boredwithmythoughts · 2 months
I honestly believe that Physical Therapy exercises should be taught in gym class. It should be a mandatory subject that everyone should know, because let's face it, it was barely touched on in my gym classes.
I recently hurt my shoulder, I did something funky to the muscles in there when sparring, and thankfully I have always been a part of sports when growing up (me and my sisters), so we are used to sports injuries and what to do, how to help them heal properly.
Which made me realize, I only know how to do that because of being an athlete when younger, so I'm used to the physical rehab being part of the healing process. I know how to tell the difference between the "oh shit this will injure you more stop now" pain, and the "suck it up buttercup, and push past this to get better" pain, and have the mental fortitude to be able to properly do so.
And I also only know what exercises to do for what body part and what type of injury because of the sports injuries of myself and my sisters, so if I pull multiple muscles in my shoulder, I can get it all better in a faster manner and regain full mobility and strength without risking further injury, which is important as you get older. Which not a lot of people know how to do and what to do, which can be very important in the first few days after sustaining the injury.
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boredwithmythoughts · 4 months
This is one of my favorite times of the year.
Not because I'm a fan of winter, not because of Valentine's Day or anything like that.
No, I love this time of year because it's when my favorite fruit, Blood Oranges, are finally in stores again!
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boredwithmythoughts · 5 months
*inspired by the last D&D session I played in*
DM talking to the Elf Warlock character: "Okay now the 6'9" Sorcerer looks at you with a smouldering glance"
Me: "Hmm, my character is right there, I should roll myself as well..."
DM continuing: "and he shifts into a highly attractive woman in front of you"
Me :*flashback of earlier in the session where my character met a tall hot demon lady and displayed obvious attraction* "...my character seeing this rolls a 3"
DM: "You rolled a D4 though"
Me: "...I stand by my roll."
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boredwithmythoughts · 7 months
It's weird how skewed ones perceptions of oneself can be based off of whom you surround yourself with, which includes your abilities and talents.
It actually wasn't until a few years ago that I came to this realization.
You see, I have always surrounded myself and have been surrounded by people quite extraordinary in pretty much any field I've been in, ranging from sports to academics.
I'm not saying I've felt stupid or inadequate, but it has formed what my base is for what I consider mediocre as well as skilled or incredible.
I've always felt myself as...average in everything I do basically, sometimes going above average. I basically have taken for granted that the people I had gravitated towards were just in their own league until I started noticing what the actual average person is like *outside* of that type of person.
The stuff that I thought I was just average at, the stuff that I just assumed people knew to do... It has been eye opening when I found out that people just...don't have those skills or knowledge, or can't even do the things that I've grown up learning to do.
Granted, I've also been incredibly humbled by people from different societal groups having knowledge or skills that I didn't even *know* existed, as well as having my shortcomings for what is apparently common knowledge for a lot of people brought to my attention.
Anyway, the point of all of this is, if you are feeling that you are just..average, or there's nothing special about you, or anything you try you can't excel in as everyone around you can do as well or better, maybe you should take a good *look* at those you are around and maybe try to expand to or hang around a different societal group for a while, and you might just find yourself being incredible to those people through your supposed mediocrity in your fields of interest. After all, if you consistently surround yourself with the best in your field, it's hard to keep in mind that you're one of them as well.
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boredwithmythoughts · 8 months
I find it hilarious when the dentist decides to ask you to do things when you have half your mouth frozen l.
"How do your teeth feel?" Well the half of them that got feeling are the same as before. As far as I know I think I still have the other teeth. 50/50 chance atleast in my mind.
"Does the fillings feel fine when you run your tongue over them?" I'd let you know if my tongue wasn't over half numb as well, because turns out if you freeze someone's mouth the tongue also gets affected...who would have guessed.
"Bite down on this, how does it feel?" Well your freezing stuff is still working as intended so judging how it feels on the side with feeling that you aren't working on...maybe fine?
Atleast it didn't travel fully into my eye and freeze that this time.
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boredwithmythoughts · 11 months
It's still wild to me that schools, mainly Colleges and Universities, got away with somehow charging full price of administration during COVID when the campuses and buildings were all closed, where the amenities and resources that are extra still got charged.
How the hell was that ever justified and allowed?
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In case anyone is interested, I was having some candy with my spouse, different flavors, and when I got to the dark one that was shaped like grapes, all my spouse heard from me was a loud "NOPE!" And immediate removal of that offending piece of candy from my mouth, to which they said that it was a stronger reaction than they expected.
Which is fair.
But it's also fair when you discover a sudden taste of Black Liquorice in your mouth that you want it immediately gone!
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I remember one time I was playing checkers with my Grandma, and we somehow got a perfect stalemate game, no one took any piece, and no moves were available.
I, to this day, have no idea how we did this without either of us realizing it at the time until it was too late.
It remains to this day one of my favorite accomplishments.
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While others may have learned different terms upon starting, unless you're the Pope declaring this it ain't valid!
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Here's a picture of my very derpy loveable mutt! Look at her smiling with her teefers!
hey tumblr im not doing too great today it'd b rly swag if u could reblog this with ur silliest meme or cutest pet picture!
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Me messaging my spouse : "The world is naught but cruelty filled with hate in which the Gods laugh at us"
Spouse : ???
Me : They no longer have blood oranges at the store....
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The more I listen to older System of a Down songs, the more I'm convinced that 90% of the albums are just them adlibbing in the moment as they record the song.
Like...there are clearly songs that has had a great amount of thought put into it, but on the other hand there are some that only letting yourself give into your brains chain of unhindered and directionless thoughts can produce.
Because seriously, how else can you come up with a song about making a Pizza Pie with Pepperoni, Green peppers, mushrooms, olives, & chives, while also singing about how advertisements are causing a need for therapy with nothing in-between.
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Me: *suffering from feelings of being an imposter and just getting lucky with what I see is common knowledge about my job*
Me after seeing someone try to do something related to my job: "What in all of the gods hells are you doing? Don't you understand a basic thing about this? Clearly not, let me spell it out for you before you make my job any harder!*Goes into implicit detail about how the things is done, why what they are doing wrong, and why that's important*"
Me 2 minutes after giving a 30 minute lecture : "Huh...maybe I *do* know what I'm doing..."
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I think that when people say "you just need to learn to cook one meal" is unintentionally misleading.
You should learn to cook one type of *protein*.
It doesn't matter if it is chicken, beef, pork, or even Tofu, learn to cook it, learn how it can be cooked properly and well, how it can be seasoned... Learn a type of meal center and the rest doesn't matter. You can always open a can of veggies or something as a side.
Once you learn how a certain protein can be cooked properly, you'll find you can cook it in many different ways, giving you atleast a variety of dinners and meals.
That's what you should strive for not just making one "dish", but a center for a meal.
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I just find it utterly rejecting and depressing that it's getting harder and harder to find just plane *spices* in the grocery stores now.
Like... All I wanted to do was buy some Sage, Savory, and Marjoram. These are pretty common spices, I'd consider them a staple for anyone cooking.
And yet, I've been to a few major stores that hold groceries (Sobeys, Walmart) and they just aren't there.
I'd understand if they were hard to grow spices, or specific ones you'd need to ship from Europe or Asia due to the war and political tensions, but no, these are easily grown and produced spices, most of them being perennials in North America, and yet the scarcity of them is mind boggling.
It is literally easier for me to find Saffron before what was common staple spices in stores.
I understand less and less people are cooking leading to a saturation of blends and mixes, but common now, I should still be able to buy individual common spices at the grocery stores.
Thankfully Bulk Barn carries a huge amount of common and uncommon spices so I can get them, but this lack of easily available spices is what's truly worrying me for the state of the world.
Why is that?
Freely flowing variety of spices and the scarcity of spices available is and always has been an indicator of the economy and world trades.
Stronger economies and strong relations between countries allows for greater trade of spices. Weaker economies and trade relations has less available spices for the common citizen.
The state of the world is seen in the state of the common persons spice cabinet. Entire global relations can be boiled down and seen by opening your spice pantry and seeing what's been getting more and more difficult to procure, if not impossible to find without extraordinary measures.
The news and media can mislead you, but the spice trade never will!
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Just to be clear, someone is getting railed up the ass tonight, and it ain't gonna be her.
To all the fellas out there celebrating International Woman's Day with your/a lady friend (wife, spouse, girlfriend, non-family member of the opposite sex), remember to properly prepare, just relax, and breathe.
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To all the fellas out there celebrating International Woman's Day with your/a lady friend (wife, spouse, girlfriend, non-family member of the opposite sex), remember to properly prepare, just relax, and breathe.
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