leporellian Ā· 59 minutes
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Seinfeld ā€“ 4.23: The Pilot
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leporellian Ā· 2 hours
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leporellian Ā· 2 hours
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i'm still tweaking the lineart here and working on the everything else in the picture. but have a Girlthing (smoking one of her old man's cigars)
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leporellian Ā· 2 hours
I mean honestly I donā€™t hate Harris. or Biden, who has actually done a lot of good in the last four years especially considering the mess he had to clean up. but whatever gets the ā€œmy imaginary moral high ground is more important than peoplesā€™ livesā€ fucks to vote.
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leporellian Ā· 5 hours
god now that i have an appointment to get anxiety meds sorted i already feel so much better. like oh this isnā€™t going to last forever actually
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leporellian Ā· 6 hours
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leporellian Ā· 6 hours
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Sophie Pearson, I remember you in the ocean, and I'll remember you as red, both c. 2023 and oil pastel on wood
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leporellian Ā· 7 hours
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Out of Context Donald Duck comics
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leporellian Ā· 9 hours
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leporellian Ā· 11 hours
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leporellian Ā· 11 hours
finally. i have booked an appointment to seek anxiety medication
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leporellian Ā· 13 hours
in the process of trying to undo the general wrongs against women that constitutes the structure of la forza del destino i have inadvertently made lenore vargas untitledwestern the funniest character on gods green earth
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leporellian Ā· 14 hours
even though i donā€™t think i make Every personā€™s life worse i think overall i have an inherent net negative effect on things and i am just really kind of worthless overall
worrying again that i just make things worse and that the world where i had never been born would be a better off one
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leporellian Ā· 14 hours
worrying again that i just make things worse and that the world where i had never been born would be a better off one
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leporellian Ā· 1 day
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leporellian Ā· 1 day
extremely frustrating how posts about leftist antisemitism never reach outside of the jumblr circle and the majority of this website is still allowed to live in their fantasy world where they aren't actively making our lives a living hell
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leporellian Ā· 1 day
right so i guess iā€™m just having an anxiety spiral today. my problem is that i knowwww objectively anxiety meds will help me and not only that but i know what meds, Specifically, will help bc of family experience with them (my brother has a more real form of anxiety than i do and i know what helps him). but iā€™m so scared of booking an appointment. what if the doctor thinks iā€™m lying but more importantly What if iā€™m so annoying that the doctor will want me dead and prescribe me as such
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