#herman göring
afrikakorpsmaedel · 2 months
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boostcmgblog · 1 year
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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meggigoering · 1 year
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📖September 20, 2023
🦈Continuing the topic about the creature with a claim to the mind of the AFK Alfa-VTB Systema, which gloriously entered itself into my life, killing my family members, and to which, as in a corporation of monsters, my children's socks were poured up (shares in my companies, my apartments, inheritance, cars, dogs, personal belongings, etc.), I want to express my human position on one important issue.
Sometimes I wonder if everything could have gone differently in my life, and unfortunately every time life gives me new evidence that I was not given to live my life differently, because of my origin. My origin sets the direction of my whole life, and I can’t live someone else’s life. Among my relatives, I think I'm very lucky that I'm still alive so long. My heredity is bad in only one thing - almost 100% guaranteed violent death. In everything else, I am very grateful to God for being born in my family and for learning about my pedigree. Do I regret what I've lost in these few years of struggle to save my own life and life of my dogs? The question is rhetorical. All my life I've lived on the principle of "refuse to get." There were more than enough examples when following this principle led me to stunning success. It's a kind of strategy on the contrary - if you do it like everyone else, you won't survive in the red ocean. I do not regret material things, in the end, having learned that all of them were flooded  mustard gas  - I want to laugh with all my heart at those who stole them. If you consider how much and what I've lost in terms of things in the dry residue, it's a lot, but it hurts me in a completely different way. Having an absolutely amazing family (of course I'm talking about real relatives, not Orekhovskaya gang’s bastards), I actually lost the opportunity to communicate with my relatives. All my direct ancestors, who transferred me such a cumulative stock of genes, with the help of which I actually survived this nightmare, they died already. You can buy a new car, repair a house, a computer, fix all material losses. The only thing I regret, which is irreversible, is what these Orekhovo-Cocosovo bastards and their bosses did - they deprived me of communication with my family while its members were alive. I will talk to my family members never. Can you imagine what do I feel? I lost the greatest unrecoverable value - human communication with my family while it’s members were alive. The second thing that hurts me a lot is that these scums poisoned my dogs. And finally, the third is the shame with which these scum covered my family, entering into our pedigrees seashore with fake passports and forged genetic tests, like this Orekhovskaya family of parents-tourists.
At some point, I stopped being afraid of physical death. I perceive it as an inevitability that overtakes every person in due time, and which for me means reuniting with my family, which I personally never knew because everyone except me died. What feelings did I feel when I fully learned my ancestry and origin? Quite simply - the desire not to disgrace my family and live my life with dignity in accordance with the principles that my family professed. They are expressed in two words - to serve the Fatherland. The only aspiration that drives me in my projects is not to drop the honor of my ancestors and live my life in such a way as to shamelessly write my name in the history of my family on a par with my direct ancestors: heroes who created great states and performed military and personal feats. For me, this is the most important motivation - to be a worthy representative of my dynasty. Everything else is secondary.
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boostcmg · 1 year
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Advanced animal husbandry powered by ZR/RIFLE. ZR/RIFLE: We make Amerika greyt agame! Read about magic of transformation from Ukrainian serial murderer Sergey Tkach (number of corpses 100+, mostly underaged girls) into "noble entrepreneur" Oleg Tinkov.
Read the full artcle here:
Follow Black Rabbit to discover all fake hares. #boost #boostcmg #whoframedblackrabbit #nürembergring #hasheight #hatefuleight #battleonthekrupskayabulge #meggigöring #meggigoering #meggifromskjold #hermangoering #hermangöring #meggifromhouseofskjold #zrrifle #terrariumofunicorns #ceoboost #raevskayarepnina #meggi #alternativeinvestments #assetsmanagement #uhnwi
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
Rosie Rosenthal going to war and becoming a pilot to personally bomb the fuck out of Hitler because it was the right thing to do as a human being, and then going home, getting back to work, and then getting offered the chance to be part of the Nuremberg prosecution team.
And he meets his wife--a fellow prosecutor--on the ship over to the trial. And they're married basically the moment they land in Europe.
And then he interrogates Herman Göring personally.
Do you remember those Peanuts strips where Snoopy fights against the Red Baron? The WWI fighting ace? That was fucking Göring. Literally. He was the leader of that squadron.
That's who Rosie Rosenthal interrogated for Nuremberg. His literal mirror image.
He flew 52 fucking missions. He broke his arm twice. He was training to pilot in the Pacific because that war wasn't over even as the ETO came to a close. And his encore to his war service was to fucking take out Herman fucking Göring.
I think the reason WW2 stories stay so close to our hearts if we're Allies is because even if the most unassuming of people became heroes but also, even the unquestionable heroes went far beyond anything that feels real or true for any of us.
But they did.
And in doing so, they gave us something to strive towards. Do I want to go to war, become an icon amongst terrified men, then go back and kick a war criminal all the way in the ass? God no. Not ever. Do I want to, when I am gone, leave a legacy where people saw me go, "I did this because it was fucking right" and then make decisions in their own lives with an eye towards doing what is right? Yes.
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omg-lucio · 6 months
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Albert Göring, hermano menor del infame Hermann Göring en 1940. Como director de exportaciones de Škoda Works, usaría su posición y la reputación de su hermano para salvar a cientos de judíos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, así como para evitar cuatro arrestos y una orden de muerte.
Albert Günther Göring (Friedenau, Berlín, Imperio alemán, 9 de marzo de 1895-Berlín, Alemania Occidental, 20 de diciembre de 1966) fue un empresario alemán, hermano de Hermann Göring y conocido por haber sido un acérrimo opositor a las prácticas del gobierno nazi.
Nació el 9 de marzo de 1895 en el suburbio berlinés de Friedenau. Fue el quinto hijo de un funcionario del Imperio Alemán que se desempeñó como Reichskommissar (puede traducirse como Comisario del Imperio) de África del Sudoeste Alemana (hoy Namibia) y como Cónsul General en Haití, Heinrich Ernst Göring y Franziska "Fanny" Tiefenbrunn.​ Su padre descendía de una familia judía de origen suizo convertida al cristianismo y su madre provenía de una familia rural de Baviera. Entre los parientes de Albert pueden encontrarse a Ferdinand von Zeppelin, a la familia Merck —fundadores de la empresa farmacéutica Merck KGaA—, a los historiadores Herman Grimm y Jacob Burckhardt y la escritora Gertrud von le Fort.
La familia de Albert vivía aristocráticamente gracias a la herencia que les dejó Ritter Hermann von Eppenstein, que incluía los castillos de Veldenstein y Mauterndorf.
Sus hermanos fueron Olga Theresa, Karl Ernst, Paula Elisabeth y, el mayor, Hermann Wilhelm, quien llegaría a ser el Comandante Supremo de la Luftwaffe y mano derecha de Adolf Hitler.
A diferencia de su hermano, Albert se vio influido por su padrino, von Eppenstein, quien era un hombre de mundo de modales aristocráticos. Gracias a su padrino, se rodeó de los círculos más selectos y fue miembro de hermandades y sociedades civiles y empresariales. Se dedicó a ser empresario, a la tertulia y a las artes. En 1932 comenzó con una serie de cortometrajes sobre la caída del Imperio Alemán y la biografía de Guillermo II de Alemania, pero ante el ascenso del nazismo tuvo que abandonar su iniciativa por ser considerada socialista.
A partir de la llegada al poder de Adolf Hitler, Albert Göring comenzó a participar en las campañas en contra del gobierno del partido nazi.
En 1933 formó parte de la protesta por el cierre de la Escuela de la Bauhaus.
El mismo año, se opuso a la limpieza forzada de banquetas por parte de un grupo de mujeres judías. Cuando el oficial de las SS a cargo lo detuvo, al reconocer su nombre, no queriendo ser el culpable de la humillación pública del hermano de Hermann Göring, lo dejó libre e hizo detener la limpieza.2Cuando Alemania se anexó Austria, una de las primeras empresas en expropiarse fue la Tobis-Sascha-Filmindustrie, la compañía cinematográfica más grande del país, de la que Oskar Pilzer era el presidente. Éste fue detenido en enero y entregado a la Gestapo por su ascendencia judía y, como había sido jefe, maestro y amigo de Albert durante su corta carrera como cineasta, él lo ayudó en marzo a escapar consiguiéndole una identificación falsa.
Las actividades de Albert iban demasiado lejos y no eran toleradas por el partido nazi. Es así que Víctor Lutze, siguiendo órdenes explícitas de Hitler, lo encarceló durante dos meses en la prisión de Viena.
Cuando iba a ser enviado al campo de concentración de Mauthausen, su hermano Hermann intervino y, aprovechando su experiencia como empresario e industrial, lo ubicó como director de exportaciones de Skodovy Zádovy (división de ensamblaje de Škoda), en Checoslovaquia, con la intención de alejarlo del escenario político alemán.​
Durante su estancia en Checoslovaquia sus actos se volvieron más radicales. Desde su llegada hizo todo lo que pudo para sabotear la maquinaria del Reich, fabricando vehículos defectuosos, retrasando o desviando pedidos, y entregándolos incompletos.
Existen anécdotas que cuentan que Albert llegó a falsificar la firma de su hermano en varias ocasiones para liberar prisioneros o conmutarles la pena de muerte; que enviaba camiones al campo de concentración de Theresienstadt demandando mano de obra forzada para después soltarlos; obtenía documentos oficiales para trabajadores judíos y así poder hacerlos pasar por checos; facilitaba especificaciones de los vehículos que fabricaba a la resistencia y demás actos contra el nazismo.
Este tipo de actos le valieron la persecución del partido nazi, que le negó las dietas a las que tenía derecho por ser familiar de un alto mando del partido.
En el otoño de 1943 firmó los pasaportes de una familia judía para que pudiera salir del país.​
En otro momento convenció al jefe de las SS Reinhard Heydrich de liberar algunos prisioneros de la resistencia checa de los sótanos de la Gestapo.
Cuando en mayo de 1945 el Reich cayó definitivamente, Albert Göring fue detenido por los checoslovacos pero pronto fue puesto en libertad.
Tiempo más tarde fue llamado por las autoridades de la Ocupación Aliada en Alemania para ser juzgado en Núremberg. Acudió, primero, al Juicio de Oswald Pohl, en el que no se le condenó por falta de pruebas. También fue llamado al Juicio de IG Farben, donde aportó numerosos testimonios y una lista con 34 judíos a los que ayudó a escapar de la Gestapo, de las SS y de campos de concentración, y del que también fue absuelto.
A pesar de su ayuda, fue declarado culpable de haber obtenido una ganancia de 7.000 Reichsmarks en la fábrica Skoda con mano de obra esclavizada y condenado a dos años en la prisión estatal de Berlín, de donde salió en noviembre de 1947 encontrándose con que los bienes de la familia Göring habían sido embargados por el gobierno de Alemania Federal.
El encontrarse sin nada provocó un derrumbe en Albert, que se volcó al descuido y la bebida, sin llegar a conseguir un trabajo importante dentro de la Alemania Occidental. Trabajó como escritor, dibujante o traductor, pero siempre esporádicamente y muy mal pagado.
A pesar de los consejos de su amigo Ernst Kassler, Albert nunca accedió a cambiarse el nombre argumentando que aun sin su apellido, los Göring eran bien reconocidos en Alemania, Austria y Suiza, sin tener que presentarse.
En 1952, el gobierno alemán le concedió una pensión de 82 marcos alemanes mensuales ―equivalentes a unos 95 dólares actuales― por edad avanzada y desempleo. Desde entonces, y hasta su muerte, Albert vivió en un viejo apartamento en el centro de Berlín, con una casera con la que contrajo matrimonio pocos días antes de su muerte para que ella pudiera disponer de la pensión que el gobierno le otorgaba.​
Albert Göring falleció el 20 de diciembre de 1966. Sus restos se encuentran en un cementerio en las afueras de Múnich
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nightbringer24 · 1 year
What WW2 plane do you think doesn't get enough love?
Despite it being a popular plane in certain circles that know enough about it, it's got to be the gold old Mossie, the de Havlland Mosquito that deserves more love alongside the Spitfire and the Hurricane in the UK.
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A plan that ran missions from night-fighter, to fighter-bomber, to running supplies to allied partisans and spies in German-occupied Europe, a reconnaissance aircraft, an intruder, and maritime strike.
The aircraft that was almost scrapped as a 'folly', and paid dividends in return.
The airplane that spited the Nazis by hitting Berlin on the Nazi party's 10th anniversary by knocking out the radio antenna that Herman Göring himself was using to make a speech.
The plane that made the Reichsmarschall himself say:
In 1940 I could at least fly as far as Glasgow in most of my aircraft, but not now! It makes me furious when I see the Mosquito. I turn green and yellow with envy. The British, who can afford aluminium better than we can, knock together a beautiful wooden aircraft that every piano factory over there is building, and they give it a speed which they have now increased yet again. What do you make of that? There is nothing the British do not have. They have the geniuses and we have the nincompoops. After the war is over I'm going to buy a British radio set – then at least I'll own something that has always worked.
The Mossie, the Wooden Wonder, deserves more love.
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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Well, tonight then the first part of The Man Who Lived At The Ritz from 1989. Cast: Perry King - Philip Weber Joss Ackland - Hermann Göring Leslie Caron - Coco Chanel Sophie Barjac - Martine Fauvet David McCallum - Charlie Ritz John Grillo - von Behr and many more Story: This is a pretty-darn-good World War II movie. The Germans take over the Ritz Hotel in Paris. Perry King has lived there for years (and, so, is allowed to stay). Later, he befriends Field Marshall Herman Goering; (after noticing that one of Goering's "valuable" paintings is a forgery), he gets hired as his art expert. Later, he gets pulled into the Resistance movement. At this point, the story gets dangerous for him (and continues to the end). Coco Chanel (Leslie Caron) becomes his close friend; he loves one of Coco's models. I enjoy David McCallum's role, as the weak-kneed son of the famed Ritz owner (who also gets involved in the Resistance). It's a long movie (over 3 hours), so it fully paints each of the characters, and fleshes out the plot. - by dennisg-6 on IMDB Thoughts: Well, Philip sets up in Paris in 1927 and with his uncle's last will, he's allowed to live at the Ritz for good. We start with 1940 when Germany has occupied France and the higher Nazis like Göring, Göbbels and all are out to steal the French art and its masterpieces for themselves. Philip tries to stay neutral but it gets worse when he falls in love with one of Ms Chanel's girls, Lily from Poland. She asks him for help to flee but he can't, yet as he finds her dead at the hand of the Nazis, he changes his mind slowly. When Göring asks him for his expertise, he begins to become involved more and more since he's an art student. Soon enough, the doors are wide open for the Resistance and he meets Martine again. 
Now onto the second part. Since it's the same story, I only add my thoughts here: Philip becomes more and more involved with the Resistance and by helping Göring and his art, he finds out that someone close to him has to be a double agent. He first suspects Coco but as it turns out it's their mutual friend Armand who also plays tennis. However, Armand invites Philip to his castle where they could talk, yet Philip notices a statue which was in Göring's hands and is now in Armand's. The man wants to kill him but Philip turns the table around and has to flee. Being on the run, he has hunted by the Gestapo and Göring is disappointed. During a nightly chase, involving a motorcycle, Philip and Martine, who the Gestapo followed, they decide to jump into the Seine. Martine remains saved while Philip lets himself caught and in a cell, Göring lets his anger take over. Well, soon Mr Weber should be transported away but Göbbels steps in and let the man transfer to him, yet still Philip manages to escape and for some years helps the Resistance, along with Martine. However, when France is freed in August 1944 he's back at the Ritz, in his room - and Martine and celebrates the victory over Nazi Germany.
Be lucky if you can find a trailer online. Otherwise there are DVDs or downloads possible.
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Happy deathday to Herman Göring. No really, that's it, it's just a happy, happy deathday! In fact, we should celebrate this day every year!! After all, the only good fascist is a dead fascist
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fujifles · 5 years
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afrikakorpsmaedel · 20 days
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How was this diva not a Leo?
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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meggigoering · 2 years
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An almost biblical story about fratricide.
Cain and Abel are just relaxing. Either brother Herman Göring but I live in Russia, or the "sister" from Cosa Nostra leaned against Tolstoy's grandfather as a false heir, or the mother is a serial murderer. With such a family, you don’t need enemies, and even more so friends.
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boostcmg · 1 year
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Irma Grese is mentioned in the most of sources as the overseer of the death camps Ravensbrück and Auschwitz, who received the nickname "hyena" for her distinguished cruelty. According to official legend, on the basis of testimony, Grese was sentenced to death and hanged on December 13th. 1945, after she was resurrected in the United States as Secretary of State with the name Madeleine Albright. There was no documentary evidence of Grese's guilt in the crimes imputed to her. The trial and execution were carried out on the territory of the Mecklenburg House, one of the Russified monarchical dynasties, married to representatives of the princely dynasties of Gediminovich and Rurikovich in Russia. Meanwhile, there are examples of the imputation of imperfect crimes to other natives of monarchical dynasties, indicated according to publications as the "top of the Reich" in the absence of sufficient evidence indicating the presence of corpus delicti in their actions. A deliberately unjust death sentence was a way of obtaining a waiver of the right of the heirs of monarchical dynasties to the throne and associated property rights. With the help of deliberately sham court decisions, the ZR/RiFLE program, as a tool for seizing state power in the territories not controlled by the United States, among other things, solved the problem of knowingly illegally obtaining the rights of hereditary monarchs, along with the direct mass extermination of representatives of the aristocracy and the nobility in death camps starting from the beginning of the 20th century, 30 years before the start of WWII. The House of Mecklenburg had the right to participate in the succession to the thrones of Great Britain and the successors of Prussia, and therefore the heirs of this dynasty became a desirable prey for property blackmail. The trial took place over the heirs within the territories of their royal houses. In this regard, the question of Irma Grese's guilt in the crimes imputed to her remains open, as well as who became the beneficiary of her waiver of the right. This case as a part of crime series, gives birth the definitely different representation of the substance of the serial mass murders in the death camps of the WWII, their beneficiaries, organizers, executors.
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