#int ( theimpalpable )
wiltdd · 3 years
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“ —— TY ! ”, the sound of her voice abruptly breaks the quiet of the early afternoon —— it’s an article on her phone that caught her interest now, beaming her up with the light of a eureka! moment, and as she calls out for him annie steps out to the front porch, a detective on tyler’s tracks. it speaks of SERENITY, the whole of it —— the light breeze blowing through the curtains of the open windows, the smell of lavender from the garden. but she misses adventure too, sometimes ( though it’s true — tyler makes up for a good ninety percent of her adventurous needs, now ), and as her thumb scrolls down a lovely depiction of a natural park somewhere in arizona, the thought that rings in her mind is a single one: i wanna go there — only with him. “ look at this —— ”, she finds him sitting on the porch and leans over him from behind, chin over his shoulder. “ isn’t it beautiful ? ” a murmur, as she hands him her phone. “ c’mon, we gotta go —— ” 
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@theimpalpable​ gets an unprompted starter bc ... reasons .
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breathingliifearc · 4 years
@theimpalpable​ from here
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[ sms - Dom ]: I don’t mind my friend, I know that time is kind of against us too. You need to rest... Does this mean you have accepted my habit of staying up late and not sleep huh? [ sms - Dom ]: YES! I forgot my keys and she kindly let me in, but before I went up her stairs to mine I had to take a nap... [ sms - Dom ]: ... It’s not a bad idea... It sounds like a meet cute right? Tom said it was one... But we’re just friends. She’s nice, really nice. And she’s got this beautiful smile... 
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pianomxn · 5 years
:X (and one for Dommm)
♫ ||: FIRST THING THAT COMES TO DREW’S MIND ABOUT  @theimpalpable​ –  Dommmm
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     ❛ Best.Mate.Ever. ❜ Drew chuckles, whenever he seems Dom his face just lights up. Who can blame him? They’re apart by water and land, miles and miles, so whenever the pianist has a chance to see his friend, well, he practically has to stop himself from tackling the man. 
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hcze · 2 years
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  “SPAIN. IN ANDALUSIA, TO BE PRECISE.” He starts, not really having a problem when it comes to revealing origins of tattered book. Of course, he’s not about to disclose the reasons why he has it, or where in Andalusia he found it. The least he wants is to be denied help due to theories that most consider maddening. 
  “I don’t…know what other information you need, but…” A shrug leaves him, actually taking note of how careful the other is with the book. It seems, he really does seem to care for literature pieces — well, it showed when he almost fainted (an exaggeration brewing in Félix head) due to book’s horrible & feeble condition. Not Félix’s fault —- he unfortunately found it like that. It was actually way worse, wet and covered in mud. What a way to hide a book, right? 
   “Well…I know there aren’t many copies of this one. That’s why I’m here. It’s not a book you can find in popular bookshelves or just in any place. It…it also might hold vital information for certain topics, depending on beliefs and perspectives, that is.” A pause. “This…particular one is in this condition due to avarice, I believe.” He sighs. “It’s very old, too…mostly speaks about…Plato and other things happening during ancient years, but it holds very particular maps you can’t find anywhere else. Does any of that ring any bells?” 
Spain, Andalusia... It sounds like a place his parents would travel to, far away, exotic... Was it exotic? Theo didn’t know, he barely went out of New York less alone across big oceans. Focus Theo, we have a mystery ahead. He heard one of his friends say and a silent nod followed.    The man before him was talking quite disappointed at the state of the book and what seemed like a futile discovery mission. A hum escaped the young book-keeper’s lips. His eyes were glued to the very few pages left as he flipped them over and over, picked the book up and analyzed every inch of paper.  Theo would be lying if he said that all the information was adding up as substantial information for him to find about it. Look at that, what can you even get from that thing? Shakes said, Theo hushed him under his breath.
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❛ It’s a shame honestly ❜ the book-seller finally muttered with a slight pull on the corner of his lips letting the book down on the counter.  ❛ I mean, we’re missing the cover so... Hard time to know the actual title. Missing the first pages, including the title page, to know whether this one is a first edition or one of the copies you mention sir and who wrote it...  Given the topics you mention and the maps that are hard to find, it definitely must be an antique book. ❜ His shoulders slumped a bit, lips pursed. ❛ But not all is lost, I know Mr. Ettiore has connections in the ABBA... The Antiquarian Bookseller’s Association of America... Long name. ❜ Theo chuckled ❛ Or the ILAB, I’ll spare you the other long name, maybe they may have a copy of your book in their possession... but would you have any problem with us contacting people outside from our venue? ❜      Look at you all grown up and professional, said Poe. Theo groaned under his breath.
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ruinswithin · 2 years
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“WHAT IT IS SEEN BY the eye is much different than what words can express.” There is evident WORRY upon his features, one that cannot be erased due to the other’s status. It seems they’re STUBBORN enough to neglect his help, but there’s FATAL TWIST in this — he can be OBSTINATE, too.  
“You are HURT.” His hands have started to gain GLOW, a type of floating YELLOW with sparks of WHITE hovering over his fingers. There is nothing to FEAR, but he needs PERMISSION to utilize his POWER — otherwise, he cannot do much unless he uses FORCE. “Please, allow me to HELP you.”
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      ❛ I don’t NEED you ❜ Adam says, it’s obvious the pain is seeping through his grinded teeth in hisses. Part of his left side has been deeply burnt from running into a building in fire. He had heard a kid crying, and though he was just there to cover up the story he could not stand and do nothing.         ��       NOT WHEN HE LOST IT ALL THAT WAY. He didn’t think it twice, Sage didn’t come out to act against the journalist’s foolishness either. Yes, Adam wanted to die and Sage wanted to live, the vampire’s alter ego would make sure things stayed that way. But this time, the killer inside him didn’t even flinch when flames were around him.  Now, the only thing he wanted was for this man to go away in case Sage wanted out, then he’d be in trouble. Why was this human so stubborn?     Pained gaze looks up, catching up on the unusual glow.  ❛ How - How are you doing that? ❜   he must be hallucinating now…
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pianomxn · 5 years
:X (for Lexineeeee)
♫ ||: FIRST THING THAT COMES TO DREW’S MIND ABOUT  @theimpalpable –  Lexine
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      ❛ Her eyes are so beautiful…  ❜ there’s even a pause – which should be read as warning, rambling ahead. B e w a r e. – Even more since there is a brief blush on his cheeks at his words. Drew takes a breath. ❛ I mean, her eyes – when she smiles, it reaches her eyes. There’s a sparkle and it’s beautiful, Although, sometimes I can’t catch it because she’s a bit shy and looks away or down, but yeah. ❜
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hcze · 2 years
   HE WAS ADORABLE EVEN WITHOUT MEANING TO. An otter? That made her smile, even chuckle a little before shaking her head. “It’s okay…no need to apologize.” She was about to get ready, pick up her purse and stand up so they could go on their merry way, but his question stopped her. Looking up, the girl’s speechless for a moment; a bit of hesitation taking over.
   Fingers push some strands of hair behind her ear, staring at Drew before doe-esque eyes fall upon the keys. She’s not exactly one to play in front of people…or anyone, for that matter. Lexine usually plays the piano when no one is around, when she knows that eyes won’t be watching her. Ever since her mother used to criticize her when she first started working around the instrument, she’s a tad bit afraid of judgment. 
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  “———I…I guess I cou-could.” A pause, swallowing thickly. “Only if you…promise not to laugh. I’m not as good as…uhm, as you are.” Taking a deep breath, she positions herself right in front of the keys once more. Just try to think you’re on your own. “Could you…uhm, count to–to three for me?” 
Drew couldn’t hide the excitement inside, even if he tried, his feet had betrayed him by skipping a step right where he was. His hands buried deep in his pockets, he would almost rock on his heels if he didn’t really gather himself together. ❛  Me? Laughing at your piano skills, pfft. Never. Cross my heart.❜ The pianoman nodded, followed by a reassuring gentle smile on his lips. Had he said this was the perfect ending to a tiring day? Well now it was even more so. Pretty sure the rest of the crew would also love to hear her play, but it was late and one by one had been exiting the bar. Tom had left right after he told Larry he was leaving, so the ones remaining were probably Larry, Lex and himself.
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  ❛ Come on, I bet you are wonderful... I can even close my eyes so you don’t feel observed. Look  ❜ His eyes closed momentarily, ready to take in the melody and its colors flowing from Lex’s fingertips at the keys. However, Drew being Drew had sneakily peeked with one eye towards her. ❛ Alright counting to three. One... Two... Three... ❜ 
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hcze · 2 years
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[ sms ] — I believe you are. Thanks to you, I keep eating more sweets. Especially when you send me American chocolates. I have to admit those are very good. Which brand are they again? [ sms ] — Perfect! I’ll start writing the script right now.  [ sms ] — Oh, Drew! I wasn’t even there! I don’t know if you snored or not, but, based on your visits here, and my visits there…I don’t think you snore, my friend. Oh, please. She probably thought she was seeing the most adorable thing, and you’re worrying over nothing.  [ sms ] — Besides, drool or not, you compensate it with your good looks AND wonderful personality. See? No worries.  [ sms ] — Why are you so worried about that, anyway? You said you were just friends…
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[ sms - Dom ]: Oh, excuse me but that’s good influence. What’s life without a little sweet huh? But brand... The Mars one? But also, the Snickers, have you seen the ads? I give Larry one every time he’s exceptionally grumpy. [ sms - Dom ]: HAHA! Can’t wait to read it. Please describe me a little less dorky than I am. [ sms - Dom ]: The most adorable thing? Oh no, there’s no way back from there. I’m adorable. being adorable is not good is it? I mean... [ sms - Dom ]: ... You’re right, no problem. Nothing to worry about, we’re friends. Friends share embarrassing moments... 😭
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hcze · 2 years
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[ sms ] — No, not really accepted…but more so, I know it’s something I can’t change, so why do I argue with you about it, eh? You seem more of a night owl than I am. Thinking about it, I reckon I’m only 2% night owl, while you are about 110%.  [ sms ] — I admit it’s a very unique and memorable way to meet, yes. May Tom and I be the creative directors for your upcoming film? [ sms ] — Just friends, eh? We all start somewhere, don’t we? Regardless of future outcomes, she does sound like a nice gal. I’m certain she thinks the same about you, too. You’re a very good man, Drew. Got a beautiful smile as well, let’s not fool ourselves when we know this truth.  [ sms ] — So, this means you two still talk to each other, yes? She wasn’t disenchanted by you sleeping on her couch? 
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[ sms - Dom ]: Sounds fair. I’m beginning to think I might be a bad influence for you. MHM [ sms - Dom ]:  HA! Please be, though knowing Tom he’d want to be the main lead hahaha, you get the whole creative director spot just for you. [ sms - Dom ]: Oh stop it! You’ll make me blush.... wait wait wait, you make it sound like I somehow snored or something...   [ sms - Dom ]: wait, do I? I don’t  think.. What if I drooled? OH NO. She’s too kind to even tell me something about it like... OH NO
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hcze · 2 years
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  “WAIT…YOU LIVE THERE but you don’t know how to get there? You recently moved or somethin’?” A bit of SUSPICION gets a hold of him, sort of CONFUSED by her sudden confession. Such a thing could only make SENSE if she’s new to the surroundings, otherwise, it’d be a STRANGE thing, for her to FORGET the path toward her home. Still, he keeps on accompanying her; hands in his pockets, eyes moving to settle on the live picture before them. 
  “You’re sayin’ this as if I’m literally getting all the way to your front door.” He prefers COFFEE over tea, but he feels that sharing his opinion about this will only give her a reason to make her INVITATION happen. “As long as ya get where ya wanna go, then it’s fine by me. No need to, uh, make me anything.” 
      ❛ SOMETHING LIKE THAT... I haven’t been to these part of the city before, I easily get lost. ❜ she nods, agreeing with herself as she skips in her step once in a while.  Hands behind her back she peers up at him with inquisitive eyes. The man seems to hold some sort of shield around him, the furrowed brows, the hands in his pockets, the hurried manner in which he paces as if trying to get there the soonest as possible. Mo wondered if his dreams were HARD to cope with, there were some signs in his aura. 
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     ❛ Oh! Are you not? ❜ brief pout, her stare deviates to the front. ❛ How can I thank you then? ❜ the dream-eater murmurs more to herself than the other, pondering a way - if not a hot beverage - in which she can manifest her thankfulness. ❛ Have you had nightmares lately? ❜
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hcze · 2 years
@theimpalpable​ from here
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[ sms - Dom ]: I don’t mind my friend, I know that time is kind of against us too. You need to rest... Does this mean you have accepted my habit of staying up late and not sleep huh? [ sms - Dom ]: YES! I forgot my keys and she kindly let me in, but before I went up her stairs to mine I had to take a nap... [ sms - Dom ]: ... It’s not a bad idea... It sounds like a meet cute right? Tom said it was one... But we’re just friends. She’s nice, really nice. And she’s got this beautiful smile... 
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hcze · 2 years
@breathingliife·  | ❤‘d 
“EXCUSE ME,” he went straight to the counter; frustration on his face vaguely evident as he took out an item from under his jacket. He didn’t know where else to go at the moment; couldn’t travel to meet the actual expert of these things. Even Maverick, his mentor, didn’t know what to tell him, so he opted for the closest bet he had — a bookstore in the city. 
   Félix put the item on the counter — a very old, worn book that lacked of a cover. Not only that, but it lacked of almost everything, except for the last pages. It was torn; letters visible here and there. This was the reason why the explorer was feeling a little sour. He needed the book; the complete version of it. 
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 “Do you happen to know which book this is? If so, is there a chance you have it here? Or…if you know anyone who could have it? It’s very important.” 
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      Writing down the recent sold books in a notebook, a focused Theo nearly jumped in his place at the man before him approached. Words had been stolen from his lips, the usual courtesy and attentive demeanor failed to aid him. But once the butchered book was laid on the counter for him to see, his hand clutched his chest. It was like a stab directly to the heart to be honest. I know, I know. This is murder, he muttered to his friends under his breath before returning his gaze to the customer. ❛ Yes, sorry, sir. Let me have a look... ❜      Slender fingers took a hold of the book, inquisitive eyes roam from the torn pages to the man before him. ❛ May I ask where did you find it, sir? It could be a clue... In fact, any more clues you can give me would help a great lot to identify it. ❜ Theo held the item up, turned it around scanning the back cover with interest. Perhaps Mr. Ettiore could help him, he had a better eye for this. ❛ The owner might be here in a couple of hours, but I can help you try to figure this one out. ❜
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hcze · 2 years
@breathingliife· | bc you said I could 👀
   SITTING IN FRONT OF THE PIANO, she was waiting for Drew to come out. He’d requested a few minutes, which Lexine gladly gave; her patience, as always, being near-infinite. 
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  At first, she shyly stared at the instrument, memorizing shape and usual colors. Fingers itched to touch and, after a few seconds, they did; softly caressing ivory and noir. She didn’t want to make a loud sound, so she just pressed one of the keys very gently; a faint echo ringing through. Then, her thumb pushed another one, carefully as she could; opposite hand pretending to play as it hovered. Fingers moved quite effortlessly, just dancing on the air, merely because she didn’t wish to alarm anyone. 
  She was about to continue, when peripheral sight caught a glimpse of a shadow; eliciting a gasp. Her head lifted, noticing that Drew was back; her palm now resting on her chest due to the light jump-scare. 
  “Are you sure…you, uhm, weren’t a cat in another life? I didn’t—I didn’t hear you come in.” 
      It wouldn’t take him more than five minutes, he mused, to say to the rest of the crew that he was leaving . Going home with Lexine would be the perfect ending for a tiring day, and just when he went back he didn’t expect to witness Lexine at the piano. The focused gaze fixed upon the black and white keys and her hand to dance gracefully over them... He could only wonder what beautiful melody she’d be playing if she had chosen to let her fingertips fall and press the keys instead. 
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    ❛ A  cat?  ❜ a chuckle spilled off his lips and his head shook, ❛ not that I know of, but I hope I was an otter in my past life. If I could have chosen, I mean. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. ❜   Feet took the last few steps to the piano, to stand next to her and look down at the ivories with fondness in his stare.    ❛ Would you play it for me? ❜ he asked, hoping she would agree to his petition. If it didn’t maybe some puppy eyes and a soft pout would help, yet Drew being Drew if Lex said no, he wouldn’t push it further. ❛ The melody you were playing in the half air piano, like Mike from Friends, but you looked so into it. ❜
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hcze · 2 years
     HE’S WONDERING IF SHE’S EVEN BEEN out in the streets by herself, or if she’s a complete foreigner, maybe a tourist trying to find her way around the city. Usually, when other people ask him for directions, he just points and they go on their way, not even knowing if they really understood or not. But she? She’s different. She’s willing to take FULL AID from a complete stranger, and frankly, that surprises him a bit. Still, he guesses he could HELP…he doesn’t have anything to do RIGHT NOW, anyway.
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  “You from here? ‘Cause it doesn’t seem like it.” He waves a hand, as if inviting her to join him; walking forward. “Just stay close, alright. You seem like the kinda person who’ll see balloons and follow ‘em ‘cause they’re colorful.” He’s, most likely, quick to judge in some instances; somewhat disrespectful, depending if others take full offense or not. 
 “Alright, we’re gonna turn here.” He points to his left, indeed turning when reaching street’s corner. “Why do ya wanna get there, anyway?” 
     Mo is the kind of people that would stray from their path due to colorful balloons, not to mention flowers or any cute dog passing next to her. With double of short steps she walks next to the man and tries her best to keep up. She is quite thankful that he chose to help her, plenty of the people she had encountered in the street weren’t as kind as him. 
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    Taking a look at the streets as they walk Mo’s doe eye stare up to the prompted turn on their path; her brain trying to memorize it ( and failing ).      ❛ I live there. Well, not there there. Up there, in the place above the store. It’s small but it’s cute and I fit in it so I have no problem with it. ❜ Over sharing she is, gifting him a smile before her gaze returns to the road ahead.    ❛ When we get there I will make you some tea as a thank you. Do you like tea? Maybe it will be coffee... ❜
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hcze · 2 years
 HANDS REMAIN BURIED in his worn jacket, watching the other struggle with who-knows-what. Judging by the situation, she’s probably looking for that ADDRESS he vaguely asked for. He frowns when the piece of paper falls off her hat, out of all places. She’s…something else. Makes him feel like she’s the kind to be clumsy and oddly BRIGHT regardless of a lack of grace, and his theory makes him feel more UNEASY when she SMILES with the force of a thousand suns, because such thing guide his thoughts closer to the TRUTH.
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  “Lemme see that,” he takes the decayed piece of paper in his calloused, bruised hand, tilting his head a little to make sense of what’s written amid wrinkles, “ya sure this is where ya wanna be?” Gaze lifts to address the other. His look seems JUDGMENTAL, but that’s because he tends to have harsh eyes in the beginning. “We’re in 23rd street, this is in 9th street.” He sighs, trying to find some orientation in his head. “Ya could get there on subway or train. There’s some stations nearby. Though, the subway’s gonna leave ya on 8th street, and then you gotta walk about 5 minutes to get where ya wanna be. Train’s gonna leave ya exactly on 9th street.” A pause. “…you know where those are, or do ya need help with that, too?”
   Hands behind her back she watches curiously, from his face to the piece of paper where her destination is. If she stops to think about it, a bracelet with the address engraved on the back of a little plaque would be best than the wrinkled thing within his rough hands. Mo makes a mental note to tell his friend about her idea, meanwhile her attention goes back to the man who is talking to her.
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  ❛ Yes, yes please. That’s the street. ❜ an enthusiastic nod takes control of her head this time, still smiling from ear to ear. Mo does her best to continue the directions given, she has some sort of understanding in what he is telling her but somehow she feels uneasy to go on her own, especially with the grumbling that just started in her belly. Wouldn’t want to run into a sleeping man or woman and suckle on their good dreams… There is no other choice in her mind.    ❛ I kind of know, but I think I need help. I don’t want to get lost again, would you help me? ❜ She asks with a pout.
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hcze · 2 years
  BEING STOPPED SO SUDDENLY by a complete stranger made him TENSE on the spot. Accustomed to SURPRISE ATTACKS due to his dark profession, it was in his NATURE to defend himself and look WICKED if necessary. Nevertheless, when he TURNED to address his possible ‘ATTACKER’, he was surprised by a girl who, in his eyes, looked more like a BABY GOAT than a threat.
  He FROWNED. Couldn’t she rely on technology to find her way? QUESTIONING everything was also natural for him. Though his posture softened, there was still a bit of DEFENSIVENESS behind it.
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“——where ya headed?”
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      Long and dainty fingers looked into her pockets, both pockets of her loose and laced coat but they found nothing. Her eyebrows knotted at the middle, lower lip puckered in frustration trying to find that little piece of paper Izak gave her a long time ago. It’s CRUMPLED, old and almost ripped apart on one side. An idea struck her mind and she peeked under the linen of her bunny hat, beaming when she successfully took what she was looking for out.
       Mo flashed the man, -   who was not only bigger than her but also a little bit scary -   , a big and bright smile. ❛ This store. ❜  The address can be read in the piece of paper, a toy store in a street of New York.     ❛ Can you help me? ❜
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