bouncingbuttons · 4 years
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What is it with Pendragons looking fabulous in sunglasses?
Also, the apple? The hand holding the dress? The sass?
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
This is mesmerizing to watch.
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
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Pride Pins / Bow Ties
Studio Chuffed on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Bow Ties tags
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
socially awkward introvert culture is sitting alone at lunch for the 5,000 time, someone (miraculously) noticing that you’re sitting alone and asking you if you want to come sit with them, eagerly agreeing because you’re really lonely, and instantly regretting it when you have nothing to add to the conversation and want to sit alone again
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
Men are shitty about women all year long and then post a picture with their mom for international women’s day and act like they just did something
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
*raises hand* hey, so is it possible to be gay but have absolutely no gaydar? 
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
Reblog if you support autistic mlm, trans mlm, mentally ill mlm, disabled mlm and every other type of mlm
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
I love genuinely innocent “boys will be boys.” Just saw a guy come out of a frat house to poke a pair of jeans they’d left outside - they were frozen solid, and as soon as he confirmed that, like twenty more boys came rushing out of the house going “YOOOOOOOOOO”
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
things my boyfriend has done
- urgently marched into A&E and said ‘we’re having knee pain!!’ to the confused receptionist. i had to explain that it was only my knee and that he was just worried
- when asked to tag me in a meme of ‘what water are you?’, said ‘you are the ocean: home to all friends’
- loved ‘filthy gorgeous’ and, rather than learning the words, learned ‘all three parts in the song where they ring a triangle’
- after we had an argument about him not ‘getting’ my ADHD, i caught him halfway through a three hour playlist of lectures on ADHD, with a pen in hand, taking notes
- he suffered a TBI last summer and he did not like the orienting questions they ask (’what year is it? what day is it?’ etc). when asked ‘do you know where you are?’, he cracked one eye open and angrily said ‘in bed!’
- he played knack 2 and hated it. when i asked why he was still playing it, he said ‘so i never have to play it again’. he got every achievement and as soon as he got the last one he stood up, ejected the disc and returned it to the store
- lately he’s given up on making lunch so he just drinks huel which is a meal replacement shake, except huel is kind of boring so he sometimes puts nesquick strawberry powder in there
- my favourite drink is pepsi max. when asked about his dreams for the future, they often involve ‘being rich enough to find a way to pump pepsi max directly into our house’
- one time in our first year of dating i hadn’t seen him in weeks, whereas we normally saw each other all day every day, so i was gonna go stay with him for a couple days. he had a temporary job (i’m talking 2 weeks total) at the time and i was bummed that i was gonna be alone at his for a bit, but w/e. he was texting me like ‘work is going okay, in the line for the canteen right now’ while i got on the bus. i found the key where he said it was, i found a note on the table like ‘hi love! the wifi code is [password], I’ll be back at 5!’, and then I went into the lounge and he was there. he was lying on a fold-out bed with Marvin Gaye playing. the TV was on a powerpoint slide that said ‘Welcome, Jess. I quit my job.’ he was entirely naked except for a cushion with the letter ‘D’ over his crotch. im 95% sure there were candles
- we play the game Rimworld, where you micromanage a colony of people on an alien planet. he uses it entirely to simulate a peaceful colony, mostly of women, who have a large number of animals they care for and train. one time he got this random event where all the women in the colony got a psychic mood boost and he was like ‘honestly that’s my life goal’
- when he was in hospital and his cognitive functions were slowly coming back, he looked up from twitter with horror and said ‘jess… is the american president a racist?’
- we were playing Articulate, which is a game where you have to describe a word without saying the word itself. His partner said ‘when you’re beginning sex, you are…’. he, without a second of hesitation, yelled ‘FOREPLAY’. the answer was actually ‘initiating’, but my ego grew like fourteen times
- one time he asked me what guacamole was, and i told him, and he said ‘if it’s made up of things that already have names why does it have a different name?’ i have not let him live this down yet
- i used to have an eating disorder, and whilst i’m good 99.9% of the time now i occasionally do have wobbles. one time i’d eaten some mini-donuts and i told him ‘i kind of want to check the calories on those…’, so he immediately pulled the label off and ate it
- i lost him for like twenty minutes at a uni event, and when i found him he presented me with a pepsi max badge and said ‘i rode this mechanical bull to try and win you a year’s supply but i fell off pretty quickly. sorry.’
- we won the ‘best couple’ award in our year at uni, but neither of us were there to collect it because i was ill and he left halfway through to come home and take care of me
- one time he wasn’t paying attention while making lunch and he cracked an egg directly into the bin. the look of confusion on his face was priceless.
- on the rare occasions when i wake up before him, when i kiss him/ touch him he makes these little like… activation sounds? you know like when you touch a cat? it’s like those
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
things to do & see in nyc for under $30:
museum of modern art 
nyc rocky horror picture show
upright citizens brigade 
belvedere castle 
the metropolitan museum of art 
evolution store
dylan’s candy bar
strand book store
hidden subway station
see a burlesque show
museum of the moving image
brooklyn flea market
momofuku milk bar
go to a hookah bar
coney island
go to a spoken word/poetry reading
go see a free concert
union square green market
seen an independent film
st. paul’s chapel
see a show at the secret theater
grand central station & the whispering gallery
the pit improv
videology bar & screening room
the high line
get tickets to a tv show taping
central park zoo
cooking show & comedians
find a sample sale
new york botanical garden
guggenheim museum
sony wonder technology lab
american museum of natural history
cipriani le specialita
nbc studio tour
the foot hall at the plaza hotel
fao schwarz
brooklyn heights promenade
big gay ice cream
forbidden planet
$20 shows at lincoln center
free weekly events in nyc
jane austen dances
nyc dumpling tour
the city reliquary
tea demonstration at urasenke chanoyu
take a 40 minute power nap at a spa
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
The other day I went to McDonald’s with my family and the guy who took my order was really loud and was basically like “HAPPY HOLIDAYS WHAT CAN I GET YOU” and I was like wow I can’t let this guy outmatch me so I yelled “I’LL TAKE A HAPPY MEAL WITH THE NUG NUGS IF I MAY” you know, like a natural well-adjusted epitome of adulthood 19 year old and he was like “CERTAINLY WOULD YOU LIKE THE MIGHTY KIDS MEAL INSTEAD WITH EXTRA FRIES” and I was so sleep deprived I essentially blacked out and apparently leaned over the counter like I was robbing the place, raised my eyebrow like a suave robin hood and said “HECK YES I WOULD GOOD SIR” and then I sat down and he yelled from across the store “WOULD YOU LIKE THE PURPLE OR BLUE SPIDER-MAN” and since purple is the more superior color that’s how I answered and long story short my parents think college changed me and that I’m now the poster child for being social and I’ve only been asked once why I’m not in a relationship yet but I know it’s gonna be brought up again and how do i tell my parents it’s because whenever I eat in the dining hall I spend the entire time playing bumper cars with the wheeley chairs and all I eat is pixie sticks and the last time I was in the library (where I’m supposed to work next semester, deAr GoD) I ripped my leggings in the bathroom pulling up my pants and I walked the entire 20 mins back to my dorm with my neon underwear peeking out from the holes like a 17th century harlot with a cocaine addiction and I’ve essentially been living off jars of peanut butter and the soundtrack to the bee movie for the past year
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
SPECTRA, an LGBTQIA app is live on Kickstarter!
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SPECTRA, an LGBTQIA app is finally live on Kickstarter! But what is SPECTRA, exactly? SPECTRA is an app designed by members of the LGBTQIA community for the LGBTQIA community. At SPECTRA, we believe that our community deserves a Digital Home, a welcoming space to meet our needs in a non-judgmental environment. We exist to make you stronger. We are a network of businesses and people who get it.
So, what’s our mission? We plan to become an online resource center for our community, a space where your voice will not only be heard but where your voice will also help the members of our great family feel safe anywhere in the world. Here’s what we have in mind!
A Complete Resource Center For LGBTQIA People
SPECTRA is a movement emerging from a digital platform built for iOS, Android and the web. It is a network of LGBTQIA people and their allies fighting for a more inclusive future.
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Because there are so many in our community that feel insecure and unsafe in unknown spaces. Because we found out that more than 70% of LGBTQIA youth said they felt more comfortable being themselves online than in the real world. Because SPECTRA is an opportunity to use the power we have online to rally our community together and find the safe spaces for us in the real world.
SPECTRA is an excellent opportunity to create an online resource center for the LGBTQIA community, where you will be able to know where to go, where to work and even where to live. SPECTRA has been created by a union of inclusive people, employers, and places. It is a movement towards social equality and will be available on iOS, Android and the web. Because we believe in a future where everyone can feel safe in the world. We invite everyone to get involved, especially allies!
How Will That Work?
We have designed three unique features to help you find the best friendly places to have fun:
Rainbow Ratings
Rainbow Maps
The rainbow ratings will work similarly to YELP but for the LGBTQIA community! SPECTRA members will be able to rate businesses on how welcoming they are. These ratings will help other members of our community avoid spaces where they could feel unsafe, and encourage businesses where they are welcomed. The ratings are calculated based on actual interactions through user-generated reviews. SPECTRA is a global app, which makes it easy to find affirming businesses all over the world.
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You will be able to avoid places with low inclusion ratings. Plus, in the near future, you will be able to look for window stickers on businesses with a HIGH inclusion rating!
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As for the rainbow map, we plan for it to be a resource that makes it easy for you to plan a journey. You will be able to take safe routes around your city and anywhere in the world! Every SPECTRA object is pinned to the map for your convenience. You will also be able to filter businesses by several criteria such as:
Exclusive deals
Health & Wellness
Safe Spaces
Queer Spaces
Gender neutral bathrooms
Hotels & Hostels
Crossdresser Meet-Ups
Virtual businesses
LGBTQIA and POC owned
Clothing Swaps
Private Events
Pride Events
Finally, with SPECTRA rewards, you will be able to earn rewards at inclusive businesses and gain access to exclusive deals that are only available within SPECTRA Rewards! You can earn points as you shop with our partners and inclusive businesses all over the world!
There are so many more things we have in mind for SPECTRA and we need your help to make it happen!
We Are 80% Complete!
Due to some complications and homophobic forces in the world, we had to hide for the longest time that we were building an LGBTQIA portal. This secrecy resulted in extra expenses and longer development. SPECTRA was started in summer of 2017.
We are finally coming out and need your support to complete the development and refine, test and release SPECTRA in BETA.
Our Kickstarter campaign went online on February 19 2019, and our goal pledges is at only 10,000. Thanks to our several backers we are a little over 10% of our goal! We ask for your help to bring our project to fruition and we have planned several tiers and rewards for those who believe in us!
We invite everyone on Tumblr to Signal Boost us and help us reach our goal! Reblog, like, share it with your friends! It might seem like a small gest, but SPECTRA will be a revolution for LGBTQIA inclusion!
Be part of our future today!
Our Website: https://www.joinspectra.com/
Our Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gospectra/digital-platform-to-build-safer-world-for-the-lgbt?ref=29fd7v
Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoinSpectra/
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bouncingbuttons · 5 years
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There is nothing wrong with our school system.
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