brandings-business · 4 years
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#BrandPositioning #BizTip – Before any #entrepreneur launches a #startup or other #business, they should assess the key attributes and characteristics of the market environment in they tend to compete. It’s during this assessment process that competitor analysis is undertaken. You’re not alone in this marketplace and there’s a tremendous amount that you can learn from your competition. Learn what it is that your firm and your competitors do well, and where you each fall short. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiZcOEjtA1/?igshid=1miivvec1b6zg
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brandings-business · 4 years
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Evocative #tech #brand names tap into consumer emotion. Theses evocative names contain a root word or element that conjures up a particular positive feeling. The sensation should be one of the core messages that you want to communicate. You can say a lot about your #technology and your #business itself with your name. There’s no need to be overly descriptive or spell-it-out for everyone, you just have to hint at it or give a nod to it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiYwl0DY6p/?igshid=1fli5z7net88z
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brandings-business · 4 years
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When it comes to #tech #business naming, simply selecting a name that “describes” what your #startup does is an uninspired foundation on which to build your brand. Names like “Digital Support,” “App Software,” “#Cloud Computing,” and “Network Professionals” are all poor #technology name choices. Names that are simply descriptive in nature, fail to conjure up excitement or evoke an emotional response. Research shows that both emotion and excitement are two things consumers respond to. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXzbU9jBS7/?igshid=s1q8j6tguq81
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brandings-business · 4 years
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Fact, every year millions of #entrepreneurs will start new businesses, all over the world. Despite the huge numbers, very few #startups start with a #BusinessPlan. For that reason, the Brandings Team has created a free and downloadable #Business Plan for Startup. Every entrepreneur should download the template and consider their answers before their launch. At Brandings we’ve studied the common factors of #entrepreneur #success. We’ve documented the factors that help firms that succeeded. And, we’ve listed the attributes of the companies that failed. One of the clearest findings — successful startups began operation with a clear strategy and a focused road-map for execution. In short, the successful firms had a business plan for their start up. We also found that these start-ups put their plan into place prior to beginning of operation. Download our Business Plan for success here! https://brandings.com/business-plan-template-for-a-start-up-business-2/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CGS86CQDDKW/?igshid=ptc6p9d930fp
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brandings-business · 4 years
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Consumers, and prospective consumers for that matter, have a heightened set of expectations from an innovative #tech #startups. In other words, people expect #innovation in forms of #technology #science #design as well as #naming from an IT Tech brand. You must have a creative name to go with your groundbreaking product or service. Your #brand name not only represents who you are, it informs them what kind of business you are. If you have an old boring name for your tech company, expect everyone to think you as dated as a flip-phone! https://www.instagram.com/p/CGS8azBj22b/?igshid=1ig6s0m0pbt97
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brandings-business · 4 years
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The WWE #brand has announced that they’re launching a new line of products, wine. #startup #entrepreneur Yes, the WWE is launching a line of wine. The Undertaker Cabernet and Ultimate Warrior Zinfandel will be available at the end of October. While the WWE, is a brand known for their #BrandExtension though a dizzying number of toys and games, this extension is grabbing a lot of attention. In the past, the WWE has had major #success and failures with their new products. So why should this new product grab attention at all? Do you think this is the WWE’s bad attempt at reaching out to women? Conversely, is this just another product in their line of snacks and beverages? We’d love to hear what you think, WWE wine, yea or nay? https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQfZXZjiYC/?igshid=eokceto6muab
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brandings-business · 4 years
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Naming a #startup is difficult. And, business faces unique and specific challenges to naming that #business to the different industries in which they’ll be operating. An #entrepreneur launching a #technology startup needs to evoke a sense of “edge” with their name. In particular, a cool #tech name needs to convey a forward-thinking sensation in the mind of the consumer. Consumers and the general public, have a heightened set of expectations for innovative names from tech startups. Simply put, audiences expect that #IT products and services are both at the forefront of innovation as well as naming. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQfJJVDWHz/?igshid=11puunqtuvh26
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brandings-business · 4 years
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When an #entrepreneur with coffers full of funding, needs a new name for their #startup, they’ll likely go to a “Naming Architect.” Similarly, when large established companies need a #BusinessName for an expansion #business or new product, they too will go to a Naming Architect. Brace for a metaphor here, just like an architect develops plans for a house or building, a Naming Architect develops a plan to develop the best name for your new startup or product. Continuing with said analogy, an architect would decide what kind of building should be built. Similarly, they’ll help you decide if your new name should be modern or classical, traditional sounding or even a kind of name you’ve never heard of before. This is great for businesses with tons of money but, where does that leave everyone else? Learn how the Brandings Team has turned this system on its head. And, in doing so, developed a system to save entrepreneurs money in startup naming! https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIe4MYDGxu/?igshid=w7rncsz9id0n
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brandings-business · 4 years
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#BrandEquity is trust. Trust that your #business, product or service lives up to its promises. Trust that your #startup continues to live up to its promises consistently and every time your customers use or need it. To ensure #success, huge brands spend huge sums of money to ensure that they live up to the “Truths” that they promise. Startup #entrepreneurs should make sure their “truths” are in line with actuality. #Brand Equity is hard earned but easily lost. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIew4ljHlu/?igshid=1poth41dsdyes
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brandings-business · 4 years
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#BrandEquity, you may have heard the term before but, what does it mean? #BizTip #entrepreneur Breaking it down to the simplest concept, #Brand Equity is trust. This is the trust (actual or perceived) that your #startup #business, product or service, will do what you’ve promised it would. Furthermore, trust that your product or service will continue to perform as promised. Brand Equity incredibly difficult to earn but, very easy to lose. Learn more about Brand Equity and what it means to your startup or business. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGFz-92jeCa/?igshid=7wddljc003wm
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brandings-business · 4 years
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There’s just something about #NamingABuilding either residential and #CommercialRealEstate. The name you chose for the building will be seen by the residence, the people that living in the building, and/or anyone else that passes or drives by for years to come. Furthermore, the name you choose for your building will be seen for years and years to come. And, that name will set mood for all who live or work there. The Brandings Team has pulled together some info about naming any type of building. If you’re in #construction, #architecture, #design or building, and need to name a building, we’re here to help. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGFzxHFDbhr/?igshid=v0j1dkoymgzp
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brandings-business · 4 years
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The most important element to a #BrandSuccess is clear positioning. #BrandPositioning, is how your #brand is perceived by your target market relative to the competition? It is vital to both, the #success of your #startup, and the success of the firm, that your brand is clearly positioned. Moreover, that you’re sitting in the market, exactly where you need to be. Our #BrandDevelopment Team has pulled together both the key Framework Elements of Brand Positioning and put them into the context of a brand’s lifecycle. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGD9EgRjeCI/?igshid=5r6zml22bzck
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brandings-business · 4 years
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All Random Available #Brand #NameGenerators aren’t created the same. While you may have tried other generators in the past, this one is different. The Brandings #BrandName Generator has been designed specifically with #startup #entrepreneurs in mind. This Generator, generates 250 names ready for use and ready for #success. More specifically these random names here can be used across multiple industries and for a multitude of products. Even Better, the names on this list are all short and creative. To get this randomly generated list of #BrandNames, follow this link! https://brandings.com/random-brand-company-name-generator/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CGD7-g0jYTs/?igshid=1x4e6bw383bz1
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brandings-business · 4 years
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#Entrepreneurs must #rebrand or #rename their #business or product for a multitude of reasons. @EdysIceCream has joined the list of companies who renamed one of their products due to its hurtful stereotype. We applaud Edy’s for making the change. We hope other #brands join the list to change offensive product and #BrandNames. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGBLCyLDq1l/?igshid=gj3iw67712o5
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brandings-business · 4 years
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Like many a #startup #entrepreneur, the initial funding for your #business will come from you and your family. To save as much money as possible consider launching your startup part-time while you are still employed elsewhere. Another idea, if feasible, try to #StartYourBusiness out of your home. This can save on overhead expenses. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFztCUOjG7u/?igshid=1d4x2x143iqqq
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brandings-business · 4 years
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#StartupPlanning Question – What are the warning signals of strategic decline and performance in your #business? There’s an old adage about, the “writing being on the wall,” but, how does an #entrepreneur avoid the downturn? Learn what other businesses missed and how you can look for the same mistakes in your own #startup. For startup #success, figure how these declines can be predicted and avoided? https://www.instagram.com/p/CFzsvv3Dxxr/?igshid=1p21ie6mekd4p
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brandings-business · 4 years
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#StartupPlanning Question – First consider, how did once dominant businesses and thriving #startups fall from their lofty positions of industry dominance? Next contemplate on how your #startup can avoid that same path? Here’s an example for you, Kodak founded in 1888, grew to become the largest film supplier in the US and had the largest number of camera sales to go with it; by far. Then like a Greek tragedy, Kodak did the unthinkable, they created their own demise, the digital camera. Recognizing what they had done, and how their own new product could and would put them out of business, Kodak ran from the digital camera. Meanwhile their new #technology was spreading to new and nimbler business; Kodak was losing their lofty position. Before Kodak realized it, or could do anything about it, they had become outsiders in the industry they themselves had created. Learn from Kodak’s mistakes. While your #StartupStory will be different, there’s a lot to learn from these once industry titans! https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLE-10jxR3/?igshid=pa5v3vbf1eed
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