bountyfulbunny · 2 years
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The protests are ongoing. Help us by spreading the news
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bountyfulbunny · 2 years
In the town where I grew up, there was a large statue in one of the parks, of a famous historical white colonizer. I'm not going to say who specifically, suffice it to say that it was someone who wasn't worth memorializing for their deeds. And as you can imagine, this statue was a frequent target of vandalism, with paint or toilet paper or eggs on multiple occasions. Now, the local council was generally pretty lax when it came to repairing potholes or other public damage in the town, but every time, 24 hours after this particular statue was hit, the same person would always appear in a Hi-Vis vest, hat, mask and sunglasses, carrying a bucket of water, and wash it clean. They would do it as quickly as possible, but always made sure the face and the name carved at the bottom were generously scrubbed. This only encouraged people to do it again, and so it became a vicious cycle.
Within a year, the statue had sustained so much damage that it was unrecognizable and the lettering unreadable, so eventually the council came and took it down. Also apparently, the person in the Hi-Vis vest didn't even work for the council. They were supposedly just some 'good samaritan' who cleaned it, often before the council even discovered it needed cleaning, so they just let them do it and ignored the problem. They didn't bother putting the statue up again.
Much later, we found out that the anonymous 'samaritan' had been deliberately washing the statue with a bucket of saltwater, which had dramatically corroded it, causing irreversible accumulative damage far worse than spray paint ever would have done. It's even theorized that they were also often the one spray-painting it, just so that they had an excuse to come back after a day to wash it.
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
As of 12/8/21, Kellogg's has broken off negotiations with their striking union workers and is electing to permanently replace the strikers. So needless to say, don't support strike breaking: don't buy Kellogg's products. Besides breakfast cereals, Kellogg's makes Cheez-Its, Pringles, and owns Kashi. I'm sure there's more that I'm not aware of, so if the hive mind wants to add to the list, please do.
TL;DR Don't buy Kellogg's products
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
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A friend of mine posted this and tagged my old instagram account, asking me to share it. I figured sharing it here where I actually have a following, would be far better.
Please remember that just because the government is giving into pressure and greed, that doesn’t mean that any of this is getting any better, in a lot of ways it’s getting worse. And even if you yourself aren’t being as heavily affected anymore, there are people and communities that are.
Stay safe Darling ones, and help others remain safe too.
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
If you live and vote in California, I hope by now you've heard that there is an election happening on September 14th. You may have even gotten your ballot in the mail already.
An election? In September? Yes. A stupid one.
You see, some Republicans got Big Mad at Governor Gavin Newsom when he made the decision to lockdown the state last year at the beginning of the pandemic. They decided to start a petition to remove (recall) him from office. California's state constitution allows voters to remove the governor via recall election if they get enough signatures.
How many signatures, you ask? 12% of the total votes cast in the previous election for the office of the person being recalled, or in this case, 1.5 million.
Yeah. That's all. Out of a state of nearly 40 million people. A state that is the 5th largest economy in the world.
Just 1.5 million people need to sign an official recall petition for a statewide vote to remove the governor from office.
(If you didn't know, a recall election is how California got Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor in 2003.)
If a simple majority (50% + 1 vote) of voters choose YES on their ballots, Gavin Newsom will be removed from office and whomever of the 46 candidates on the ballot gets more votes than anyone else (not even a majority vote, just more than the other candidates) will become California's new governor.
The current (as of today, August 20th) frontrunners are a very right-wing talk radio host named Larry Elder, and a real estate broker/YouTube personality named Kevin Paffrath. Neither have what you would call "political experience."
(Caitlin Jenner is also running. Just in case you were wondering.)
How do you get on a recall ballot in California? To replace the governor, the highest office in the state? Well, you need to complete the arduous task of forking over about $4000 and getting 7500 signatures of real Californians saying they back you as a candidate.
Yeah. That's all.
Oh, and just having this election is costing CA taxpayers over $250 million dollars.
So what's at stake if Newsom gets recalled?
Majority control of the US Senate.
You see, Senator Dianne Feinstein is 88 years old this year. She's been Senator since 1992. If she falls too ill to continue her duties, if she resigns, if she dies while in office, California does not hold a Senatorial election.
The governor appoints a replacement.
This is how we got our current junior Senator, Alex Padilla, after Kamala Harris was inaugurated as Vice President.
Let me say that again.
The governor appoints a replacement Senator if Dianne Feinstein cannot complete her term.
If enough people vote to recall Gavin Newsom, and a Republican, or Libertarian, or, let's be honest, any inexperienced wet sack that can be bought off by the highest bidder, takes his place, they will very possibly appoint a Republican Senator to replace Dianne Feinstein and put that fuckface Mitch McConnell back in control of the US Senate.
So please, please, if you're a Californian, make sure you're registered to vote, get your ballot, and vote NO on this stupid waste of money recall election.
More info:
Voter guide:
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
Hey so my trans fiance is getting top surgery tomorrow, and while insurance has the surgery covered, we will need help financially during the recovery period. If you can, please consider supporting us via Ko-Fi, and share this post around so that we can get all the help we can.
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
This new bill has been introduced in both the house and the Senate.
Among other things, it will:
Raise the monthly disability income by just over 30 percent - bringing it to poverty level.
Remove penalties for recieving financial help from friends and family.
Increase the amount of assets a disabled person may have from $2,000 to $10,000 (this hasn't been updated since 1989)
Update outside income restrictions to allow disabled people to receive up to $399 a month without reducing their benefits.
REWARD, not penalize, people who want to receive additional income while on social security income.
For those unaware current regulations do a lot to oppress disabled people. In fact marriage equality doesn't even extend to disbled people who risk having their benefits reduced or outright taken away if they marry someone. This means that in common law states disabled people can't even live with their significant other or they risk losing their financial independence.
Current regulations mean that if you're disbled you can't have so much as one penny over $2,000 to your name. So buying a car and gaining more independence or freedom is largely out of the question for disabled people.
Current regulations penalize social security recipients who receive income from outside sources, even if those sources are reimbursement. Did you get paid to babysit for a few hours? That's income, and you get your benefits reduced. Did you loan a friend $10 and they pay you back? The government considers that $10 income, and you get your benefits reduced.
These aren't mere anecdotes - these are all examples of actual things that have happened to disbled people I know, and if you have any disabled friends in your life I'm sure they can tell you the same stories.
If you value marriage equality, if you value financial independence, if you value the rights of disbled people, please PLEASE support this bill! Contact your reps, vote, and make noise! This is a great thing!
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
Pay Attention to Palestine
I really don’t mean to guilt trip anyone, but the word needs to be spread about Palestine and no major news outlets are covering it. Hundreds of Palestinians are being injured by the Israeli Occupation forces trying to defend their homes from settler violence and ethnic cleansing.
For the past month lynch mobs and anti-Palestinian pogroms have filled the streets of Jerusalem, this is an extension of over 70 years of ethnic cleansing, dispossession, occupation, settler colonialism, and murder that has effected Palestinians, and Israeli courts have ordered the eviction of 12 Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah and to hand over their land to Israeli settlers. If you are American, this is what your tax dollars are going to, the least you can do is spread the word and voice your support for us. 
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If you are able to donate, here are some donation links for Palestinians in need: 
Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS) 
Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association 
Save the Children 
US Campaign for Palestinian Human Rights
Project Rozana USA 
Adalah Justice Project
Medical Aid for Palestine (UK)
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Palestinian Policy Network
Electronic Intifada 
Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU)
International Medical Corps (GAZA) 
Human Concern International (Gaza) 
Playgrounds for Palestine
Watch to Donate: 
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
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Please do your research! There is so much misinformation out there and a lot of lies.
Everyone should know the truth so please try to know as much as you can so you can spread awareness and help!
Free Palestine🇵🇸✌️
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
finished my current sketchbook time to post my favorite doods again.
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working on my little story with these guys at the moment. no telling when im going to get motivated to actually talk about them again. really miss posting story stuff here.
(btw that's my good friend old pal @bountyfulbunny that cameos in the 6th pic)
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
I’m just super fucking bitter that once the flint water crisis got it’s 15 minutes of fame people stopped giving a shit. The water is still poisoned, people! Donations have plummeted and people have been forced back into drinking and bathing with the water! The medical effects of this are astounding, cases of legionnaires disease have skyrocketed, people are having seizures, people are having weird rashes break out over their body, people (including me!) are having their blood poisoned, and it’s not just lead! it’s coliform bacteria! it’s THMs! it’s all in the water and it gets into the bloodstream and breaks down blood vessels, causing bruising and petechiae and internal bleeding and no one gives a shit anymore and it’s only gotten worse like how many people are going to have to die until people realize this is still a problem
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
Friendly reminder that Caitlyn Jenner is a horrible human being and friends with Trump so to all my Californian friends do not vote for her because she will seek to undo any and all progress in the state that does not directly benefit her and her billionaire friends.
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
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4.15.21. Chicago
The mayor, police, and prosecutor lied about Adam Toledo being armed to justify that a CPD officer murdered a 13 year old who was unarmed and had his arms up (according to body cam footage released today but that I will not share). And the mayor has the audacity to ask for peace before releasing the video. Downtown is already closed. There is no reforming police, they are not an institution of public safety, all they can do is cause further harm.
They lied! In order to smear the name of a 13 YEAR OLD SEVENTH-GRADER the police killed!
Abolish police!
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Rest in peace Adam Toledo.
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Adam's mom's memorial fund is no longer accepting donations, but you can donate to and follow:
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
I was hoping I wouldn’t spend another summer glued to livestreams, snapmap and police radio because minneapolis killed another black person, but here we are. 
I wish nothing but peace and healing for daunte wright’s family. 
here’s a link to Minnesota Freedom Fund if anyone wants to donate for bail funds for people arrested last night and throughout the year 
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bountyfulbunny · 3 years
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