brbl56 · 13 days
Best couple - mostly in fanfiction 😍😍
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BLINDSPOT (2015 - 2020)
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brbl56 · 13 days
Some fanfictions have left a more profound impression on me than published literature, and I want to encourage every fic writer: Write and write from the heart. Don't let fear stop you, because your impact is bigger than you think💜
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brbl56 · 24 days
30+ year old women are the backbone of this website
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brbl56 · 25 days
And that's part 3 of the holiday fic. Enjoy :-)
Season of Hate/Season of Love (part 3/3)
The third and final part of rAnsomedr0gue’s seasonal Reller fic. She doesn’t have a Tumblr account, but I do give her a link to these posts, so please do comment and let her know what you think!
Previous parts are HERE and HERE.
Remi wakes with a start, a silent scream still caught in her throat.
It was a nightmare, she realizes. Kurt, getting beaten to death in an alleyway. Arriving too late, sobbing even though there’s no one there to pretend for.
She turns to see if she’s disturbed his sleep and groans when she realizes he’s not in bed. Remi wonders if she reached out for him in the middle of the night, the way her body often does, and hurt him by accident. She had told him she would sleep in the other room, wary of his injuries. But he’d insisted he needed her near him to rest and she had been unreasonably relieved to be able to stay.
It had been a long night of x-rays, CT scans, various other medical procedures. Eventually he’d received nine stitches for a cut above his left eyebrow and been diagnosed with three broken ribs and a concussion. Not bad considering the doctor had been worried about a skull fracture, bleeding in his brain. And about as well as possible considering how he’d looked when she found him in the alley.
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brbl56 · 25 days
Here's part 2. If you like it check out #a rAnsomed rOgue.
Season of Hate/Season of Love (part 2)
The second part of RAnsomedR0gue’s seasonal Reller fic - chapter 1 can be found HERE.
The place Weller has picked for dinner is perfect. An upscale but homey vegan restaurant with little private alcoves, hidden seating to shield from curious eyes. She can tell right away that Jane would love it.
Of course Remi tries to hate it, feels the need to be extra resentful after completely giving into his ridiculous spa day, failing to show any semblance of self control. But the whole thing had felt like a waking dream, all frosty and steamy. And in her dreams she lets herself love him, allows him to love her back.
She wishes it hadn’t felt just as good in real life, makes her eye Weller longingly even now. Luckily he’s not looking at her for once, is informing the hostess of their reservation, and she manages to snap herself out of it before he glances back at her.
Get it together, soldier, she tells herself. Orders herself to stop thinking about his thumbs running up her wet back, his mouth touching that sensitive spot behind her ear she hadn’t even known about.
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brbl56 · 25 days
I've just discovered that. Wrong season, but hey, winter's coming soon ;-)
Chapters 2 and 3 will follow.
Season of Hate/Season of Love (part 1)
Written by RAnsomedR0gue for the Blindspot in a Winter Wonderland event. Part 2 will be posted on December 9th!
Remi is nervous.
Which is new to her, something she doesn’t like it at all. She wasn’t nervous on combat missions, assassinations. She wasn’t even nervous about erasing her memory, having her entire body tattooed.
But this. Christmas Eve date day with Weller. She’s extremely tense, admonishes herself for not having pre-emptively killed him to get her out of this situation.
Though she has to admit the chocolate banana crepes he made for brunch were, in themselves, almost enough incentive to let him live. Even if he’s now dragged her to a holistic spa for a day of relaxing and pampering.
At first she thought he was just dropping her off, giving her some alone time. But she should have known better. Weller has no concept of wanting space from his wife. And has endless ways of surprising Remi, despite all the research she’d done into his life before handing herself over to him.
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brbl56 · 1 month
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HUGH JACKMAN ph. by Greg Williams Project Magazine // 2011
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brbl56 · 1 month
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Sullivan Stapleton enjoying his holiday in Italy, August 2024.
(posted by sullygram77 on Instagram Stories)
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brbl56 · 1 month
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Sullivan Stapleton on holiday in Ibiza, August 2024.
(Instagram Stories posted by @sullygram77)
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brbl56 · 1 month
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Sully clearly enjoys his European tour 😁 so good to see him smiling like this again 😍
If you aren’t already following him, you miss out a lot - instagram: sullygram77 this pic for example is taken from his instagram stories
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brbl56 · 3 months
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Day 689
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brbl56 · 4 months
There is not only someone on tumblr whom I would like to meet, but I've already met. And it was a super nice day😍😍
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brbl56 · 5 months
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Bonus:  I know your heart. And that is not who you are.
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brbl56 · 5 months
Blank, chapter 5 and 6
Author’s Note: I figured I might as well just stick them both in one post, since I wrote them both today. Next time I decide to set a stupidly short deadline to write a 10k fic, slap my hand and tell me NO. Anyway, this is now COMPLETE! Whoo! And it would be awesome to hear your thoughts.
They dropped Tasha off on the corner to grab coffee, from what was apparently their usual coffee shop—yet another thing Jane didn’t remember. Then Kurt guided the car into the underground parking garage, and they headed from there back into the NYO, ending up in the locker room to stash their jackets and bulletproof vests.
The raid had been unsuccessful, based on red herring intel planted by Ivy to keep them running in circles. Kurt and Tasha had been vocally frustrated and discouraged on the way back to the office, and Jane might have been just as annoyed, if not for the fact that this had been her first time out in the field since her memory had been wiped.
It had been gratifying to discover the muscle memory she’d utilised in the gym and shooting range yesterday had been just as automatic in the field, in a potentially risky situation. Kurt had given her silent hand signals to tell her what to focus on and where to go, and she’d understood them all without needing to think about it. Every time she discovered something she could do—rather than being told she could do it by someone who already knew—it was validating, giving her a rush she was eager to experience as much as possible.
She closed the locker and looked over at Kurt. “So what’s next?”
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brbl56 · 5 months
Blank, chapter 4
Author’s Note: Can I finish this before tomorrow night? I’m determined to! (Also, I know this is far from my best fic, so thank you for reading despite that.)
“So this stuff all came to me after Shepherd died?”
Jane hesitated not too far from the doorway, overwhelmed by the sight of all the objects spread around the room. Every surface held multiple objects, all seemingly unrelated to one another, and at first glance, nothing was familiar.
“Yeah. You had a theory that Shepherd put it all in one place so that when your mission was done, and it was time for you to remember being Remi, she could show you this stuff, help you get those memories back.” Kurt sat carefully on the edge of a table, which was clear enough to accommodate him.
“Given that that’s the case, are you sure you want me looking at this stuff?” she asked uneasily. “What if I remember the bad part of me and turn back into a terrorist?”
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brbl56 · 5 months
Blank, chapter three
Author’s Note:  I haven’t seen the sneak peeks and don’t want to know anything, just to put that out there! So please don’t leave any spoilery comments. :)
I decided the team would not want to burden Jane with the possibility that she might be dying at this point, but realistically, the doctors probably would have told her. So maybe the stem cells are still in her brain, just working on neutralising the ZIP, and she’ll get all her memories back as the ZIP is cleared out of her system, but it’s going to take a while? Who knows? :D
“My disclaimer from last night still stands, okay? You’re not a bad person.” Patterson touched Jane’s shoulder lightly, then retreated.
Jane nodded, her polite smile fading as Patterson left the room. She had tried to believe that reassurance through the horror of details they’d shared with her the night before, but how could she believe she was a good person when everything she’d learned was so horrific?
She’d willingly put these tattoos on her skin. She’d replaced the DNA sample of Kurt’s dead childhood friend with her own, so that her DNA would falsely register as that of Taylor Shaw, missing for twenty-five years. She’d had her terrorist group wipe her memory and drop her off in Times Square, naked, in a duffel bag with a tag that said ‘call the FBI’ on it. And then she’d gotten close to Kurt, thinking she was his childhood friend because she’d had no memory, but as soon as her former fiancé had approached her, she’d also started working behind Kurt’s back to plant evidence that had led to the disgrace and death of the former Deputy Director of the FBI.
And Kurt had married her anyway, even after learning what a duplicitous bitch she’d been. She didn’t know what to make of that. Her friends said she’d tried hard to make up for what she’d done, that she’d helped to bring down her terrorist family and the rest of their group. That she’d won their trust, and Kurt’s heart, in the process of saving millions of lives.
But she couldn’t imagine her tattoo stunt was the only bad thing she’d done as a terrorist. She must have murdered innocent people. Dozens, even hundreds or thousands. How could she ever wipe away that stain on her soul, even by doing good?
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brbl56 · 5 months
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That’s good enough for now.
(Also, he’s a very good kisser).
Follow up to this one (x). Part one (x)
Bonus close-up :D
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