brcaksthings · 5 years
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     “you just appeared? thats – unusual.” he grumbled slightly and shoved his hands into his pockets, frowning slightly “i guess you could say i’m hiding, more like trying to not be arrested or killed for something i didn’t do.” he whispered and looked down. “yeah i figured it was a shitshow, i wish i could go back and help but i think if i show my face in america again they’d shoot me down – literally.”
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      “yeah, well, this hellhole is a worse than new york.” he scoffed with a slight laugh, “i mean, i don’t blame you. but if you did go back, you could take your good ol’ pal deadpool with you. i’ll whoop some ass.” he laughed again. the man shrugged raising his eyebrows, “you’re not going to get shot. just wear a mask. like me.” he suggested, not regretting the stupid words that came out of his mouth, “yes, yes, i know you already wear one but find a new one. but i suggest staying here. if you like this sort of thing.”
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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     elizabeth’s world was upside down. she didn’t know where she was. she didn’t know how she had gotten there. she was freaking out. the brown haired female took a small breath in, trying to keep her composure. after all, that was her MO. the female looked up from the plate of food. instead of complaining about the meal, she had just sat there with it in front of her. she was raised in a time where it wasn’t polite to just complain about everything. she sighed softly and smiled at the male, “i ordered an omelet. but as you can see, that is not what i got.” she said to him with a soft shrug.
he had approached the table cautiously, the sheepish expression present as his eyes remained on the napkin. ben only hoped he had read the waiter’s handwriting correctly, clutching the take out bag in his hands. “i don’t mean to bother you– but i believe our orders got mixed up.” the man opened the bag to reveal the food which he had definitely not ordered. “they must have switched up the numbers, what did you order?”
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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RACHEL BROSNAHAN, 26, BIOSHOCK, SHE/HER. did you see ELIZABETH COMSTOCK/ANNA DEWITT walking down the streets of canada? they remind me of BIRD CAGES, CONSTANTS/VARIABLES & BLUE DRESSES. they’re currently trying to figure out how they ended up in halifax. [ alex, 21+, she/they, mountain ]
okay, so here’s the sitch about elizabeth comstock. she was born as Anna Dewitt on Septenber 24, 1893. She was taken by a man named Robert Lutece.
she was then taken to the fictional city in the sky called Columbia and was raised in a tower.. very rapunzel. her father was a very evil man... well, the man that raised her.
her real father found her and she basically killed him??? because she didn’t want him turning out like the man that abducted her... Oh by the way, they’re the same person just in different time loops.
elizabeth killed the last comstock when she went to rapture and helped said comstock find a little girl named sally. That’s where she died as well.
now we come to the present, she doesn’t know how she got to halifax and is trying to figure it out. girl could really use some friends.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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   peter felt somewhat safe here, knowing that hopefully people didn’t know him and that the news didn’t reach here. hearing the voice he looked over and smiled slightly at wade “uh yeah – its me. hey. what are you doing here?”
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      the man raised his brow and pressed his lips together, “oh good. what am i doing here?” he repeated back. he had no idea what he was doing here. he had literally appeared in this place, “honestly, i have no fucking clue what i’m doing here. but i’m sure i can guess why you are here.. hiding from the normal world?” he asked. he had seen the news and knew that was probably the reason, “i didn’t mean to bring it up. but it’s a shitshow back in new york.”
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brcaksthings · 5 years
the lamented monarch melded in with the shadows beyond the dim lights. a presence that could intimidate and barely exist all at once. his intuition left him on edge and the moment wade stepped through — he knew why. dark lips evened in a stoic manner and his eyes told the same story. “  you are certain this is the correct room , no ? i’d happily relocate you to the lower level. “ a jab at what happened between them once upon a time – his voice hinted he would be more than willing .
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     wade smirked as he looked at the male, “if i’m being completely honest, i’m not even sure what day  it is. this place is like a never ending pit of hell.” he laughed, shrugging his shoulders, “but no, this is most definitely my room. i call the bed by the window.” he teased the other, same smirk appearing on his lips.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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Bucky supposed that he should’ve done SOMETHING with himself. A job, though his list of skills was less than none once he took out the military history and years of being forced to work as a ghostly assassin. Working with the general public seemed like a NIGHTMARE, at the very least. So, he found himself stuck, sat on the sidewalk with a cigarette lit between his fingers despite the nicotine doing absolutely nothing for him. The woman that approached him looked like someone he was probably meant to stay away from, but he greeted her nonetheless, “Couldn’t sleep, I guess, decided it was time to wake up.” He tried to sound friendly rather than his typical flat tone, he wasn’t sure how well he’d done. “What about you, you’re the first person I’ve seen out here this morning ?”
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    a smirk pulled at the corners of the woman’s lips. she took a deep breath in and shrugged, “oh ya know, just goin’ for an early mornin’ walk.” she was completely joking, “not really able to sleep myself. this place... it’s not home. so it’s real hard for me to fall asleep.” she pulled her own cigarette out, “mind if i get a light?” she asked, tilting her head.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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     chloe raised her brow as she she heard the words from the male’s mouth. she hadn’t seen a dog around halifax and it was definitely a change to see something other than people, “he’s beautiful. i mean, i’m more of a cat person but he’s really cute. how old is he?” the blue haired female asked the older male, “i’d love to pet him.. if that’s cool with you.” she shrugged softly as she bent down to pet the dog, “i think this is the first animal i’ve seen around here since getting here.”
Bucky looked over at the person who had stopped, eyes mostly masked by the aviators that he donned. It would appear as though he was reading, book in his lap but the page hadn’t turned in quite some time. Needless to say, he had OTHER THINGS on his mind. “He’s friendly.” The black German Shepard with a purple bandana laid with him where he sat, both on the bench in a way that only a true companion would attempt to be so close to their owner. He didn’t see a sign that wouldn’t allow dogs on benches, after all. “If you wanna pet him, go for it. He’s pretty well-trained.” Not by him, but someone.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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For the most part, Bucky had tried to lay low. And, as was par for the course, he had done fuck all in regards to his earlier sentiment. In fact, he’d run into so many people that he’d attempted to AVOID ( and now continued that habit ), he didn’t know why he bothered to try. “Wade.” He returned the greeting, hands in his pockets as he remained where he was, several feet away. “Just needed a change of scenery but uh, CANADA doesn’t really seem your style. I’m surprised you’re here.”
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      wade smirked as the other, wiggling his eyebrow as the other spoke his name, “aw, buck, you don’t sound happy to see me.” he held out his arms and raised his brow, “canada is definitely not my style. how’d you know?” he laughed slightly, wiggling his eyebrow again, “honestly, i’m just here for the maple syrup.” a sarcastic tone dripped off his lips.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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“gotham? it’s definitely unknown, and here i thought riverdale and greendale were odd names. do very many people live there?” it had peaked her curiosity, feeling as though she was hearing about an entire fantasy world. it felt like geography all over again. “greendale. it’s only a small little area, i was born and raised there. my family has been there for years.”
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     harley tilted her head and smirked, “it’s actually a large town but that’s okay. probably about a million or somethin’. i don’t really know. i’ll letcha slide on this one, sugar.” she winked at the girl and sighed. the woman raised her brow and shrugged, “now your town sounds very... quaint?? it sounds a little small though. too small for my liking. is there anything special about it?”
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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Georgie simply blinked back at him in response before digging his hand into the bag once more to retrieve another gummy worm. The stranger probably had a good point but by now the boy was happy to be alive, nit wanting to think about the future consequences of his actions. “ Yeah but they’re really good. “ he protested childishly. “ A few won’t hurt right? “ 
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      wade raised his brow and smirked as he looked at the young blonde, “honestly, i don’t really like gummy worms. they’re not my thing.” he shrugged his shoulders and sighed. the man looked at him and raised his brow, “well, when you don’t really like sugar, it makes sense not to want something.” wade protested.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
featuring // t’challa @jazzisms
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    wade walked into aparment 105, practically storming in. the man laid down on the couch, not even realizing anyone else was in the room with him. he slid off his shoes and picked up the remote. he hadn’t unpacked yet. so no crocks. he turned on the tv and looked up, “holy shit. you scared the piss out of me. have you been in here the entire time?!” he asked the other.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
featuring // bucky barnes @deadlieststorm
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     harley was mindin her own business walking herself to her day job. she hadn’t realized that she had smudged her lipstick, not that it really mattered because she worked for herself. the blonde haired female was about to walk into her shop when she spotted a somewhat lonely looking man, “hey there handsome. what’s goin’ on?” the former queen of crime asked, her accent bleeding through every word.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
featuring // bucky barnes @deadlieststorm
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     wade wilson walked out of the bar and onto the streets of halifax. he took one look around and shook his head. this was his life now. he very much had to get over it. wade saw a familiar face and smirked, “well, hey there, bucky barnes. what bring you to this shitty place?” the merc with a mouth shot out to the winter solider.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
featuring // RACHEL AMBER @deadlieststorm
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      chloe’s version of being okay was actually far from it. she was trying to deal with being this far from home. it was killing her. but she knew there wasn’t really a home to go back to. the storm had pretty much killed everything in it’s path and that was max’s fault for choosing chloe over arcadia bay. sure in the moment, chlo was happy about it. but she was far from happy now. canada was not where she thought she’d end up. the girl took a small breath in and looked up from her magazine, to see what was going on with rest of the world. she had heard a familiar voice and furrowed her brows. this was the voice of the only person she thought she’d ever love. rachel fucking amber. stopping dead in her tracks, she looked at the person and sighed, “holy fucking shitballs. tell me i’m dreaming. you can’t be here right now. not here, not in this room with me. you died !!” chloe exclaimed. she wasn’t ready for this right off the bat. but them being roommates, it was bound to happen, “i saw your body. how the hell are you even here?!” the blue haired female asked, rubbing her arm softly.
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brcaksthings · 5 years
featuring // peter parker @milkywcy 
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    first day was always the hardest. wade was just looking for a familiar face. as he walked around the town, he practically didn’t recognize anyone. granted the streets of canada were very different from new york. peaceful. no pollution. no loud noises. he felt out of place. the man raised his eyebrow as he thought he saw a familiar face, “spider kid? is that you? i mean, i might be completely wrong but if it is.. wow this place sucks.”
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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     wade looked up from the ground. he rolled his eyes slightly. childish candy. sure the merc had a childish side but that was rarely shown. he preferred to keep his wits up with humor and sarcasm, “oh no. i’m off the sugar. i’m trying to keep my girlish figure.” the older male smirked, “those’ll rot your teeth ya’know.” he said to him.
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Georgie still hadn’t figured out what was going on, but was mostly just happy to be alive. Sticking his hand into a half eaten bag of sour gummy worms, he chewed on a piece of the gummy candy, savoring the sweet yet tangy taste on his tongue. It didn’t take long for him to realize that he wasn’t alone, as he turned towards whoever had been standing nearby. He smiled a bit cautiously before holding out the bag in their direction. “ Oh, Hi! You want some they’re really good? “ he offered. 
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brcaksthings · 5 years
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“that’s quite an accent?” the witch exclaimed, unable to place exactly where she had heard something so similar. it intrigued sabrina, a darker eyebrow raised as she revealed her question. “where are you from? new york, maybe?” it was as good as a guess as any.
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        the older blonde was impressed. she raised her brow and moved closer to her, “oh why thank you.” she smirked, wiggling her brows, “new york, yes. a little unknown town called GOTHAM.” she said, pressing her lips together, “what about you? where are ya from?”
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