boring-lesbian · 4 years
damn not sleeping was the best thing that’s ever happened to me- mornings are so pretty the birds are awake and the wind is cold and fresh, and no one else is awake. not a single person in my house is up. it’s finally peaceful, and i know that it will be for a few more hours until they begin to wake
i used to think the night was the best time to be alone, however my mother is always still awake late. now even she’s sleeping
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
it’s 4:28am and i feel like i can take in the world-
i want to tell my crush i like her but it’s 6:28 where she is and also i’ll regret that deeply once i’ve had some sleep and my head is brought back down to reality
so like i’m just gonna go memorise poetry and learn latin-
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
but i-
Get those Dark Academia vibes!
1. Read all the books you can!
2. Visit museums and libraries!
3. drink black coffee or tea!
4.turtlenecks and tweed! 
NOT recommended:
1. Murder
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
James Potter died wandless, alone, betrayed, and hopeless on a staircase. This man had never been more dedicated to anything IN HIS LIFE then he was to Lily. In his final moments all he did was try to buy them time. Try to save them. Can you imagine dying and not knowing if your wife and son are safe. Can you imagine the failure he would have felt. All of this... all of this and JK Rowling goes “uwu Snape!” I think the fuck not! I WANT JUSTICE!
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
i still feel guilty that my first pet (a hamster) died because i didn’t take well enough care of it, even though i was 9 at the time and for some reason my parents thought i was responsible enough to look after it
i just found an old photo of it and i feel so bad like it could have lived for years longer if someone else had taken care of it but instead it had to be me
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
writer problem one billion and two:
i just described my character and oh my god she’s so pretty can i date her instead my mc dosent deserve her-
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
okay so this account pretending to be a band (that was probably a pedo) was messaging my internet friend
and i have a crush on said friend and got really overprotective (oops)
so i messaged the account and had a go at them and they were being all creepy some messaged include
then: I like you so much for all you have written to me so far
me: i swear to god your not even reading the messages mate your bloody delusional
and now they’ve deleted their account lmao i scared off a pedo
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
someone who pronounces ‘auntie’ like ‘antie’ please explain to me. everyone in my area apart from my family does it, but whenever i ask the only thing people say to me is “what? from london or something?”
i just want to know why people say it like that....... please....... what is the appeal,,,,?????? is it an ant??????? did you pick it up off the street??????? no,,,,,,,,,,, so why say ‘antie’
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
hello i would like a girlfriend please and thank you
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
dear past self : what the fuck?
dentists be like “tippetty tap, your teeth are crap.”
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
so i’m feeling hella called out rn,,, please tell me there are more english people who say yall-? it never crossed my mind that no one i know says it and appArently (according to random person on instagram comments lmao) most english people dOnt say it??? help me out here yall please i’m so confused-
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
no one
like not a single soul
joe mazzello: “do i have any stans names stan? or is it all just a lie.”
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
lmao i just found this post- they’ve been missing for a few weeks (7th march)
dear friends, i am afraid i have betrayed you all and accepted a gift of airpods... (and ngl they’re pretty good) ((i say that now, lets see what i think in a day when they’re missing lmao)
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
i have just been informed that americans call a zebra crossing a ‘crossing’ and the lollipop lady a ‘crossing guard’
please tell me this is not true. please.
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
well i was about bloody right with this.
february 22 and so far nothing has gone right everything’s gotten worse.
ugh 2020 time to fail another year
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
okay so i feel like this might just be be but idk so i’m asking yall
so, i guess this only applies if your out and in a safe environment, but do you ever wish you were in the closet again? like no one i know is homophobic, but people tend to make jokes and if someone brings up the subject of LGBTQ+ they all (at school) look at me and stuff. but then saying i want to be in the loser again feels selfish because like, my family and friends all support me and stuff... idk man
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boring-lesbian · 4 years
harry: got called gay in the three broomsticks earlier lads
ron: tell us what happened lad
harry: i got called gay in the three broomsticks
ron: ye but why
harry: i was being gay
ron: in the three broomsticks?
harry: yeah it was in the three broomsticks
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