breaking-the-crust · 6 years
„For the general coffee consuming public, certifications like those from Fairtrade and the Rainforest Alliance are indicators that the product they are buying are sustainably grown with farmers making a fair wage. Those more deeply involved in the coffee industry, though, often have a different view of thesesort of certifications“
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breaking-the-crust · 6 years
„On Tuesday, August 21, 2018, the commodity futures market for coffee opened at ninety-eight US cents after hovering just above a dollar for a few days. This drop below the $1.00/lb. mark prompted my colleagues and friends across the globe to react with outrage, sadness, and disgust.“
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breaking-the-crust · 6 years
„For many of us, the price is just a number; we aren’t in touch with the day-to-day of this side of the coffee business to understand what it all means beyond just sounding really, really bad. To help provide some perspective, we’ve compiled what experts are saying about the price of coffee on the commodities market and what it means for the future.“
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breaking-the-crust · 6 years
„Several industry veterans attended the colloquium, including Peter Dupont of Coffee Collective, Geoff Watts of Intelligencia and Mark Dundon of Seven Seeds Coffee. All agreed that after 20 years working in this business, little has changed for coffee producers. They still struggle to make a living, they work at the mercy of the market, and they remain at the bottom of the supply chain, with no power to change their situation.“
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breaking-the-crust · 6 years
„Murray Cooper was one of the most famous specialty coffee farmers in Ecuador. I’m using the past tense because he’s now bankrupt.“
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