breathingliifearc · 2 years
Hello! We have finally moved! ( here ) We’re at the same url, same ol’ owly, same ol’ muses and some new. I hope you will join us there but if you don’t, I understand completely! :) Threads will be moved over there too or we can just start fresh too! Lots of choices XD  Thank you for remaining here and for following us, it’s been a blast. Also thank you for bearing up with my h-owl-dini year disappearances and the random impulses to move ;w;  HAVE I SAID THANK YOU? BECAUSE THANK YOU! like A LOT!! -KERMIT FLAILS- I’LL BE BETTER AT STAYING 
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
Hello! We have finally moved! ( here ) We’re at the same url, same ol’ owly, same ol’ muses and some new. I hope you will join us there but if you don’t, I understand completely! :) Threads will be moved over there too or we can just start fresh too! Lots of choices XD  Thank you for remaining here and for following us, it’s been a blast. Also thank you for bearing up with my h-owl-dini year disappearances and the random impulses to move ;w;  HAVE I SAID THANK YOU? BECAUSE THANK YOU! like A LOT!! -KERMIT FLAILS- I’LL BE BETTER AT STAYING 
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
Hello! We have finally moved! ( here ) We’re at the same url, same ol’ owly, same ol’ muses and some new. I hope you will join us there but if you don’t, I understand completely! :) Threads will be moved over there too or we can just start fresh too! Lots of choices XD  Thank you for remaining here and for following us, it’s been a blast. Also thank you for bearing up with my h-owl-dini year disappearances and the random impulses to move ;w;  HAVE I SAID THANK YOU? BECAUSE THANK YOU! like A LOT!! -KERMIT FLAILS- I’LL BE BETTER AT STAYING 
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
Hi! :) changed the url already to do the move official, gonna keep same url, but since I’ve been posting lots of placeholder posts and bios and such, thought I’d give it a little while not to flood all of your dashes :D so probs tomorrow? meanwhile I’m floating around here because I have no internet at home since yesterday. I hope it’s gonna be installed again on monday :) 
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
ooc; anyone knows how to stop an older cat from peeing everywhere because there’s a new cat in the house? (I know they are kinda marking territory but I NEED to find a way -cries- she just peed on my month knitting project ;A;) edit: she woke me up so Imma sleep a little bit more. on another note, blog is ready! (not 100% ready, but yes)
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
Been MIA again, i think i caught something cause I feel crappy. Will be back soon, not houdini-ing.
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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“Well….actually….” she began, knowing what she was about to tell Drew was something quite unusual. Her friend was somewhat traditional. Or more correctly believed in things being done ‘the right way’. And what she was proposing, could be seen as very much not that.
“I was thinking I;d take him with me for the next fitting. I mean, I know the old adage about it being a bad omen, but I don’t believe in tosh like that. Also, I think I’d rather know up front what he thinks of it, rather than when I reach him on the day. And we’ve planned all of it together, his suit, the catering, the decorations……”.
She bit at her bottom lip, suddenly a touch nervous over what Drew would make of it all. “Do you think I’m crazy now?”.
Drew couldn’t help chuckling, the reassuring pat on her hand came back. ❛ Crazy? Yes... ❜ nothing but a tease, ❛ Crazy in love for Larry that I’m certain. But crazy as you mean, never. I find it endearing that both of you are planning everything together and I’m sure he’ll be happy to go with you. ❜    ❛ To heck with bad omens when love is a pure as this one! ❜ The musician couldn’t help hiding his excitement. The mere idea of a wedding happening soon was enough for joy and hope. Love was in the air every day and it made him believe that maybe one day it might be his turn. One day, a piano man could dream. 
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    ❛ You know that you’re like family to us right? We all love you lots. ❜ Here came the mushiness.
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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        “RIGHT!  Which is kind of sads because he does deserve lots and lots of pets, but sadly he’s gotta be on duty right now.  Sometimes when I’m sitting downs, I can take off his jacket, and he’s allowed to be a bit more like a non working doggy.  He LOVES fetch, it’s his favorite.”  Though she leaned in close, as though a secret was waiting to be told.  “And digging… but mommy gets real upset if he digs in her garden, so he has to be on his best behavior when it comes to digging.”
                  Attention redirected when the i n q u i r y was made.  Face scrunched up, little lips pursing as Dawn thought over what she might be an expert at now…  There felt like lots of things while also nothing at the same time!
      “I’m good at drawing!  And coloring!  According to my parents, I’m the m a s t e r with glitter.  I don’t know why more people don’t like using it, it’s sooooo fun!”
❊        ❛ Fetch is a fun game! ❜ Mo beamed clapping her hands together, later on leaning close for the secret the little one would tell her. Her mouth fell agape as a little gasp escaped her. ❛ Oh no, better to keep digging away from the garden but... Mhm, what if Storm was a doggy archeologist in his past life? ❜ the words came out as a secret too. Oh the image looked really adorable if she stopped herself to think about it.
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❛ Really? I’m sure you must  be a master of glitter then! One day you must show me some of your work. I bet it’s gorgeous! I think we have a glitter pack around here somewhere... Would you like to see it? ❜ 
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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      Marlowe may take after her mother ( esp. in the attitude department ) , and may draw a frown just as Kaila ( because of course she wants to be just like her Mama… she is her ‘mini me’ after all… ) but the second she sees Uncle Drew laughing she cannot help but beam, little dimples and all. Kaila glowers, brows creasing, head tilting as she witnesses his goofy grin and far-off stare. She knows that look, ah puppy love. He’s indeed smitten with her best friend. “Not always.” Kaila retorts, partly dryly but also from somewhere of experience – she and Sam were born from the same cloth and yet dealt very differently with their feelings – Kaila was the one who ran away. Her skepticism showcases upon her expression until she can’t help but smile at just the overall thing. Sam’s best friend, and her best friend… a thing?!            “I do the same to my husband, and he is the very picture of health.” Kaila giggles. “Besides, someone’s got to. It’s practice for the adventure you are about to embark on.” – “Practice makes better!” Lola ( Marlowe ) chimes. “That’s right!” Kaila nods and kisses her child’s head. 
   Drew couldn’t help chuckling at little Marlowe, so cute and looking right like her mom. Oh dear, is that a little itch for be a dad someday? Oh no, the curious, and scary at the same time, itch was growing. He shook his head as if it would shake the thoughts away and focus once again on Kaila’s voice.  ❛ Well, that’s true. ❜
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   Head tilted the musician can’t help chuckling. ❛ Hey, but look at Sam! All muscled and actually the very picture of health. Now look at me ❜ he points at himself with both index fingers and smiled. ❛  You might as well scare me and I’ll drop like a stressed ferret... Practice makes better, yes cute Lola. ❜ he chuckled. 
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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EST. 2014.  BY KYLIE.  28 YEARS OLD.  HELLA SLOW. ( warning for serious/triggering topics sometimes mentioned in writing, but the mun is a dork who just likes to make new friends and roleplay )
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
if ur my friend / writing partner you will notice
i’m shit at holding a conversation I’m like the hot potato convo dropper
some weeks I’m practically a ghost like ~oooo woop~ where am I 
responding to threads in a timely manner ??? don’t know her
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
I sneak in from work break, get a first look at the dash then Drew: I love her. -chin hands- @manhattanopus
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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               Want beautiful hair like mine?                                                  THAT’S NOT MY PROBLEM
                    { a wwdits rp-blog.  scripted by pluto. personals do not reblog }
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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             ❛   𝚗𝚘 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 .   ”      quick quip ,   cheeky grin .      fingers continue to dig into his sides relentless in their endeavour only to still as gazes lock    -    time stops .    the world around them fades ,   the sounds outside cease existing ,   it’s like it’s only the two of them in the whole world   -   trapped in a moment that lasts for an eternity and is over too quickly all at once .   breath is slowly released ,   heart beating a million beats per second at the same time as it seems to have stopped working all together .  
it takes drew speaking to drag her out of the trance-like state ,   the world slowly coming back into focus .   she wraps her legs around him ,   hands resting innocently at level with his ribcage .   then ,  taking full advantage of his distraction ,  she heaves herself to the side at the same time as she’s pushing him off of her .  with a bright grin wolfie straddles him ,   knees on either side.         ❛   𝚢𝚊 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 ?   ”
   He was so distracted with the intrusive thoughts, his eyes had been locked with her gaze. Had her eyes always been this bright? They shone more when she laughed. Any other thought was quickly erased from his mind with the quick switch of positions. His breath had even caught in his chest at the swiftness but quickly released in the shape of a boisterous laugh. 
   ❛ Oh no, come oooon... ❜ Drew laughed and groaned teasingly head leaning backwards briefly, his hands had naturally landed at her sides.  ❛ Alright, defeated. I surrender... But see? We were in the same bed at the same time. It wasn’t that bad was it? ❜ But was it wise?  ❛ Alright,, I’ll take the couch and you can stay here. Please... ❜ 
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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  “SPAIN. IN ANDALUSIA, TO BE PRECISE.” He starts, not really having a problem when it comes to revealing origins of tattered book. Of course, he’s not about to disclose the reasons why he has it, or where in Andalusia he found it. The least he wants is to be denied help due to theories that most consider maddening. 
  “I don’t…know what other information you need, but…” A shrug leaves him, actually taking note of how careful the other is with the book. It seems, he really does seem to care for literature pieces — well, it showed when he almost fainted (an exaggeration brewing in Félix head) due to book’s horrible & feeble condition. Not Félix’s fault —- he unfortunately found it like that. It was actually way worse, wet and covered in mud. What a way to hide a book, right? 
   “Well…I know there aren’t many copies of this one. That’s why I’m here. It’s not a book you can find in popular bookshelves or just in any place. It…it also might hold vital information for certain topics, depending on beliefs and perspectives, that is.” A pause. “This…particular one is in this condition due to avarice, I believe.” He sighs. “It’s very old, too…mostly speaks about…Plato and other things happening during ancient years, but it holds very particular maps you can’t find anywhere else. Does any of that ring any bells?” 
Spain, Andalusia... It sounds like a place his parents would travel to, far away, exotic... Was it exotic? Theo didn’t know, he barely went out of New York less alone across big oceans. Focus Theo, we have a mystery ahead. He heard one of his friends say and a silent nod followed.    The man before him was talking quite disappointed at the state of the book and what seemed like a futile discovery mission. A hum escaped the young book-keeper’s lips. His eyes were glued to the very few pages left as he flipped them over and over, picked the book up and analyzed every inch of paper.  Theo would be lying if he said that all the information was adding up as substantial information for him to find about it. Look at that, what can you even get from that thing? Shakes said, Theo hushed him under his breath.
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❛ It’s a shame honestly ❜ the book-seller finally muttered with a slight pull on the corner of his lips letting the book down on the counter.  ❛ I mean, we’re missing the cover so... Hard time to know the actual title. Missing the first pages, including the title page, to know whether this one is a first edition or one of the copies you mention sir and who wrote it...  Given the topics you mention and the maps that are hard to find, it definitely must be an antique book. ❜ His shoulders slumped a bit, lips pursed. ❛ But not all is lost, I know Mr. Ettiore has connections in the ABBA... The Antiquarian Bookseller’s Association of America... Long name. ❜ Theo chuckled ❛ Or the ILAB, I’ll spare you the other long name, maybe they may have a copy of your book in their possession... but would you have any problem with us contacting people outside from our venue? ❜      Look at you all grown up and professional, said Poe. Theo groaned under his breath.
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
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&& SOFTER PROMPTS @lovestoofew​​​ ‘ i just need to feel something. ‘ lucy @ drew 
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 ❛ What? What’s wrong Luce? ❜ Drew frowned gently, both sides of his hands cupping her face gently, eyes staring right into hers as if trying to scan the worry that squeezes her heart with no luck whatsoever. ❛ Come on... Talk to me. ❜
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breathingliifearc · 2 years
I’m sorry I’ve been MIA most of the day on the dash but the new blog is almost ready and I am this close to finally spam people (btw my queue has been running <3 ). 
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