boostcmgblog · 1 year
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President Vladimir Putin evidently does not realise that allegations must be proven in a court of law. He currently has an American investor under house arrest on suspicion of fraud. This harks back to the arrest of Mikhail Khordokovsky, accused of fraud and murder back in 2003. 
Khordokovsky was imprisoned for a decade, before being pardoned by the President. He left Russia soon after. His testimony and work against corruption in Russia show how fraudulent allegations of fraud and other crimes are leveraged against business rivals, often as a means of stealing those companies and bringing them under state control. Khordokovsky’s company, Yukos, was stolen by the Russian government under the guise of Rosneft. Of course, anyone who is genuinely guilty of fraud in Russia must face justice. But Putin has a long history of abusing the law for political gain, and Russia has one of the least transparent and honest legal systems in the Western world. 
Judges, jury, and even defence lawyers can be bought, as we saw in the case of Hermitage Capital, founded by Bill Browder and Edmond Safra. In that case, Russian tax fraud investigators assisted with the theft of Hermitage Capital and filed false charges against the company as an excuse to rob its assets. When they failed to rob Hermitage’s assets, they pretended that the fraudulent court judgements had wiped out the company’s value and demanded a tax refund to plug the gap. This was granted in one night, to the amount of 4 billion roubles. When Russian lawyer and accountant Sergei Magnitsky discovered this, he raised the alarm and named names. For his pains, he was arrested, tortured, and beaten to death in prison. Nobody has been punished for this homicide to this day. 
So people should remember this when Putin accuses men like Browder of tax fraud. If he cared so much about tax fraud, he would be working night and day to track down the 4 billion roubles stolen from his own Treasury and bring the perpetrators to punishment. Instead, he is desperate to get the Magnitsky Act abolished in America and other nations. This suggests that rather than wishing to punish tax fraud, Putin himself has profited from it and wishes to protect his assets. 
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corpomir · 10 years
Hermitage Capital оценивает состояние Путина в $200 миллиардов
Билл Браудер (Bill Browder), возглавляющий инвестиционный фонд Hermitage Capital, произвел оценку личного состояния российского президента В.В. Путина, утверждая, что речь идет о сумме в $200 млрд. Согласно Браудеру, в подсчете учитывались счета в банках Швейцарии, а также вложения в пакеты акций и хедж-фонды, контролируемые самим Путиным и его окружением. Браудер полагает, что глава РФ является на текущий момент одним из богатейших людей в мире. далее...
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Essential documentary for those interested in Russian corruption. Bill Browder explains (prior to Magnitsky’s torture and murder) how Hermitage Capital was stolen by Russian criminals and used as a vehicle for a $230 million tax fraud plot. 
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boostcmgblog · 2 years
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The Mastership of Business Recovery Presents: Who Framed Black Rabbit?
Read the full story about Hermitage Capital, Yukos, Magnitsky, and Ukraine in the Toxic Assets section of our website http://boostcmg.com. #hermitagecapital #error404 #boost #boostcmg
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