breedinstuck-blog · 8 years
Sollux Application - Accepted!
I hope you are super happy to hear that you’ve been accepted!! I welcome you with open arms! I hope you have a lot of fun here in this au. uvu you have a week from now to make your blog and submit it! - mod poptart
[ooc information]
Preferred Name: Moody Preferred Gender: Male Age: 19 Discord: redacted
[Ic information]
Character you are choosing to play: Sollux Captor Character’s age(must be 18 or older): 9 sweeps Position: Breedee Roleplay Example(must be three paragraphs:
He couldn’t remember a time in which trolls had to register for such a thing in the past, and while he had tried several times to hack his name out of the registry, this time, Sollux Captor would go on the list no matter what. He felt a bit betrayed by his own skill, his reckless ambition getting him caught in the Imperial’s system. After he had written his name and given the pills, he made his way back to his hive, sighing to himself as he wasn’t sure what to do now. 
So instead he decided to sleep it off and the next morning  he went back to what he was doing. He talked to his friends over trollian and wondered how they were dealing with the situation, but so far none of them were online. He wondered what they could be up to. Perhaps they were dealing with their own circumstance within it? Sollux no longer had his twin bulges which was a shame on his part as now he had nothing to gloat to with his other friends. Especially Eridan who he wanted to brag to the most. 
He went over to the bottle of pills that had been assigned to him and wondered if they really worked, so he blinked and brought the blue pill into view. Could it really be what it promised to do? If so, who would be the one to take care of him if it did? For now he put it down, those kinds of thoughts weren’t ready to come to term yet. Later on however, the day would prove to tell him otherwise as he had just been assigned to his breeder troll. He hoped that they would take it easy on him, Sollux had never done something like this before. 
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breedinstuck-blog · 8 years
The new and very much improved breederstuck is open for business!!!
You are now welcome to send in applications!!
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breedinstuck-blog · 8 years
Blue Pill - Fake heat starter (Lasts a day) Cream White Pill - Helps with lubrication Clear Pill - Clears all affects of any pill/chewable within an hour Light Gray Pill - Helps with weight gain Dark Gray Pill - Helps with weight loss
Baby Blue Chewable - Those who can not get pregnant can take this in order to carry an egg to term (Fades after the egg is laid) Pastel Pink Chewable - Those who can not get pregnant can take this in order to make fertile genetic material Violet Chewable - Turns someone into a seadweller Indigo Chewable - Helps relax nook muscles to help fit bulges a little too big to fit Strawberry Pink Chewable - Accelerates hair growth
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