#boralus rp
eluviannaa · 1 month
A little rp sketch. Elu and Deleria secret meetup. Or not so secret?
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pookamhura · 7 months
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This game is so much fun when you play it as a photography/videography simulator and roll that into your RP.
I have to take my hat off to whoever at Blizzard came up with the Inky Black potion and combining it with the Dark Moon Faire is the chef's kiss. The Inky black makes events on Moon Guard like Dark Moon Faire and even the city of Stormwind itself into a perfect street photography simulator. I bet Boralus at night fucked up on an Inky Black must give you awesome opportunities to play with light and shadows to get the perfect shot.
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Just capturing moments in time on the streets of Stormwind at night, fucked up on Inky Black.
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Stormwind at night.
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Never know what adventures the night has.
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Horde Citizens just chilling at the Faire.
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Fun to just captures these little moments on Azeroth.
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A Long-Leggedy rides the carousal.
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A carney waits for rubes.
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Waiting to get in the club.
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Inside the club I feel uneasy.
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The Pook will talk to the bouncer about getting her cover back.
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No refunds.
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roughneck-remedies · 7 months
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Amilisa Hackney
Born in Tiragarde Sound to the Roughnecks, wranglers that raise the gryphons for the Kul Tirans, Amilisa was brought up camp to camp in a simple and rustic setting among the mountains. Latent druidic powers giving her an innate understanding of herbs and their medicinal uses she quickly became one of the groups primary healers. In her adult life, she began to produce her own salves for sale and found some success in the Tradewinds Market of Boralus shortly before the Fourth War. Since then, she has been forced upon a path she never wished for, struggling against the weight of responsibility clashing against her desires of a normal life as an herbalist.
Some OOC Info:
This is a character blog for Amilisa@MoonGuard, feel free to contact me in-game!
This blog and character will have mature themes (nsfw), so 18+ interactions only, please!
I do not do Tumblr or Discord RP almost ever, if you would like to write, it will need to be in-game!
Player is 28 and nonbinary
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wyrmguardsecrets · 1 year
i have an rp date coming up soon and i need some cute ideas. preferably like a restaurant scene!! i have a few different ones in mind like dalaran or boralus but idk idk
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martyrette · 1 year
◤✞ Maggotmilk ✞◥
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I’m going to be describing the development and story of this character below. It is going to contain a lot of triggering topics such as familial exploration and abuse, addiction and just overall trauma stuff. You've been warned!
Where do I start with MM? Maggie was the original concept for Bunnyguts when I began writing her. She originally came from some fun and edgy special effects makeup I was playing around with during the Rona. I took photos in my wigs and went all artsy and soon came up with her; Maggotmilk.
A sex worker back from the dead, trying to sort out their life now that their former job wasn’t really an option.
I’m going to make a Bunnyguts development master post soon with my very first concepts of her soon, I’m just struggling to find the notebook I had her concepts in.
But the two were basically the same character for awhile before I decided to put her in the WoW RP scene, which is when the characters became Maggotmilk and Bunnyguts respectively.
Maggotmilk, born Fiona Cullen, grew up in Drustvar with her step-mother and younger half-brother. Her father had died of illness, leaving them without income. Her step-mother was quick to pimp out Maggotmilk in order to make ends meat, and generally just saw her as another mouth to feed along with her little brother.
Fiona’s little brother was her world though. In place of their vicious and cold matron, Fiona began to raise brother while she too was still just a youth. However, after Fiona’s step-mother found out she was stashing away money to runaway, a violent fight broke out between the two. In the conflict, her brother accidentally got caught between them and killed, leading to Fiona soon killing her step-mother in a fit of rage.
After the emotions died down and the realization of what she did kicked in, she broke down. She was alone. And she was a murderer. She abandoned her home, running away to Boralus to escape her crime of passion and grief. It’s here she continued to be a sex worker to make income, her guilt eating away at her. She soon turned to drugs to numb it out and hopefully forget the face of the family she lost.
It’s around this time Shion finds Fiona, ODing out in the streets. Saving her, Fiona admits to not having a place to stay. Shion allows her to stay and accommodations if she can pull off a job. Desperate, she agrees and passes Shion’s test; she can be taught to be a thief. A Magpie. The two end up growing close and working together, Shion aiding in Fiona’s healing and growth. This is when she sheds the name Fiona and is given the name Maggotmilk by Shion.
She is something motherly and sweet, only left with rot and empty spots in her. The things she mothered are in the ground now.
An owning and acceptance of one’s trauma.
Maggotmilk is the first member of The Magpies and helps Shion recruit through her good heart and judge of character. It is also through Maggie Bunnyguts ends up joining them.
Bunnyguts and Maggotmilk quickly became best friends: Bunnyguts the heated and outgoing one while Maggotmilk was mild and softspoken. Though their world came crashing down during the siege of Boralus. When the Horde came, The Magpies got split up in the chaos, leaving Bunnyguts and Maggotmilk to their own devices. BG did her best to protect Maggotmilk, but she was soon skewered by an Orc and ended up dying in Bunnyguts’ arms, triggering The Magpies to break up and for her to leave Boralus and go to Stormwind. That city would never been the same without her best friend.
However, Maggotmilk was scooped up by the Forsaken and soon raised into Undeath unknown to Bunnyguts. Forced into a brand new life, Maggie is trying to figure out what she wants for herself now; she based her whole life on others and looking after them.
Shes mostly been focusing on her art and reconnecting with her heritage to feel closer with her passed family.
The evolution and story of Maggotmilk. I want to wait will I have a current wip of BG done before I make her masterpost and spill her character beans. Spoilers: Bunnyguts Whitetrash Grandma Core
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You know theres been more life returning to Argent Dawn lately for some reason and I cant help but think its partly due to things like the pcu being absent from most peoples playtime.
Yeah sure theres some of them knocking around here and there but theyre basically irrelevant and everyone ignores them. hand of conquest disappearing though is pretty big and i dont think theres quite a guild like them and moklohn that came before that fills the gap so curious to see what comes of that scene in the future
RP has been on an upward trend throughout Dragonflight, do not listen to what the myopic navel-gazing talking heads of the pet peeve thread et al like to gripe and moan about. RP on Argent Dawn has largely returned to levels it was in BFA, any 'lack of noise' is because the individuals who were attention seeking obsessives have either largely quit or have moved to mediums which histrionic symptoms are by large considered more acceptable.
In fact, in some places there is even more RP than before. Boralus, Dalaran, Stromgarde not to mention places like Booty Bay and similar smaller settlements are teeming with people these days.
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torbeen · 1 year
Ty for dealing with all my anon asks. I’m just too lazy to log into my rp blog to send asks from your latest meme rn 😬❤️
Also, how is Radish doing?
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"You could say Radish is rooted in Boralus, for now." Torben begins, all the satisfaction at such a phrase as clear as calm waters across his face. "But that is the problem with being on the open water at times, now isn't it? Where could one possibly keep their horse on a ship?"
Below decks? Nonsense. Who in their right mind could possibly keep a creature that loved the open air and long, open pastures trapped away from the sunlight? Not Torben, at least. Just as he wished someone would never confine him in on single place himself. Some people simply could not stay in one place. The oldest and friendliest of nature's marine life, sharks, understood this too well. They had to keep moving. To stay still to them would be death. At least Torben assumed. He'd never seen a shark sitting still. Only partly due to the lack of lawn furniture that was both waterproof and available in sizes accommodating to such a creature.
"Give him a apple for me, the next you see him, will you? I'm certain that he would appreciate it. As would I."
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boralusrp · 6 years
New URL for Boralus RPing!
Your new destination for roleplaying in Boralus city is ... http://boralus.city
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wolfsbaneblogs · 6 years
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The Dusty Anchor. Known to the well-to-do citizens of Boralus as a den of thieves and criminals. But to it’s patrons, the Anchor is a home for anyone who is outcast by the upper-class and nobility.  Run by Elizabeth “Betty” Addington, it hosts all sorts of the city’s lower-class citizens, each of them welcomed with open arms. Rumor has it Betty uses the Tavern as a front for various smuggling and fencing operations, as well as harboring known criminals. Nothing has ever been proved, however.
Consider this a little advert for Betty’s Player-Run Bar! It’s located in the Shark, in Mariner’s Row. Since that area’s hostile sometimes, I figured it would be easier to run a Tavern there, and not get in anyone’s way! But, I’m going to be running it for a few hours every few nights. Due to my schedule, it’ll be a little sporadic, but I’m excited to start! It’s first day will be on Tuesday from 5-8 Server time! (Will write out a whole menu and the like once I have a little more time!)
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mmhberry · 3 years
I have such a toxic relationship with WoW, because this game is literally killing itself from expansion to expansion. But I still proceed to come back to it after so many years.
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eluviannaa · 7 days
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I had an idea weeks ago to post a letter in a few places that was a sort of call for correspondence RP. People can be shy about engaging and thought it might be an interesting idea for getting to know other characters that align with Elu's path.
I was inspired by the letters and journals authors like Lovecraft and Stoker explore in their own works. We even see this influence in Umbral with the cryptic narrative exchanges and Hespera's letters.
While I wasn't expecting so many replies, it's been an amazing experience. Tying into the lore developing in The War Within and inspiring my own work.
Somewhat unexpectedly, it has helped in developing both her current story, interests, and motivations as well as connecting everything to Azeroth's larger story.
While much is yet to be seen in Umbral, a recent reply I wrote ended up being a great example of how this "project" has connected everything.
While not perfect, and it certainly pushes existing lore (The Council of Relics is my own invention), this recent reply is probably the most exciting one as it hits on all the notes above. And it's my longest reply yet, apart from RP that's been ongoing here.
📜 A reply arrives by unseen courier, a heavy scroll announcing itself with a slight shimmer among the Kaldorei's belongings.
Your words reach me at a most opportune time. The headaches you speak of have been more than just a common affliction to those of us attuned to that which lies beyond mortal understanding. I, too, have felt the dissonance of these visions—the pull of something unfamiliar, yet... not altogether unknown. It is often in the convergence of such disturbances that one must tread carefully—knowledge can be as dangerous as the enemies we face, if not more so.
I am intrigued by your observations, especially your comparison to the Illidari's rite of ascension. You speak of this as something distinct from Fel, Void, and Light, and I must agree. Whatever this force is, its call cannot be ignored.
My own time in Dalaran during the third invasion was a similarly harrowing experience. Having only just arrived at Netherlight, I had my own battles to tend to. My time with the Conclave also found me on Argus, under the arm of the Kirin Tor—specifically the Council of Relics—perhaps you know it. Though my attentions were focused on understanding Eredar relics, a means to aid in the war efforts.
From my research, both within the Broken Isles and at the enemy’s doorstep, the implications became truly disturbing. Something of anomalies tangled with forces darker still. Though I would be remiss not to share that I learned many harsh lessons through my own transformation. And have since dedicated myself to understanding, taming, and even strengthening my Void abilities.
Though I now call Boralus home, I have recently spent much time in Azj-Kahet. I follow whispers, rumors, of a unique bazaar with dark relics and trading in secrets. A guarded labyrinth that suggests more than the mere discovery of lost things. To say nothing of terrible implications in the very environment and flora, suggesting that these objects are tied to a corruption burrowing even deeper below the surface.
It is my belief that the nature of these visions is tied to something older. I suspect there are more, scattered beneath Azj-Kahet, still waiting to be uncovered. These things predate our current understanding of the cosmos and its powers. The echoes, the migraines—they suggest a resonance from a plane we have yet to fully comprehend, even among the Ren'dorei that walk with Magister Umbric. Those of an entity now awakened.
Indeed we may be witnessing the emergence of this long-dormant influence, one that seeks to assert itself as Azeroth trembles under the weight of so many converging threats. Though its role still remains unclear.
I would welcome your continued correspondence on this matter, as your perspective from the shadows of the Illidari may reveal further insights. Your letter has rekindled my desire to return to the past. There is much to be gained from our combined efforts, and perhaps more to be lost should we dismiss opportunity.
Should you find yourself in need of more practical counsel, I may be of service. The balance guides us, after all.
To the unknowable,
Eluvianna Umbralstar
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
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Top: Kevin and @ocean-eyed-medic by Aperns! (https://artistsnclients.com/people/aperns)
Bottom: Kevin by MFZero! (https://artistsnclients.com/people/MFZero) 
Both artist were amazing to work with and I could not be happier!
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marachius · 4 years
Troubles At The Bar
Marachius stood next to the bar and worked on his cup of coffee. There was a good crowd and everyone seemed to be in fine spirits. He recognized a few of the people there, but not more than to nod as they passed on the street.
“Sorry you have to wait.”
Marachius looked back to the bar and the young lady now standing behind it. She was removing mugs from her tray and putting them in a wash basin behind.
“That’s okay, Tabitha,” he replied. “Gives me a chance to people watch.”
“Well, they’ve got someone coming in to help out. As soon as she gets here, I can leave.”
“That’s fine. That’ll give me time to finish my coffee.”
“Just holler out if you need a refresh,” Tabitha said. She put some fresh mugs of ale on her tray and carefully picked it up. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be here.”
Marc watched as Tabitha moved back into the room and carried the drinks over to a table. The three men sitting at the table were having a good time as they loudly talked and laughed together. As the waitress started putting the drinks on the table, the men talked to her. Marc couldn’t hear what they were saying because of all the noise. Tabitha kept smiling as she responded to them. 
As she turned to walk away, one of the men reached out and grabbed Tabitha’s arm and pulled her back. Tabitha lost her balance and suddenly found herself sitting on the man’s lap. Her smile faltered briefly as she tried to pull away from the customer. Marachius put his coffee cup back on the bar and immediately walked over to the table.
“Everything okay?” Marc asked, looking directly at Tabitha. But she never had a chance to answer.
“She’s fine,” the man that had pulled on Tabitha’s arm responded.
“Mind you own business,” one of the other men added.
“I wasn’t asking you,” Marachius replied to the men. Then he looked back at Tabitha.
“I’m fine,” Tabitha said, trying to sound fine. She tried to stand up, but the man pulled her down again. 
“You’re not ready to leave yet, are you?”
“Sir, I have other customers.”
“Let them find their own waitress. I’ve got mine.”
“Not anymore,” Marachius said. Reaching forward, the paladin reached for the hand that was holding onto Tabitha’s arm. He wrapped his fingers around the man’s thumb and yanked back hard. The man yelped in pain and let go of Tabitha’s arm. Marc offered his other hand to Tabitha and she took it, pulling herself back to her feet. Marc then let go of the man’s thumb and stepped in front of the waitress.
“You peasant! Do you know who I am?” the man roared.
Marachius smirked momentarily. Before he could respond the bartender, a big man in a leather apron, came barreling into the room carrying a small wooden club.
“What’s going on?” the big man asked rather loudly.
“This man assaulted my friend,” one of the men at the table said, gesturing to his friend who was now cradling his hand.
“That so?” the bartender asked, turning to look at Marachius.
“No,” Tabitha interjected. “These men have had enough to drink.”
“Oh? Good enough for me,” the big man said. Then he turned to the table. “Bill is due now. Pay up and be on your way.”
“You’re kicking us out? Over her?” the man who was cradling his hand asked in surprise.
“Sure am.”
“But we’re the customers!” one of the others protested. 
“You were. Now you’re not. Thanks for coming by. Pay up and leave,” the bartender added, flexing one of his hands while he looked at them.
“Fine. This place was going to the dogs anyways.” The three men stood up and dropped some coins on the table before the stomped off, muttering.
“You going to be okay?” The bartender asked, looking at Tabitha.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“Good. Go ahead and straighten up and then start counting out for the night. And you,” he added, turning to look at Marachius. “Next time let us take care of things.”
“Yes, sir,” Marachius answered with a nod. “I apologize.”
“No harm done. You walking Tabi home?”
“If she wants me to.”
“Good. She should be ready in a little bit. Go finish your drink.”
Marachius nodded again and started walking back to the bar. The bartender slapped Marc on the shoulder as he passed the paladin to go back to the bar. Marc finished his cup of coffee and then another cup while he waited. Eventually, Tabitha came back to the bar.
“Are you ready?”
“Sure,” Marachius answered. He reaching into his pocket and pulled out a few coins. He placed them on the bar next to his empty coffee cup and waved at the bartended, who nodded in return.
“Where are we off to?” the paladin asked.
“Have you been to the gardens?”
“Can’t say that I have.”
“Well then you’re in for a treat.”
“Lead the way,” Marachius said with a smile. The young lady took Marachius’ hand and they started walking towards the keep. They talked quietly as they walked along the path. They were so absorbed in their conversation that neither noticed the sounds of footsteps quickly coming up from behind them. Suddenly, stars appeared in front of  Marachius’ eyes and he felt a searing pain in his head.
The paladin fell to his knees and brought his hands up to the back of his head. Next to him, he could see Tabitha being held back by a man. But before he could focus on that, he was struck again in the shoulder and knocked to the ground. 
“This is what you get for not knowing your place,” a voice called through the haze of Marachius’ pain.
Marachius tried to cover his head as two men started kicking the paladin. He could tell that somebody was talking, but he couldn’t make out what was being said. Then another pain shot through him, this time starting in his arm. He heard a loud whistling sound and yelling and then, finally, he passed out.
Marachius started to open his eyes and let out a groan. His head was pounding and the bright lights did nothing to improve that. 
“You okay, soldier?”
Marachius followed the voice. His eyes adjusted to the light and he was able to focus a little better.
“Yeah. How’re you feeling?”
“Like I got run over by an elek.”
“Sounds about right. What do you remember?”
“I’d left the bar with Tabitha.” Then he stopped and quickly glanced around the room, immediately regretting it. “Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. Upset, but not hurt. What else do you remember?”
“I think I was knocked down and then was getting kicked or something?”
“Yeah, that about sums it up.”
Marachius started to lift his hands to his head and noticed that his left arm felt a lot heavier than normal. And as soon as he moved that arm, a new pain stabbed into him. “What happened?”
“Three guys jumped you near the keep. Knocked you down and kicked you some. Looks like a broken arm and a concussion.”
“They didn’t hurt Tabitha, did they?”
“No. She’s worked up, but no physical harm. Seems that some guards happened to be nearby and heard her scream. They came running, found you on the ground with them stomping on you, and immediately arrested the bunch. Then they brought you here to get patched up.”
“How long have I been out?”
“A few hours,” Nara answered, patting Marc on the leg. “Leiana and Lorn walked your friend back home. I got the first shift to stay here with you. Lucky us, you weren’t out that long.”
“What about the guys who jumped me?”
“They’re locked up for now. Your friend said she recognized them. Can you explain what happened?”
“I don’t know. There were a couple of guys got worked up in the bar earlier,” Marc started. He raised his right hand to his face and rubbed his forehead a little bit.
“You do something?”
“Made one guy let go of Tabitha, but nothing serious.”
“Fair enough. Well, the doctors want you to rest a little bit longer before they’ll let you go anywhere. Kiernan should be by in just a little bit. You need anything?”
“No,” Marachius replied. “Once my head stops pounding, maybe I can do something about my arm.”
“No rush, soldier. We’re not going anywhere right this moment. Rest up for now.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Marc said, a slight smirk sliding over his face before he closed his eyes and relaxed on the bed.
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wolfhollow · 6 years
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Boralus Map and Key | Version 1
I am sure that I have missed some spots, and I haven’t labeled all the great signs that don’t have shops attached. A few spots, like in the Proudmoore Barracks and the Stormsong Monastery I assigned names to, but they’re pretty much just a description of the location since they don’t have any names. 
The red circle areas indicate where there are hostile NPCs outside. Any buildings with red dots have hostile NPCs actively inside them. If you notice any locations that I missed or hostile NPCs in houses I’ve marked as safe let me know so I can do an updated version! Also any spelling errors. I am very tired.
I love Boralus, and it is the best, and I never want to leave. 
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ciralinroseshadow · 5 years
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A great evening with Jac’s Boralus Bartending! at the Tavern in Ashvane Foundry! Many patrons, and always room for more! 
@brandstonethings @woesofwolves @atc-wra
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azerothian-details · 6 years
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Ruff Waters, Boralus
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