an elephant," this article about the elephant according to our opinion [the lion in real life], will not be altered until the initiator of the changes convinces the academic community [!] of Wikipedia in another state of things. You should persuade us that the lion is not an elephant, even we know that this is true. But without the quite persuasively persuasion, we will still insist to believe that if on the cell with the lion there is an inscription "This is an elephant," we will support this point of view, because the inscription is more persuasive persuasion than common knowledge that the lion is not an elephant and everyone knows how both animals look like. If the inscription says that lion is an elephant, we are persuasively persuaded enough to believe this fact. Until this, all your attempts to alter the article about the elephant by our opinion [the lion in real life] the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. will immediately stop." Thus, the wrong photo and biography on the page of Iliya Tolstoy are not just sudden errors, of misprints. It is the official position of the Wikimedia Foundation Inc., aggressively prohibited to be unchangeable.
Going further than just a fake photo, a quick examination of the wikifake biographical article about Iliya Tolstoy shows the following. The period since 1914 till 1918 represents the time of the World War I. It was the epoch when the borders of the Russian Empire were closed, and the Europe was transformed into the theatre of military actions. At the same time, the first death camps already started their operations, with the series of genocide crimes against Slavs, Armenians, nobility, aristocracy, who constituted the targeted audience for the "elimination." Thus, even supposing that Iliya Tolstoy was able to squeeze through the closed borders like a mouse, his travelling escapade would probably finish immediately at the first death camp on his route. Solely, a few people might opt taking a stroll in the center of the battlefield under the rain of bullets. The Tolstoys' family did not have the mental health issues and related genetic pathologies. Thus, nobody out of them might decide to walk for the tour in the center of the military operation, dedicated to destroying slavs, nobility, and other groups of the population to which family of Tolstoys was related.
Written by Meggi Göring. All rights reserved. 2024. Copyright by the BOOST.
The information is available on our website.
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boostcmgblog · 8 months
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🎬Battle on the Krupskaya Bulge: new hot post arrived! đŸłđŸłđŸŒ¶The genetics problema of the legacy of green color supplemented with the intriguing solution about the guess star Sberdeutsch Oscarovich FRG, the son of the Maidanek's Trampling Mare🐎 (đŸ©ŒThe Lame Horse after the extraditionđŸ©Œ), and Accountant of Auschwitz☠.
đŸ‘©đŸ»â€đŸ’»Enjoy the whole story:
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boostcmgblog · 1 year
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American dream powered by the ZR/RIFLE CIA program. Every son of Sam can become a head of corporation. We have already written about the cases Anatoly Onoprienko – Vladimir Tolstoy, Matteo Dinero – Pyotr Tolstoy and other curious characters. How did it become possible? Read in the blog of Meggi:
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boostcmgblog · 1 year
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Together we can! New HRM practices powered by ZR/RIFLE, when every son of Sam can become a head of corporation. Read about ZR/RIFLE program in Church Comission report to the US congress.
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boostcmgblog · 1 year
Read the story Murzilki Entertainment Inc. about Chief Kamikaze Officers of the modern corporate world: yesterday's serial murderers sentenced to life imprisonment or capital punishment who are hired on no-choice basis by ZR/RIFLE. Follow us on Medium: https://medium.com/@boostcmg/murzilki-entertainment-inc-af14bde986a #boost #boostcmg #zrrifle #nĂŒrembergring #hatefuleight #heritage #hasheight #daughterofskjold #meggigöring #meggigoering #meggi #vanguard #johnbogle #hermanngoering #hermangöring #hermangƓring #hermangĂžring #whoframedblackrabbit #battleonthekrupskayabulge
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boostcmgblog · 1 year
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boostcmgblog · 2 years
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The Mastership of Business Recovery Presents: Who Framed Black Rabbit?
Read the full story about Hermitage Capital, Yukos, Magnitsky, and Ukraine in the Toxic Assets section of our website http://boostcmg.com. #hermitagecapital #error404 #boost #boostcmg
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