AHHH!!! You have no idea how happy I was to see your post! You went so long without posting that I thought you'd abandoned ship. I'm so glad to be proven wrong! I'm placing my votes for #2 (fix-it) and #4 (kidnapped). Because every ship needs a fix-it, and because I'm very much looking forward to a snarky Hank who's proud of his kick-ass pronunciation despite his predicament. Looking forward to the vote results! -Anon, who needs to get a Tumblr instead of hovering around like some creepy stalker
Thank you!  Your votes have been counted!  ^__^  I’m so glad there’s some interest in these ideas - it certainly helps with inspiration to write.  And can I just say that I’m terribly flattered that you’ve kept checking up even during my hiatus(es), and if you ever do get a tumblr account please come say hi!  I’d love to keep chatting and I know some other lovely people here would too.  ^_^ 
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I survived 8.08 as much as any other Horis fan, I suppose. Half of me wanted to hurl the tablet at the wall, and half of me wanted to scream, "NOW KISS!" And Jill, bless her, is an amazing actress and character, but in that episode I was so annoyed at her and her stupid little engagement ring >:( Perhaps that's the cue for us Horis fans to write some fix-its... -The Anon who has continually checked on your blog throughout your hiatus and your return
Oh hello again!  I’m so glad to hear from you!  :D  That sounds like a pretty sensible reaction to me, tbh.  Yes, Jill is fantastic but - just - no.  Just no.  And I would read All the Fix-Its for the finale, so if you have any ideas… ^_~ 
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Hi there, I was wondering whether you could help me out on this one. In "Lama Trauma" Boris and the Tibetan boy are playing some game on Hank´s Ipad and there are messages popping up from some dating website. You have any idea what Hank´s nickname was? I seem to remember that it was mentioned, but I have no access to that season so I can´t just watch the ep again and find out myself :(
Sorry, this is probably hideously late, but yes, I know: his username was hamptdoc17. 
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In my mind, Boris teases Hank about this for the rest of their lives.  Not constantly, oh no, but every year or even every two or three years he’ll make some sly comment and Hank is just “IT’S BEEN TEN YEARS WHY DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER THIS??” 
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Merry Christmas!
Or happy winter holiday of your choice or happy New Year, as you prefer!  : ) 
No new screenshots or quotes yet, I’m afraid - I’m stockpiling them so that if work gets really busy as it did this fall, I won’t just disappear off the face of the internet again.  Ideally I plan to start posting regularly again in the new year. 
In the meantime, I do have a little present for my Shadow Pond family and any other Royal Pains / Boris fans out there.  
I have a few ideas that have been floating around in my head for months.  I’ve written bits down here and there, but none of them are anything close to complete.  So, for this holiday season, I’m going to lay out a brief summary and short snippet from five of these fic ideas and you wonderful people can tell me which one I should actually get down to writing. 
Everyone - and by “everyone” I mean “anyone who reads this post” - gets two votes, and the fic with the most votes by January 8th is the one I’ll start really working on.  Hopefully I’ll be able to start posting in February or March - we’ll see!  (The other ideas will probably be written eventually, but I’ll give priority to the one people like best and work to get it finished.) 
So let me know what sounds good to you and have a very merry Christmas / happy holiday / fun New Year’s!!  Fic samples under the cut!  ^_~ 
*Note: These are all Boris/Hank fics because that’s how I roll.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
1) The Shapeshifter AU 
Wherein Boris is a shapeshifter and Shadow Pond serves as a safe haven for other shifters.  When Hank crashes a party and saves the life of a guest, Boris decides he is the ideal candidate - not only to become Boris’s personal doctor, but also to help with a plan of even greater importance.  Hank, meanwhile, knows that his new boss is a very private, even secretive man…but he has no idea just how much Boris is hiding.  [This one has the potential to get super long, just to warn you.  It mmight take longer to see any of it.] 
“So what was the big hurry?” Evan asked as soon as Hank came onto the patio.  “Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” Hank said as he passed him.  “Just a bite.” 
“A – a bite?” Evan repeated. “Like a wo– uh, a dog bite, or uh…something else?” 
Hank turned slowly. Evan only got that high-pitched and agitated when he’d done something that he knew Hank wouldn’t like.  “What do you mean, something else?”  If this was leading up to some wild theory that Boris was a vampire… 
“I, uh, nothing?  I didn’t mean anything!  I was just – I’m not supposed to know, I’m not supposed to say anything –” 
“You tell me right now,” Hank interrupted, cutting through the babble, “or –” 
“The attack wolves are really wolves!” Evan blurted.  “And there are tons of other animals up there, like foxes and bobcats and probably lions and tigers and bears for all I know –” 
“Oh, sure.”  Hank relaxed.  “Boris just has a private menagerie that roams the property and bites unsuspecting –” 
“Henry, I saw them,” Evan insisted, and he looked so completely serious that Hank couldn’t help but believe him. 
A few more pointed questions and the whole story came spilling out.  By the end of it, Hank was simmering with righteous indignation.  It didn’t matter if the housekeeper had really been bitten by a “dog” or not – Boris had obviously coached her on what to say, lied repeatedly to Hank and Evan, and then threatened Evan into lying for him! 
“I’ll be back soon,” he said grimly, and started back out toward the main house. 
“Henry!”  Evan caught at his arm.  “Look, maybe we should just let it go.  What if he feeds you to his pit of alligators or something?” 
“No, Ev, I’m not gonna let this go.  I won’t work for someone I can’t trust.” 
This time, Evan let him go with a wordless noise of frustration.  Hank was well on his way when he heard Evan yell, “If you’re not back by dinner, I’m calling animal control!” 
2) The Season 8 Fix-It Fic 
Wherein Hank doesn’t run off to find Jill, Boris doesn’t abandon Shadow Pond, and the two of them go on a vacation together instead.   [Could go shorter or longer, but I’d say at least 5-10 chapters.] 
Hank arrived to find Boris already seated, as per usual, with a newspaper. 
“Hey, Boris.”  Hank sat with a quiet sigh.  Then he straightened in his seat as Udo put a drink in front of him, knowing immediately that something was up. 
That was a bottle of beer – and not just any beer, but Hank’s favorite, the one that Boris couldn’t see without getting a look of mild disdain. 
Hank looked from the beer to Boris, who was wearing his blandest expression.  Hank considered his options for a moment, then picked up the bottle and took a sip. 
“Okay.  What’s the occasion?” 
Boris looked pleased. “I have a proposal for you, Hank.” 
Hank grinned in spite of himself.  “Yeah, I figured as much.  What kind of international intrigue is it this time?” 
“Nothing so exciting,” said Boris.  He paused a moment, smoothing a hand across the linen tablecloth.  “I would like to offer you a vacation, anywhere you like, as long as you like.  No hidden agenda.  Just some time away to think about what changes you want.” 
3) The Deal with a Devil AU 
Crossover with the short film Love, Lots of It (starring Campbell Scott).  I wrote a prompt post for this idea a while back and started writing it myself.  Whoops. ^_^;;  [Not sure how long this would be? Honestly this is the one that needs the most planning still.] 
There had been a story on campus, that’s what Rob had been talking about.  It always made the rounds before major exams, this story about a man (or a demon or the devil, depending on who was telling it) who would grant the requests of the desperate.  For a price, of course.  Hank had always thought of it as just a running joke on campus, but there had been students who insisted it was true.  None of them had ever seen the man in person – it was always “this girl who was here five years ago” or “my friend’s older brother’s lab partner” – but they were convinced nonetheless. 
“This is stupid,” Hank said aloud.  His voice sounded dull and flat in the oppressive silence of his apartment. 
You’d do anything, huh?  Really anything? 
He stared blankly at the TV screen, not really seeing the silent, moving figures.  He could just – go for a drive.  Just get out of the apartment and away from the stacks of bills for a little while.  He could just drive up that road, kind of a nod to one of the quirks of his alma mater. And if he brought a box, just in case… No one would ever have to know. 
4) Hank gets kidnapped; Boris is Not Pleased
When Hank substituted his blood for Boris’s in Hong Kong, neither of them thought that Guy’s mysterious employers would target Hank himself.  Unfortunately, they were wrong. [Again, could go shorter or longer.  Sort of hurt/comfort, I guess, but very short on the hurt - nothing really awful is going to happen to Hank.]
I don’t have a good intro clip for this one, so have a longer summary: Hank receives an offer - a whole lot of money in exchange for just a little information about his employer.  Bound by doctor-patient confidentiality and his own loyalty, Hank of course refuses.  Alas, he’s dealing with people who won’t take no for an answer and is subsequently kidnapped.  While Hank tries to stall for time and avoid giving his captors any useful information, Boris sets a search for him in motion and tries not to completely lose it.  And of course, when eventually Hank’s location is discovered, Boris insists on handling the situation personally.
And here are the lines that kicked off this idea for me: Hank called him a word that he’d once heard Dmitry call Boris when Dmitry was particularly irate.  Someone backhanded him viciously, and Hank decided to take that as a compliment on his pronunciation. 
5) Hank has a secret admirer 
Mysterious gifts start appearing outside the guesthouse for Hank.  Who could this secret admirer possibly be??  [Short and very sweet.  Like that’s the entire plot, Hank getting very thoughtful presents.  And maybe falling in love.  With Boris.  In case you couldn’t tell.] 
Hank was hardly an artist, but the portrait didn’t look like professional work to his untrained eye. But the level of detail, the warm, happy expression on portrait-Hank’s face…  It felt so personal, so – Hank struggled for words – reverential, almost, that his breath caught in his chest. 
“Well that’s creepy.” 
Evan’s voice came out of nowhere, and Hank twitched in surprise.  “Hey, that’s my face you’re talking about!” he said defensively. 
“You’re right, that’s part of the problem,” Evan said, nodding, “but I was more thinking about the fact that you clearly have some kind of stalker.” 
Hank laughed.  “Ev, don’t be ridiculous.” 
“I’m serious, Henry!” He pointed at the drawing.  “Look at that – someone has been staring longingly at your face from the shadows and probably going through our trash.  It’s creepy!” 
Hank tilted the portrait toward his chest, feeling oddly protective of it.  “You’re blowing this way out of proportion - nobody is going through our trash!  I think you’re just jealous.” 
“Jealous?  Why would I – What –”  Evan sputtered. 
“Goodbye, Evan,” Hank said, making a quick exit and taking the latest gift with him.
Soooo those are the main fic ideas I have kicking around in my head right now.  Tell me which two you’re most interested in reading and hopefully I’ll start posting the most popular choice in a few months.  Happy holidays!
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AAAAAHHH THIS IS SO CUTE!!  Short & very sweet. ^___^ 
New Horis fic online
There you go, guys. My brain finally decided to let me write some ideas down, so here you go:
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Aaaaahhhh this is so cool!!! 
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Okay guys, so I have this friend who collects autographs and has no problem writing to people to get theirs. I however have problems opening my mouth. Even at conventions, after I stood in line for hours for the single purpose of getting a signature on my piece of art. Anyway, I told my friend that I love RP and that there was some German actor in it and asked her whether she could find me his autograph address. Unfortunately she couldn´t find anything. She found his homepage instead and just wrote to him. This is what came back just hours later! Incredible!
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Campbell Scott as Scott Corrigan in “The Love Letter”, 1998.
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jadziana replied to your post “Meta: Boris Trusting Hank in the Pilot”
Jeeez, I really like your meta posts! And I agree: something´s off here. Usually Boris doesn´t even talk to people to haven´t been checked out and turned upside down by his security. Looks what happens, when Eddie shows up? So either Boris decided to go by instinct for a change, or is totally faued by the fact, that some guy he´s never ever seen anywhere just acts and doesn´t care who he´s talking to ... tbc
jadziana replied to your post “Meta: Boris Trusting Hank in the Pilot”
( for Hank Boris would have been just another posh rich guy, "Hamptons standart" so to say, he doesn´t know anything about the "Royalty thing" yet ) or it is something like instant attraction.
(Ahh, thank you thank you!  I’m always so excited when anyone likes the meta.  I spend too much time thinking about these guys.  And Boris especially is just such a complex character, it’s so much fun to try and figure out what he might be thinking.) 
And yeah, pretty much his entire interaction with Hank in the pilot is very out of the ordinary for Boris.  When you first see it, it’s easy to write it off as just an entitled rich who wants this doctor to work for him and is used to getting what he wants.  But the more we see of Boris’s cautious, reserved nature, the stranger the pilot looks.  I think you nailed it as far as the possible reasons why! 
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Listen, if you didn’t see this the first time around, GO READ IT!! 
New Horis fic online!
Gather round, ladies, gather round! You need to read this:
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Royal Pains: S01, E01 “Pilot”
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Now, if you remember when Hank and Evan were first walking into the castle, I said make a mental note of the room they were walking through.  Believe it or not, this is the same room, which we doubled as Boris’s office.  And one of the crowning achievements of our production designer, Ray Kluga, for the pilot was managing to use the space for that dual function without anyone really ever noticing.
Andrew Lenchewski, Royal Pains executive producer and writer
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Michael Rauch: Do you remember the other people who were considered for Boris?
Andrew Lenchewski: I do. We talked about people ranging from David Bowie to Peter Dinklage, and when we found out that we could get Campbell Scott the conversation ended. I’d been a huge fan of his, loved him in The Spanish Prisoner especially, and then we met him and he just inhabited the role so naturally.
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Royal Pains: S01, E01 “Pilot”
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Bringing back some old meta because nostalgia.  Also I can’t go back through those early scenes without thinking about this. 
Meta: Boris Trusting Hank in the Pilot
Okay.  I wanna talk about the first meeting between Boris and Hank.  Specifically about the immense level of trust Boris has in Hank almost immediately.
The first time we can see Boris is during the shot of the whole room after Dr. Silver (the current concierge doctor) realizes that Hank is right, April hasn’t overdosed on drugs, and says “a chemical nerve agent.”  Pretty much everyone clears out at that point, and Boris doesn’t step in until after Hank checks April out, questions the guy with her, and injects the atropine – when Hank says to call an ambulance.  At this point, depending on how long Boris was in the room, he’s seen a total stranger take over from his concierge doctor.  He might have been there early enough to hear Hank point out the misdiagnosis, but he doesn’t even know Hank’s name or even whether Hank is really a doctor.  And yet what does he do?  He sends Silver away and turns April’s treatment completely over to Hank.
Now let’s pause a moment and talk about Silver.  
Keep reading
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Royal Pains: S01, E01 “Pilot”
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Royal Pains: S01, E01 “Pilot”
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I love the way he says 'Hank.'
Michael Rauch, Royal Pains executive producer
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