creationest · 3 years
обичам те и искам да го кажа,
но не мога, не сега...
И така ме боли да те усещам,
докато дори не си до мен.
Във затишие стоим смълчани,
а бурята бушува силно.
Но виждам изход. Ето!
Светлина направи любовта ни.
- Й. Х.
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creationest · 3 years
Ние сме свободни души,
реещи птици в небето,
плуващи в морски вълни,
със сърца като на детето.
Чисти ръце и остър ум,
в дневните битки помагат-
успокояват те всеки шум,
живота ни тихо спасяват.
На всичко това 
аз се днес обричам,
щот утре денят дали идва
Божия милост го наричам.
-Й. Х.
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creationest · 3 years
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можеш ли да намериш място да се криеш
и можеш ли да намериш място да живееш?
защото, докато не останеш сам,
не можеш истински да бъдеш жив.
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creationest · 3 years
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a new form of freedom-
living for the One
Who showed me what it means.
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creationest · 3 years
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the secret of the mermaids-
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creationest · 3 years
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"No one can squeeze lemon in your wounds if you keep a distance. So I did. But that boundary wasn’t enough for you. You managed to throw the lemons from afar and still make it hurt..."
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creationest · 3 years
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a tremendous dance of nature-
the cliffs and the waves
all come together for a kiss-
an intimate binding of elements;
quite opposites,
but if you look close,
the making of life lies within...
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creationest · 3 years
birds are nothing more than a paradox -
they cause fear, but they symbolize the freedom,
the care with which the Lord feeds them,
so that they never remain hungry.
and can you name something more carefree
than the existence of a sparrow,
than the flight of a stork in a flock,
than the rhythmic sounds of an owl?
what is it like to be a paradox -
to be beautiful, but only in words...
птиците са нищо повече от парадокс
- страх пораждат, но символизират свободата,
грижата, с която Бог ги храни,
така че никога да не останат гладни.
и можеш ли да назовеш по-безгрижно нещо
от съществуването на едно врабче,
от полета на щъркел в ято,
от ритмичните звуци на сова?
какво ли е да бъдеш парадокс -
да бъдеш красив, но само на думи..
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creationest · 3 years
Touch - a form of connection
and a form of love,
to show my affection
to the one i'll always want.
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creationest · 3 years
One tells the world exactly as he himself is. An unwhole person cannot tell the world beautifully.
-Maria Laleva
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creationest · 3 years
The sunlight claps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea: what are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me?
Percy Bysshe Shelley
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creationest · 3 years
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what if you just started?
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creationest · 3 years
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once loved by people,
now loved by nature
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creationest · 3 years
A glass of wine or maybe two
shared between the busy days.
A rusty window holding memories of old,
ancient as my love for you.
A typewriter, writing letters to a hummingbird,
a wet umbrella, that makes my tears show,
quiet whisper in the night,
but is it really there
or l just wish for it to be?
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creationest · 3 years
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sea escape for my tired mind
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creationest · 3 years
My breath stopped at the times
in which you pulled me close,
when you took my hand
and pointed to the horizon,
with a promise to take me there.
Дъхът ми спираше в моментите,
в които се приближаваше към мен,
когато хващаше ръката ми
и сочеше хоризонта,
с обещание да ме заведеш там.
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creationest · 3 years
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she was a daisy with picked leaves-
sparkled joy
then thrown away,
because she had no more use
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